Regular expersion repeat inside a pattern - php

I have the following text and I would like to preg_match_all what is within the {'s and }'s if it contains only a-zA-Z0-9 and :
some text,{SOMETHING21} {SOMETHI32NG:MORE}some msdf{TEXT:GET:2}sdfssdf sdf sdf
I am trying to match {SOMETHING21} {SOMETHI32NG:MORE} {TEXT:GET:2} there can be several :'s within the tag.
What I currently have is:
preg_match_all('/\{([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)(\:([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+))*\}/', $from, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
It works as expected for {SOMETHING21} and {SOMETHI32NG:MORE} but for {TEXT:GET:2} it only matches TEXT and 2
So it only matches the first and last word within the tag, and leaves the middle ones out of the $matches array. Is this even possible or should I just match them and then explode on : ?
-- edit --
Well the question isn't if I can get the tags, the question is if I can get them grouped without having to explode the results again. Even though my current regex finds all the results the subpattern does not come back with all the matches in $matches.
I hope the following will clear it up abit more:
\{ // the match has to start with {
([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+) // after the { the match needs to have alphanum consisting out of 1 or more characters
\: // if we have : it should be followed by alphanum consisting out of 1 or more characters
([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+) // <---- !! this is what it is about !! even though this subexpression is between brackets it is not put into $matches if more then one of these is found
)* // there could be none or more of the previous subexpression
\} // the match has to end with }

You can't get all the matched values of a capturing group, you only get the last one.
So you have to match the pattern:
preg_match_all('/{([a-z\d-]+(?::[a-z\d-]+)*)}/i', $from, $matches);
and then split each element in $matches[1] on :.

I used non-capture groupings to eliminate the inner groups, and just capture the outer complete colon-separated list.
$from = "some text,{SOMETHING21} {SOMETHI32NG:MORE}some msdf{TEXT:GET:2}sdfssdf sdf sdf";
preg_match_all('/\{((?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)(?:\:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+))*)\}/', $from, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
[0] => Array
[0] => {SOMETHING21}
[1] => SOMETHING21
[1] => Array
[2] => Array
[0] => {TEXT:GET:2}
[1] => TEXT:GET:2

Maybe I didn't understand the requirement, but...
preg_match_all('/{[A-Za-z0-9:-]+}/', $from, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
results in:
[0] => Array
[0] => {SOMETHING21}
[2] => {TEXT:GET:2}


preg_match_all is only matching one

I am trying to get the value after the dots, and I would like to get all of them (each as their own key/value).
The following is what I am running:
$string = "";
preg_match_all("/\.(.+?)(\.|#|$)/", $string, $matches);
and when I do a dump of $matches I am getting this:
[0] => Array
[0] => .cat.
[1] => Array
[0] => cat
[2] => Array
[0] => .
Where item [1] is, it is only returning 1 value. What I was expecting was for it to return (for this case) 2 items cat and dog. How come dog isn't getting picked up by preg_match_all?
Use lookahead:
RegEx Demo
Problem in your regex is that you're matching DOT on LHS and a DOT or HASH or end of input on RHS of match. After matching that internal pointer moves ahead leaving no DOT to be matched for next word.
(?=\.|#|$) is a positive lookahead that doesn't match these characters but just looks ahead so pointer remains at the cat instead of DOT after cat..

Strange behavior of preg_match_all php

I have a very long string of html. From this string I want to parse pairs of rus and eng names of cities. Example of this string is:
$html = '
Хакасия республика
Красноярский край
Тюменская область
My code is:
$subject = $this->html;
$pattern = '/<a href="([\/a-zA-Z0-9-"]*)">([а-яА-Я]*)/';
preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $matches);
For trying I use regexer . You can see it here
On the test used global modifier - /g
Because of in PHP we can't use /g modifier I use preg_match_all function. But result of preg_match_all is very strange:
[0] => Array
[0] => <a href="/forecasts5000/russia/republic-khakassia/abakan">Абакан
[1] => <a href="/forecasts5000/russia/krasnoyarsk-territory/aban">Абан
[2] => <a href="/forecasts5000/russia/tyumen-area/abatskij">Аба�
[3] => <a href="/forecasts5000/russia/arkhangelsk-area/abramovskij-ma">Аб�
[1] => Array
[0] => /forecasts5000/russia/republic-khakassia/abakan
[1] => /forecasts5000/russia/krasnoyarsk-territory/aban
[2] => /forecasts5000/russia/tyumen-area/abatskij
[3] => /forecasts5000/russia/arkhangelsk-area/abramovskij-ma
[2] => Array
[0] => Абакан
[1] => Абан
[2] => Аба�
[3] => Аб�
First of all - it found only first match (but I need to get array with all matches)
The second - result is very strange for me. I want to get the next result:
pairs of /forecasts5000/russia/republic-khakassia/abakan and Абакан
What do I do wrong?
Element 0 of the result is an array of each of the full matches of the regexp. Element 1 is an array of all the matches for capture group 1, element 2 contains capture group 2, and so on.
You can invert this by using the PREG_SET_ORDER flag. Then element 0 will contain all the results from the first match, element 1 will contain all the results from the second match, and so on. Within each of these, [0] will be the full match, and the remaining elements will be the capture groups.
If you use this option, you can then get the information you want with:
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$url = $match[1];
$text = $match[2];
// Do something with $url and $text
You can also use T-Regx library which has separate methods for each case :)
pattern('<a href="([/a-zA-Z0-9-"]*)">([а-яА-Я]*)')
->forEach(function (Match $match) {
$match = $match->text();
$group = $match->group(1);
echo "Match $match with group $group"
I also has automatic delimiters

