Loop and AND conditional clause - php

I have had a hard time to get my head around this little piece of code.
protected function compressLowest($lowest){
$result = array();
$result['morning'] = array();
$result['afternoon'] = array();
$result['evening'] = array();
$result['allDay'] = array();
$type = $this->prices->getCondType();
$lastDate = 0;
$i = array();
$i['morning'] = $i['afternoon'] = $i['evening'] = $i['allDay'] = 0;
foreach($lowest as $date => $prices){
foreach($prices as $range => $price) {
if($this->isNextDay($date, $result[$range][$i[$range]]['to']) && $result[$range][$i[$range]]['price'] == $price){
$result[$range][$i[$range]]['to'] = $date;
} else {
$i[$range] = count($result[$range]);
$result[$range][] = array();
$result[$range][$i[$range]]['from'] = $date;
$result[$range][$i[$range]]['to'] = $date;
$result[$range][$i[$range]]['price'] = $price;
$lastDate = $date;
return $result;
And IsNextDay is checked as follows
protected function isNextDay($next, $day){
if($next - $day == 86400){ //60*60*24 = 86400
return true;
} else {
return false;
I can't figure out what is
isNextDay($date, $result[$range][$i[$range]]['to']) && $result[$range][$i[$range]]['price'] == $price) supposed to mean (the $day thing)?
in the if conditional clause of the second for-loop in the above function. Thank you if you could help me understand.
*Sorry I hadn't read it carefully until I discovered there was ) after the result[][]['to']... thanks for your concern.*
For the source code above, I always have a notice of UNDEFINED OFFSET 0. How to fix this bug-to-be ?

for your Undefined Offset 0 at the if line some index evaluates to 0 and the array you are using that index on does not have an element at that index.
For instance (I won't list all the possibilities) if $range is 0 and $result[0] is non-existent.


Find records between two time slots in php

i have time slots like
$timeslot = ['09:00-10:00', .... '23:00-00:00', '00:00-01:00'];
I have records with updated time as 23:15:00, 23:30:00, 00:15:00, 09:15:00 etc.
What i'm trying to find is the sum of records between each of the $timeslot. I'm not considering what day got updated, only time i'm looking for.
i tried with:-
$data = ['23:15:00', '23:30:00', '00:15:00', '09:15:00'];
foreach($data as $val) {
$cnt = 0;
foreach($timeslot as $slots) {
$slot = explode("-", $slots);
if( (strtotime($val) > strtotime($slot[0])) && (strtotime($val) <= strtotime($slot[1])) ) {
$up_time[$slot[0] . '-' . $slot[1]] = $cnt++;
echo '<pre>';print_r($up_time);echo '</pre>';
The expected output is:-
09:00-10:00 = 1
23:00-00:00 = 2
00:00-01:00 = 1
Strtotime is not required since your time can be compared as strings.
This code works as you expected.
$data = ['23:15:00', '23:30:00', '00:15:00', '09:15:00'];
$timeslot = ['09:00-10:00', '23:00-00:00', '00:00-01:00'];
$up_time = array();
foreach ($data as $val) {
$myTime = substr($val, 0, 5);
foreach ($timeslot as $slot) {
$times = explode("-", $slot);
if (substr($times[1], 0, 3) == "00:") {
$times[1] = "24:" . substr($times[1], 3);
if ($myTime >= $times[0] && $myTime <= $times[1]) {
if (!isset($up_time[$slot])) {
$up_time[$slot] = 1;
} else {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
The if with 'substr' is needed because for midnight you have '00' and not '24' so the computer thinks is an empty set (such as hours bigger then 23 and smaller then 0).
Comparison is made between string because bigger time is also a bigger string since you use 2 digits for hours.
You need to count equal slots so you need an array with an element for each slot and increment if duplicate or create an element if not found (the condition '!isset').
Update for modification request
$data = ['23:15:00', '23:30:00', '00:15:00', '09:15:00'];
// added unused slot 8:00-9:00
$timeslot = ['08:00-09:00','09:00-10:00', '23:00-00:00', '00:00-01:00'];
$up_time = array();
// new initialization
foreach ($timeslot as $slot) {
$up_time[$slot] = 0;
foreach ($data as $val) {
$myTime = substr($val, 0, 5);
foreach ($timeslot as $slot) {
$times = explode("-", $slot);
if (substr($times[1], 0, 3) == "00:") {
$times[1] = "24:" . substr($times[1], 3);
if ($myTime >= $times[0] && $myTime <= $times[1]) {
$up_time[$slot]++; // simplified

