Get folder up one level - php

I am using this:
echo dirname(__FILE__);
which gives:
However I am looking for path until:
from current script. How can that be done ?

You could do either:
__DIR__ . '/..';
...but in a web server environment you will probably find that you are already working from current file's working directory, so you can probably just use:
'../' reference the directory above. You can replace __DIR__ with dirname(__FILE__) before PHP 5.3.0.
You should also be aware what __DIR__ and __FILE__ refers to:
The full path and filename of the file. If used inside an include, the name of the included file is returned.
So it may not always point to where you want it to.

You can try
echo realpath(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..');

echo dirname(__DIR__);
But note the __DIR__ constant was added in PHP 5.3.0.

Also you can use
dirname(__DIR__, $level)
for access any folding level without traversing

The parent directory of an included file would be
e.g. the file is
which is included in
then by calling /file/index.php
getcwd() is /var/www/html/folder
__DIR__ is /var/www/html/folder/inc
so dirname(__DIR__) is /var/www/html/folder
but what we want is /var/www/html which is dirname(getcwd())

To Whom, deailing with share hosting environment and still chance to have Current PHP less than 7.0 Who does not have dirname( __FILE__, 2 ); it is possible to use following.
function dirname_safe($path, $level = 0){
$dir = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path);
$level = $level * -1;
if($level == 0) $level = count($dir);
array_splice($dir, $level);
print_r(dirname_safe(__DIR__, 2));

For example if you want to access a folder above the root directory from anywhere
or for your example C:\UwAmp\www\myfolder\admin
$admin = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/myfolder/admin/"
$myfolder = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/myfolder/"


php rename (move) from one dir to another that is two levels back

my script file path is:
I need to run code from this path that will move images from path:
My problem is that I have no idea how to force "rename" go two directories back in path.
I was trying something like:
$srcPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/uploads/2017/04/obrazek.png');
error I'm getting atm (I've changed my folder permissions, so maybe it is something with path?):
Warning: rename(C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\2017\04\obrazek.png,C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\images): access denied
. (code: 5) in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\uploadsdir-manager\test.php on line 16
edit rename code:
$srcPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/uploads/2017/04/obrazek.png');
$destPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/uploads/images');
/*$srcDir = opendir($srcPath);*/
echo $srcPath ;
rename($srcPath, $destPath);
From looking at it, it looks wrong
$srcPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..' . '/uploads/2017/04/obrazek.png');
it should be
$srcPath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '../..' . '/uploads/2017/04/obrazek.png');
You have an extra / slash at the beginning.
It seems that you're in a Windows machine, so you're using the wrong type of slashes: /../..' . '/uploads/2017/04/obrazek.png'
You could try to replace them with backslashes:\..\..\uploads\2017\04\obrazek.png'
Or you could try something like this:
$path = substr($srcPath, 0, strrpos($srcPath, '\20'));
// $path now contaits: 'C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\uploads';
// Then you can do:
$srcPath = $path . '\images';
Regarding the warning error:
Warning: rename(C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\2017\04\obrazek.png,C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\uploads\images): access denied. (code: 5) in C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\uploadsdir-manager\test.php on line 16
It seems that you try to rename a file to directory, so probably you forgot to append the file name to the new path.
$srcPath contains a file. $destPath contains a directory, but it should contain the file name.
I've finally after many hours.. find out how to fix it so here you go:
$srcPath = (realpath (dirname(__FILE__) . '\..\..' . '\uploads\2017\04') . '\obrazek2.png');
$destPath = (realpath (dirname(__FILE__) . '\..\..' . '\uploads\images') . '\obrazek2.png');
rename ($srcPath , $destPath );
The key was adding file name . '\obrazek2.png' after dirname (), because if filename is inside dirname () and it is destination path in rename, then it returns empty... :)
Not sure if I'm clear enough, because of my English, but it works and hopes it will help someone.

PHP creating a folder with the right path

if (isset($_POST['filename']) && isset($_POST['editorpassword']) && isset($_POST['roomname'])) {
$dir = $_POST['filename']; // This must match the "name" of your input
$path = "evo/" . $dir;
if (!file_exists($path)) {
mkdir($path, 0755, true);
I have this script where I'm trying to create a new folder. The script itself is ran inside of a folder called /evo and by using this code, it creates the folder in there. Where it needs to go is ../../creative however even if I try and use
$path = "./rooms/creative/" . $dir;
or something to that effect it creates it with the base folder as evo so it appears at:
../evo/rooms/creative (creating the folders that don't exist there with it as it should)
I'm just unsure what to write in for the path on where I need it created to find the right location.
Simplest solution is to remove the "evo" in $path = "evo/" . $dir;

