Zend_Form set and validate field value manually - php

I have a Zend_Form with a dropdown field.
When the user sets a value in the url this one should be selected as default value in this dropdown.
So what i do at the moment is this:
$parlang = $this->getRequest()->getParam('lang');
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
No i want to check if the value of the variable is even a valid value for the dropdown? How can i check this in coorporation with the form validation. Yes i can check the variable against a array or so but this seems to be "fighting against the framework".
So what is the Zend way to do such a thing?
My final solution for all who are interested, is:
$parlang = $this->getRequest()->getParam('lang');
$ddLanguage = $this->view->filterForm->ddLanguage;
$language = $parlang;

I ran a quick test and it looks like one method you can use is Zend_Form_Element_Select::getMultiOption() to check if the language exists in the select values.
$parlang = $this->getRequest()->getParam('lang');
if ($parlang) {
$el = $this->view->filterForm->getElement('ddLanguage');
// attempt to get the option
// Returns null if no such option exists, otherwise returns a
// string with the display value for the option
if ($el->getMultiOption($parlang) !== null) {

If your Multiselect element contains a list of country, I would just populate a default in your element value according to the one in the URL.
In order to do so, you could create a custom Zend_Form_Element as follow:
class My_Form_Element_SelectCountry extends Zend_Form_Element_Select
protected $_translatorDisabled = true;
public function init()
$locale = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Locale');
if (!$locale) {
throw new Exception('No locale set in registry');
$countries = Zend_Locale::getTranslationList('territory', $locale, 2);
// fetch lang parameter and set US if there is no param
$request = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest();
$lang = $request->getParam('lang', 'US');
// sort your country list
$oldLocale = setlocale(LC_COLLATE, '0');
setlocale(LC_COLLATE, 'en_US');
asort($countries, SORT_LOCALE_STRING);
setlocale(LC_COLLATE, $oldLocale);
// check weither the lang parameter is valid or not and add it to the list
if (isset($countries[$lang])) {
$paramLang = array($lang => $countries[$lang]);
$countries = array_merge($paramLang, $countries);
You get the idea from this custom form.
If what you're trying to do isn't a Multiselect field filled by a country list but a list of language instead, then the logic is the same, you just need to change the call to the static method Zend_Locale::getTranslationList()and grab whatever information you need.
One more thing, if you just want a single element in your Multiselect element, then go for a Zend_Form_Element_Hidden.
It's a lot of "if" but I can't understand how looks like your Multiselect element exactly from your question.
Now let's take a look on the validation side, when you're using a Multiselect element, Zend_Framework automatically adds an InArray validator, which means that you don't have anything to do to check weither the data sent are correct or not. isValid is going to do it for you.
Weither a user let the default parameter and everything will be fine, or he modifies/deletes this parameter and the default parameter (en_US in this case, see code above) is going to be set as a default value for the Multiselect field.
To answer your last question, no it's not against the framework to check a variable set by a user and compare it with an array (from getTranslationList()for example). I would say it's even the recommended way to do things.


Gravityforms populate selected value on dropdown within theme functions.php

I am working in gravityforms to pre-populate a form with database values dynamically, which is working. I need to be able to specity which of these options is selected by default when the form is built, but I can't find the option to do so. I have seen the placeholder, but I presume this doesnt actualy select anything on the dropdown. I have been unable to find any docs or references that allow me to set the "selected" options once I have built all the text/value pairs in the array and set the choices.
The function (which I have redacted here) works fine and populates the field, I just need to populate a placeholder and/or default selected value.
add_filter('gform_pre_render_1', 'getFieldValues');
add_filter('gform_pre_validation_1', 'getFieldValues');
add_filter('gform_pre_submission_filter_1', 'getFieldValues');
function getFieldValues($form) {
global $wpdb;
foreach ($form['fields'] as $field) {
if ($field->id == '40') {
// get the list of values from the Database
$list1Q = "SELECT <data> FROM <table> WHERE <params> = <value>";
$list1R = $wpdb->get_results($list1Q);
// Generate a nice array that Gravity Forms can understand
if (!empty($list1R)) {
$list1A[] = array();
foreach ($list1A as $listItem) {
// Add current value to the array for dropdown choices
$list1C[] = array('text' => $listItem->variable, 'value' => $listItem->variable);
// Set choices to field
$field->choices = $List1C;
return $form;
If there is a better way to go about populating this field, I am open to suggestions at it seems that the form loads a bit slow using this method. Otherwise, I would love to know how to set a selected choice value after populating the choices.
the quick answer is, there is an option that i found for "isSelected" that can be included in the array when defining choices. I added a ternary operation to match on what I wanted selected and it set the "selected value for me.
$isSelected = ($listItem->variable == "value I want to select") ? true : false;
$list1C[] = array('text' => $listItem->variable, 'value' => $listItem->variable, 'isSelected' => $isSelected);
Adding the ternary choice and changing the array push allowed me to set a value as selected.