Detecting a cycle in an array PHP

I'm running a simple script which puts an integer through the formula of the Collatz conjecture and adds the output of each step into an array.
I want to use a function to detect if there's a cycle in the array, using Floyd's algorithm. And though I feel like I'm not doing a bad job, I don't seem to get it right. At this moment I'm getting the error Trying to get property 'next' of non-object in C:\xampp\htdocs\educom\week3\functions.php on line 12
See my code below. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
$n = $_POST['number'];
$step = 0;
$reeks1 = array();
$cycle = 0;
echo "Your entry is: ". $n ."<br><br>";
while($n!==1 && $cycle==0){
$cycle = detect_cycle(array($reeks1));
if($n % 2 == 0){
$n = $n / 2;
array_push($reeks1, "$n");
echo $step .": ". $n ."<br>";
$n = ($n * 3) + 1;
array_push($reeks1, "$n");
echo $step .": ". $n ."<br>";
function detect_cycle($node){
if ($node==NULL){
return FALSE;
$turtle = $node;
$rabbit = $node->next;
while($rabbit != NULL){
if($rabbit === $turtle){
return TRUE;
}elseif($rabbit->next == NULL){
return FALSE;
$turtle = $turtle->next;
$rabbit = $rabbit->next->next;
return FALSE;
Check this out. IMPORTANT I don't know is this according to your theory. but it won't give you errors if you use like this.
function detect_cycle($node){
if ($node==NULL){
return FALSE;
$turtle = $node;
$rabbit = $node[0];
while($rabbit != NULL){
if($rabbit === $turtle){
return TRUE;
}elseif($rabbit[0] == NULL){
return FALSE;
$turtle = $turtle[0]; // use the number of the element key starting from 0
$rabbit = $rabbit[0][1];
return FALSE;

Trying to get property of non-object PHP Laravel

I know that this question in the tittle is asked WAYY too much in here, and I went thru most of them but still cant find a solution for my code.
function calculatingWages($project_id){
$start_date = '2017-05-01';
$end_date = '2017-12-31';
$project = Project::find($project_id);
$users = $project->users()->get();
foreach ($users as $user){
$timesheetHours = $user->timesheets()->whereBetween('timesheets.date',[$start_date,$end_date])->sum('hours');
$wages = UserWage::whereBetween('start_date',[ $start_date,$end_date])->whereBetween('end_date',[ $start_date,$end_date])->get();
foreach ($wages as $wage){
$value = $wage->value;
$currency = $wage->currency;
$sumWage = extractMonthsAndCalculate($value,$currency, $timesheetHours, $start_date, $end_date);
return $sumWage;
function extractMonthsAndCalculate($value,$currency, $timesheetHours, $start_date, $end_date){
$start = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d',$start_date)->month;
$end = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d',$end_date)->month;
$diffOfMonths = $end - $start;
$sumWage = 0;
for ($i = $start; $i <= $diffOfMonths; $i++) {
$wageYear = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d',$start_date)->year;
$wageDay = Carbon::createFromDate($wageYear,$i,'01')->lastOfMonth()->toDateString();
$test = convertingALL($value,$currency,$timesheetHours,$wageDay);
return $sumWage;
function convertingALL($value, $currency, $timesheetHours, $date)
$currencyObj = Exchange::where('date',$date)->get()->first();
$currencyDate = $currencyObj->date;
$hourlyWage = 0;
$sumWage = 0;
if($currencyDate == $date) {
$dollar = $currencyObj->dollar_lek;
$euro = $currencyObj->euro_lek;
if ($currency == 'ALL') {
$sumWage = $value;
} elseif ($currency == 'USD') {
$sumWage = ($hourlyWage *$timesheetHours) * $dollar;
} else {
$sumWage = ($hourlyWage *$timesheetHours)* $euro;
$euro = 140;
$dollar = 136.4;
if ($currency == 'ALL') {
$sumWage = $value;
} elseif ($currency == 'USD') {
$sumWage = $value * $dollar;
} else {
$sumWage = $value * $euro;
return $sumWage;
it says that it cant get the property of a non object in line 468
this is line 467-468:
$currencyObj = Exchange::where('date',$date)->get()->first();
$currencyDate = $currencyObj->date;
when I dd $currencyDate it prints the date of it, tried to parse it using carbon but still same thing, where am I messing up?
You need to tell Eloquent that the date field contains a date (even though it seems obvious).
Docs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/eloquent-mutators#date-mutators
In your Exchange model you should have
class Exchange extends Model {
protected $dates = [ 'date' ];
On an unrelated note, ->get()->first() will pull every single result back from the database, then chuck all but one of them away. If you just call ->first() then you'll only get one result from the database; same end result but better for performance.

