I'm a newbie programmer trying to find my way in the world. I've got my hands on JSON data that I'm trying to parse out into SQL statements to populate multiple database tables. I would like to loop through each dimension of the array and pull out specific parts of it to create an INSERT statement I can just pass to MySQL. I'm not sure if this is the best way to populate separate tables with data from one JSON file but it's the only thing I can think of. MySQL tables are separated so there is a table for a person, a table for address type, a table for address, a table for phone, a table for email etc. This is to account for a person record having numerous phone numbers, email addresses etc.
I have been able to decode the JSON from an external URL. Here is the code and a sample of the output using print_r.
$json_string = 'http://....';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
1 Record Sample:
Array ( [objects] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [first_name] => Anthony [last_name] => Perruzza [name] => Anthony Perruzza [elected_office] => City councillor [url] => http://www.toronto.ca/councillors/perruzza1.htm [gender] => [extra] => Array ( ) [related] => Array ( [boundary_url] => /boundaries/toronto-wards/york-west-8/ [representative_set_url] => /representative-sets/toronto-city-council/ ) [source_url] => http://www.toronto.ca/councillors/perruzza1.htm [offices] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tel] => 416-338-5335 ) ) [representative_set_name] => Toronto City Council [party_name] => [district_name] => York West (8) [email] => councillor_perruzza#toronto.ca [personal_url] => [photo_url] => ) ) [meta] => Array ( [next] => /representatives/?limit=1&offset=1 [total_count] => 1059 [previous] => [limit] => 1 [offset] => 0 ) )
JSON Code Sample:
{"objects": [
{"first_name": "Keith",
"last_name": "Ashfield",
"name": "Keith Ashfield",
"elected_office": "MP",
"url": "http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/ProfileMP.aspx?Key=170143&Language=E",
"gender": "",
"extra": {},
"related": {
"boundary_url": "/boundaries/federal-electoral-districts/13003/",
"representative_set_url": "/representative-sets/house-of-commons/"
"source_url": "http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/MainMPsCompleteList.aspx?TimePeriod=Current&Language=E",
"offices": [
{ "type": "legislature",
"fax": "613-996-9955",
"postal": "House of Commons\nOttawa, Ontario\nK1A 0A6",
"tel": "613-992-1067"
{ "type": "constituency",
"fax": "506-452-4076",
"postal": "23 Alison Blvd (Main Office)\nFredericton, New Brunswick\nE3C 2N5",
"tel": "506-452-4110"
"representative_set_name": "House of Commons",
"party_name": "Conservative",
"district_name": "Fredericton",
"email": "keith.ashfield#parl.gc.ca",
"personal_url": "",
"photo_url": "http://www.parl.gc.ca/MembersOfParliament/Images/OfficialMPPhotos/41/AshfieldKeith_CPC.jpg"
"meta": {
"next": "/representatives/house-of-commons/?limit=1&offset=1",
"total_count": 307,
"previous": null,
"limit": 1,
"offset": 0
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. I've been pulling my hair out for the last few days trying to figure it out.
I've tried customizing code like the following to make it work but I haven't been able to hit the sweet spot. Please not, this code doesn't reference my data or variables. I deleted what didn't work for me. I'm just including it to give you an idea what I've tried.
foreach ($data as $item) {
echo $item->{'first_name'} . "<br/>";
echo $item->{'last_name'};
If you could point me in the direction of being able to parse out data from any level of the array it would be greatly appreciated.
AFAIK, it is not possible to insert into several tables with one insert. Moreover, you need to preserve data integrity, so related tables would have right foreign keys.
The general idea is to iterate through the data, insert records and remember inserted ids, then write them as corresponding foreign keys.
You iterate thru your objects, insert all primitive properties as fields, then get an id using mysql_last_insert_id, then while saving offices (or their details) put that id as their related object id.
E.g. we have the following JSON.