How to properly display a calculated value of a non-db field in the ListView?

In Suitecrm/SugarCRM 6.5
I need to modify the ListView. Showing the value of a field based on a certain condition.
In the Account module, the name field may be empty based on certain conditions, I require that when this occurs show the value of a custom field. To do this, first I tryied using 'customCode' + smarty as usual in Edit/Detail vies, but in several posts mention that this is not possible in the ListView. The concession is to use logic hooks + a non-db field to store the calculated field. Following this SO answer I have written the following:
Custom field at custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Vardefs/custom_field_name_c.php
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['name'] = 'account_name_c';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['vname'] = 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['type'] = 'varchar';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['len'] = '255';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['source'] = 'non-db';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['dbType'] = 'non-db';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['studio'] = 'visible';
Label at suitecrm/custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Language/es_ES.account_name_c.php
$mod_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C'] = 'Nombre de cuenta';
Logic hook entry at custom/modules/Accounts/logic_hooks.php
$hook_array['process_record'] = Array();
$hook_array['process_record'][] = Array(
'Get proper name',
Logic hook at custom/modules/Accounts/hooks/ListViewLogicHook.php
class ListViewLogicHook
public function getProperName(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
if (empty($bean->fetched_row['name'])) {
$bean->account_name_c = $bean->fetched_row['person_name_c'];
} else {
$bean->account_name_c = $bean->fetched_row['name'];
// Here I also tried, but same result
// $bean->account_name_c = empty($bean->name) ? $bean->person_name_c : $bean->name;
listviewdefs.php at custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/listviewdefs.php
I added the field
'NAME_C' =>
array (
'width' => '20%',
'label' => 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C',
'default' => true,
After these modifications and repair I hope to see the field full with the right value. But it appears empty. I have verified that the logic hook is properly called, but the name andperson_name_c fields are always empty. In case it is relevant I have verified in Studio that the name fields in Account is typename I do not know what this means when it comes to obtaining its value.
I appreciate your comments
The problem is in the logic hook is due to first that the $bean does not have access to the custom fields, so I have to invoke them using $bean->custom_fields->retrieve(); Also the name field is always empty, I had to use DBManager to get only the name field.
The logic of the final logic hook is the following:
class ListViewLogicHook
public function getProperName($bean, $event, $arguments)
// Get access to custom fields from $bean
// Get access to name property using DBManager because $bean->name return null
$sql = "SELECT name FROM accounts WHERE id = '{$bean->id}'";
$name = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
// Assign a value to non-db field
$bean->name_c = empty($name) ? $bean->nombre_persona_c : $name;
I was not familiar with the method $bean->custom_fields->retrieve() and at the moment I do not know why is empty the name field and I understand others fields remain empty.
I hope this is useful
We achieved that doing an after_retrieve hook, very fast and simple - This is taken from a working example.
public function RemoveCost(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
global $current_user;
$roles = ACLRole::getUserRoleNames($current_user->id);
$bean->cost = 0;
$bean->cost_usdollar = 0;
All you need is to define and add this function to the module logic_hooks.php
You can even tailor down to specific calls:
if (isset($_REQUEST['module'],$_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Opportunities' && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'DetailView')
As some times there are views you do want to show the field, for example quicksearch popup.

