I need to parse the $_SERVER['argv'] array into a single array.
I can decide how to get the parameters.
So for example the script was called like this: php script.php name:jack operation:full
I get the parameters in $_SERVER['argv'] like this:
[0] => script.php
[1] => name:jack
[2] => operation:full_res
How can I easily move those parameters into one array that would be like this:
$param :
Array(['name'] => jack ['operation'] => full_res)
You might be looking for getopt, although it would alter the format of your arguments somewhat.
From the command line:
$ php opt.php --name=foo --operation=bar
array(2) {
string(3) "foo"
string(3) "bar"
A lot of people like my utility function for PHP CLI arguments:
* parseArgs Command Line Interface (CLI) utility function.
* #usage $args = parseArgs($_SERVER['argv']);
* #author Patrick Fisher <patrick#pwfisher.com>
* #source https://github.com/pwfisher/CommandLine.php
function parseArgs($argv = null) {
$argv = $argv ? $argv : $_SERVER['argv']; array_shift($argv); $o = array();
foreach ($argv as $a) {
if (substr($a, 0, 2) == '--') { $eq = strpos($a, '=');
if ($eq !== false) { $o[substr($a, 2, $eq - 2)] = substr($a, $eq + 1); }
else { $k = substr($a, 2); if (!isset($o[$k])) { $o[$k] = true; } } }
else if (substr($a, 0, 1) == '-') {
if (substr($a, 2, 1) == '=') { $o[substr($a, 1, 1)] = substr($a, 3); }
else { foreach (str_split(substr($a, 1)) as $k) { if (!isset($o[$k])) { $o[$k] = true; } } } }
else { $o[] = $a; } }
return $o;
That will do what you ask for and more. See example usage and a helper class at https://github.com/pwfisher/CommandLine.php.
$param = array();
foreach($_SERVER['argv'] as $value) {
if(substr_count($value, ':') !== 1)
$vals = explode(':', $value);
$param[$vals[0]] = $vals[1];
$args = array();
$_args = array_slice($_SERVER['argv'], 1);
foreach ($_args as $_arg) {
$arg = explode(':', $_arg);
if (count($arg) > 1)
$args[ $arg[0] ] = $arg[1];
$args[] = $arg[0];
Python has a feature called template strings.
>>> from string import Template
>>> s = Template('$who likes $what')
>>> s.substitute(who='tim', what='kung pao')
'tim likes kung pao'
I know that PHP allows you to write:
"Hello $person"
and have $person substituted, but the templates can be reused in various sections of the code?
You can use template strings like this:
$name = "Maria";
$info["last_name"] = "Warner";
echo "Hello {$name} {$info["last_name"]}";
This will echo Hello Maria Warner.
You could also use strtr:
$template = '$who likes $what';
$vars = array(
'$who' => 'tim',
'$what' => 'kung pao',
echo strtr($template, $vars);
tim likes kung pao
I think there are a bunch of ways to do this... but this comes to mind.
$search = array('%who%', '%what_id%');
$replace = array('tim', 'kung pao');
$conference_target = str_replace(
"%who% likes %what%"
Ha, we even had one in our framework using vsprintf:
class Helper_StringFormat {
public static function sprintf($format, array $args = array()) {
$arg_nums = array_slice(array_flip(array_keys(array(0 => 0) + $args)), 1);
for ($pos = 0; preg_match('/(?<=%)\(([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\)/', $format, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos);) {
$arg_pos = $match[0][2];
$arg_len = strlen($match[0][0]);
$arg_key = $match[1][0];
if (! array_key_exists($arg_key, $arg_nums)) {
user_error("sprintfn(): Missing argument '${arg_key}'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$format = substr_replace($format, $replace = $arg_nums[$arg_key] . '$', $arg_pos, $arg_len);
$pos = $arg_pos + strlen($replace);
return vsprintf($format, array_values($args));
Which looks like it came from the sprintf page
This allows for calls like:
sprintfn('second: %(second)s ; first: %(first)s', array(
'first' => '1st',
'second'=> '2nd'
Here is an update to do what you want... not fully tested though
class Helper_StringFormat {
public static function sprintf($format, array $args = array()) {
$arg_nums = array_slice(array_flip(array_keys(array(0 => 0) + $args)), 1);
for ($pos = 0; preg_match('/(?<=%)\(([a-zA-Z_][\w\s]*)\)/', $format, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos);) {
$arg_pos = $match[0][1];
$arg_len = strlen($match[0][0]);
$arg_key = $match[1][0];
if (! array_key_exists($arg_key, $arg_nums)) {
user_error("sprintfn(): Missing argument '${arg_key}'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$format = substr_replace($format, $replace = $arg_nums[$arg_key] . '$', $arg_pos, $arg_len);
$pos = $arg_pos + strlen($replace); // skip to end of replacement for next iteration
return vsprintf($format, array_values($args));
$str = "%(my var)s now work with a slight %(my var2)s";
$repl = array("my var" => "Spaces", "my var2" => "modification.");
echo Helper_StringFormat::sprintf($str, $repl);
Spaces now work with a slight modification.