{"authors": [
{"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"books": [{
"title": "Capture the flag",
"ISBN": "123-456789-12345",
"title": "Deathmatch",
"ISBN": "123-456789-12346",
Then we insert that data with the following code:
foreach ($data as $author) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `authors` (`first_name`, `last_name`), VALUES('{$author->first_name}', '{$author->last_name}') ");
$author_id = mysql_last_insert_id();
foreach ($author->books as $book) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `books` (`title`, `isbn`, `author_id`), VALUES('{$book->title}', '{$book->isbn}', '{$author_id}') ");
This is for case you have auto-increment for id's in tables.
Of course, you'll need to validate and escape data before insertion etc.
Here is something that you can use to get the structure of a json response. It works recursively so that it will create an entry to for each object as well as an entry in a separate table for each property of each object. I hope to get others feedback/enhancement on this as well to turn it into create sql statements.
class DataDriller {
var $ext_obj_to_parse;
var $ext_type_name;
var $data;
var $recurse;
var $ext_type_id;
var $ext_related_id;
var $type_id;
var $auto_create;
var $sql;
var $error;
var $controller;
var $ExtType;
var $ExtStructure;
var $link;
var $ext_source_id;
function init($ExtType, $ExtStructure) {
$this->ExtType = $ExtType;
$this->ExtStructure = $ExtStructure;
function setup($ext_obj_to_parse, $ext_type_name, $ext_type_id = false, $ext_related_id = false, $auto_create = true, $ext_source_id) {
$this->ext_obj_to_parse = $ext_obj_to_parse;
$this->ext_type_name = $ext_type_name;
$this->ext_type_id = $ext_type_id;
$this->auto_create = $auto_create;
$this->error = false;
$this->ext_related_id = $ext_related_id;
$this->ext_source_id = $ext_source_id;
if ($this->get_ext_type_data() === false) {
if ($this->type_handling() === false) {
if (gettype($this->ext_obj_to_parse) == "object" || gettype($this->ext_obj_to_parse) == "array") {
} else {
//single variable and data
$this->data[$this->ext_type_name] = gettype($this->ext_obj_to_parse);
$this->sql = "replace into ext_structures (name, data_type, ext_type_id) values ('$this->ext_type_name', '" . gettype($this->ext_obj_to_parse) . "', " . $this->ext_type_id . ")";
function get_ext_type_data() {
if (is_numeric($this->ext_type_id)) {
return true;
} else if (strlen($this->ext_type_name) > 0) {
$this->sql = "select id From ext_types where name = '" . $this->ext_type_name . "' limit 1";
$this->ext_type_id = $this->sql_it('id');
return $this->ext_type_id;
} else {
return false;
function type_handling() {
if ($this->auto_create == true && gettype($this->ext_type_name) === "string") {
//$this->sql = "replace into types (name) values ('$this->ext_type_name')";
//$this->type_id = $this->sql_it();
//if ($this->type_id !== 0) {
//if ($this->ext_related_id) {
$this->sql = "insert into ext_types (name, ext_source_id, parent_id) values ( '$this->ext_type_name', $this->ext_source_id, '$this->ext_related_id')";
$this->ext_type_id = $this->sql_it();
$this->sql = "replace into ext_type_rel (ext_type_id_1, ext_type_id_2) values ($this->ext_type_id, $this->ext_related_id)";
/*} else {
$this->error = "Unable to obtain typeid from insert";
return false;
function to_struct() {
//keys are not objects but values can be
//always display keys, when value object - increase spacer - call self - reiterate
// if value is not object complete
foreach ($this->ext_obj_to_parse as $key => $value) {
if (gettype($value) == "object" || gettype($value) == "array") {
//check to see if object exists within the database with the data definitions and methods
//there are no existing data structure insert
//recurse into the drill-down again if it does not exist
if (is_numeric($key) || $key == "data" || $key == "statuses") {
$this->recurse = new DataDriller();
if (!$this->ext_related_id > 0){ $this->ext_related_it = $this->ext_type_id; }
