Developing a site that requires monthly subscriptions via PayPal. If a buyer has an account this is no problem via ExpressCheckout. The client has a (UK-based) Pro account though and wants to provide the option of payment by card.
As far as I can work out from the 'Website Payments Pro Integration Guide' this requires setting up a dual payment option on my site, giving the user the option of paying 'via Paypal' (ie ExpressCheckout) or by card, at which point my site would provide a PCI compliant card capture form that would submit to PayPal using DirectPayment. Going through PCI compliance isn't really an option. It seems weird that PayPal doesn't offer a hosted solution for this, or am I just being stupid?
TL;DR: Is it possible to process recurring card payments via PayPal in the UK using a PayPal hosted card capture form?
Site is bespoke PHP.
The PayPal API allows for recurring payments with Direct Payment:
Recurring payments with Direct Payment enables a recurring payment to
be associated with a debit or credit card.
The CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile response contains a Profile ID,
which is an encoded string that uniquely identifies the recurring
payments profile.
PayPal holds the account number and other pertinent information (including billing frequency) while your application stores the Profile ID.
PCI compliance is never an option. It is always a requirement. However, the rules for compliance are far less stringent (including forgoing auditing) for companies that don't perform a high volume of transactions per year.
I just implemented this: PHP PayPalCheckoutSdk:
It redirects visitor to PayPal login and then he pays.
But my customer wants clients to pay using credit card and only optionally use PayPal login.
I've read there's another API that uses Javascript called Smart Payments (or Express Checkout, i have no clue...):
Visitor can choose to pay using Credit Card, and this works as expected, but this is done using Javascript and so customer inputs the Credit Card information inside the actual eshop website!
Is it possible to redirect the customer to PayPal, so that he inputs the CC information there?
For Credit Card payments PayPal suggests using, which seems like a separate company. It has a separate API keys and administration (transaction list) meaning the transactions are separate from PayPal account!
A lot to unpack here.
The simplest way to accept credit cards is Set up standard payments -- which can be implemented with or without a server-side SDK to create and capture the order. Creating and capturing the order on a server is much more robust for order management.
The client-side JS portion of it provides a black "Debit or Credit Card" button, which can typically be used without any login.
Other, different services for processing credit cards that are also offered by PayPal are Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments, and the Braintree Direct Gateway. These require more work to integrate, and the business account needs to be approved for the service to be set up and available to it.
Hi we are creating a mobile app for marketplace where we are hoping to get eBay model implemented. Where buyer will pay the seller and we will take our cut from the seller. We actually don't want to get payment ourself for the sale and handle the disputes for order shipping or chargebacks.
When a sale is done on our app, the buyer should send the payment to the sellers paypal and then Paypal will handle all the other stuff regarding that like disputes or chargebacks.
I want seller to link his paypal account to our app and we will take permissions for future payments and maintain a record where we can calculate his fee regarding sales made on our platform. Paypal Mobile SDK support this feature.
But my question here is how can we automate the original purchase process? One option is when a sale is done, we will send invoice from seller side to the buyer (possible using Paypal REST API) and open invoice pay link on the buyer side. Once the buyer pay the invoice and transfer the funds to the seller we will know that sale is approved successfully because as a Paypal facilitator we have access to that invoice (we actually sent that invoice to the buyer as we have permissions of invoicing of seller account).
But what if we don't want invoicing system? Can we implement anything where buyer will send the funds to the seller without generating an invoice from our app. Like when a sale initiated, we will present buyer a page where he will pay directly to the seller (without us involved) and we will track that transaction and make outstanding cut on that sale?
My Research so far
Payapl mobile SDK for iOS don't allow us to take permissions for invoicing, we can take single, future or profile sharing permissions in app
Paypal Rest API allow us to take permissions for invoicing but not for future payments (that is necessary to take our cut from the seller's account)
If we use Paypal Mobile SDK, we can take funds in our account but not directly to our sellers account
Adaptive payments is an option where can take funds from buyers and after deducting our cut send the rest to the buyer but in that case we will be primary recipient and seller will be secondary, being a primary recipient we are responsible for shipping the product which at this stage we don't want. Want want to be seller as primary recipient
Any help regarding our situation would be greatly appreciated. We just want to automate the system somehow with the APIs and SDKs without being the primary recipient. Please give us suggestion to make this a reality. Thanks
Using any other payment gateway like Stripe or Braintree will not help here because in that case we will be taking money as registered merchants. We would really like to work with Paypal for handling all order related stuff
The Express Checkout API supports Parallel Payments, in which case you specify the SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID in the request. This is where the money for that particular payment would be sent.
You can use this functionality even with a single payment on the order, though. So you can just setup a single payment and include that SELLERPAYPALACCOUNTID parameter, and the money will go directly to that account.