Another more simple approach would be this:
$s = function ($vars) {
return "$who likes $what";
echo $s(['who' => 'Tim', 'what' => 'King Pao']); // Tim likes King Pao
And yes, PHPStorm will complain...
I personally most like sprintf (or vsprintf, for an array of arguments). It places them in the intended order, coerces types as needed, and has a lot more advanced features available.
$var = sprintf("%s costs %.2f dollars", "Cookies", 1.1);
This will result in the value Cookies cost 1.10 dollars.
There's an entire family of printf functions for different use cases, all listed under "See Also".
Very versatile: same methods for providing variables, array components, function results, etc.
I made a function to do what you want. i made it "quck-and-dirty" because i have not much time to refactorize it, maybe i upload it to my github.
EDIT: a bug correction...
Use it like
'$who likes $what'
, array(
'who' => 'Tim'
, 'what' => 'Kung Pao'
Variables can be [a-zA-Z0-9_] only.
function formattemplater($string, $params) {
// Determine largest string
$largest = 0;
foreach(array_keys($params) as $k) {
if(($l=strlen($k)) > $largest) $largest=$l;
$buff = '';
$cp = false; // Conditional parenthesis
$ip = false; // Inside parameter
$isp = false; // Is set parameter
$bl = 1; // buffer length
$param = ''; // current parameter
$out = ''; // output string
$string .= '!';
for($sc=0,$c=$oc='';isset($string{$sc});++$sc,++$bl) {
$c = $string{$sc};
if($ip) {
$a = ord($c);
if(!($a == 95 || ( // underscore
($a >= 48 && $a <= 57) // 0-9
|| ($a >= 65 && $a <= 90) // A-Z
|| ($a >= 97 && $a <= 122) // a-z
)) {
$isp = isset($params[$buff]);
if(!$cp && !$isp) {
__FUNCTION__.': the parameter "%s" is not defined'
, $buff
} elseif(!$cp || $isp) {
$out .= $params[$buff];
$isp = $isp && !empty($params[$buff]);
$oc = $buff = '';
$bl = 0;
$ip = false;
if($cp && $c === ')') {
$out .= $buff;
$cp = $isp = false;
$c = $buff = '';
$bl = 0;
if(($cp && $isp) || $ip)
$buff .= $c;
if($c === '$' && $oc !== '\\') {
if($oc === '(') $cp = true;
else $out .= $oc;
$ip = true;
$buff = $c = $oc = '';
$bl = 0;
if(!$cp && $bl > $largest) {
$buff = substr($buff, - $largest);
$bl = $largest;
if(!$ip && ( !$cp || ($cp && $isp))) {
$out .= $oc;
if(!$cp) $oc = $c;
return $out;
Just for the sake of completeness: there is also Heredoc.
$template = fn( $who, $what ) => <<<EOT
$who likes $what
echo( $template( 'tim', 'kung pao' ) );
tim likes kung pao
You get highlighting in your favourite language (if properly configured). Just substitute EOT (from the sample above) with whatever you like (e.c. HTML, SQL, PHP, ...).
Escape arrays with curly braces {$data['who']}. Accessing objekts like $data->who works without braces.
Arrow functions like fn($a)=>$a are available since PHP 7.4. You can write function($a){return $a;} if you are using PHP<7.4.
Python has a feature called template strings.
>>> from string import Template
>>> s = Template('$who likes $what')
>>> s.substitute(who='tim', what='kung pao')
'tim likes kung pao'
I know that PHP allows you to write:
"Hello $person"
and have $person substituted, but the templates can be reused in various sections of the code?
You can use template strings like this:
$name = "Maria";
$info["last_name"] = "Warner";
echo "Hello {$name} {$info["last_name"]}";
This will echo Hello Maria Warner.
You could also use strtr:
$template = '$who likes $what';
$vars = array(
'$who' => 'tim',
'$what' => 'kung pao',
echo strtr($template, $vars);
tim likes kung pao
I think there are a bunch of ways to do this... but this comes to mind.