Should I use set_value() to repopulate a form in CodeIgniter

My question is whether I should use set_value() at all to re-populate a form. It might seem odd to say that, however I am creating a shared controller function and view which can be used to either add a new record or edit an existing one. It seems to make sense to do this since the functionality is so incredibly alike.
As such, if we call up an existing record to edit I do this:
$data['fields'] = $this->customer_model->get_customer($id);
If the form is submitted to save the record, or if we're adding a record for the first time, the form has the potential to reload if the user makes a mistake so I populate $data['fields'] this way instead:
$data['fields'] = array(
'company' => $this->input->post('company') ?: '',
'website' => $this->input->post('website') ?: '',
'credit_limit' => $this->input->post('credit_limit') ?: ''
My form element looks like this:
<input type="text" name="company" value="<?php echo set_value('company', $fields['company']); ?>" />
But I'm thinking it may as well look like this:
<input type="text" name="company" value="<?php echo escape_html($fields['company']); ?>" />
Since the form data could come from either user input (when adding or saving) or from the database (when retrieving a record to edit) I cannot rely entirely on post() or set_value() without the 2nd parameter. Furthermore, the second parameter for set_value() will always exist ($fields['company'] in this example) because it's initialized from the start, which is why I am thinking of just using it directly.
Is there a problem with this approach?
If you want to populate form fields on FALSE return of Form Validation or insert data for editing operations, I suggest you to use following helper:
<input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?=vset_value('last_name','',$rs);?>">
$rs here is the $db data for record (if you are sending it to view). To stay at the safe side please include $this->data['rs'] = false; at your controller. If $rs is set and true, helper take results from it and display it. Otherwise it displays if the key exist in $_POST. If both don't exists, it display default value.
* vayes_helper::vset_value
* Retains state of INPUT text after Form Validation
* #access public
* #param string name of INPUT tag
* #param string default value for INPUT tag
* #param mixed DB Result (array or object)
* #return string
if(!function_exists('vset_value')) {
function vset_value ($name_of_input,$default_state='',$db_result_array='') {
$CI = &get_instance();
$render_state = $default_state;
if($CI->input->post()) {
$render_state = $CI->input->post($name_of_input);
} else {
if(is_object($db_result_array) && isset($db_result_array->$name_of_input)) {
$render_state = (isset($db_result_array->$name_of_input)) ? $db_result_array->$name_of_input : $default_state;
} else if($db_result_array != '' && array_key_exists($name_of_input,$db_result_array)) {
$render_state = (isset($db_result_array[$name_of_input])) ? $db_result_array[$name_of_input] : $default_state;
return $render_state;
If you like the way, let me know. I can supply for more form input type like select, checkbox, etc.
The approach is correct, as mentioned in the CodeIgniter docs. In fact, you don't need to include the second parameter in set_value.
set_value definition:
string set_value(string $field = '', string $default = '')
//$field: If there is a submitted field with this name, its value is returned.
//$default: If there is no matching submitted field, this value is returned.
Yes,You should.
set_value() is used to re-populate a form has failed validation.
There is no additional filtering on it, so it faster.
But, I prefer some times to use $this->input->post() for the secure.

