I have a problem with a facebook app. I want to know if the user likes a page to show one content or another. The problem is that some users click on like button but the app dont read it from facebook graph API. Here is the code I'm using to check if a user likes the page:
$appID = '171296629176';
$resp = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/".$user."/likes?access_token=".$facebook->getAccessToken()."&limit=9999");
$data = json_decode($resp,true);
$liked = 0;
$likes_array = $data['data'];
$likes_next = '';
if(($data != null) && (array_key_exists('paging',$data)) && (array_key_exists('next',$data['paging']))){
$likes_next = $data['paging']['next'];
foreach($likes_array as $like)
if($appID == $like['id']){
$liked = 1;
while(strlen($likes_next) > 0){
$resp = file_get_contents($likes_next);
$data = json_decode($resp,true);
$likes_array = $data['data'];
$likes_next = '';
if(($data != null) && (array_key_exists('paging',$data)) && (array_key_exists('next',$data['paging']))){
$likes_next = $data['paging']['next'];
foreach($likes_array as $like)
if($appID == $like['id']){
$liked = 1;
In some cases it isn't working. I don't know if facebook API returns an empty list of likes or if it returns an incomplete list. With my account and others it works ok and I can't contact the users that are experiencing the issue to test the app.
Thanks in advance.
I have an IVR that plays some audios for the user and then I need to redirect to another php file. The strange thing is that this redirect does not work.
NOTE 1: the redirect that does not work is the last one ($response->redirect("./chooseLicense.php?rs=$rs"))
NOTE 2: if I put it in if(!is_object($rs)) it works perfectly.
Can anyone tell me why this happens?
Snippet of my code:
$rs = json_decode(Curl::post(baseUrl . "users/auth/", $cpfOrCnpj, $password));
// logText('rs in login', $rs);
if(!is_object($rs)) {
if($rs->licenses === []) {
if(count($rs->licenses) == 1) {
$licenseId = $rs->licenses[0]->id;
$isBlocked = $rs->licenses[0]->blocked;
$token = $rs->auth->token;
if(count($rs->licenses) > 1) {
$count = 0;
foreach($rs->licenses as $license) {
$rs = json_encode($rs);
logText("rs encode", $rs);
public function follow(Request $request){
$response = array();
$response['code'] = 400;
$following_user_id = $request->input('following');
$follower_user_id = $request->input('follower');
$element = $request->input('element');
$size = $request->input('size');
$following = User::find($following_user_id);
$follower = User::find($follower_user_id);
if ($following && $follower && ($following_user_id == Auth::id() || $follower_user_id == Auth::id())){
$relation = UserFollowing::where('following_user_id', $following_user_id)->where('follower_user_id', $follower_user_id)->get()->first();
if ($relation){
if ($relation->delete()){
$response['code'] = 200;
if ($following->isPrivate()) {
$response['refresh'] = 1;
$relation = new UserFollowing();
$relation->following_user_id = $following_user_id;
$relation->follower_user_id = $follower_user_id;
if ($following->isPrivate()){
$relation->allow = 0;
$relation->allow = 1;
if ($relation->save()){
$response['code'] = 200;
$response['refresh'] = 0;
if ($following && $follower){
$relationz = new UserRelationship();
$relationz->main_user_id = $following_user_id;
$relationz->relation_type = 1;
$relationz->related_user_id = $follower_user_id;
$relationz->allow = 1;
if ($response['code'] == 200){
$response['button'] = sHelper::followButton($following_user_id, $follower_user_id, $element, $size);
return Response::json($response);
Hey guys, I have this code which creates a follow among two users.
I added a function to be personal friends 'relationz' as well.
Currently when you follow a user, you become 'relationz' automatically..
I would like to create a new 'relationz' only when the follower is also followed by the same person, my question is what change must I make here to either:
a) stop an auto-friend when only one user follows..
b) detect when each person follows each other..
I'm not sure which is the better logic?
I was wrongly thinking the simple "if (follower && following)" was enough, maybe it is just in the wrong place?