$this->recurse->setup($value, $this->ext_type_name, $this->ext_type_id, $this->ext_related_id, true, $this->ext_source_id);
} else {
$this->recurse = new DataDriller();
$this->recurse->setup($value, $key, false, $this->ext_type_id, true, $this->ext_source_id);
$this->data[$key] = $this->recurse->data;
//this is where we insert the relationship between objects here
} else {
//not an ojbect just a field of the existing object
$this->data[$key] = gettype($value);
$this->sql = "replace into ext_structures (name, data_type, ext_type_id) values ('$key', '" . gettype($value) . "', " . $this->ext_type_id . ")";
function sql_it($field_name = false) {
$VARDB_server = '192.168.10....';
$VARDB_port = '3306';
$VARDB_user = 'user';
$VARDB_pass = 'pass';
$VARDB_database = 'db_name';
$this->link = mysql_connect("$VARDB_server:$VARDB_port", "$VARDB_user", "$VARDB_pass");
if (!$this->link) {
echo 'MySQL connect ERROR: ' . mysql_error();
$res = mysql_select_db("$VARDB_database");
if (!$res) {
echo mysql_error();
$res = mysql_query($this->sql, $this->link);
if (mysql_error()) {
$this->error = mysql_error() . " MYSQL reported an error " . $this->sql;
CakeLog::write('datadriller', $this->sql . " error? " . mysql_error());
if ($field_name === false) {
if (strpos($this->sql, 'insert') !== false || strpos($this->sql, 'replace') !== false) {
$id = mysql_insert_id();
return $id;
} else {
$this->error = "field name is requeired for getting results";
return false;
} else {
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
$r = mysql_fetch_array($res);
if (array_key_exists($field_name, $r)) {
return $r[$field_name];
} else {
$this->error = "field name does not exist in result set";
return false;
} else {
$this->error = "select statement returned no data ";
return false;
function error_data() {
echo "<B> $this->error MySQL error? <font color=red>" . mysql_error() . " </font> SQL: $this->sql </b><BR><BR>\n";
echo "DUMP DATA\n";
echo "<pre>";
echo "RECURSED OBJECT \n\n";
echo "</pre>";
function JSONTOInsertSQL($table,$obj){
$keys = implode('`,`', array_map('addslashes', array_keys($obj)));
$values = implode("','", array_map('addslashes', array_values($obj)));
return "INSERT INTO `$table` (`$keys`) VALUES ('$values')";
I have a list of financial launch. Each launch may or may not have multiple payments. So for every financial launch I look for a list of payments. I would like this list to be within its corresponding financial launch.
My complete function:
public function customerInvoice()
$_customer = filtra_int($this->input->post('cliente_id'));
$this->redireciona_id_nula($_customer, $this->url . '/ficha');
$_view = [];
$this->load->helper(['filter', 'string', 'currency', 'validate', 'phone']);
$_view['glyph'] = 'user';
$_view['enterprise'] = $this->enterprise;
$_view['buttons'] = $this->_getFormButtons($_customer, $this->url . '/ficha');
$this->load->model('lancamento_model', 'lancamentoModel');
$_view['releases'] = $this->lancamentoModel->getCustomerRelease($_customer);
foreach ($_view['releases'] as $i => $value) {
// $_view['releases']['order'][$i] = $this->lancamentoModel->getCustomerOrder($value->id);
$value['order'] = $this->lancamentoModel->getCustomerOrder($value->id);
$this->addBreadcrumb('Lançamentos', base_url() . 'lancamentos');
$this->addBreadcrumb('Ficha', base_url() . 'lancamentos/ficha');
$this->extras['css'][] = $this->load->view('lancamentos/consulta/ficha_cliente/form/css', null, true);
$this->extras['scripts'][] = $this->load->view('lancamentos/consulta/ficha_cliente/form/js', $_view, true);
// $pagina = $this->getHtmlPagina('Ficha cliente', $_view);
// $this->load->view('lancamentos/consulta/ficha_cliente/view/view', $pagina);
json result:
"data_vcto":"2016-01-15 09:59:24",
"pago_em":"2018-11-19 09:59:24",
"data_vcto":"2016-01-13 09:59:24",
"pago_em":"2018-11-19 09:59:24",
I would like something like that
"data_vcto":"2016-01-15 09:59:24",
"pago_em":"2018-11-19 09:59:24",
"data_vcto":"2016-01-13 09:59:24",
"pago_em":"2018-11-19 09:59:24",
it is possible ? And what do I have to do in the foreach?
