I have the following code that returns HTTP error 400 everytime I try to execute it.
$file = "/home/.../videos/bigbuckbunny.mp4";
$title = "This is a test";
$category = "Film";
$description = "test";
$keywords = "test, film, big buck";
$httpClient = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($this->settings['username'], $this->settings['password'], 'youtube', NULL, 'Test Client');
$this->youTube = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube($httpClient, 'Test Client', 'Videos Plugin', $this->settings['key']);
$entry = new Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry();
$fileSource = $this->youTube->newMediaFileSource($file);
$uploadUrl = 'http://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/feeds/users/default/uploads';
$newEntry = $this->youTube->insertEntry($entry, $uploadUrl, 'Zend_Gdata_YouTube_VideoEntry');
catch(Zend_Gdata_App_HttpException $e)
return NULL;
My settings are correct. The exception is the following:
object(Zend_Http_Response)#362 (5) {
string(3) "1.1"
string(11) "Bad Request"
array(9) {
string(61) "HTTP Upload Server Built on Mar 22 2012 14:54:02 (1332453242)"
string(24) "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
string(98) "AEnB2UoljS9KYUftPEhuRV8hVssGvOHcR1mcK0rfhMOGTBkUYSxX29iKpO9vHisG10EYxQE0-rul3rVEbd2YJlFiXCbaGBpUpQ"
string(29) "Fri, 23 Mar 2012 18:36:46 GMT"
string(8) "no-cache"
string(29) "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
string(35) "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
string(2) "15"
string(5) "close"
string(15) "Invalid Request"
Does anyone have any idea? I got it working before, now it doesn't seem to work.
Turns out I had the wrong upload URL, it should have been:
$uploadUrl = 'http://uploads.gdata.youtube.com/feeds/users/' . $this->settings['feed'] . '/uploads';
i have an issue where when i do a return $record in my function below i get valid json in postman pretty view but if i try print_r($record) i have a null at the end of the json.
Then when i try to json_decode the out put is always null for some reason.
If anyone has any ideas why this might be happening i am greatful for your input.
function webhook_listener($request_data){
$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Contacts', 'API key Here');
$parameters = $request_data->get_params();
if( !isset( $parameters['contactId'] ) || empty($parameters['contactId']) ){
file_put_contents(plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'invalid.txt', 'No parameter found');
return array( 'error' => 'no_parameter_given' );
$companyid = $parameters['contactId'];
//file_put_contents(plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ).'crm.txt', $parameters);
$record = $client->getRecordById()->id($companyid)->request();
$record = json_decode($record);
$error = json_last_error();
if ($error !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new RuntimeException("JSON decode error: $error");
echo $company = $record[1]['data']['Company'];
{"1":{"index":1,"data":{"CONTACTID":"3345923000000546002","SMOWNERID":"3345923000000158021","Contact Owner":"Frank Rosa","First Name":"Administrator","Last Name":"Ian","Email":"poojarajan3ellc#gmail.com","Created Time":"2018-09-19 14:32:35","Modified Time":"2018-09-20 02:48:51","Full Name":"Administrator Ian","Description":"Equity and Empowerment through Education. It is the Mission of 3e LLC to promote equity and empowerment for all students through engaging professional development for educators and parents, one-on-one coaching for teacher efficacy, and mentoring services for youth to promote enrichment and success. For the empowered, we offer editing, transcribing, and ghostwriting services to ensure your voice is heard.","Last Activity Time":"2018-09-20 02:48:51","Instagram Url":"http:\/\/www.instagram.com\/3e_llc","Company":"3ELLC","Website":"https:\/\/www.3ellc.org","Phone_1":"(727) 420-1050","Full Address":"2152 Arcadia Rd, Holiday, FL 34690, USA","Facebook Url":"http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/3eLLC\/","Logo Url":"https:\/\/dev.energypages.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2018\/05\/header-logo-57.png","Twitter Url":"http:\/\/www.twitter.com\/3e_llc","Membership Level":"Basic","Select Service":"Technology","User ID":"347"}}}
var_dump output:
array(1) {
object(CristianPontes\ZohoCRMClient\Response\Record)#2068 (2) {
array(22) {
string(19) "3345923000000546002"
string(19) "3345923000000158021"
["Contact Owner"]=>
string(10) "Frank Rosa"
["First Name"]=>
string(13) "Administrator"
["Last Name"]=>
string(3) "Ian"
string(25) "poojarajan3ellc#gmail.com"
["Created Time"]=>
string(19) "2018-09-19 14:32:35"
["Modified Time"]=>
string(19) "2018-09-20 02:48:51"
["Full Name"]=>
string(17) "Administrator Ian"
string(407) "Equity and Empowerment through Education. It is the Mission of 3e LLC to promote equity and empowerment for all students through engaging professional development for educators and parents, one-on-one coaching for teacher efficacy, and mentoring services for youth to promote enrichment and success. For the empowered, we offer editing, transcribing, and ghostwriting services to ensure your voice is heard."
