running shell script from php - php

I have a shell script which works perfectly if I run it in the terminal (MAC OSX)
cd /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/chemedit/
babel -imol 'a.mol' -oinchi 'outputfile.inchi'
babel -imol 'a.mol' -osmi 'a.smsi'
babel a.smi -O out.svg -xC -xe
I have this in a file called
I want to run this from PHP using:
$output = shell_exec("bash 2>&1");
This does not work and returns:
Cannot write to outputfile.inchi
0 molecules converted
1 errors
for all files
I have given both files chmod 777.
I am pretty sure safe mode is off for PHP.

The babel command is likely not in the PATH environment variable for the user running PHP, and thus the script via PHP. The simplest solution is to edit your shell script to refer to babel by its full path.

Try calling babel with its absolute name. Use which babel to determine this, and replace 'babel' with it in your script.


How i can run function exec in PHP

I can't add * to my code to find file
this code work
exec("mediaconvert -t wav -i /home/20220228/11/23401.rec -o /var/www/html/test.mp3");
if i add a the *, it don't work
exec("mediaconvert -t wav -i /home/20220228/11/*01.rec -o /var/www/html/test.mp3");
p.s. in path is only one file, when i try execute this code from shell it work. Pls help me)
Filename expansion and other bash-specific features may/will not work in other shells (e.g. standard POSIX). If your command with * is not executed in bash/compatible, it won't work as expected. You need to verify the environment/shell that your PHP installation executes commands in.
Run the following test script:
exec('echo "$SHELL"', $out);
When I run the PHP script directly on CLI, I get "/bin/bash" for the shell that's called. When I run it via browser, curiously I get "/sbin/nologin" instead. There are different environments for user apache that executes PHP via browser calls, and the "actual" user logging in via SSH. Bash shell is not available for the Apache user by default.
These results are from a Centos7 server with Apache 2.4/PHP 8.1.4 running. Your mileage may vary. Bottom line: if the command you are executing depends on bash-specific features, it must execute in a bash environment, or another shell that supports the required features.
If bash is not available, your other option is using e.g. glob to get files matching the pattern in your directory, and then loop over them while executing the command for each specific file.
Edit: As pointed out by #Sammitch (see comments), /sbin/nologin is a common "shell name" choice for non-login users, and most likely uses /bin/sh. This should still allow for filename expansion/globbing. Testing browser script call with exec('ls *.php', $out); the wildcard functions as expected.
You may find this question/answer relevant: Use php exec to launch a linux command with brace expansion.
I recommend you do the opposite. First, get the files you want to input then you exec. For instance:
$input_files = ...
exec("mediaconvert -t wav -i " . $input_files . " -o /var/www/html/test.mp3");
You can try to find files with glob() function and after that you can use exec(). You can try a similiar solution with the following code:
$input_files = '/home/20220228/11/*01.rec';
foreach (glob($input_files) as $filename) {
exec("mediaconvert -t wav -i " . $filename . " -o /var/www/html/test.mp3");

Run PHP script with command line globally on win10

How to run a PHP script with command line globally, like:
update var1=abc var2 var3=def
"Update" located in fact: "C:\Localhost\Scripts\Update.php"
Many sources suggest this as:
php update.php var1=abc var2 var3=def
Shortly: How to run a PHP script as if it was a registered executable?
Disclaimer: I've written this answer for Linux/Ubuntu, I'm not sure if it'll work for Windows (the OP updated the question's requirements).
So, this is possible, the way I've described here basically just has a global bash script call a PHP file. Here's the steps:
Make a new bash script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
php /path/to/yourphpfile.php
Change the file executable: chmod +x /path/to/yourbashscript
Copy the bash script into /usr/local/bin/: sudo cp /path/to/yourbashscript /usr/local/bin/
Open a new terminal, then run yourbashscript (or whatever you named it).
And voila! A globally available PHP script!
I finally solved it:
-Create a .bat file where your php file in, it contains:
php %~dp0/update.php %*
-And save it as "update.bat"
-Add the directory name into "Path" in "Environment Variables"
Now you can write "update var1=abc var2 var3=def" freely in command prompt!