PHP evaluating the content of an array

I am trying to evaluate the content of an array. The array contain water temperatures submitted by a user.
The user submits 2 temperaures, one for hot water and one for cold water.
What I need is to evaluate both array items to find if they are within the limits, the limits are "Hot water: between 50 and 66", "Cold water less than 21".
If either Hot or Cold fail the check flag the Status "1" or if they both pass the check flag Status "0".
Below is the code I am working with:
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$SeqWaterArray new(array);
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
$fields[] = "$field = '$val'";
if($key == 0) {
if($val < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $val > $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterHot = $val;
if($key == 1) {
if($val > $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterCold = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterCold = $val;
My question is:
When I run the script the array key(0) works but when the array key(1) is evaluted the status flag for key(1) overrides the status flag for key0.
If anyone can help that would be great.
Many thanks for your time.
It seems OK to me, exept for the values at limit, and you can simplify
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
$Status = array() ;
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
if($key == 0) {
$Status = ($val >= $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] && $val <= $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) ;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else if($key == 1) {
$Status += ($val >= $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) ;
$WaterCold = $val;
If one fails, $Status = 1, if the two tests failed, $Status = 2, if it's ok, $Status = 0.
// this function return BOOL (true/false) when the condition is met
function isBetween($val, $min, $max) {
return ($val >= $min && $val <= $max);
$coldMax = 20; $hotMin = 50; $hotMax = 66;
// I decided to simulate a test of more cases:
$SeqWaterArray['john'] = array(58, 30);
$SeqWaterArray['martin'] = array(34, 15);
$SeqWaterArray['barbara'] = array(52, 10);
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $range) {
$flag = array();
foreach($range as $type => $temperature) {
// here we fill number 1 if the temperature is in range
if ($type == 0) {
$flag['hot'] = (isBetween($temperature, $hotMin, $hotMax) ? 0 : 1);
} else {
$flag['cold'] = (isBetween($temperature, 0, $coldMax) ? 0 : 1);
$results[$key]['flag'] = $flag;
This is the result:
["hot"]=> 1
["cold"]=> 0
"flag" =>
["hot"]=> 1
["cold"]=> 0
"flag" =>
["hot"]=> 0
["cold"]=> 0
I don't think that you need a foreach loop here since you are working with a simple array and apparently you know that the first element is the hot water temperature and the second element is the cold water temperature. I would just do something like this:
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = 50;
$row_WaterTemp['HotMax'] = 66;
$row_WaterTemp['ColdMax'] = 21;
$SeqWaterArray = array(58, 21);
$waterHot = $SeqWaterArray[0];
$waterCold = $SeqWaterArray[1];
$status = 0;
if ($waterHot < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $waterHot > $row_WaterTemp['HotMax']) {
$status = 1;
if ($waterCold > $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$status = 1;
You can combine the if statements of course. I separated them because of readability.
Note that I removed all quotes from the numbers. Quotes are for strings, not for numbers.
You can use break statement in this case when the flag is set to 1. As per your specification the Cold water should be less than 21, I have modified the code.
$row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] = "50";
$row_WaterTemp['Hotmax'] = "66";
$row_WaterTemp['ColdMax'] = "21";
$SeqWaterArray = array("58", "21");
foreach($SeqWaterArray as $key => $val) {
$fields[] = "$key = '$val'";
if($key == 0) {
if($val < $row_WaterTemp['HotMin'] || $val > $row_WaterTemp['Hotmax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterHot = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterHot = $val;
if($key == 1) {
if($val >= $row_WaterTemp['ColdMax']) {
$Status = 1;
$WaterCold = $val;
} else {
$Status = 0;
$WaterCold = $val;
echo $Status;
This way it would be easier to break the loop in case if the temperature fails to fall within the range in either case.

