Wildcard in an if statement - php

is it possible to use wildcard in an if statement?
My code:
if ($order_info=='Quatro*') {
$order_info will be "Quatro - na splátky", or "Quatro - čťžýáí"

Use regex:
if (preg_match('/^Quatro/', $order_info)) {
or strpos:
if (strpos($order_info, 'Quatro') === 0) {
Edit: Avoiding regex engine invocation for simple string matches like this is usually preferred. strpos will do the same job less expensively.

Sure, use a regex:
if( preg_match( '/^Quatro.*/', $order_info))

No. Use preg_match or strpos instead.

Regular expressions will do this.
Or you could do:
if($order_info.substr(0, 6) == 'Quatro')


check words with preg_match

I have some words with | between each one and I have tried to use preg_match to detect if it's containing target word or not.
I have used this:
$c_words = 'od|lom|pod|dyk';
$my_word = 'od'; // only od not pod or other word
if (preg_match('/$my_word/', $c_words))
echo 'ok';
But it doesn't work correctly.
Please help.
No need for regular expressions. The functions explode($delimiter, $str); and in_array($needle, $haystack); will do everything for you.
// splits words into an array
$array = explode('|', $c_words);
// check if "$my_word" exists in the array.
if(in_array($my_word, $array)) {
// YEP
} else {
Apart from that, your regular expression would match other words containing the same sequence too.
preg_match('/my/', 'myword|anotherword'); // true
preg_match('/another/', 'myword|anotherword'); // true
That's exactly why you shouldn't use regular expressions in this case.
You can't pass a variable into a string with single quotes, you need to use either
preg_match("/$my_word/", $c_words);
Or – and I find that cleaner :
preg_match('/' .$my_word. '/', $c_words);
But for something as simple as that I don't even know if I'd use a Regex, a simple if (strpos($c_words, $my_word) !== 0) should be enough.
You are using preg_match() the wrong way. Since you're using | as a delimiter you can try this:
if (preg_match('/'.$all_words.'/', $my_word, $c_words))
echo 'ok';
Read the documentation for preg_match().

PHP if/switch concatenated by *

I was wondering if anybody knew if there was a way to concatenate a * (all) to a string inside an if (or switch) statement. For example if you had a URL called /hello/there and /hello/whats-up ... is there anyway you could have something like the following:
if ($url="/hello/" . *) {
} else { sayGoodebye(); }
etc... I don't think that's the correct syntax, but if anybody knows what I'm talking about it would be a great help.
Thanks (:
$match = "/hello/";
if (substr($url, 0, strlen($match)) === $match) {
} else {
Do not use regular expressions if you don't have to...
You can also check for the position of $match in the $url string:
$match = "/hello/";
if (strpos($url, $match) === 0) {
} else {
Use regular expressions:
So it would be something like this:
if (ereg("/hello/", $url)) {
} else { sayGoodebye(); }
Although that would match anything with "/hello/" in it anywhere, so if you only wanted to match strings that start with "/hello/" you'd have to modify the expression. The point is, if you've never used regular expressions it's a good thing to invest some time into. It'll pay off eventually because at some point you're going to need this skill.
Edit: I'll leave my original code here as reference, but please see phihag's comments and use preg_match and the preg_match compatible expression instead of ereg and the expression I used.

How can I specify an interval number using regex?

I have to check if a variable (php, preg_match) is from 1988 and 2011 using regex; I know how to do it with normal if/else, but I'd like to use regex for this!
Sometimes, regular expressions are not the only answer:
if (preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $input) && $input >= 1988 && $input <= 2011) {
Wouldn't be that easy, as regex is meant to match character by character. You could use something like this (probably wouldn't be a good idea).
Why do you want to do this using regex?
One solution could be something along the lines of (?:198[8-9]|199[0-9]|200[0-9]|201[0-1]).
Use preg_replace_callback :
preg_replace_callback('%([0-9]{4})%', function($match) {
$number = $match[1];
if($number < 1988 || $number > 2011) return; /* Discard the match */
/* Return the replacement here */
}, $input);
This is in my opinion the most flexible solution.
Try this:

How would I use regex to check for a value that has two fixed uppercase letters followed by numeric values in PHP or jQuery?

An example would be "SU1203" or "UP1234" or any two letters followed by numeric values.
This can be solved with the quite simple expression
In JavaScript you can use the test() method:
and in PHP, preg_match:
if(preg_match('/^[A-Z]{2}\d+$/', $str) === 1)
I suggest to learn regular expressions.
See also:
Regular expressions in JavaScript
Regular expressions in PHP
if (preg_match('|^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]+$|', $string_to_test))
// matched
javascript example:
if ( /(^[A-Z]{2}\d+)/.test('SU1203') ) {
alert( 'matched' )
} else { alert('not matched') }

What is the PHP equivalent to Perl's regex alternations?

I'm converting one of my old Perl programs to PHP, but having trouble with PHP's string handling in comparison to Perl.
In Perl, if I wanted to find out if $string contained this, that or the_other I could use:
if ($string =~ /this|that|the_other/){do something here}
Is there an equivalent in PHP?
You can either use a regular expression (e.g. preg_match):
if(preg_match('/this|that|the_other/', $string))
or make it explicit (e.g. strstr):
if(strstr($string, 'this') || strstr($string, 'that') || strstr($string, 'the_other'))
You can use PHP's preg_match function for a simple regex test.
if ( preg_match( "/this|that|the_other/", $string ) ) {
In PHP you can use preg_match function as:
if( preg_match('/this|that|the_other/',$string) ) {
// do something here.