File exists issues

I'm attempting to try and debug the following code with the file_exists function. I've ran a var_dump on the avatar directory and it always returns as bool(false). I'm not sure why. I tested the code below and it gets to the file exists but it proves the if statement false everytime. Any thoughts? I have looked and the image is in the directory correctly.
$default_avatar = 'default.jpg';
$avatar_directory = base_url() . 'assets/globals/images/avatars/';
if (!is_null($user_data->avatar))
$avatar = $avatar_directory . $user_data->avatar;
if (file_exists($avatar))
$user_data->avatar = $avatar_directory . $user_data->avatar;
$user_data->avatar = $avatar_directory . $default_avatar;
$user_data->avatar = $default_avatar;
$default_avatar = 'default.jpg';
$avatar_directory = 'assets/globals/images/avatars/';
if (!is_null($user_data->avatar))
$avatar = $avatar_directory . $user_data->avatar;
if (file_exists(FCPATH . $avatar))
$user_data->avatar = base_url() . $avatar_directory . $user_data->avatar;
$user_data->avatar = base_url() . $avatar_directory . $default_avatar;
$user_data->avatar = $default_avatar;
from the name base_url seems like a function that will get a url like, which will not work for doing local directory functions.
you need something like getcwd, or a full path
getcwd will get the current working directory (the directory where the initial script was executed from):
//If say script.php was exectued from /home/mysite/www
$avatar_directory = getcwd() . '/assets/globals/images/avatars/';
//$avatar_directory would be
Well this works both CLI and via Apache etc...:
$avatar_directory = substr(str_replace(pathinfo(__FILE__, PATHINFO_BASENAME), '', __FILE__), 0, -1) . '/assets/globals/images/avatars/'
The did returned is the one that the php file itself is in, not the root.
assuming you meant base_url() to point to the root of your project -
$file = __DIR__ . "/path/to/file.ext";
if (file_exists($file)) {
Or some variation thereof. This also works:
__DIR__ . "/.."
it resolves to the parent directory of __DIR__.
see PHP's magic constants:
If you are looking for a remote resource - a file not located on your local filesystem - you have to change your php.ini to permit that. And it's probably not a good idea, this is not usually considered safe or secure. At all.
And note:
"This function returns FALSE for files inaccessible due to safe mode restrictions. However these files still can be included if they are located in safe_mode_include_dir."
-- from
-- edited to add relevant information based on a comment from OP.

PHP set_include_path statement

I can't quite figure out the meaning of this statement:
. PATH_SEPARATOR . '../library/'
. PATH_SEPARATOR . '../application'
. PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
A quick breakdown would be appreciated.
It adds the two paths to the include_path so that if you
include a file "../library/filename.php".
you can do it by
instead of
I suppose this is a part of some framework
It basically adds the folder to the php include path
The first thing to note here is that the constant PATH_SEPARATOR is a predefined constant which allows for a cross-platform path separator (it resolves to ':' on unix-like systems and ';' on windows).
The following code would also achieve the same result but is a bit easier to read:
$paths = array('.', '../library/', '../application', get_include_path());
set_include_path(join(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths));
or a bit more verbose, but easy to add to:
$paths[] = '.';
$paths[] = '../library/';
$paths[] = '../application';
$paths[] = get_include_path();
set_include_path(join(PATH_SEPARATOR, $paths));
What does php's set_include_path function do?
It sets a possible location for the php engine to look for files.
For example:
I put this in a php file called cmp.php under /home1/machines/public_html
print "1<br>";
print "<br>2<br>";
print "<br>3<br>";
print "<br>4<br>";
Make a new file hello.php under /home1/machines/public_html, put this in there:
print "hello from public_html";
Make a second new file called hello.php under /home1/machines/public_html/php, put this in there:
print "hello from public_html/php";
Run cmp.php, and you should get this:

Define absolute path for files

I have the following include files..
require_once ("config.php");
require_once ("functions.php");
require_once ("session.php");
I want to define absolute paths for my include files. I have tried with the following code and no luck..
can you please help to define an appropriate absolute path, so that require_once as expected.
defined('DS') ? null : define('DS',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
defined('SITE_ROOT') ? null: define('SITE_ROOT',DS.'PHP_Files'. DS . 'phpsandbox'. DS.'my_mat'. DS.'my_test');
These 3 include files in my system are stored in J:\PHP_Files\phpsandbox\my_mat\my_test\includes.
Thanks in advance!
Ok, so I think what you are looking for is the actual system file path. To get that you can echo
dirname( __FILE__ );
You can do this in any file that you want and it will display the system file path relative to your file. For me it's something like this:
so if you are interested in the "project_name" folder you should have something like this:
defined("SITE_ROOT") ? null : define("SITE_ROOT", DS . "home2" . DS . "myusername" . DS . "public_html" . DS . "project_name" );
Then if you are looking for the "includes" folder which will be your library you should have something like this:
defined("LIB_PATH") ? null : define("LIB_PATH", SITE_ROOT . DS . "includes" );
Hope this helps. I had the exact same problem and this worked for me.
Cheers, Mihai Popa
Try including your LIB_PATH in your include path.
set_include_path(LIB_PATH . DS . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
check it out , i think it's good
You need realpath function. Also, you can get all files included by get_included_files that returns array of absolute paths of files you've included at the moment function's got called.
defined('DS') or define('DS',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
$disk_label = '';
if (PHP_OS == 'WINNT') {
if (FALSE !== ($pos = strpos(__FILE__, ':'))) {
$disk_label = substr(__FILE__, 0,$pos+1);
defined('SITE_ROOT') or define('SITE_ROOT', $disk_label.DS.'PHP_Files'. DS . 'phpsandbox'. DS.'my_mat'. DS.'my_test');
defined('LIB_PATH') or define('LIB_PATH',SITE_ROOT.DS.'includes');