Update: I did as #Yulio Aleman Jimenez suggested...but after that the error appeared
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in C:\xampp\htdocs\beauty\application\controllers\Lancamentos.php on line 829
Message: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
Error Print
I think you must change your code like this:
$_releases = $this->lancamentoModel->getCustomerRelease($_customer);
foreach ($_releases as $i => $value) {
// try with this changes
$value = $this->lancamentoModel->getCustomerOrder($value->id);
$_releases[$i] = (object)array_merge((array)$_releases[$i], array('order' => $value));
The thing is to store the array of orders in the order of each release.
You have working with objects, it's the reazon you have to cast to array, add new values in order and then cast to object.
I want to enter some details that included in JSON arrays to database.
Given below is my source code.
here is my data json array from the txt file
"reader_name":"Biboy Pogi",
"reader_name":"Biboy Pogi",
Assuming that you source data come in one json per row. You can do the iteration insert with the below sample code:
$fn = 'debug.txt';
$raw = file_get_contents($fn);
$raw = explode("\r\n", $raw);
foreach($raw as $row){
//force it to array for single item
if (substr($row, 0, 1) != '[')
$row = '[' . $row . ']';
$data_arr= json_decode($row, true);
foreach ($data_arr as $data){
$reader_name = $data['reader_name'];
$mac_address = $data['mac_address'];
$antennaPort = $data['tag_reads'][0]['antennaPort'];
$epc = $data['tag_reads'][0]['epc'];
$tid = $data['tag_reads'][0]['tid'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO tags(reader_name, mac_address, antennaPort, epc, tid)
VALUES('$reader_name', '$mac_address', '$antennaPort', '$epc', '$tid')";
if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql))
die('Error : ' . mysqli_error($con));
your json seems to be the problem.
try this:
"reader_name": "Biboy Pogi",
"mac_address": "00:16:25:10:7E:85",
"tag_reads": [
"antennaPort": 1,
"epc": "2015031687850100010105B5",
"tid": "E280110520005A8B952F0886",
"isHeartBeat": false
"reader_name": "Biboy Pogi",
"mac_address": "00:16:25:10:7E:85",
"tag_reads": [
"antennaPort": 1,
"epc": "2015031687850100010105B5",
"tid": "E280110520005A8B952F0886",
"isHeartBeat": false
You'r JSON is wrong and two times the same. Maybe you'll need it that way, but this one of them
"reader_name": "Biboy Pogi",
"mac_address": "00:16:25:10:7E:85",
"tag_reads": [
"antennaPort": 1,
"epc": "2015031687850100010105B5",
"tid": "E280110520005A8B952F0886",
"isHeartBeat": false
And you can't reach $antennaPort = $data['antennaPort']; that way. You have to call it like this
$antennaPort = $data['tag_reads']['antennaPort'];
$epc= $data['tag_reads'][0]['epc'];
$tid= $data['tag_reads'][0]['tid'];
Insert into you'r database like this
After that, you should check for errors
if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql))
die ('Error in query: ' . mysqli_error($con));
Or you go in one line
mysqli_query($con, $sql) or die(mysqli_error());
I'm new to Rest api,I'm developing a student management system using rest api and angular js.When I registering students from student registration form there is a ng-grid to select courses of students going attend in the institute,
I loaded selected courses in an angular object like this.
var Course = {
"std_id": "1",
"course_id": $scope.studentCourse,
"started_date": $scope.startedDate
in this courses object courses are selected values from ng-grid plus student and registrations date.My problem is I have loaded objects to an object and Im stuck with process this obejects in side my restfull api.
my json object pass like this
Here my php rest call
private function InsertStudentCourse() {
if ($this->get_request_method() != "POST") {
$this->response('', 406);
$course= json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"), true);
$column_names = array ('std_id','course_id','started_date');
$columns = '';
$values = '';
$keys = array_keys($course);
//$this->response($this->json($deviceTypeId), 200);
foreach ($column_names as $desired_key) { // Check the Department received. If blank insert blank into the array.
