php substr_count on an array - php

How can you use substr_count to count each element in an array's occurance in another array?
i.e. $urls = array (
$names = array (
'rex kum',
'tony blair',
so if i wanted to use substr_count to count the occurance of the name rex kumi on the sun webpage, how would this work?

If you're going to do this a lot I'd put it in a function but:
foreach($names as $name)
foreach($urls as $url)
print "Count for $name and $url is: " . substr_count($url, $name);
The question that you asked (counting the instances of one array in another array) is different from what you actually asked (count the instances of one array, on a web site). You actually want a combination of my answer and the answer mentioned where you load the contents of the website. (Use nested foreach loops)

It looks you're missing the php basics, but what the hack. You'll use function nested foreach loop:
$results = array();
foreach( $urls as $url){
foreach( $names as $key => $name){
if( !isset( $results[$key])){
$results[$key] = 0; // you better initialize elements in separate foreach loop
// Strtolower because name may be capitalized, uppercased and so on
$content = strtolower( file_get_contents( $url));
$results[$key] += substr_count( $content, strtolower( $name));


How to "write" with the strings of an array a text?

So my question might not be the best, so sorry for that.
I have an array with strings and want to write a text with the help of another array using it as the order/key. This is the Input:
$words =["I","am","cool"];
$order =["2","0","1","0","1","2"];
// array (
// 0 => 'I',
// 1 => 'am',
// 2 => 'cool',
// )
I want to use $order as some sort of key to rearrange $words so I can get this Output:
"Cool I am I am cool"
Help is much appreciated, thank you :)
Use the values of $order as the keys for $words.
$words =["I","am","cool"];
$order =["2","0","1","0","1","2"];
$output = '';
foreach($order as $key) {
$output .= $words[$key] . ' ';
echo ucfirst(trim($output));
The empty($real_key) is to check if it is the first iteration. Also could be == 0.
I would recommend the use of array_map and join
There is no need for
side-effecting manual iteration using foreach
if statements or ternary (?:) expressions
variable reassignment
string concatenation using .
checking array lengths
Here we go
function map_indexes_to_words ($indexes, $words) {
$lookup = function ($i) use ($words) {
return $words[(int) $i];
return join(' ', array_map($lookup, $indexes));
$words = ["I","am","cool"];
$order = ["2","0","1","0","1","2"];
echo map_indexes_to_words($order, $words);
// 'cool I am I am cool'
Start with an empty array.
Then loop through the order array and add the word array part to the new string.
$my_string= array();
foreach ( $order as $index ) {
$index = int($index);
$my_string[] = ( isset($words[ $index]) ) ? $words[ $index ] : '' );
$my_string = implode(' ', $my_string);
echo my_string;
Iterate over order and use it's values as keys to words; Convert the following code to php it should be pretty simple...
foreach (string orderIndexString in order) {
int orderIndexInt = System.Convert.ToInt16(orderIndexString); // convert string to int
if(orderIndexInt < 0 || orderIndexInt >= words.Length)
print (words[orderIndexInt]); // either print or add it to another string

Counting multidimensional array rows and their respective elements?

I'm doing something that is perhaps too long and strange to explain, but basically I've mapped a string in a complex way into an array in a way to make them jumbled up. This is an example of how it would look:
Now that I've successfully jumbled up the string in exactly the way I wanted, I need to reconstruct the linear result.
So I need to take row 1 of the array, and loop through all the elements in this row to combine them into a string. Then do the same thing with row 2 and so on to create one massive linear string.
How do I count how many rows and elements in those rows I have? For the life of me I cant even begin to find how to do this for multid arrays.
Kind regards
#u_mulder's got a solid answer there. For the number of elements, you'd just say:
$total = 0;
foreach( $matrix as $row ) $total += count($row);
For the concatenation of elements, you'd just say:
$concat = '';
foreach( $matrix as $row ) $concat .= implode('', $row);
Bob's your uncle. But really, is there a valid use case for such a strange mashup?
$field_string = '';
array_walk_recursive ( $field , function($item, $key) use (&$field_string){
$field_string .= $item;
echo $field_string;
Honestly, this is a little confusing. I may need more info but let me know if this helps
You can start with an empty string and use two nested foreach to iterate over lines and items on each line and append each item to the string:
$result = '';
foreach ($fields as $row) {
foreach ($row as $item) {
$result .= $item;
Or you can replace the entire inner foreach with $result .= implode('', $row);.
You can even replace the outer foreach with a call to array_map() then implode() the array produced by array_map() into a string:
$string = implode(
function (array $items) {
return implode('', $items);