PHP preg_match_all $matches output contains 3 rows

Here is my test code:
$test = '#12345 abc #12 #abd engng#geneng';
preg_match_all('/(^|\s)#([^# ]+)/', $test, $matches);
And the output $matches:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => #12345 [1] => #12 [2] => #abd ) [1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => ) [2] => Array ( [0] => 12345 [1] => 12 [2] => abd ) )
My question is why does it have an empty row?
[1] => Array ( [0] => [1] => [2] => )
If I get ride of (^|\s) in the regex, the second row will disappear. However I would not able to prevent matching #geneng.
Any answer will be appreciated.
The problem with your regular expression is that it matches # even when it is preceded by whitespace. Because \s will match the whitespace, it will be captured into $matches array. You can solve this problem by using lookarounds. In this case, it can be solved with a positive lookbehind:
preg_match_all('/(?<=^|\s)#([^# ]+)/', $test, $matches);
This will match the part after # only if it is preceded by a space or beginning-of-the line anchor. It's important to note that lookarounds do not actually consume characters. They just assert that the given regular expression is either followed or preceded by something.
It's because of the memory capture to test (^|\s):
preg_match_all('/(^|\s)#([^# ]+)/', $test, $matches);
It's captured as memory location #1, so to avoid that you can simply use non-capturing parentheses:
preg_match_all('/(?:^|\s)#([^# ]+)/', $test, $matches);
preg_match_all uses by default the PREG_PATTERN_ORDER flag. This means that you will obtain:
$matches[0] -> all substrings that matches the whole pattern
$matches[1] -> all capture groups 1
$matches[2] -> all capture groups 2
You can change this behavior using the PREG_SET_ORDER flag:
$matches[0] -> array with the whole pattern and the capture groups for the first result
$matches[1] -> same for the second result
$matches[2] -> etc.
In your code you (PREG_PATTERN_ORDER by default) you obtain $matches[1] with only empty or blank items because it is the content of capture group 1 (^|\s)
There is 2 set of parentheses that's why you get an empty row. PHP thinks, you want 2 set of matching in the string. Removing one of them will remove one array.
FYI: In this case, you can not use [^|\s] instead of (^|\s). Cause PHP will think, you want to exclude the white space.

Two or more matches in expression

Is it possible to make two matches of text - /123/123/123?edit
I need to match 123, 123 ,123 and edit
For the first(123,123,123): pattern is - ([^\/]+)
For the second(edit): pattern is - ([^\?=]*$)
Is it possible to match in one preg_match_all function, or I need to do it twice - one time for one pattern, second one for second?
Thanks !
You can do this with a single preg_match_all call:
$string = '/123/123/123?edit';
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#(?<=[/?])\w+#', $string, $matches);
/* $matches will be:
[0] => Array
[0] => 123
[1] => 123
[2] => 123
[3] => edit
See this in action at
The pattern ((?<=[/?])\w+) uses a lookbehind to assert that either a slash or a question mark must precede a sequence of word characters (\w is a shorthand class equivalent to [a-z0-9_]).

Extracting Urdu/Arabic phrases/sentences from a string

I want to extract Urdu phrases out of a user-submitted string in PHP. For this, I tried the following test code:
$pattern = "#([\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+\s*)+#u";
if (preg_match_all($pattern, $string, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
} else {
echo 'No matches.';
Now if, for example, $string contains
In his books (some of which include دنیا گول ہے, آوارہ گرد کی ڈائری, and ابن بطوطہ کے تعاقب میں), Ibn-e-Insha has told amusing stories of his travels.
I get the following output:
[0] => Array
[0] => دنیا گول ہے
[1] => ہے
[1] => Array
[0] => آوارہ گرد کی ڈائری
[1] => ڈائری
[2] => Array
[0] => ابن بطوطہ کے تعاقب میں
[1] => میں
Even though I get my desired matches (دنیا گول ہے, آوارہ گرد کی ڈائری, and ابن بطوطہ کے تعاقب میں), I also get undesired ones (ہے, ڈائری, and میں -- each of which is actually the last word of its phrase). Can anyone please point out how I can avoid the undesired matches?
That's because the capturing group ([\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+\s*) is matched multiple times,each time overwriting what it matched the previous time. You could get the expected output by simply converting it to a non-capturing group -- (?:[\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+\s*) -- but here's a more correct alternative:
$pattern = "#(?:[\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+(?:\s+[\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+)*)#u";
The first [\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+ matches the first word, then if there's some whitespace followed by another word, (?:\s+[\x{0600}-\x{06FF}]+)* matches it and any subsequent words. But it doesn't match any whitespace after the last word, which I presume you don't want.