if (!in_array($desired_key, $keys)) {
$$desired_key = '';
} else {
$$desired_key = $course[$desired_key];
$columns = $columns . $desired_key . ',';
$values = $values . "'" . $$desired_key . "',";
$query = "INSERT INTO student_course (" . trim($columns, ',') . ") VALUES(" . trim($values, ',') . ")";
//$query = "INSERT INTO student_course ('course_id') VALUES ($c)";
if (!empty($course)) {
$r = $this->mysqli->query($query) or die($this->mysqli->error . __LINE__);
$success = array('status' => "Success", "msg" => "student Course Type Created Successfully.", "data" => $course);
$this->response($this->json($success), 200);
} else {
$this->response('', 204);
} //"No Content" status
I want to insert this object array like this
std_id course_id started_date
- 1 , 2, 2015-9-18
- 1 , 4, 2015-9-18
- 1 , 8, 2015-9-18
how can I get this done
I have this function : it's work correctly,
function ms_get_did_detail($id) {
global $link;
$q2="select Dest,Priority from destpr where Id='$id'";
if($res2=mssql_query($q2)) {
while($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2,MSSQL_ASSOC)) {
return $row2;
return 0;
return 0;
I want insert every element (every Dest & Priority) into MYSQL
if($info=ms_get_did_detail($value)) {
$destination = $info['Dest'];
$priority = $info['Priority'];
my_did_destination ($priority , $dest , $active , $did_voip , $cc_id);
It returns array like this :
[0]=> Array (
[Dest] => 100
[Priority] => 1
[1]=> Array (
[Dest] => 200
[Priority] => 3
[2] => (
also , I have this function to insert value in database :
function my_did_destination($priority="",$destination="") {
global $link_voip;
$sql="INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (destination,priority)
VALUES ('$destination','$priority')";
$retval = mysql_query( $sql , $link_voip);
if(! $retval ) {
die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
but It's insert empty value within
You are inserting all rows with an ID of 0, so, if a row with id=0 already exists, it will fail and will not be inserted.
Maybe the easiest solution would be to make yout ID column autoincrement with an SQL statement like:
ALTER TABLE cc_did_destination
MODIFY COLUMN id INT auto_increment;
And then change your INSERT statement for:
$sql="INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (destination,priority)
VALUES ('$destination','$priority')";
Your $info is array of rows, it has numeric keys, not 'Dest'.
You should add index, like $dest = $info[0]['Dest'].
$dest = $info[0]['Dest'];
$priority = $info[0]['Priority'];
my_did_destination ($priority , $dest , $active , $did_voip , $cc_id);
Or you can iterate through $info with a loop:
foreach($info as $row) {
$dest = $row['Dest'];
$priority = $row['Priority'];
my_did_destination ($priority , $dest);
also, remove id from your insert statement
your array is:
[0]=> Array (
[Dest] => 100
[Priority] => 1
[1]=> Array (
[Dest] => 200
[Priority] => 3
[2] => (
so it is a multidimensional array. if you need to insert all those entries, you shouldn't run multiple queries for the same thing. just use mysql batch insert syntax. (e.g. INSERT INTO tbl (col1,col2,col3) VALUES(a,b,c),(d,e,f),(g,h,i))
build the query string for insert.
foreach($a as $i => $v)
$b[] = '("'.$v['Dest'].'","'.$v['Priority'].'")';
$c = implode(',', $b);
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (destination,priority)
VALUES ".$c;
then run the query
Please, don't use mysql_* functions in new code. They are no longer maintained and are officially deprecated. See the red box? Learn about prepared statements instead, and use PDO or MySQLi - this article will help you decide which. If you choose PDO, here is a good tutorial.
There are a couple of issues here.
Firstly your first function returns an array of arrays. Ie, it returns an array with subscript 0 for the first row (it only ever returns one rows details), which is an array containing that rows details.
You assign this to the $info variable, so it contains:-
[0]=> Array (
[Dest] => 100
[Priority] => 1
You then assign $info['Dest'] to $destination and $info['Priority'] to $priority. However neither of these exist. You would need $info[0]['Dest'] and $info[0]['Priority'].
