PHP remove empty items from sides of an array - php

I have the following array:
[0] =>
[1] =>
[2] => apple
[3] =>
[4] => orange
[5] => strawberry
[6] =>
How can I remove the empty items from the beginning and the end, but not from the inside? The final array should look like this:
[0] => apple
[1] =>
[2] => orange
[3] => strawberry

Here's a convenient way:
while (reset($array) == '') array_shift($array);
while (end($array) == '') array_pop($array);
See it in action.
Obligatory comment: I 'm using a loose comparison with the empty string because it looks like what you intend given your example. If you want to be more picky about exactly which elements to remove then please customize the condition accordingly.
Update: bonus hallmark PHP ugly code which might be faster
It occurred to me that if there are lots of empty elements at the beginning and end of the array the above method might not be the fastest because it removes them one by one, reindexing the array in each step, etc. So here's a solution that works for any array and does the trimming in just one step. Warning: ugly.
$firstNonEmpty = 0;
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $val) {
if ($val != '') {
$firstNonEmpty = $i;
$lastNonEmpty = $count = count($array);
for ($i = $count; $i > 0; --$i) {
if (current($array) != '') {
$lastNonEmpty = $i;
$array = array_slice($array, $firstNonEmpty, $lastNonEmpty - $firstNonEmpty);
See it in action.

There ya go :
$Array = array('', Allo, '');
if(isset($Array[0]) && empty($Array[0])){
$C = count($Array)-1;
if(isset($Array[$C]) && empty($Array[$C])){
It will remove first and last empty only row.
If you want to remove all first and last but only empty you'll need to do this :
$Array = array('', Allo, '', '', 'Toc', '', '', '');
foreach($Array as $Key => $Value){
} else {
$Array = array_reverse($Array);
foreach($Array as $Key => $Value){
} else {
$Array = array_reverse($Array);

You can use
array_pop($array); // remove the last element
array_shift($array); // remove the first element
You can do some simple checking before to make sure the first and/or last index is empty

Here's another method:
$array = array('', '', 'banana', '', 'orange', '', '', '');
while ($array[0] == '')
$count = count($array);
while ($array[$count - 1] == '')

The following snippet will do the job:
function removeStartingEmptyIndexes($array)
foreach($array as $i => $item)
if(!empty($item)) {
return $array;
function trimEmptyIndexes($array)
return array_reverse(removeStartingEmptyIndexes(array_reverse(removeStartingEmptyIndexes($array))));
$array = array("", "", "apple", "orange", "", "", "", "lemon", "", "");
$array = trimEmptyIndexes($array);
Just call "trimEmptyIndexes($array)"

try this
foreach ($original_array as $index => $val) {
if (is_empty($val)) {
unset($original_array [$index]);
} else {

$doLoop=(strlen($array[ count(array)-1 ])==0);
while ($doLoop){
unset($array[ count(array)-1 ]);
$doLoop=(strlen($array[ count(array)-1 ])==0);


Split an array by key

I have an array with the following keys:
[vegetable_image] =>
[vegetable_name] =>
[vegetable_description] =>
[fruit_image] =>
[fruit_name] =>
[fruit_description] =>
and I would like to split them based on the prefix (vegetable_ and fruit_), is this possible?
Currently, I'm trying out array_chunk() but how do you store them into 2 separate arrays?
[vegetables] => Array { [vegetable_image] ... }
[fruits] => Array { [fruit_image] ... }
This should work for you:
$fruits = array();
$vegetables = array();
foreach($array as $k => $v) {
if(strpos($k,'fruit_') !== false)
$fruits[$k] = $v;
elseif(strpos($k,'vegetable_') !== false)
$vegetables[$k] = $v;
As an example see:
Out of the Box
function splittArray($base_array, $to_split, $delimiter='_') {
$out = array();
foreach($to_split as $key) {
$search = $key.delimiter;
foreach($base_array as $ok=>$val) {
if(strpos($ok,$search)!==false) {
$out[$key][$ok] = $val;
return $out;
$new_array = splittArray($array,array('fruit','vegetable'));
It is possible with array_reduce()
$array = ['foo_bar' => 1, 'foo_baz' => 2, 'bar_fee' => 6, 'bar_feo' => 9, 'baz_bee' => 7];
$delimiter = '_';
$result = array_reduce(array_keys($array), function ($current, $key) use ($delimiter) {
$splitKey = explode($delimiter, $key);
$current[$splitKey[0]][] = $key;
return $current;
}, []);
Check the fiddle
Only one thins remains: you are using different forms (like "vegetable_*" -> "vegetables"). PHP is not smart enough to substitute language (that would be English language in this case) transformations like that. But if you like, you may create array of valid forms for that.
Use explode()
$arrVeg = array();
$arrFruit = array();
$finalArr = array();
foreach($array as $k => $v){
$explK = explode('_',$k);
if($explK[0] == 'vegetable'){
$arrVeg[$k] = $v;
} elseif($explK[0] == 'fruit') {
$arrFruit[$k] = $v;
$finalArr['vegetables'] = $arrVeg;
$finalArr['fruits'] = $arrFruit;
Use simple PHP array traversing and substr() function.
$arr = array();
$arr['vegetable_image'] = 'vegetable_image';
$arr['vegetable_name'] = 'vegetable_name';
$arr['vegetable_description'] = 'vegetable_description';
$arr['fruit_image'] = 'fruit_image';
$arr['fruit_name'] = 'fruit_name';
$arr['fruit_description'] = 'fruit_description';
$fruits = array();
$vegetables = array();
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
if (substr($k, 0, 10) == 'vegetable_') {
$vagetables[$k] = $v;
else if (substr($k, 0, 6) == 'fruit_') {
$fruits[$k] = $v;
Working Example