Codeigniter issue with submitted variables as blank

I have a form :
$attr = array('id'=>'urlSubmit');
$urlInputAttr = array('name'=>'urlInput','value'=>'yourdomain.com','maxlength'=>'50','size'=>'25');
echo form_open('urlSubmission',$attr);
echo form_input($urlInputAttr);
#echo form_submit('urlInput', '');
echo form_close();
a controller called urlsubmission
and a function within a model(domaincheckmodel) which basically checks for duplicate records and inserts a new domain:
function verifyduplicates($tldEntered){
# $_POSTed value of urlInput
## Gather if the domain exists in db
$DupDomains = $this->db->get_where('ClientDomain', array('tld'=>$tldEntered));
if($DupDomains->num_rows() > 0 ){
$this->load->view('err/domainexists'); ##domain already used
# else, no domain present, insert.
#array of insert values:
$insertNewDomain = array('tld'=>$this->input->post('urlInput',TRUE));
$this->db->insert('ClientDomain', $insertNewDomain);
$this->load->view('success/domainfree'); ##domain is free and has been entered.
function verifyduplicates($tldEntered){
# $_POSTed value of urlInput
## Gather if the domain exists in db
$DupDomains = $this->db->get_where('ClientDomain', array('tld'=>$tldEntered));
You're passing from the form to the controller to the model, are you sure the post variable is staying populated? Try the above, capture the post variable in the controller and pass it to the model instead of trying to read it in the model itself?
A little clarification on passing parameters to functions. You can do this via whatever is inside the brackets as follows.
$myVariable = $this->someModel->someFunction($someParameter)
function someFunction($variableIWantToPopulateWithSomeParameter)
So someParameter gets passed from the controller to the function name in the model. There is one thing to be aware of though and that is that model function now EXPECTS a parameter and if you don't give it one, ie you call someFunction() you'll get an error. This can be avoided by giving it a default value like this:
function someFunction($myVariable = 1)
What that is going to do is say if I don't get a value passed to me I am going to make $myVariable equal to one, if I do I'll overwrite 1 with the new value. So if you send two calls to that function this is what you can expect:
//$myVariable is going to be 1, the default.
//$myVariable is going to be 5, the value passed to it

How to make this Filter run after this Validator

I have an element. I want to add a custom validator and custom filter to it. The validator makes sure the input is one of several permitted values, then the filter adds some custom values to the input. This means I have to validate the original input first before running the filter. I do it in this order
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('element');
$element->addValidator('PermittedValue', false);
$element->addFilter('TotalHyphen', false);
but this order isn't being respected. The filter runs first and changes the data, then the validator runs on the filtered data which means it always fails even for valid input. It seems from documentation that this is intentional
Note: Validation Operates On Filtered
Values Zend_Form_Element::isValid()
filters values through the provided
filter chain prior to validation. See
the Filters section for more
How can I specify the order in which validators and filters run?
Sure seems like creating a custom element that supports post-validation filtering would be the way to go. How about this:
* An element that supports post-validation filtering
class My_Form_Element_PostValidateFilterable extends Zend_Form_Element_Text
protected $_postValidateFilters = array();
public function setPostValidateFilters(array $filters)
$this->_postValidateFilters = $filters;
return $this;
public function getPostValidateFilters()
return $this->_postValidateFilters;
public function isValid($value, $context = null)
$isValid = parent::isValid($value, $context);
if ($isValid){
foreach ($this->getPostValidateFilters() as $filter){
$value = $filter->filter($value);
return $isValid;
Usage would be something like this:
$elt = $form->addElement('PostValidateFilterable', 'myElement', array(
'label' => 'MyLabel',
'filters' => array(
// etc
'validators' => array(
// etc
// here comes the good stuff
'postValidateFilters' => array(
new My_Filter_RunAfterValidateOne(),
new My_Filter_RunAfterValidateTwo(),
This keeps the validation and filtering in the form - keeping the controller thin.
Not tested, just a stab in the dark. And surely you could fatten/modify the API to add/remove filters by key, etc.
Whaddya think?
Maybe don't add the filter at all. Validate the content first in the controller, and then use the filter separately:
$request = $this->getRequest();
if ($request->isPost() && $form->isValid($request->getParams())) {
$filter = new Filter_Whatever();
$val = $filter->filter($request->getParam('element'));
... //call your model or whatever
I've never done this, but I suppose this (or something similar) might work.
Good point ! ,
AFAIK filters should or must run before validating the input :
from ZF docs
It's often useful and/or necessary to
perform some normalization on input
prior to validation. For example, you
may want to strip out all HTML, but
run your validations on what remains
to ensure the submission is valid. Or
you may want to trim empty space
surrounding input so that a
StringLength validator will use the
correct length of the input without
counting leading or trailing
whitespace characters.
but if and only if you are in case which can't solve mingos's answer must be the help
What you want to achieve is to change default behavior of how text element is being processed. Thus, I think you could create your own element (e.g. My_Form_Element_Text) that extends Zend_Form_Element_Text and overload its isValid() method.
Specifically you could just change second line in the orginal isValid() method, from $value = $this->getValue(); into $value = $this->getUnfilteredValue();. This way your validation will be performed using unfiltered values.
