I am generating some data of latitude and longitude with rand(10000000, 3000000); for example. But I need to calculate distance between two locations, so basically I need to convert my result, for example 22049256 to 22.049256 in order to pass to my function.
How can I achieve this most effectively with using least amount of resources?
I have integer 22049256, needs to be converted to float 22.049256.
Divide by 1M?
22049256 / 1000000 = 22.049256
$foo = rand(10000000, 30000000);
$foo /= 1000000;
echo $foo;
If you always want the decimal after the first two digits, that should do the trick.
$n = rand(10000000, 3000000);
$len = strlen($n);
$div = pow(10, $len - 2);
$n /= $div;
Basically just dividing by a number made by checking how many characters there are in your original number.
Simplest way would be to treat the number as a string and iterate through it, adding the decimal point at the appropriate position.
$new_number = '';
if($i == 2)
$new_number .= '.';
$new_number .= substr((string)$number, $i, 1);
Another possibility is to divide by 1000000 and run number_format to ensure proper decimal places:
$new_number = number_format($number/1000000, 6);
I have a number that needs to be rounded up to a specific decimal, is there any function in PHP to do that?
I need every number (which reflects an amount of money) to have a specific decimal number.
For example:
The decimal needs to be 25, so if I got $ 25.50 I need it to be $ 26.25, and if I got $ 25.10 it needs to be $ 25.25.
I've checked PHP round(), and specifically ceil(), and I've come across this answer in Python, but I'm not sure it applies to my case, because what I need is different.
Any ideas? Even pseudo code as a tip on where to start will help me. Thanks!
I think you need a custom function, something like this:
function my_round($number, $decimal = 0.25) {
$result = floor($number) + $decimal;
if ($result < $number) $result = ceil($number) + $decimal;
return $result;
print my_round(25.50);
I modified this answer for your case:
function roundUp($number){
$int = floor($number);
$float = $number-$int;
if ($float*10 < 2.5)
$result = $int;
$result = ceil($number);
$result+= 0.25;
echo $number." becomes ".$result."\n";
Look for demo here
Following axiac's advice mentioned in the comments and following this thread, the best way to deal with floating point numbers in the context of currencies, is to treat the dollars and cents' values as 2 separate entities.
One way I can think of it to split the numbers before and after the decimal into 2 separate variables and process accordingly.
function customRound($amount){
$amount = strval($amount);
if(preg_match('/(\d+)\.?(\d{1,2})?/', $amount, $matches) !== 1){
throw new \Exception("Invalid amount.");
$dollars = intval($matches[1]);
$cents = intval($matches[2] ?? 0);
if($cents < 10) $cents *= 10;
if($cents <= 25) return $dollars . ".25";
return ($dollars + 1) . ".25";
$tests = [25.51,25.49,26.25,25.10,25.49];
foreach ($tests as $test){
echo $test," => ",customRound($test),PHP_EOL;
Here's another approach:
function roundUp($number, $decimal=0.25){
$dollars = floor($number);
$cents = $number - $dollars;
if($cents > $decimal) {
return $dollars + $decimal;
echo roundUp(25.50).PHP_EOL;
echo roundUp(25.10);
I have a simple PHP task, to sum all number's digits.
$number = 345;
$digit = $number;
$sum = 0;
while ($number > 0) {
$digit = $number % 10;
$sum += $digit;
$number /= 10;
This solution would give correct result. However, I'm aware that it will enter loop way more than three times. And eventually it will become equal to zero.
Why is that happening? At what time, floats become zero? Just by following math principles, this would be an infinite loop, right? And since there are more than 3, 4 and 5 digits, how end result is not greater than 12 (even for that little amount).
P.S. I know that I should solve this by rounding $number value for example, but I'm just curios about floats and its behaviour.
When you update number you should really be doing this
$number -= $digit;
$number /= 10;
Floats are platform specific, check out this link
I am new to PHP and stackoverflow and try to figure things out for myself before asking but I am having a little trouble doing some maths on an array I have pulled from a database with PHP.
So far I have an array of numbers called $array['sn']
I have created a function in excel that does the maths and works well in excel but I cant figure out a way to do it in PHP.
the excel function is =QUOTIENT(E32,65536)"IENT(E32-F34*65536,256)&(G33-G35*256)
E32 being the value I start with i.e $sn
F34 being the answer to the first quotient
G35 being the answer to the second quotient
G33 being E32-F34*65536
I want to take a number e.g. 3675177 divide it by 65536 but without the remainder which is 56, then multiply 56 by 65536 which equals 3670016, then find the difference between 3670016 and 3675177 which is 5161. Then divide 5161 by 256 with no remainder which is 20 then multiply 20 by 256 and subtract 5161 which is 41.
The end result from 3675177 should be 562041. I want to do this calculation on every number in the $array['sn'], any help would be appreciated.
The calculation and formatting of the output would be like this:
$n = 3675177;
$const = 65536;
$const2 = 256;
$a = intval($n / $const); // intval returns only the integer part of a number
$x = $n % $const; // $n % $const means "the remainder of $n / $const"
$b = intval($x / $const2);
$c = $x % $const2;
// Two options to handle values of $c < 10:
// if ($c < 10) $c = "0$c";
// $c = str_pad($c, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo "$a$b$c";
I would recommend using array_map to apply the calculation to your array of values.
There are php arithmetic operations you can use.
