I recently bought a new mac... In the past I used MAMP and Bitnami for the setup of my dev environment, but I would like to find a more efficient way, if exists, to manage my apache & php installation...
What is the best way to set up a PHP development environment on a Mac? On StackOverflow I found something on http://www.macports.org/ are they reliable and/or updated to latest versions of apache and php?
I am one of the BitNami developers. I wanted to mention we have released a version of MAMP stack that you can download and run from Mac OS X app store with one click. It is completely free: https://itunes.apple.com/app/mamp-stack/id571310406
I finally found my perfect setup thanks to this blog post: http://echodittolabs.org/blog/2011/09/os-x-107-lion-development-native-apache-php-homebrew-mysql-or-mariadb, which basically uses Lion's built-in Apache and PHP with a Homebrew installation of MySQL and a nice VirtualHosts setup.
You can try AMPPS new MAMP/WAMP Stack. I use it.
I've installed Apache/MySQL/PHP on linux servers several times, and it's usually a piece of cake because of good package managers.
However, I had a terrible experience with MacPorts. Why don't you look at Xampp if it has everything you need.
I think I'm going for an Ubuntu Virtual Machine, for several reasons...
Easy to mantain (all packages available)
Easy to shutdown
MacOS stays clean
I can easily switch env or similar...
For Windows users i recommend "Softaculous AMPPS" since it's easy to update it. For Mac users I recommend "Bitnami MAMPStack". However to test PHP mail function on my Mac, i use "MAMP Pro".
I understand LAMP, MAMP and XAMP are solution stack. I also understand there are frameworks like Laravel and Symfony.
If I have to start PHP development in a proper manner, Is it required to have a solution stack installed first and then the framework to have a professional set up?
If the answer is yes, then I am assuming the versions of the software inside the package is quite important for compatibility with the framework. Is there a popular combination out there?
And In Live, I suppose, I just to need to have the solution stack installed for the package to run.
My dev machine is a MAC with OSX 10.9.5 and my Live is going to be in Linux. I need to make sure these fundamental knowledge is concrete before I start the work. Any help is much appreciated.
Laravel has a all-in one virtual box solution. It's called as Homestead. Homestead works on many platforms such as Linux, MAC, Windows and contains everything you needed:
Ubuntu 14.04
PHP 5.6
Node (With Bower, Grunt, and Gulp)
Laravel Envoy
Blackfire Profiler
If you decide to go with other solutions you will probably face with many problems like enabling essential extensions and with changing some system settings.
Besides you can use this solution for pretty much every kind of php framework or code.
Just follow the steps in the guide and almost everything will be ready to use just in few minutes after download finishes.
Laravel is good choice as there is big community and Google trends show it is growing very fast.
As it is PHP then you need to have server which processes the PHP. Usually it is Apache2.
Many people like to use MAMP, XAMP to simplify their development. I prefer to use standard Apache2 myself and you can even just rely on Laravel/PHP builtin server that you can start with php artisan serve, It will be enough for defelopment purposes.
I want instal the Php in My windows7 PC here i want use Apche webserver is there any simple way to install?
Thanks in Advance..
You can try http://www.wampserver.com/en/ (WAMP = Windows Apache MySql Php), it will integrates all you need (php + mysql + apache) including correct configuration
Also you can try http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html (XAMPP).
These packs will help you to install PHP, MySql and Apache without problems.
Agree with #michael-swan
i will suggest to go with XAMPP, since you can simply start the XAMPP server and you got apache/php/mysql working.
No need for any installation can be used in a portable drive too.
I am not sure if any such option is available in wamp, but it has easy to handle configs vars
Both the software are bundles of APACHE/PHP/MYSQL package - which are the complete package
You'll want to use a packaged distribution of Apache, MySQL, and PHP (WAMP) that's all configured and ready to host websites after a short automated install.
Start with this list of WAMPs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_WAMPs
It's the most comprehensive list and will give you some ideas about what's available.
The ones I've seen used most often are Xampp, WampServer, and UniformServer. There are also commercial ones like Wamp-Developer.
Try installing 3 of 4 different WAMPs and just trying them out one by one with 1) setting up a new website and 2) installing WordPress as a blog. This will give you a good idea of what works best for you.
Do you guys recommend using MAMP, or should I go about a manual install? I am savvy enough to do the install manually (I have done many manual Apache installs with Ruby on Rails in the past), but I am not sure if MAMP is worth it.
Any guides, tips, or opinions are welcomed, as well!
This will be used for development purposes. Speed/Efficiency is not the most important thing. As long as php/apache/mysql are all available, I should be okay.
Keep in mind, MySQL has already been installed (using Homebrew), and I prefer to install mysql/postgresql that way.
Follow the instructions on this page, works perfectly fine.
MAMP is good, but it's gonna install everything from scratch. The same goes for PHP via homebrew. I have tried all of those. But you have to remember that your Mac comes bundled with Apache and PHP out of the box. You just have to add MySQL to the mix and get rolling.
Mamp is easiest but without paying for pro, virtual hosts are difficult to manage.
I found the default version already on the system a pain to manage due to some osx specific config in apache's httpd.conf. But you can use mac ports or homebrew (my preferred) for a custom php/apache install.
My preferred and in my opinion the cleanest way is to install virtualbox and run a full LAMP stack. This is the most flexible and a lot closer to anything you may be hosting on. If you havent done any sysadmin before it is a pretty good way to learn a bit more
I've made a mess out of my MAMP setup. I used it all the time for WordPress and Drupal work, but now I want to try and learn Rails. After trying to get Rails installed, I now have 2 versions of MySQL competing with each other—and of course neither works anymore.
So: I'm wondering what the 'proper' way is to set this up so that they play nicely together.
Advice on setting up a 'proper' Mac OS development environment for PHP and Rails extremely welcome.
Using Homebrew and RVM is the only way I recommend setting up a Rails environment on OS X these days. Homebrew gives you a really easy way to install and upgrade applications like MySQL, and RVM makes installing and working with Ruby a breeze. As far as working with PHP and Apache, you should be able to use the Homebrew MySQL install with the existing MAMP setup, as long as you turn off MAMP's MySQL server.
The only other thing you may need to do is install Apple's Xcode developer tools in order to compile the various packages.
Like someone wrote in the comments I will take the VM approach anytime. Just run a linux distribution in a virtual machine with all the modules you need. You can even run/ test different environments. Easy to setup/ upgrade/ replace and you don't have to fiddle around your working os.
I run osx (working environment) and a debian server installation in a virtual box as my webserver (running apache, php, mysql, rails). I switched over from a MAMP configuration and it saved me alot of stress and work (Think about upgrading different MAMP components, really is a pain sometimes)
What are the benefits of installing mamp or another package vs enabling php in httpd.conf and manually installing mysql? I am really not sure of which option is better and would love some info.
MAMP and other packages are usually pre-configured and come with other tools like phpMyAdmin, SQLite Manager, SSL, code optimizers. If you think you're handy enough to do what others have done, go ahead. But it'll save you a lot of time and trouble by grabbing what's already available.
I've used MAMP for over two years now and I love it.
For me, I didn't want to configure PHP and MySQL with Apache. On my old computer I installed MySQL and then phpMyAdmin and had a lot of fun trying to get it all working. (But I'm not good with terminal and bash commands)
I installed MAMP on my new computer just because it does all the work for me. When I want to debug a php script, I just fire up my local server and make a few changes.
Imo, MAMP/WAMP = Easy get up and go in a development environment.
If you are running a business critical app, you may be better off with a LAMP stack