$search = array('%who%', '%what_id%');
$replace = array('tim', 'kung pao');
$conference_target = str_replace(
"%who% likes %what%"
Ha, we even had one in our framework using vsprintf:
class Helper_StringFormat {
public static function sprintf($format, array $args = array()) {
$arg_nums = array_slice(array_flip(array_keys(array(0 => 0) + $args)), 1);
for ($pos = 0; preg_match('/(?<=%)\(([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\)/', $format, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos);) {
$arg_pos = $match[0][2];
$arg_len = strlen($match[0][0]);
$arg_key = $match[1][0];
if (! array_key_exists($arg_key, $arg_nums)) {
user_error("sprintfn(): Missing argument '${arg_key}'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$format = substr_replace($format, $replace = $arg_nums[$arg_key] . '$', $arg_pos, $arg_len);
$pos = $arg_pos + strlen($replace);
return vsprintf($format, array_values($args));
Which looks like it came from the sprintf page
This allows for calls like:
sprintfn('second: %(second)s ; first: %(first)s', array(
'first' => '1st',
'second'=> '2nd'
Here is an update to do what you want... not fully tested though
class Helper_StringFormat {
public static function sprintf($format, array $args = array()) {
$arg_nums = array_slice(array_flip(array_keys(array(0 => 0) + $args)), 1);
for ($pos = 0; preg_match('/(?<=%)\(([a-zA-Z_][\w\s]*)\)/', $format, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $pos);) {
$arg_pos = $match[0][1];
$arg_len = strlen($match[0][0]);
$arg_key = $match[1][0];
if (! array_key_exists($arg_key, $arg_nums)) {
user_error("sprintfn(): Missing argument '${arg_key}'", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$format = substr_replace($format, $replace = $arg_nums[$arg_key] . '$', $arg_pos, $arg_len);
$pos = $arg_pos + strlen($replace); // skip to end of replacement for next iteration
return vsprintf($format, array_values($args));
$str = "%(my var)s now work with a slight %(my var2)s";
$repl = array("my var" => "Spaces", "my var2" => "modification.");
echo Helper_StringFormat::sprintf($str, $repl);
Spaces now work with a slight modification.
Another more simple approach would be this:
$s = function ($vars) {
return "$who likes $what";
echo $s(['who' => 'Tim', 'what' => 'King Pao']); // Tim likes King Pao
And yes, PHPStorm will complain...
I personally most like sprintf (or vsprintf, for an array of arguments). It places them in the intended order, coerces types as needed, and has a lot more advanced features available.
$var = sprintf("%s costs %.2f dollars", "Cookies", 1.1);
This will result in the value Cookies cost 1.10 dollars.
There's an entire family of printf functions for different use cases, all listed under "See Also".
Very versatile: same methods for providing variables, array components, function results, etc.
I made a function to do what you want. i made it "quck-and-dirty" because i have not much time to refactorize it, maybe i upload it to my github.
EDIT: a bug correction...
Use it like
'$who likes $what'
, array(
'who' => 'Tim'
, 'what' => 'Kung Pao'
Variables can be [a-zA-Z0-9_] only.
function formattemplater($string, $params) {
// Determine largest string
$largest = 0;
foreach(array_keys($params) as $k) {
if(($l=strlen($k)) > $largest) $largest=$l;
$buff = '';
$cp = false; // Conditional parenthesis
$ip = false; // Inside parameter
$isp = false; // Is set parameter
$bl = 1; // buffer length
$param = ''; // current parameter
$out = ''; // output string
$string .= '!';
for($sc=0,$c=$oc='';isset($string{$sc});++$sc,++$bl) {
$c = $string{$sc};
if($ip) {
$a = ord($c);
if(!($a == 95 || ( // underscore
($a >= 48 && $a <= 57) // 0-9
|| ($a >= 65 && $a <= 90) // A-Z
|| ($a >= 97 && $a <= 122) // a-z
)) {
$isp = isset($params[$buff]);
if(!$cp && !$isp) {
__FUNCTION__.': the parameter "%s" is not defined'
, $buff
} elseif(!$cp || $isp) {
$out .= $params[$buff];
$isp = $isp && !empty($params[$buff]);
$oc = $buff = '';
$bl = 0;
$ip = false;
if($cp && $c === ')') {
$out .= $buff;
$cp = $isp = false;
$c = $buff = '';
$bl = 0;
if(($cp && $isp) || $ip)
$buff .= $c;
if($c === '$' && $oc !== '\\') {
if($oc === '(') $cp = true;
else $out .= $oc;
$ip = true;
$buff = $c = $oc = '';
$bl = 0;
if(!$cp && $bl > $largest) {
$buff = substr($buff, - $largest);
$bl = $largest;
if(!$ip && ( !$cp || ($cp && $isp))) {
$out .= $oc;
if(!$cp) $oc = $c;
return $out;
Just for the sake of completeness: there is also Heredoc.