I would do something like this:
$initialNumber = //the initial number, wherever you get it from
$entireDivision = ceil($initialNumber/65536)-1;
$remainder = $initialNumber%65536;
$remainderMultiplied = $remainder * 56;
$difference = $initialNumber - $remainderMultiplied;
$differenceDivided = ceil($difference/256)-1;
$differenceMultipliedAndSubstracted = ($differenceDivided * 256) - $difference;
Maybe I used too many variables, this is to be a bit more easy to understand for you. Maybe I did some operation wrong, check it out too. But this is the idea of mathematic operations in php. Maybe you should put this inside a php function with parameters, so your code gets cleaner if you use multiple times.
EDIT: You should put this code inside a function, then run a foreach loop in your array running this function taking as parameter the value of the array position.
$results = array();
foreach ($array['sn'] as $key => $a) {
$b = intval($a / 65536);
$c = ($a - $b * 65536);
$d = intval($c / 256);
$e = $c - $d * 256;
$results[$key] = $b . $d . $e;
I would like to know how to achieve this:
And receive this:
How can I do this? I tried with round(0.38, 2) but it does not work.
To get 0.4, round to 1 decimal place using round() where the second parameter is the decimal place.
$rounded_number = round(0.38, 1);
To get 0.40, use number_format() to get 2 decimal places.
$formatted_number = number_format( $rounded_number , 2);
Multiply by ten, round, then divide by ten:
php > $a = 0.38;
php > $b = $a * 10;
php > $c = round($b);
php > echo $c/10;
If you want the two decimal places:
$num = 0.38;
$num = round($num * 10)/10;
$num = number_format($num, 2);
echo $num;
It is probably far simpler than you think it is:
$num = round(0.38 * 10)/10;
echo $num;
Then, you could just replace 0.38 with another number or a variable.
$a = 0.38;
echo sprintf("%.2F", round($a,PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP));
Is there any slick way to round down to the nearest significant figure in php?
$numbers = array(1, 9, 14, 53, 112, 725, 1001, 1200);
foreach($numbers as $number) {
printf('%d => %d'
, $number
, $number - $number % pow(10, floor(log10($number)))
echo "\n";
Unfortunately this fails horribly when $number is 0, but it does produce the expected result for positive integers. And it is a math-only solution.
Here's a pure math solution. This is also a more flexible solution if you ever wanted to round up or down, and not just down. And it works on 0 :)
if($num === 0) return 0;
$digits = (int)(log10($num));
$num = (pow(10, $digits)) * floor($num/(pow(10, $digits)));
You could replace floor with round or ceil. Actually, if you wanted to round to the nearest, you could simplify the third line even more.
$num = round($num, -$digits);
If you do want to have a mathy solution, try this:
function floorToFirst($int) {
if (0 === $int) return 0;
$nearest = pow(10, floor(log($int, 10)));
return floor($int / $nearest) * $nearest;
Something like this:
$str = (string)$value;
echo (int)($str[0] . str_repeat('0', strlen($str) - 1));
It's totally non-mathy, but I would just do this utilizing sting length... there's probably a smoother way to handle it but you could acomplish it with
function significant($number){
$digits = count($number);
if($digits >= 2){
$newNumber = substr($number,0,1);
for($i = 0; $i < $digits; $i++){
$newNumber = $newNumber . "0";
return $newNumber;
A math based alternative:
$mod = pow(10, intval(round(log10($value) - 0.5)));
$answer = ((int)($value / $mod)) * $mod;
I know this is an old thread but I read it when looking for inspiration on how to solve this problem. Here's what I came up with:
class Math
public static function round($number, $numberOfSigFigs = 1)
// If the number is 0 return 0
if ($number == 0) {
return 0;
// Deal with negative numbers
if ($number < 0) {
$number = -$number;
return -Math::sigFigRound($number, $numberOfSigFigs);
return Math::sigFigRound($number, $numberOfSigFigs);
private static function sigFigRound($number, $numberOfSigFigs)
// Log the number passed
$log = log10($number);
// Round $log down to determine the integer part of the log
$logIntegerPart = floor($log);
// Subtract the integer part from the log itself to determine the fractional part of the log
$logFractionalPart = $log - $logIntegerPart;
// Calculate the value of 10 raised to the power of $logFractionalPart
$value = pow(10, $logFractionalPart);
// Round $value to specified number of significant figures
$value = round($value, $numberOfSigFigs - 1);
// Return the correct value
return $value * pow(10, $logIntegerPart);
While the functions here worked, I needed significant digits for very small numbers (comparing low-value cryptocurrency to bitcoin).
The answer at Format number to N significant digits in PHP worked, somewhat, though very small numbers are displayed by PHP in scientific notation, which makes them hard for some people to read.
I tried using number_format, though that needs a specific number of digits after the decimal, which broke the 'significant' part of the number (if a set number is entered) and sometimes returned 0 (for numbers smaller than the set number).
The solution was to modify the function to identify really small numbers and then use number_format on them - taking the number of scientific notation digits as the number of digits for number_format:
function roundRate($rate, $digits)
$mod = pow(10, intval(round(log10($rate))));
$mod = $mod / pow(10, $digits);
$answer = ((int)($rate / $mod)) * $mod;
$small = strstr($answer,"-");
$answer = number_format($answer,str_replace("-","",$small));
return $answer;
This function retains the significant digits as well as presents the numbers in easy-to-read format for everyone. (I know, it is not the best for scientific people nor even the most consistently length 'pretty' looking numbers, but it is overall the best solution for what we needed.)