I need to show the exact time estimated with the nice progress bar while uploading the video.
I am using the ajaxupload js + php codignator for the server side.
jqUploader is a jquery plugin that substitutes html file input fields with a flash-based file upload widget, allowing to display a progressbar and percentage.
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images for jQuery.
More info: jQuery ajax upload with progress bar - no flash
You will have difficulty doing this on a PHP stack, but if back-compatibility isn't an issue you should check out the HTML5 filesystem API for a possible client-side solution.
I've written a script with jQuery and PHP, which allows to upload multiple files. I've done it so far, that i can see the progress of each file uploading. I'm using the object XMLHttpRequest for this issue. Now I want to show on the top of alle uploading progress file bars, the current status of all uploading files.
Any how to do that?
Note: This is what I'm using for each file upload ajax call.
i have a form with a Photo Upload Input. I want the picture to be uploaded before submitting the form to speed up the submit.
the form should be able to upload multiple files and should show a progressbar + preview.
how i can do this?
You can do this pretty easily now in HTML5 using XMLHttpRequest with a multipart form and the file element. XMLHttpRequest now supports progress events which you can handle in your Javascript code. Here is a link to an excellent article with detail and code examples http://www.matlus.com/html5-file-upload-with-progress.
Note that your PHP code must still treat each file independently, but that is transparent to your JavaScript - it will simply make multiple posts to the server.
I'm using yii-bootstrap to display the progress of a file that is being uploaded in an iframe:
<?php $this->widget('bootstrap.widgets.TbProgress', array(
)); ?>
Is there a native way to find out the progress of the file that is being uploaded in Yii? I don't want to use a Yii extension as I have everything written and uploading correctly already, I just need to display the progress. So really I just need the percentage value.
As Sergey said, it's not possible in pure php to display the progress of an upload. But you could use Javascript to do it.
Here's an example in php and javascript that you could adapt to your need:
A Simple PHP Upload Progress Bar
Hey guys i'm making a file upload and i can't figure out how i would make a progress bar for it. Does anyone have a resource or reference page which i can look at or even better some source code that works?
Have a look at this:
It is easy to use jquery and php uploading method. you can upload multiple files at a time.
plus you can view their upload progress through a progress bar.
its easy to integerate. the link includes documentation and demo.
here is another link to a beautiful GUI Ajax uploader:
You would love it. just browse for and select files to upload. it shows there progress while uploading.
Hope this helps.
There are many options. Try Uploadify, a jQuery plugin for upload progress bars. Specifically, the download includes a PHP example.
I'm about to develop a small web gallery, where it's supposed to be possible to upload several pictures at a time and then add some info abut the pictures.So I need a free java or flash local file browser that can pass me some info of the pictures that gets uploaded so that I can create some SQL entries for each picture.
The platform for the project will be PHP and MySQL.
Any good recommendations?
I think what you are looking for is SWFUpload.
From the feature list:
Upload multiple files at once by ctrl/shift-selecting in dialog
Javascript callbacks on all events
Get file information before upload starts
Style upload elements with XHTML and css
Display information while files are uploading using HTML
No page reloads necessary
Works on all platforms/browsers that has Flash support.
Degrades gracefully to normal HTML upload form if Flash or javascript is unavailable
Control filesize before upload starts
Only display chosen filetypes in dialog
Queue uploads, remove/add files before starting upload