Thanks for any help!
How is your relations set up?
since i see a whole lot of code and if the follow function is in you controller, that will be a mess to sort out later when bug fixing.
so you have a many to many relation ship called followers in the user model?
so if user a would follow user b user a would give a follower result of 1
and if user b would have followers than it would be 0 correct?
so what i would do, if both are following each other you should have 2 rows with both users in the pivot table.
so I would create a new relationship relationz with a wherehas query in it
public function relationz {
return $this->belongsToMany(Follower::class)->whereHas('followers' , function($query) {
$query->where('followed_id', auth()->user_id);
Something like that.
I have created a system where users can search for payment solutions for their business here:
When you click an answer for a question, you'll notice that as you click through on chrome, you get a list at the top of previously answered questions.
When you view this same thing on your mobile device, you'll notice that the questions as the top only show ONE. It's like the session is not persisting on mobile. I have no idea why and I've tried changing the session driver from database to file and tried replacing all of the "$request->session->" references with "Session::", which leads to the same thing, it working on desktop and only showing one previous answer on mobile.
Here is the function being called when you answer a question on the fontend.
public function questions(Request $request, $id, $parentId, $question)
//Get the industry...
$data['industry'] = Industries::find($id);
//Get the parent level question and one child...
$data['parentQuestion'] = Questions::where('parentId', $parentId)->where('industryId', $id)->get();
if(count($data['parentQuestion']) > 0) {
foreach($data['parentQuestion'] as $pq) {
if($pq->parentId != 0) {
//How many steps are currently in the array?
if ($request->session()->has('lastSteps')) {
$hasLastSteps = TRUE;
}else {
$hasLastSteps = FALSE;
$stepCount = 1;
if($hasLastSteps == TRUE) {
$stepCount += count(Session('lastSteps'));
//Get the last steps ready...
$lsQuestion = Questions::find($question);
$lsAnswer = Questions::find($parentId);
$lsQ = array(
'unique' => uniqid(),
'questionId' => $question,
'question' => $lsQuestion->question,
'answer' => $lsAnswer->question,
'url' => '/'.$request->path(),
'stepCount' => $stepCount
$dup = 0;
//see if the session has a lastSteps array...
if ($hasLastSteps == TRUE) {
$temp = Session('lastSteps');
foreach($temp as $t) {
if($t['questionId'] == $question) {
$dup = 1;
//No duplicates exist, go ahead and add it to the session!
if($dup === 0) {
$request->session()->push('lastSteps', $lsQ);
//Grab its children...
if($pq->type === 'question') {
$data['children'] = Questions::where('industryId', $id)->where('parentId', $pq->id)->get();
}else {
//its an endpoint / answer!
//see if the session has a follow up array...
if ($request->session()->has('followUp')) {
$data['followUp'] = Session('followUp');
}else {
$data['followUp'] = array();
//see if the session has a lastSteps array...
if ($request->session()->has('lastSteps')) {
$data['lastSteps'] = Session('lastSteps');
}else {
$data['lastSteps'] = array();
return view('frontend.questions', $data);
I'm working on a website project (PHP, Fat-Free and mongodb) and I have a problem with only one user.
When the user does login, I call this function:
function login() {
$user = F3::get('POST.user');
$pass = F3::get('POST.pass');
$bcrypt = new Bcrypt(12);
$ismail = strrpos($user, "#");
$loginUser = new HT('user');
$loginUser->load(array('nick' => $user));
$loginUser->load(array('email' => strtolower($user)));
if($loginUser->isActive == true){
$isValid = $bcrypt->verify($pass, $loginUser->password);
$final_token = StringHelper::rand_str(30);
$tmp = $loginUser->token;
$tmp = array();
$cli_id = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$tmp[$cli_id] = $final_token;
$loginUser->token = $tmp;
$user_id = $loginUser->_id."";
$loginUser->loginDate = new MongoDate();
$isPremium = $loginUser->isPremium;
F3::set('user_id', $user_id);
if(isset($loginUser->preferences) && isset($loginUser->preferences['langPref'])){
$lang = $loginUser->preferences['langPref'];
echo json_encode(array("status"=>"OK","id"=>"$user_id","token"=>"$final_token","langPref"=>"$lang","schema"=>"$schema","isPremium"=>$isPremium));
echo json_encode(array("status"=>"OK","id"=>"$user_id","token"=>"$final_token","langPref"=>"en","schema"=>"$schema","isPremium"=>$isPremium));
echo json_encode(array("status"=>self::NOT_EXIST));
echo json_encode(array("status"=>self::NOT_ACTIVE));
echo json_encode(array("status"=>self::NOT_EXIST));
NOTE: dry() function checks if user is null in mongodb.
