I have been looking for AGES trying to find a progress bar i can easily integrate without having to downloads libraries like APC etc.
Does anyone know a really simple PHP progress bar i can integrate with ease into my current code?
Massive Thanks!!!
First of all, You need to search inside JS plug-ins not PHP. That's why you did't find anything: there is no "progress-bar for PHP".
Instead, there are bunch of free jQuery (especially Ajax based) upload plugins. Here are some of them
If you want to have a true (server side) progress bar, you will have to install the libraries you mentioned.
You can however fake it, if the client knows how large the file is and how much it has transferred already.
Plupload is one with multiple engines (HTML5, Flash, Silverlight etc.) and is being integrated via jquery
This would be one http://pixeline.be/experiments/jqUploader/test.php
Check this out:
It doesn't require APC or any other external PHP libraries and you can get file progress feedback on a shared host.
I want to upload video (basically large files) without using Flash Plugin.
It would be better if it shows progressbar also.
Of course I don't want to use the browser's default browse button as it is not good for large files.
Is there any javascript (or any js framework like jQuery) solution for uploading large files?
(prefferebly with progressbar)
Note : Currently I don't want to use HTML5
A hidden gem in the internet is PLUPLAOD
Before i found this I was bald from ripping my hair out in uplaoding files. plupload enables you to uplaod 2GB files or larger if you want, using chrome gears, html5, silverlight or flash proxies/capabilities
The best part is it detects what the current browser can handle and injects the correct proxy or handles the process manually in the core. If it does not support anything well then the user needs to upgrade his browser..
If you are using .NET here is a handler I found, tweaked and works well.
There are plenty of PHP examples.
This is truly an awesome JavaScript plugin!
Have a look at these links,
jQuery ajax upload with progress bar - no flash
I did a normal google search and found these..
I have tried to many javascript plugins but finally had to post this question. Which is the best way to upload files using PHP CodeIgniter framework & Ajax ?
I use Plupload for everything now. Because it is mostly client side driven it runs on any almost any webbrowser and platform(.net,php,etc)
It uses clever ways of detecting browser compatibility; It tries to inject Flash objects or silverlight into the client to allow for functionality such as chunked uploads allowing for uploads greater than 2gb, with speed(kb/s), queue management, etc.
This is truly an amazing uploader.. but it is so under exposed that it took me years to find this. And now my sites (with a bit of perfectionist work) look like Google or Facebook styled uploaders.. FOR FREE!
I've used http://valums.com/ajax-upload/ with great success in a web app. That was over a year ago, though. I used Kohana, not CI, but it's really agnostic on that matter.
ajax does not natively support file uploads. you can achieve this by submitting a form to an iframe and reading the response. there are many plugins available which serves the functionality in an organized way.
use this one :
http://www.phpletter.com/Demo/Tinymce-Ajax-File-Manager/ ;)
I'm looking for a tool to facilitate mulitple webpage file uploads from a single file browse dialogue. I know this has been asked previously, but I can't find anything current.
I'd like to check file size prior to upload, and I gather Flash is still the only way to do that cross-browser?
Ideally, I'd like an upload progress metre. I'll be using Linux and Apache servers, but don't have access to install add-ons such as PHP APC. Again, I assume something flash-based is the only option there?
I've looked at SWFUpload, but that appears to be another of these projects where the developers have become quite zealous and turned a simple concept into a full suite of tools for the masses. It seems quite cumbersome and I don't think I want to use it for my purpose.
I'd prefer not to have to write something from scratch for this. Could someone recommend me something or perhaps suggest a non-Flash alternative if there is one? I do need full cross-browser compatibility without too many layers of degradation, so anything HTML 5 probably isn't what I want.
As I mentioned earlier today ( Multiple file upload (client side) )
I am a big fan of Plupload which can check file size, show progress bar, single dialog for multiple files, and supports things other than Flash if needed.
Alright all,
Been doing a bit of research and want to know if anyone else has tried this... and what approach would you take.
I'm planning on doing a website which will display a screenshot of a website (maybe based on the url in someones email address).
There's going to be alot of people getting this so, pre-production of the screenshots isn't a solution.
Soooooo... does anyone know of any solutions:
Thumbnail service that builds on demand (no queuing)?
HTML5/Canvas script that will let me do this. I've found one but it won't run cross site.
Any other solution?
It'll be built in PHP.
This site http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/ is the best you will get right now with regard to a client side script. It uses the calculated properties of elements to render a page, and I must say it looks good!
A demo here: http://html2canvas.hertzen.com/tests/templates/projection/index.html . Click to toggle the 'real' view with the rendered image.
I've played about with wkhtmltoimage before, it was pretty good for what I was using it for, but does require you to install onto your server
For taking screenshots of websites (one of the features) i built a service ontop of the awesome PhantomJS which is an excellent headless browser which uses the webkit engine (same that safari uses). Although it's headless, it still has deps in QT and a virtual framebuffer (xvfb). Hope this helps: http://www.phantomjs.org/
You can use html2canvas. More information here.
I'm looking for a simple solution that will be:
Easy to integrate
Allow multiple file uploads
Show a progress bar while the file is being uploaded
Any ideas?
I've tried Swfupload and its a real pain to integrate.
Fancy Upload
No contest.
Requires Mootools. Easy to setup, very very powerful. Small.
Lots of goodness.
I've personally had good luck with a script called uploadify (It's jQuery based). It allows for multiple uploads, looks good and is very easy to integrate into any web application.
There's also another method for doing this which is server side based. You can either use the so called "secret feature" from the apc extension or a PECL extension called Upload Progress
I haven't tried it but aparently this is the same thing but easier