2nd issue is that you are trying to assign a specific value to the auto increment id field. Just leave it out of the insert, or give it a value of null.
Quick rewrite and I would suggest you need something like this:-
foreach($info AS $info_row)
$destination = $info_row['Dest'];
$priority = $info_row['Priority'];
my_did_destination ($priority , $dest , $active , $did_voip , $cc_id);
function ms_get_did_detail($id)
global $link;
$q2="select Dest,Priority from destpr where Id='$id'";
if ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2,MSSQL_ASSOC))
while ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2,MSSQL_ASSOC))
return $row2;
return 0;
return 0;
function my_did_destination($priority="",$destination="")
global $link_voip;
$priority = mysql_real_escape_string($priority);
$destination = mysql_real_escape_string($destination);
$sql="INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (id,destination,priority) VALUES (NULL,'$destination','$priority')";
$retval = mysql_query( $sql , $link_voip);
if(! $retval )
die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
If you want to avoid multiple inserts unnecessarily then it might be easier to use an object. This way you can do the inserts easily when there are enough batched up (I normally do 255 at a time).
Something like this, although you probably should use mysqli_*
$insert_object = new insert_details($link_voip);
foreach($info AS $info_row)
$insert_object->set_row($info_row['Priority'], $info_row['Dest']);
function ms_get_did_detail($id)
global $link;
$q2="select Dest,Priority from destpr where Id='$id'";
if ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2,MSSQL_ASSOC))
while ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2,MSSQL_ASSOC))
return $row2;
return 0;
return 0;
class insert_details()
private $db;
private $insert_row = array();
public function __CONSTRUCT($db)
$this->db = $db;
public function __DESTRUCT()
public function set_row($priority="",$destination="")
$priority = mysql_real_escape_string($priority, $this->db);
$destination = mysql_real_escape_string($destination, $this->db);
$this->insert_row[] = "(NULL,'$destination','$priority')";
if (count($this->insert_row) > 255)
private function do_insert()
$sql="INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (id,destination,priority) VALUES ".implode(',', $this->insert_row);
$retval = mysql_query($sql, $this->db);
if(! $retval )
die('Could not enter data: ' . mysql_error());
$this->insert_row = array();
Quick rough mysqli_* equivalent, assuming that $link_voip is a mysqli connection. Note that prepared statements with bound parameters are an option (and it makes it harder to forget to escape variables), but it can become a bit messy when you are doing multiple inserts like this.
$insert_object = new insert_details($link_voip);
foreach($info AS $info_row)
$insert_object->set_row($info_row['Priority'], $info_row['Dest']);
function ms_get_did_detail($id)
global $link;
$q2="select Dest,Priority from destpr where Id='$id'";
if ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2, MSSQL_ASSOC))
while ($row2[]=mssql_fetch_array($res2, MSSQL_ASSOC))
return $row2;
return 0;
return 0;
class insert_details()
private $db;
private $insert_row = array();
public function __CONSTRUCT($db)
$this->db = $db;
public function __DESTRUCT()
public function set_row($priority="",$destination="")
$priority = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->db, $priority);
$destination = mysqli_real_escape_string($this->db, $destination);
$this->insert_row[] = "(NULL,'$destination','$priority')";
if (count($this->insert_row) > 255)
private function do_insert()
$sql="INSERT INTO cc_did_destination (id,destination,priority) VALUES ".implode(',', $this->insert_row);
$retval = mysqli_query($this->db, $sql);
if(! $retval )
die('Could not enter data: ' . mysqli_sqlstate($this->db));
$this->insert_row = array();
Good Afternoon,
I am trying to get these results into arrays in PHP so that I can encode them into json objects and send them to the client. The results of the query look like this:
id name hours cat status
3bf JFK Int 24 pass open
3bf JFK Int 24 std closed
3bf JFK Int 24 exp open
5t6 Ohm CA 18 pass closed
5t6 Ohm CA 18 std closed
5t6 Ohm CA 18 std2 open
5t6 Ohm CA 18 exp open
I would like for the json objects to look like this:
{ "id": "3bf", "name": "JFK Int", "cats":
{ [ { "cat": "pass", "status": "open" },
{ "cat": "std", "status": "closed" },
{ "cat": "exp", "status": "open" } ] }
{ "id": "5t6", "name": "Ohm CA", "cats":
{ [ { "cat": "pass", "status": "closed" },
{ "cat": "std", "status": "closed" },
{ "cat": "std2", "status": "open" } ],
{ "cat": "exp", "status": "open" } ] }
I have succesfully connected to mysql and exported using json_encode using flat tables but this part I do not know how to do in PHP. Thanks.
