The input e.g 1327500671 is acquired during post method. I would like to save it into the database date column defined as "registerDate Date".
I couldn't find what date/time function can do this. I can fix the Date type in DB back into varchar, which makes things easier but I still would like to learn what type of format is most used to save datetimestamp into the database in more realife applications, as I am thinking they won't save it as 1/25/2012 21:49:00, for example.
May I suggest storing the timestamps in the database and using the PHP date() function to make them human readable as and when necessary:
$timeStamp = 1327500671 //a timestamp from the database
$registerDate = date("j-m-y H:i:s", $timeStamp)
I am writing a program that sends emails to users when their subscription is about to expire so i have a table in my database with a date stored in varchar as 12th April 2018 I am using that format because it is easy to read therefore I don't have to convert it again later.. But when i write
$currentdate= Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
$threeDaystoExpire =Carbon::now()->addDays(130)->toDateTimeString();
return $expiredPacks = DB::table('subscriptions')
I get a blank return output but when i change expires_on to created_at that is formatted like this 2018-04-12 12:41:36 I get the correct output. I tried changing the format of $currentdate and $threeDaystoExpireto match the data in my database as advised by previous threads i read and tried again like this
$currentdate= Date('dS F Y', strtotime(Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString()));
$threeDaystoExpire =Date('dS F Y', strtotime(Carbon::now()->addDays(130)->toDateTimeString()));
return $expiredPacks = DB::table('subscriptions')
I get the same empty output. I am currently stuck. All the posts I've read only uses one value so they just make a statement to return just the date, convert it to a timestamp format then compare. I have hundreds of those date and I cant write a statement for each one so any help to tackle this problem will be greatly appreciated.
The toDateTimeString() method converts the Carbon DateTime object into a specific format such as 1975-12-25 14:15:16 which simply isn't a match for your varchar field.
Try using the Carbon API to convert Now to the format you need...
$currentdate = Carbon::now()->format('dS F Y');
$threeDaystoExpire = Carbon::now()->addDays(130)->format('dS F Y');
I'll also point out that the comparison will look at the day first, then the string value of the month, then the numerical year. This will give you very odd results. I might recommend strtotime on the output of your varchar field and use that instead instead of the other way around.
Do yourself a favor and store dates as YYYY-MM-DD (in a date column), it will make your life much easier. It's also easy to read and has been the standard format for ages (for good reasons).
The format you choose for your frontend is a different matter. You can maybe use an accessor for that.
I made a separate field to store the date in a human readable format so I don't have to convert it later in my app, then stored the timestamp format of the same date in a separate field to handle the calculations. It is way easier to use, read and saves me the stress of converting from timestamp then later reconverting back to timestamp which doesn't make sense.
As advised here to leverage platform tools more. I decided that data that will be used in different forms will be stored in a general format and i will allow the platform handle how they want to represent those data.
I'm working on something where the user can select their own timezone and the software will be able to be used by others on their sites as well but I want to make sure that the timezone within the database is always set to UTC.
Now I know how you set the default timezone for PHP, such as:
...but I'm not sure how to make sure MySQL is using UTC? ...and even once you have made sure it is using UTC I guess you would have to convert your PHP dates/times into UTC before passing it to the database?
I guess I am wondering about many different date formats such as TIMESTAMP, DATETIME & even UNIX EPOCH integer timestamps which would simply be stored as a int datatype for example.
Then there is the whole retrieving dates/times from the DB and converting it to the respective timezone and lastly how does DST come into all of this?
I know there is a lot of similar questions out there, but I guess none really answered all my questions.
MySQL's data type timestamp stores the dates in UTC. For this to work properly, MySQL uses server's time zone and does the date conversion. It converts the date from servers's current time zone to UTC for storage. This implies that the database server should never change its time zone for this feature to work properly.
When you send the data to such a database, you send the UTC time as well. The easiest way to do this is to format a result of time() according to what MySQL wants (m-d-Y H:i:s).
In PHP, when you format the date for insertion to MySQL, it's the best to use DateTime class. It lets you offset the date with the time zone information, meaning that you don't have to use date_default_timezone_set function - that can lead to mistakes.
An example of DateTime in action:
$date = '1.12.2015 13:37:37'; // Format is day.month.year hour:minute:second
// We create DateTime from custom date format, for the person who resides in Australia/Sydney time zone
$dt = DateTime::createFromFormat('d.m.Y H:i:s', $date, new DateTimeZone('Australia/Sydney');
// Now we change the date's time zone into UTC, and we can insert it into MySQL
$dt->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
// This is the formatted date-string that can be safely inserted into MySQL
$date_string_for_mysql = $dt->format('m-d-Y H:i:s');
Alternatively, you can use int type in MySQL for timestamp storage and insert result of time() but this has a huge disadvantage of not being able to use date-related functions.
for current session of mysql you can try something like
SET time_zone = timezonename;
for more details you can also look into this answer
I'm grabbing data from a webpage that returns a timestamp in the following form (which is a string):
How can I interpret this in PHP, and what is the best way to store this in a MySQL database?
The best way to store it is to use the MySQL DATETIME data type. It is specifically meant to handle date/time values, and it works beyond the year 2037, which is the approximate limit using unix timestamps. MySQL and PHP both handle these values with ease using built in functions/libraries (for PHP, see the DateTime class as mentioned by another commenter).
I just want to expand on the information given here.
This will convert the string into a DateTime object.
$dtObject = new DateTime("2013-11-09T15:14:48.957604");
But, in order to store the timestamp in the database there are several requirements.
Needs to be in Y-m-d H:i:s format.
MYSQL column type must be datetime/timestamp
Needs to be a string.
Now in order to get this timestamp into a MYSQL friendly format we need to use the format function.
$timestamp = $dtObject->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
You can now INSERT this into the database. You can also output the same way following these date formats.
I have not got any code built yet as I need to ask this question before I can start making it.
first what I am doing:
I am going to be making a tournament system on my website and I would like the tournament creators to choose a date and time that tournament will be active for signups and closed for signups.
I believe I will be using datepicker as I think it is very nice looking and easy to use for the end user. Link:here
The Question:
After sanitizing the input from the forms date/time do I need to specify for it to be converted from the users (Person inserting the time) local time to UTC before I store the data on the database or does it automatically convert the input from there local time to UTC when the data is being written to the database?
I am using MySQLite
MySQL accepts datetime in this format "Y-m-d H:i:s".
You can always convert different formatted dates into unix_timestamp with strtotime and turn it into mysql date format with:
$unix_time = strtotime($differentFormattedDate);
date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$unix_time);
I've looked around for the answer to this but nothing useful came up.
How do you get the time/date of a form submit (SQL & PHP).
$date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
This fetches the current server-time in the format specified that you can then use to store in your database.
You can then store this in your database. Else, you could look at the TimeStamp field of a MySQL database.
$mysqldate = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s');
$phpdate = strtotime( $mysqldate );
This is a good way to introduce inter-operability between the dateTime in PHP and MySQL. There is a brilliant page here, which details three ways to do this.
Simple, time() returns the current date in unix timestamp format, it doesn't have to be a user input. Use time() whenever you need the time (such as saving to the database).
You may also use date() to format it in whatever way you want (to store in a database for instance).
When the form is submitted, just make sure you add the timestamp to the database using the time() function.