The user says that in his office computer can't do login, and he gets and "Invalid password" error. But he can login in the website in any other computer.
Sometimes, if he deletes cache or reset his password can access to the website.
I'm saving in the 'User' mongodb collection an array of tokens like this:
........ (Other params),
"token" : {
"d222b6a854d35c9c9584e695b623c468" : "nX0CuAraUQMGm5UsUWhUqZzgXZnapN",
"8c27b0d66a7ea6cec5dda9979cc92bd3" : "swdYhSQN5el0x9Pmn2YXZuwckpmuHP",
"28b825f204e7ebd320756bd6294a29c1" : "UFGd18db8W9gq1WDXgx4F9BZRVRY3K"
This token array contains:
key: MD5 encrypted User-Agent
value: Random string
This keeps session for different devices and browsers.
Everytime the user wants to do something in the web I put in the route the user id and the token (value), and I check if values are correct:
$uid = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if(isset($user->token[$uid]) && $user->token[$uid]==$token){
return true;
return false;
I thought that the problem was with the User-Agent. Any solution?
I am working on a project that previously done with another developer. This project based on PHP Yii framework and mobile side is Android to get JSON messages from the web services that provided in the website.
I'm stuck in this web service function "getStamp"
I don't know what are the JSON response messages. I mean what are the string Values that I'll hold for 'stampID', 'stampName', 'stampImg'.
These are the information that I have:
request parameters:
checking = 0 or 1
for failed response:
status = 0
message = error message
for success response:
status = 1
tappedStamp = the obtain stamp ID after tapping the device (if checking not equal to 1)
message = the message of the obtained stamp (if checking not equal to 1)
collectedStamp = list of collected stamp ID
If you want to use 'getStamp' web service to do the checking on how
many stamps that have been collected by the user, then you pass
'checking' as 1. If you want to use that web service to collect the
stamp of the kiosk, then you pass 'checking' as 0.
So far as what I understand from the Code and explanation that 'collectedStamp' and 'tappedStamp' are JSON Object names of a JSON Arrays
I need to know these 3 Elements (I suppose to get it from some where the names are random not real I just make it to explain to you what need)
'stampID', 'stampName','stampImg'
{ "collectedStamp" : [ { "stampID" : "1",
"stampName" : "stamp1",
"stampImg": "stamp1.png"
{ "stampID" : "2",
"stampName" : "stamp2",
"stampImg": "stamp2.png"
"status" : "1"
{ "tappedStamp" : [ { "stampID" : "1",
"stampName" : "stamp1",
"stampImg": "stamp1.png"
{ "stampID" : "2",
"stampName" : "stamp2",
"stampImg": "stamp2.png"
"status" : "1"
For Android Implementation most likely I'll use the same code that I provided in this post
Errors when getting JSON result into ListView
if you see in the web service function in that link you'll find this
$list = array();
foreach($events as $row){
$list[] = array('id'=>$row->id, 'name'=>$row->eventname);
$response['status'] = '1';
$response['list'] = $list;
which means that that the JSON response['list'] Contains 'id' and 'name' objects
and these are the String values that I add it inside ListView Adapter
I need to know the equivalent to 'id' and 'name' in this web Service
getStamp() Web Service Function:
public function actionGetStamp(){
if(isset($_POST['kioskid']) && isset($_POST['accesstoken']) && isset($_POST['tagid']) && isset($_POST['eventid']) && isset($_POST['checking'])){