Accessing the nth element in multidimensional array

is there a simple way to access the nth element in a multidimensional array in php?
so for example
$arr = array(
[0] => array(1,4,7,3,53),
[6] => array(6,3,9,12,51,7),
[2] => array(9,94,54,3,87));
the 12th element would be 9.
array keys are not necessarily in order, nor each array row is of the same length.
Try this :
$arr = array(
'0'=> array(1,4,7,3,53),
foreach($arr as $array){
$newArray=array_merge($newArray, $array);
echo $newArray[11];
untested, should work...
$arr = array(
0 => array(1,4,7,3,53), // your code was wrong here
6 => array(6,3,9,12,51,7),
2 => array(9,94,54,3,87));
function getnth ($array, $offset) {
$tmp_arr = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
foreach ($value as $val) {
$tmp_arr[] = $val;
return (isset($tmp_arr[$offset -1]) ? $tmp_arr[$offset -1] : FALSE);
getnth($arr, 12);
Edit: got to admit, the array_merge version is better....
Edit2: this is probably faster, if performance is an issue....
function getnth($array, $offset) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($array as $key => $value){
$size = count($value);
$i += $size;
if($offset <= $i) {
$new_off = $size - ($i - $offset) -1 ;
return $value[$new_off];
return FALSE;
function get_item($arr, $path, $delim = '.') {
$path = explode($delim, $path);
$result = $arr;
foreach ($path as $item) {
if (isset($result[$item])) {
$result = $result[$item];
} else {
return null;
return $result;
echo get_item($arr, 'item.value.3.4.2.etc');

PHP combine arrays on similar elements

I have some data in this format:
even--heaped<br />
even--trees<br />
hardrocks-cocked<br />
pebble-temple<br />
heaped-feast<br />
trees-feast<br />
and I want to end up with an output so that all lines with the same words get added to each other with no repeats.
even--heaped--trees--feast<br />
hardrocks--cocked<br />
pebbles-temple<br />
i tried a loop going through both arrays but its not the exact result I want. for an array $thing:
Array ( [0] => even--heaped [1] => even--trees [2] => hardrocks--cocked [3] => pebbles--temple [4] => heaped--feast [5] => trees--feast )
for ($i=0;$i<count($thing);$i++){
for ($j=$i+1;$j<count($thing);$j++){
$first = explode("--",$thing[$i]);
$second = explode("--",$thing[$j]);
$merge = array_merge($first,$second);
$unique = array_unique($merge);
if (count($unique)==3){
$fix = implode("--",$unique);
$out[$i] = $thing[$i]."--".$thing[$j];
but the result is:
Array ( [0] => even--heaped--heaped--feast [1] => even--trees--trees--feast [4] => heaped--feast--trees--feast )
which is not what i want. Any suggestions (sorry about the terrible variable names).
This might help you:
$in = array(
$clusters = array();
foreach( $in as $item ) {
$words = explode("--", $item);
// check if there exists a word in an existing cluster...
$check = false;
foreach($clusters as $k => $cluster) {
foreach($words as $word) {
if( in_array($word, $cluster) ) {
// add the words to this cluster
$clusters[$k] = array_unique( array_merge($cluster, $words) );
$check = true;
if( !$check ) {
// create a new cluster
$clusters[] = $words;
// merge back
$out = array();
foreach( $clusters as $cluster ) {
$out[] = implode("--", $cluster);
Try this code:
$data = array ("1--2", "3--1", "4--5", "2--6");
$n = count($data);
$elements = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$split = explode("--", $data[$i]);
$word_num = NULL;
foreach($split as $word_key => $word)
foreach($elements as $key => $element)
$word_num = $key;
$elements[] = array();
$word_num = count($elements) - 1;
foreach($split as $word_key => $word)
$elements[$word_num][$word] = 1;
//combine $elements into words
foreach($elements as $key => $value)
$words = array_keys($value);
$elements[$key] = implode("--", $words);
It uses $elements as an array of hashes to store the individual unique words as keys. Then combines the keys to create appropriate words.
Prints this:
array(2) {
string(10) "1--2--3--6"
string(4) "4--5"
Here is a solution with a simple control flow.
$things = array('even--heaped', 'even--trees', 'hardrocks--cocked',
'pebble--temple', 'heaped--feast' ,'trees--feast');
foreach($things as $thing) {
$str = explode('--', $thing);
$first = $str[0];
$second = $str[1];
$i = '0';
while(true) {
if(!isset($a[$i])) {
$a[$i] = array();
array_push($a[$i], $first);
array_push($a[$i], $second);
} else if(in_array($first, $a[$i]) && !in_array($second, $a[$i])) {
array_push($a[$i], $second);
} else if(!in_array($first, $a[$i]) && in_array($second, $a[$i])) {
array_push($a[$i], $first);
} else if(in_array($first, $a[$i]) && in_array($second, $a[$i])) {
It seems you have already selected user4035's answer as best.
But i feel this one is optimized(Please correct me if i am wrong):
$array = Array ( 'even--heaped' , 'even--trees' ,'hardrocks--cocked' , 'pebbles--temple' , 'heaped--feast' , 'trees--feast' );
print "Input: ";
for($j=0;$j < count($array);$j++){
$len = count($array);
for($i=$j+1;$i < $len;$i++){
$tmp_array = explode("--", $array[$i]);
$pos1 = strpos($array[$j], $tmp_array[0]);
$pos2 = strpos($array[$j], $tmp_array[1]);
if (!($pos1 === false) && $pos2 === false){
$array[$j] = $array[$j] . '--'.$tmp_array[1];unset($array[$i]);
}elseif(!($pos2 === false) && $pos1 === false){
$array[$j] = $array[$j] . '--'.$tmp_array[0];unset($array[$i]);
}elseif(!($pos2 === false) && !($pos1 === false)){
$array = array_values($array);
print "\nOutput: ";