PHP Search and echo Array containing string

This appears to be a simple task, but none of the previous posts quite addresses the nuances of this particular problem. I appreciate your patience with a new programmer.
I want to divide a text file (comments.txt) into arrays with the tilde as a divider. Then I want to pass a user string variable (nam) to the PHP and search for this string. The result should echo every whole array that contains the string anywhere inside of it.
For example:
[0] => hotdog
[1] => milk
[2] => dog catcher
A search for "dog" would produce on screen:
hotdog dog catcher
$search = $_POST['nam'];
$file = file_get_contents('comments.txt');
$split = explode("~", $file);
foreach ($split as $subarray)
if(in_array($search, $subarray))
echo $subarray;
The simple task is now this embarrassing mess. If you are patient enough, could someone demonstrate the above code correctly? Thanks for your attention.
Assuming you have 'comments.txt' and it contains something like:
hamburger~hotdog~milk~dog catcher~cat~dogbone
then this should work
$comments = file_get_contents("comments.txt");
$array = explode("~",$comments);
$search = "dog";
$matches = array();
foreach($array as $item){ // check each comment in array
if(strstr($item, $search)){ // use strstr to check if $search is in $item
$matches[] = $item; // if it is, add it to the array $matches
First, you might want to try using file() instead of file_get_contents(). This should do what you're looking for:
$search = $_POST['nam'];
$file = file('contents.txt');
$matches = array();
foreach ($file as $k => $v) {
if ($a = explode('~', $v)) {
foreach ($a as $possible_match) {
if (preg_match('"/'. $search .'"/i', $possible_match)) {
$matches[] = $possible_match;
This method will allow you to maintain several different records (one in each line of the file) and interpret/process them independently.

How to handle my data?

Edit: The aim of my method is to delete a value from a string in a database.
I cant seem to find the answer for this one anywhere. Can you concatenate inside a str_replace like this:
str_replace($pid . ",","",$boom);
$pid is a page id, eg 40
$boom is an exploded array
If i have a string: 40,56,12 i want to make it 56,12 however without the concatenator in it will produce:
When I have the concat in the str_replace it doesnt do a thing. Is this possible?
Answering your question: yes you can. That code works as you would expect it to.
But this approach is wrong. It will not work for $pid = 12; (last element, without trailing coma) and will incorrectly replace 40, in $boom = '140,20,12';
You should keep it in array, search for unwanted value, if found unset it from the array and then implode with coma.
$boom = array_filter($boom);
$key = array_search($pid, $boom);
if($key !== false){
$boom = implode(',',$boom);
[+] Your code does not work because $boom is an array, and str_replace operates on string.
As $boom is an array, you don't need to use array on your case.
Change this
$boom = explode(",",$ticket_array);
$boom = str_replace($pid . ",","",$boom);
$together = implode(",",$boom);
$together = str_replace($pid . ",","",$ticket_array);
Update: If you want still want to use array
$boom = explode(",",$ticket_array);
unset($boom[array_search($pid, $boom)]);
$together = implode(",",$boom);
After you have edited it becomes clear that you want to remove the value of $pid from the array $boom which contains one number as a value. You can use array_search to find if it is in at if in with which key. You can then unset the element from $boom:
$pid = '40';
$boom = explode(',', '40,56,12');
$r = array_search($pid, $boom, FALSE);
if ($r !== FALSE) {
Old question:
Can you concatenate inside a str_replace like this: ... ?
Yes you can, see the example:
$pid = '40';
$boom = array('40,56,12');
print_r(str_replace($pid . ",", "", $boom));
[0] => 56,12
Which is pretty much like you did so you might be looking for the problem at the wrong place. You can use any string expression for the parameter.
It might be easier for you if you're unsure to create a variable first:
$pid = '40';
$boom = array('40,56,12');
$search = sprintf("%d,", $pid);
print_r(str_replace($search, "", $boom));
You should store your "ticket array" in a separate table.
And use regular SQL queries (UPDATE, DELETE) to manipulate it.
A relational word in the name of your database is for the reason. And you are abusing this smart software with such a barbaric approach.
You could use str_split, it converts a string to an array, then with a foreach loop echo all the values except the first one.
$numbers_array = str_split($numbers_string);
//then, when you have the array of numbers, you could echo every number except the first separating them with a comma
foreach ($numbers_array as $key => $value) {
if ($key > 0) {
echo $value . ", ";
If you want is to skip a value not by it's position in the array, but for it's value then you could do this instead:
foreach ($numbers_array as $key => $value) {
if ($value != $unwanted_value) {
echo $value . ", ";
else {
$numbers_array = array_values($numbers_array);