$template = fn( $who, $what ) => <<<EOT
$who likes $what
echo( $template( 'tim', 'kung pao' ) );
tim likes kung pao
You get highlighting in your favourite language (if properly configured). Just substitute EOT (from the sample above) with whatever you like (e.c. HTML, SQL, PHP, ...).
Escape arrays with curly braces {$data['who']}. Accessing objekts like $data->who works without braces.
Arrow functions like fn($a)=>$a are available since PHP 7.4. You can write function($a){return $a;} if you are using PHP<7.4.
I was trying to access GCD from inside Algorithm but it's not letting me and I'm not sure why. What am I doing wrong here?
public function gcd($x,$y)
do {
} while($rest!==0);
return $x;
public function algorithm()
$alpha = array(
'c' => str_split('bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz'),
'v' => str_split('aeiouy')
foreach ($this->output as $item) {
$cnt = 0;
$this->digits[$i] = array();
foreach ($item as $part) {
$this->digits[$i][$cnt] = array();
$new = array();
foreach ($part as $str) {
$v = count(array_intersect(str_split($str), $alpha['v']));
$c = count(array_intersect(str_split($str), $alpha['c']));
$t = strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $str));
$new = ($cnt == 0)
? array('v' => $v, 'c' => $c, 't' => $t, 'm' => ($t%2) ? $v * 1.5 : $c)
: array('v' => $v, 'c' => $c, 't' => $t);
$this->digits[$i][$cnt][] = $new;
foreach($this->digits as &$etc) {
foreach($etc[0] as &$r){
foreach($etc[1] as $k) {
foreach($k as $x=>$y) {
$tmp[$h] = (gcd($y,$r['t']) != 1) ? ++$a:'';
$tmp[$h] = $r['m']*$a*1.5;
$r['f'] = $tmp;
foreach($this->digits as &$u){unset($u[1]);}
judging by your use of the public identifier, I would guess your two functions are in a class.
To refer to methods on the same object, use $this->methodname()
from your code:
$tmp[$h] = (gcd($y,$r['t']) != 1) ? ++$a:'';
should be:
$tmp[$h] = ($this->gcd($y,$r['t']) != 1) ? ++$a:'';
But really, since gcd doesn't use any member variables, it should be a free function.
You're missing $this->gcd inside algorithm
just tryng to acces it direct
I'm searching for a way to show me the different properties/values from given objects...
$obj1 = new StdClass; $obj1->prop = 1;
$obj2 = new StdClass; $obj2->prop = 2;
var_dump(array_diff((array)$obj1, (array)$obj2));
//output array(1) { ["prop"]=> int(1) }
This works very well as long the property is not a object or array.
$obj1 = new StdClass; $obj1->prop = array(1,2);
$obj2 = new StdClass; $obj2->prop = array(1,3);
var_dump(array_diff((array)$obj1, (array)$obj2))
// Output array(0) { }
// Expected output - array { ["prop"]=> array { [1]=> int(2) } }
Is there a way to get rid of this, even when the property is another object ?!
Something like the following, which iterates through and does a recursive diff is the item in the array is itself an array could work:
Des similar work to array_diff, but it does a check to see if it is an array first (is_array) and if so, sets the diff for that key to be the diff for that array. Repeats recursively.
function recursive_array_diff($a1, $a2) {
$r = array();
foreach ($a1 as $k => $v) {
if (array_key_exists($k, $a2)) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$rad = recursive_array_diff($v, $a2[$k]);
if (count($rad)) { $r[$k] = $rad; }
} else {
if ($v != $a2[$k]) {
$r[$k] = $v;
} else {
$r[$k] = $v;
return $r;
It then works like this:
$obj1 = new StdClass; $obj1->prop = array(1,2);
$obj2 = new StdClass; $obj2->prop = array(1,3);
print_r(recursive_array_diff((array)$obj1, (array)$obj2));
/* Output:
[prop] => Array
[1] => 2
My solution will recursively diff a stdClass and all it nested arrays and stdClass objects.