Show SINGLE RECORD with newest expiration date

I am using a FFDB database (flat File Database).
This script works as long as $vinc field has the same value, but I have 5 different types of $vinc values R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 - if I add new record where $vinc is not R1, a blank page appears instead.
function getbyfunction($selectfn, $orderby = NULL, $includeindex = false)
if (!$this->isopen)
user_error("Database not open.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
// If there are no records, return
if ($this->records == 0)
return array();
if (!$this->lock_read())
return false;
// Read the index
$index = $this->read_index();
// Read each record and add it to an array
$rcount = 0;
foreach($index as $offset)
// Read the record
list($record, $rsize) = $this->read_record($this->data_fp, $offset);
// Add it to the result if the $selectfn OK's it
if ($selectfn($record) == true)
// Add the index field if required
if ($includeindex)
$record[FFDB_IFIELD] = $rcount;
$result[] = $record;
// Re-order as required
if ($orderby !== NULL)
return $this->order_by($result, $orderby);
return $result;
function returnRec($item){
return true;
$db = new FFDB();
if (!$db->open("foo"))
$schema = array(
array("key", FFDB_INT, "key"),
array("status", FFDB_STRING),
array("vinc", FFDB_STRING),
array("month", FFDB_STRING),
array("day", FFDB_INT),
array("year", FFDB_INT)
// Try and create it...
if (!$db->create("foo", $schema))
echo "Error creating database\n";
$result = $db->getbyfunction("returnRec", "vinc");
function show_rec($record){
$number = $record["key"];
$Rvinc = $record["vinc"];
$Rstatus = $record["status"];
$Rday = $record["day"];
$Rmonth = $record["month"];
$Ryear = $record["year"];
$tday = getdate();
$current_year = $tday['year'];
$current_month = $tday['month'];
if (($status == ON) && ($vinc == R1) && ($month >= $current_month) && ($year == current_year)){
echo "myrecord $vinc $status $day $month $year";
Any help?!
Yegge, using show_rec($result[0]); it shows 1 record but instead the most recent expiration date is showing the latest expiration date:
1 record expire 08/01/2011
2 record expire 11/01/2011
show_rec($result[0]); is showing the record with expiration date 11/01/2011 instead of 08/01/2011
show_rec(end($result)); worked as long as $vinc == R1 only, if adding another record where vinc is not R1 then shows a blank page, any ideas?
function getbyfunction($selectfn, $orderby = NULL, $includeindex = false)
if (!$this->isopen)
user_error("Database not open.", E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
// If there are no records, return
if ($this->records == 0)
return array();
if (!$this->lock_read())
return false;
// Read the index
$index = $this->read_index();
// Read each record and add it to an array
$rcount = 0;
foreach($index as $offset)
// Read the record
list($record, $rsize) = $this->read_record($this->data_fp, $offset);
// Add it to the result if the $selectfn OK's it
if ($selectfn($record) == true)
// Add the index field if required
if ($includeindex)
$record[FFDB_IFIELD] = $rcount;
$result[] = $record;
// Re-order as required
if ($orderby !== NULL)
return $this->order_by($result, $orderby);
return $result;
function returnRec($item){
return true;
$db = new FFDB();
if (!$db->open("foo"))
$schema = array(
array("key", FFDB_INT, "key"),
array("status", FFDB_STRING),
array("vinc", FFDB_STRING),
array("month", FFDB_STRING),
array("day", FFDB_INT),
array("year", FFDB_INT)
// Try and create it...
if (!$db->create("foo", $schema))
echo "Error creating database\n";
$result = $db->getbyfunction("returnRec", "vinc");
foreach($result as $item) {show_rec($item);break;}
function show_rec($record){
$number = $record["key"];
$Rvinc = $record["vinc"];
$Rstatus = $record["status"];
$Rday = $record["day"];
$Rmonth = $record["month"];
$Ryear = $record["year"];
$tday = getdate();
$current_year = $tday['year'];
$current_month = $tday['month'];
if (($status == ON) && ($vinc == R1) && ($month >= $current_month) && ($year == current_year)){
echo "myrecord $vinc $status $day $month $year";
i think you need to use break in loop, like above.
select product, expirationdate from your_table
where expirationdate > {current_date} order by expirationdate ASC limit 1
{current_date} is variable that should be passed from php or you can use mysql function instead
If I understood your code correctly, instead of
foreach($result as $item) {show_rec($item);break;}
show_rec($result[0]); //only show the very first item in the result array
Edit: Then use this:
I just want to make sure to post the solution:
$result = $db->getall(lp_month,lp_year);
$i = 0;
foreach ($result as $row){
print_r (show_record($row));
if ($i >= 1)
Not a lot different from what I initially had, but print_r instead of echo did the trick:
print_r (show_record($row));