get first non-null value from array php

If I have an array:
[0] =>
[1] => a
[2] => b
[3] => c
And I want to get the first non-null value from the array, in this case "a". How could I go about doing that nice and easily?
Not sure about nice and easy. But a short approach might be:
$first = current(array_filter($sparse_array));
Where array_filter will extract you the "truthy" values, thus skipping empty and false entries. While current simply gives you the first of those remaining entries.
function get_first_not_null($array){
foreach($array as $v){
if($v !== null){
return $v;
return null;
function getFirstNotNull($array) {
foreach($array as $val) {
if(!is_null($val) || !$val) return $val;
$res = null;
foreach ($arr as $v) {
if ($v !== null) {
$res = $v;
Well, you could try this:
foreach($array as $x) {
if( $x) break;
if( $x) {
// $x is the first non-null value
else {
// There were no non-null values
I would use array_reduce
$firstNonNull = array_reduce($array, function($v, $w) {
return $v ? $v : (isset($w) ? $w : FALSE);

Remove Parent in PHP Multidimensional Array

What's the best way to remove the parent of a matched key in an Multidimensional Array? For example, let's assume we have the following array and I want to find "[text] = a" and then delete its parent array [0]...
(array) Array
[0] => Array
[text] => a
[height] => 30
[1] => Array
[text] => k
[height] => 30
Here’s the obvious:
foreach ($array as $key => $item) {
if ($item['text'] === 'a') {
using array_filter:
function filter_callback($v) {
return !isset($v['text']) || $v['text'] !== 'a';
$array = array_filter($array, 'filter_callback');
this will only leave 'parent elements' in the array where text != a, therefore deleting those where text equals a
The inner arrays don't maintain any reference to their "parent" arrays, so you'd have to write a function to manually track this. Something like this might work:
function searchAndDestroy(&$arr, $needle) {
foreach ($arr as &$item) {
if (is_array($item)) {
if (searchAndDestroy($item, $needle)) {
return true;
} else if ($item === $needle) {
$item = null;
return true;
Note that this is designed to work at any level of nesting, not just two dimensions, so it might be a bit of overkill if you only need it for situations like in your example.
A simple and safe solution(I'd not remove/unset elements from an array I'm looping through) could be:
$new_array = array();
foreach($array as $item)
if($item['text'] != "a")
$new_array[] = $item;
My implementation:
function searchAndDestroy(&$a, $key, $val){
foreach($a as $k => &$v){
$r = searchAndDestroy(&$v, $key, $val);
}elseif($key == $k && $val == $v){
return true;
return false;
searchAndDestroy($arr, 'text', 'a');
To test it:
function searchAndDestroy(&$a, $key, $val){
foreach($a as $k => &$v){
$r = searchAndDestroy(&$v, $key, $val);
}elseif($key == $k && $val == $v){
return true;
return false;
$arr = array(array('text'=>'a','height'=>'30'),array('text'=>'k','height'=>array('text'=>'a','height'=>'20')));
searchAndDestroy($arr, 'text', 'a');
This function does it recursively.