php only get the first occurrence of a word from an array

I have an array of tags that I'm pulling from a database, I am exporting the tags out into a tag cloud. I'm stuck on getting only the first instance of the word. For example:
$string = "test,test,tag,tag2,tag3";
$getTags = explode("," , $string);
foreach ($getTags as $tag ){
This would output the test tag twice. at first i thought i could use stristr to do something like:
foreach ($getTags as $tag ){
$tag= stristr($tag , $tag);
This is obviously silly logic and doesn't work, stristr seems to only replace the first occurrence so something like "test 123" would only get rid of the "test" and would return "123" I've seen this can also be done with regex but I haven't found a dynamic exmaple of that.
Edit: unique_array() works if I'm using a static string but won't work with the data from the database because I'm using a while loop to get each rows data.
$getTag_data = mysql_query("SELECT tags FROM `news_data`");
if ($getTag_data)
while ($rowTags = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTag_data))
$getTags = array_unique(explode("," , $rowTags['tags']));
foreach ($getTags as $tag ){
echo ($tag);
use array_unique()
$string = "test,test,tag,tag2,tag3";
$getTags = array_unique(explode("," , $string));
foreach ($getTags as $tag ){
Use your words as keys to the dictionary, not as values.
foreach(explode("," , $string) as $word)
//now you can extract these keys to a regular array if you want to
While you are at it, you can also count them!
foreach(explode("," , $string) as $word)
if (array_key_exists($word,$wordCounters))
//word list:
//counter for some word:
echo $wordCounters['test'];
I'm assuming that each row in your table contains more than one tag, separated by coma, like this:
Row0: php, regex, stackoverflow
Row1: php, variables, scope
Row2: c#, regex
If that's the case, try this:
$getTag_data = mysql_query("SELECT tags FROM `news_data`");
//fetch all the tags you found and place it into an array (with duplicated entries)
$getTags = array();
if ($getTag_data) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTag_data)) {
array_merge($getTags, explode("," , $row['tags']);
//clean up duplicity
$getTags = array_unique($getTags);
foreach ($getTags as $tag ) {
echo ($tag);
I'd point out that this is not efficient.
Another option (already mentioned here) would be to use the tags as array keys, with the advantage of being able to count them easily.
You could do it like this:
$getTag_data = mysql_query("SELECT tags FROM `news_data`");
$getTags = array();
if ($getTag_data) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getTag_data)) {
$tags = explode("," , $row['tags']);
foreach($tags as $t) {
$getTags[$t] = isset($getTags[$t]) ? $getTags[$t]+1 : 1;
foreach ($getTags as $tag => $count) {
echo "$tag ($count times)";
please keep in mind none of this code was tested, it's just so you get the idea.
I believe php's array_unique is what you are looking for:
Use the array_unique function before iterating over the array? It removes every duplicate string and return the unique functions.