$response = array();
$kiosk = Kiosk::model()->findByAttributes(array('kioskid'=>$_POST['kioskid'], 'accesstoken'=>$_POST['accesstoken']));
if(($kiosk === null || $kiosk->eventid != $_POST['eventid']) && $_POST['accesstoken'] != 'REPOST_SYNC'){
$response['status'] = '0';
$response['message'] = 'Invalid Kiosk';
} else {
$eventStation = EventStation::model()->findByAttributes(array('eventid'=>$_POST['eventid'],'deviceid'=>$_POST['kioskid']));
if($eventStation === null){
$response['status'] = '0';
$response['message'] = 'Invalid Kiosk';
} else {
$tag = EventTag::model()->findByAttributes(array('tagid'=>$_POST['tagid'], 'eventid'=>$eventStation->eventid, 'status'=>'A'));
if($tag === null || $tag->joinon == null){
$response['status'] = '0';
$response['message'] = 'Tag is not registered yet.';
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT es.id, (CASE WHEN esc.stampid IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) collected,
(CASE WHEN es.kioskid = :kioskid THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) tapped,
FROM tap_event_stamp es
LEFT JOIN tap_event_stamp_collection esc ON es.id = esc.stampid and esc.tagid = :tagid
WHERE es.eventid = :eventid AND es.isdeleted = 0
GROUP BY es.id ORDER BY es.id
$params = array(':eventid'=>$_POST['eventid'], ':kioskid'=>$eventStation->id, ':tagid'=>$tag->id);
$stamps = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(true, $params);
if(sizeof($stamps) == 0){
$response['status'] = '0';
$response['message'] = 'Invalid Request';
} else {
$feature = EventFeatures::model()->findByAttributes(array('eventid'=>$_POST['eventid'],'featureid'=>3));
if($feature === null){
$response['status'] = '0';
$response['message'] = 'Invalid Request';
} else {
$info = json_decode($feature->info, true);
$random = false;
$random = $info['STAMPSEQ'] == 'R';
$collected = array();
$response['status'] = $_POST['checking'] == 1 ? '1' : '0';
$duplicate = false;
foreach($stamps as $stamp){
if ($stamp['tapped'] == 1 && $_POST['checking'] != 1){
$response['tappedStamp'] = $stamp['id'];
$response['message'] = $stamp['message'];
$response['status'] = '1';
$duplicate = $stamp['collected'] == 1;
} elseif($stamp['collected'] == 1){
$collected[] = $stamp['id'];
} elseif(!$random && $_POST['checking'] != 1){
if( !isset($response['tappedStamp']) ){
$response['message'] = 'You have tapped a wrong kiosk';
if( $response['status'] == '1' ){
$response['collectedStamp'] = $collected;
if(!$duplicate && $_POST['checking'] != 1){
$newRecord = new StampCollection();
$newRecord->eventid = $_POST['eventid'];
$newRecord->tagid = $tag->id;
$newRecord->kioskid = $eventStation->id;
$newRecord->stampid = $response['tappedStamp'];
$newRecord->collectedon = time();
if( $response['status'] == '1' && Yii::app()->params['isOffline'] && $_POST['checking'] != 1){
$params = array();
$params['tagid'] = $_POST['tagid'];
$params['eventid'] = $_POST['eventid'];
$params['kioskid'] = $_POST['kioskid'];
$params['accesstoken'] = 'REPOST_SYNC';
$model = new PendingRequest();
$model->request_url = '/ws/getStamp';
$model->request_param = json_encode($params);
$model->createdon = time();
$model->issent = 0;
$this->_sendResponse(200, CJSON::encode($response));
} else {
One more question:
How can I check the web service from the Browser and pass the parameter (this Project uses Yii Framework)? So I can get JSON message either from browser.
After using "POSTMAN REST Client" I got this message
if checking = 1
if checking = 0
this is the HTML Code I got