When doing this you can use your own API credentials and no permissions or anything are required from the 3rd party account to send the funds directly to them.
This PayPal PHP SDK will make the Express Checkout API calls very quick and easy for you, so you could just setup some simple PHP services to hit from your mobile app(s).
I need to receive payments via PayPal on my website and have used Omnipay (PayPal_Express) to implement it.
I also like my users to have the option to pay with their credit card without having to create an paypal account. In the sandbox this works great (the user has the option to log in or to enter credit card details).
When I switch to live the only options are to login or create an account.
The setting to accept payments without account on the paypal website is set to on
solutionType is set to "Sole"
landingPage is set to "Billing"
My business account is from Austria and has a verfied bank account (but no credit card).
Does anybody know what I can do?
In Live mode, credit card only payment is actually controlled by PayPal risk detection sysem randomly. In order to manage risk, PayPal may limit the Funding Sources available for a transaction. If we limit the Funding Sources, we will alert our users that there is a higher-than-normal level of risk associated with the payment. Such a notice does not mean that either party to the transaction is acting in a dishonest or fraudulent manner. It means there may be a higher-than-normal level of risk associated with the transaction. PayPal employs complex statistical models to identify patterns of behavior. This is similar to the way banks and credit card companies identify patterns of behavior that are out of the ordinary when approving individual transactions. When our system does not allow a certain funding source for a transaction, it is merely an indication that the individual transaction fits a pattern we have observed in the past to have a high risk of failure. In this situation, your customers can only sign up PayPal accounts or log into their existing PayPal accounts to make payments to you.
I am looking for information on how large resellers collect payments and pay the people who sell on their site. (e.g., a company that pays artists a commission for their work)
Specifically, I am looking for different solutions that cover a few key functions at minimal cost (like Paypal fees)
Ability to take payment from credit cards and paypal (others a benefit)
Track sales for each merchant as payments are processing
Collect payments in central account
Payout all processed payments on a monthly basis
P.S. I imagine there are a few ways to do this, I am hoping to gain some insight on what solutions have been proven.
P.P.S. This is not a technology specific question. Whatever APIs or third party solutions you know of are fair game.
Thanks for your knowledge!
Try PayPal adaptive payments.
Paypal Adaptive payments
You can also try Stripe to collect funds to one account and to trasfer them to third party acccounts but this only works in the US.
Stripe Payments
You could use the Adaptive Payments API and that would allow you to split the payments up among multiple receivers in a single transaction in real-time. If you go that route the API calls that you'd be interested in are...
Pay - This setups the actual payment and the receivers on the payment.
SetPaymentOptions - This allows you to provide more details like items, shipping, etc.
ExecutePayment - This actually processes the payment in the system after it's been setup with the previous calls.
PaymentDetails - This obtains details about a completed transaction.
Preapproval (possibly) - This allows you to get a Preapproval key for a user that will allow you to trigger payments on that users behalf at any time in the future with the use of the preapproval key.
PreapprovalDetails (if you use preapprovals) - This obtains details about an active preapproval profile.
To get all of that working in the live environment you'll need to submit an application through your PayPal developer account to obtain a Classic API App ID. For development on the sandbox there is a global App ID that can be used.
Another option would be to take payments on your site using any PayPal product like Payments Standard, Express Checkout, Payments Pro, etc. and have all the money come to your account, and then use the Pay API to distribute those funds out to people accordingly. This could be automated with an IPN solution and possibly the use of a CRON job on your server.
This is the method I like to use, and I typically go with a full Payments Pro / Express Checkout integration for payments on my site and then I distribute via the Pay API within an IPN solution or CRON job like I mentioned.
I am developing a commerce app with php/mysql. My boss wants this:
user can buy "ad credits" on our website and he wants this to be a paypal pre authorisation
then the user can use ad bundles with various costs
this costs are taken from the ad credits and he wants this to be the actual decrement of user credits in paypal
Example: John buys an ad credits pack of 30$. He pre authorises this trasaction with his paypal account. Then he buys two banner spaces for the cost of 10$. So 10$ are taken from his paypal.
Is this possible? Paypal APIs?
There are a couple of ways you could handle this.
1) You could use Express Checkout to setup a billing agreement with the buyer and then use DoReferenceTransaction to process future payments using that billing agreement.
You can do the same thing with Payments Pro, too. In your original request you would just run an Authorization of 1.00 and then immediately void that authorization. You could then use that transaction ID you get back from the authorization to process future payments with DoReferenceTransaction.
2) You could setup a Preapproval Profile with the buyer using the Preapproval API. You would then use the Pay API to process payments in the future using the preapproval key you got back from that Preapproval API. This is all explained in detail in the Adaptive Payments documentation.