It is meant to be used for comparison of rest api responses.
function objDiff($obj1, $obj2):array {
$a1 = (array)$obj1;
$a2 = (array)$obj2;
return arrDiff($a1, $a2);
function arrDiff(array $a1, array $a2):array {
$r = array();
foreach ($a1 as $k => $v) {
if (array_key_exists($k, $a2)) {
if ($v instanceof stdClass) {
$rad = objDiff($v, $a2[$k]);
if (count($rad)) { $r[$k] = $rad; }
}else if (is_array($v)){
$rad = arrDiff($v, $a2[$k]);
if (count($rad)) { $r[$k] = $rad; }
// required to avoid rounding errors due to the
// conversion from string representation to double
} else if (is_double($v)){
if (abs($v - $a2[$k]) > 0.000000000001) {
$r[$k] = array($v, $a2[$k]);
} else {
if ($v != $a2[$k]) {
$r[$k] = array($v, $a2[$k]);
} else {
$r[$k] = array($v, null);
return $r;
Here is a comparison function that I built using the pattern:
function objEq(stdClass $obj1, stdClass $obj2):bool {
$a1 = (array)$obj1;
$a2 = (array)$obj2;
return arrEq($a1, $a2);
function arrEq(array $a1, array $a2):bool {
foreach ($a1 as $k => $v) {
if (array_key_exists($k, $a2)) {
if ($v instanceof stdClass) {
$r = objEq($v, $a2[$k]);
if ($r === false) return false;
}else if (is_array($v)){
$r = arrEq($v, $a2[$k]);
if ($r === false) return false;
} else if (is_double($v)){
// required to avoid rounding errors due to the
// conversion from string representation to double
if (abs($v - $a2[$k]) > 0.000000000001) {
return false;
} else {
if ($v != $a2[$k]) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
$apiResponse = apiCall(GET, $objId);
$responseObj = json_decode($apiResponse);
// do stuff ...
if(!objEq($myObj, $responseObj) apiCall(PUT, $myObj, $objId);
Note that the apiCall function is just a mock to illustrate the concept.
Also this solution is incomplete because it does not take into account any key->value pairs that are unique to obj2. In my use case this is not required and could be neglected.
NB: I borrowed heavily from Peter Hamiltons contribution. If you like what I did then please upvote his solution. Thanks!
I have a $data at a column1 shows me:
and so on..
I would like to show $data starting with only "AB" which shows me at column1 like :
not the others but also other rows and columns related to "ABC1234" and "ABD123"
Thanx in advance.
Sample structure http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/8994/34310422.jpg
If $data is an array of strings, you can use array_filter.
PHP 5.3 or later:
$AB = array_filter($data, function($str) {
return 'AB' == substr($str, 0, 2);
before PHP 5.3:
$AB = array_filter($data,
'return "AB" == substr($str, 0, 2);'
) );
function create_prefix_tester($prefix) {
return create_function('$str',
"return '$prefix' == substr(\$str, 0, " . strlen($prefix) . ');'
$AB = array_filter($data, create_prefix_tester('AB'));
Or you could use a loop:
foreach ($data as $str) {
if ('AB' == substr($str, 0, 2)) {
// do stuff
From the sample code, it looks like you'll want the loop:
while (FALSE !== ($line = fgets($fp))) {
$row = explode('|', $line); // split() is deprecated
if ('AB' == substr($row[0], 0, 2)) {
switch($sortby) {
case 'schools': // fallthru
$sortValue = $row[0];
case 'dates':
$sortValue = $row[1];
case 'times':
$sortValue = $row[2];
array_unshift($row, $sortValue);
$table[] = $row;
function cmp_schools($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a[0], $b[0]);
function cmp_dates($a, $b) {
return $a['datestamp'] - $b['datestamp'];
function cmp_times($a, $b) {
return $a['timestamp'] - $b['timestamp'];
while (FALSE !== ($line = fgets($fp))) {
$row = explode('|', $line); // split() is deprecated
if ('AB' == substr($row[0], 0, 2)) {
$when = strtotime($row[1] + ' ' + $row[2]);
$row['timestamp'] = $when % (60*60*24);
$row['datestamp'] = $when - $row['timestamp'];
$table[] = $row;
usort($table, 'cmp_' + $sortby);
I would simply use substr(), as in the following snippet:
if (substr($str, 0, 2) == 'AB') {
// The string is right.
Use strpos (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strpos.php), like
if (strpos($my_string, "AB") === 0) {
<do stuff>
Be very sure to use === instead of ==, because if "AB" is not found then the function will return false, which will equate to 0 using ==.