This is the code that I have. This returns an array of json objects but it is flat, not nested:
$SQL = "SELECT id, name, hours, cat, status FROM bwt.vewPortCats";
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$arr[] = $row;}
$json = json_encode($arr);
echo $json;
The data itself is from a view that combines the tables ports and cats.
what you could do (sorry, not the best code I could write... short on time, ideas, and energy ;-) is something like this (I hope it still conveys the point):
$SQL = "SELECT id, name, hours, cat, status FROM bwt.vewPortCats";
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
$arr = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// You're going to overwrite these at each iteration, but who cares ;-)
$arr[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
$arr[$row['id']]['name'] = $row['name'];
// You add the new category
$temp = array('cat' => $row['cat'], 'status' => $row['status']);
// New cat is ADDED
$arr[$row['id']]['cats'][] = $temp;
$base_out = array();
// Kind of dirty, but doesn't hurt much with low number of records
foreach ($arr as $key => $record) {
// IDs were necessary before, to keep track of ports (by id),
// but they bother json now, so we do...
$base_out[] = $record;
$json = json_encode($base_out);
echo $json;
Haven't had the time to test or think twice about it, but again, I hope it conveys the idea...
With thanks to #maraspin, I have got my below code:
function merchantWithProducts($id)
if (
) {
//select all query
$query = "SELECT
m.id as 'mMerchantID', m.name as 'merchantName', m.mobile, m.address, m.city, m.province,
p.id as 'ProductID', p.merchantId as 'pMerchantID', p.category, p.productName, p.description, p.price, p.image, p.ratingCount
FROM " . $this->table_name . " m
JOIN by_product p
ON m.id = p.merchantId
WHERE m.id = :id
GROUP BY m.id";
// prepare query statement
$stmt = $this->conn->prepare($query);
// sanitize
// $this->id = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($this->id));
// bind values
$stmt->bindParam(":id", $this->id);
try {
$success = $stmt->execute();
if ($success === true) {
$results = $stmt->fetchAll();
$this->resultToEncode = array();
foreach ($results as $row) {
$objItemArray = array(
"merchantID" => $row->mMerchantID,
"merchantName" => $row->merchantName,
"mobile" => $row->mobile,
"address" => $row->address,
"city" => $row->city,
"province" => $row->province,
"product" => array(
"productID" => $row->ProductID,
"pMerchantID" => $row->pMerchantID,
"category" => $row->category,
"productName" => $row->productName,
"description" => $row->description,
"price" => $row->price,
"image" => $this->baseUrl . 'imagesProducts/' . $row->image,
"ratingCount" => $row->ratingCount
array_push($this->resultToEncode, $objItemArray);
$httpStatusCode = '200 OK';
$pass = true;
// return json_encode($resultToEncode);
} else {
$httpStatusCode = '204 No Content';
$pass = false;
$this->resultToEncode = 'No Record Found';
} catch (PDOException $pdoEx) {
http_response_code(500); // internal server error.
$httpStatusCode = '500 Internal Server Error';
$pass = false;
$this->resultToEncode = $pdoEx->getCode();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
// return $ex->getMessage();
http_response_code(404); // 404 Not Found.
$httpStatusCode = '404 Not Found';
$pass = false;
$this->resultToEncode = $ex->getMessage();
} else {
$httpStatusCode = '400 bad request';
$pass = false;
$this->resultToEncode = 'User id not specified';
echo json_encode(array('passed' => $pass, 'Response' => $httpStatusCode, 'result' => $this->resultToEncode));