Running multiple commands through exec()

I need to pass a variable from php to a python script in blender.
Essentially this should work:
exec("start cmd /k cd C:\Blender & set arg1='file' & blender -P [path to python file]");
Instead it just changes the directory to C:\Blender and stops. It seems as though php's exec() doesn't like using "&" to run multiple commands after one another.
I'm assuming this because when I open cmd my self and type:
cd C:\Blender & set arg1='file' & blender -P [path to python file]
It opens blender and runs the python script which prints the arg1, (file).
Does anyone have any ideas as supposed to how one can run multiple commands with the exec() in php. Or maybe I should try a different method to pass the php variable to the blender python script.
Thanks for the help!
You can probably use escapeshellarg.
when this is used, it treats your entire argument as single safe argument.
So you can use,
$variableToPass = "start cmd /k cd C:\Blender & set arg1='file' & blender -P [path to python file]";
Hope this helps.

Redirection in PHP exec call creates empty file

It's quite simple, and I'm out of ideas. I'm sure there is a quick workaround.
exec('echo 123 &> /var/log/123.log');
I'm sure it's not about the permissions, because the file 123.log is created, but it's just- empty. I've also tried shell_exec, but it doesn't create the file at all.
Also tried all variants of redirection, i.e. 1> 2> >.
Using PHP to capture the output is not the option, as the output in production is huge, and I don't want to run into memory issues.
Any ideas appreciated.
Btw, I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LAMP.
Debian and Debian based Linux distributions like Ubuntu are using dash and not bash as /bin/sh by now.
&> is a bash extension, the dash does not know about.
The correct posix-compatible way to write cmd &> file is cmd > file 2>&1
cmd > file 2>&1 works in all posix-compatible shells: dash, bash, ksh, zsh, ash ...
So you need to change your code to:
exec('echo 123 > /var/log/123.log 2>&1');
Try shell_exec without &:
echo shell_exec("echo 123 > /var/log/123.log");
Only thing that did help was to create a shell script with exec permissions, e.g.
echo 123 &>> /var/log/123.log
and execute it like this:
shell_exec('[full path to]/');
So, redirection operator is not important, but everything else is (#! directive, shell_exec).

Running php script (php function) in linux bash

How we run php script using Linux bash?
php file test.php
test.php contains:
<?php echo "hello\n" ?>
From the command line, enter this:
php -f filename.php
Make sure that filename.php both includes and executes the function you want to test. Anything you echo out will appear in the console, including errors.
Be wary that often the php.ini for Apache PHP is different from CLI PHP (command line interface).
First of all check to see if your PHP installation supports CLI. Type: php -v. You can execute PHP from the command line in 2 ways:
php yourfile.php
php -r 'print("Hello world");'
There are two ways you can do this. One is the one already mentioned, i.e.:
php -f filename.php
The second option is making the script executable (chmod +x filename.php) and adding the following line to the top of your .php file:
I'm not sure though if a webserver likes this, so if you also want to use the .php file in a website, that might not be the best idea. Still, if you're just writing some kind of script, it is easier to type ./path/to/phpfile.php than having to type php -f /path/to/phpfile.php every time.
Simply this should do:
php test.php
just run in linux terminal to get phpinfo .
php -r 'phpinfo();'
and to run file like index.php
php -f index.php
php -f test.php
See the manual for full details of running PHP from the command line
php test.php
should do it, or
php -f test.php
to be explicit.
I was in need to decode URL in a Bash script. So I decide to use PHP in this way:
$ cat
/usr/bin/php -r '$arg1 = $argv[1];echo rawurldecode($arg1);' "$URL"
Sample output:
$ ./