["Last Activity Time"]=>
string(19) "2018-09-20 02:48:51"
["Instagram Url"]=>
string(31) "http://www.instagram.com/3e_llc"
string(5) "3ELLC"
string(21) "https://www.3ellc.org"
string(14) "(727) 420-1050"
["Full Address"]=>
string(39) "2152 Arcadia Rd, Holiday, FL 34690, USA"
["Facebook Url"]=>
string(30) "http://www.facebook.com/3eLLC/"
["Logo Url"]=>
string(73) "https://dev.energypages.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/header-logo-57.png"
["Twitter Url"]=>
string(29) "http://www.twitter.com/3e_llc"
["Membership Level"]=>
string(5) "Basic"
["Select Service"]=>
string(10) "Technology"
["User ID"]=>
string(3) "347"
Output above is the raw view in postman. and in pretty view i got this error (Unexpected 'a')
All the answers here on how to parse jSON were correct. But i was using a php library for my link to zoho which handles the data differently, so i had to do a foreach on my response from the API then json_encode() the data and json_decode() to get the values.
Library i am using: https://github.com/cristianpontes/zoho-crm-client-php
foreach($record as $records){
$payload = $records->getData();
$payload = json_encode($payload);
$payload = json_decode($payload, true);
$error = json_last_error();
if ($error !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new RuntimeException("JSON decode error: $error");
$company = $payload['Company'];
Thanks to everyone that helped especially #miken32
I'm using FedEx web services and jeremy-dunn/php-fedex-api-wrapper and attempting to have FedEx send me a plaintext email notification when a package has been delivered. I am using a third party for order fulfillment, and they have and use a different FedEx account that is not mine. (Maybe this is the problem?)
I can track the packages just fine, and when I attempt to subscribe to the delivery notification, the response from FedEx seems to indicate success. I am in testing mode. I'm NOT currently in production mode, in case that matters.
My request uses the following function:
function fedexWebServicesNotificationSubscription( $trackingNumber, $recipient, $sender )
global $fedexApiMode;
if( ! is_array( $recipient ) OR ! isset( $recipient['email_addr'] ) )
return FALSE;
if( ! is_array( $sender ) OR ! isset( $sender['email_addr'], $sender['name'] ) )
return FALSE;
$userCredential = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationCredential();
$webAuthenticationDetail = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationDetail();
$clientDetail = new ComplexType\ClientDetail();
$version = new ComplexType\VersionId();
$localization = new ComplexType\Localization();
$emailRecip = new ComplexType\EMailNotificationRecipient();
->setEMailAddress( $recipient['email_addr'] )
$emailNotificationDetail = new ComplexType\EMailNotificationDetail();
$emailNotificationDetail->setPersonalMessage('Shipment Status Notification')
$request = new ComplexType\TrackNotificationRequest();
->setTrackingNumber( $trackingNumber )
->setSenderEMailAddress( $sender['email_addr'] )
->setSenderContactName( $sender['name'] )
$trackServiceRequest = new TrackService\Request();
if( $fedexApiMode == 'production' )
$response = $trackServiceRequest->getGetTrackNotificationReply($request, TRUE);
return $response;
I use that function like this:
$trackingNumber = '781893213291';
$recipient = [
'email_addr' => 'email#example.com'
$sender = [
'email_addr' => 'email#example.com',
'name' => 'My Name'
$response = fedexWebServicesNotificationSubscription( $trackingNumber, $recipient, $sender );
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
And my response looks like this:
object(stdClass)#28 (6) {
string(7) "SUCCESS"
object(stdClass)#29 (5) {
string(7) "SUCCESS"
string(4) "trck"
string(1) "0"
string(35) "Request was successfully processed."
string(35) "Request was successfully processed."
object(stdClass)#30 (4) {
string(4) "trck"
object(stdClass)#31 (6) {
string(12) "781893213291"
string(23) "12018~781893213291~FDEG"
string(4) "FDXG"
string(10) "2018-07-17"
object(stdClass)#32 (4) {
string(13) "SAN FRANCISCO"
string(2) "CA"
string(2) "US"
object(stdClass)#33 (1) {
array(6) {
string(11) "ON_DELIVERY"
string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
string(12) "ON_EXCEPTION"
So it appears that I have subscribed, and that I should receive an email notification when the package is delivered, but the email never arrives. So I need help to know what's wrong with my code, or what's wrong with what I'm doing. I believe I understand what I'm doing, but no success.
Here it says you cannot receive an email in test enviro
1) In test mode, notifications are not sent. With the production key (production mode), notifications are sent. This is what I was expecting.
2) My code and the response I am getting back are fine.
3) Adding a track notification for a package that was not sent through my account works just fine. There is no restriction to adding track notifications, other than there may only be a total of 4.
I'm getting this error message when trying to send a email through SendGrid:
400 { "errors": [ { "message": "Bad Request", "field": null, "help": null } ] } array(14) { [0]=> string(25) "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request " [1]=> string(14) "Server: nginx " [2]=> string(36) "Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2017 19:20:44 GMT " [3]=> string(31) "Content-Type: application/json " [4]=> string(19) "Content-Length: 63 " [5]=> string(23) "Connection: keep-alive " [6]=> string(22) "X-Frame-Options: DENY " [7]=> string(58) "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://sendgrid.api-docs.io " [8]=> string(35) "Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST " [9]=> string(87) "Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, On-behalf-of, x-sg-elas-acl " [10]=> string(28) "Access-Control-Max-Age: 600 " [11]=> string(75) "X-No-CORS-Reason: https://sendgrid.com/docs/Classroom/Basics/API/cors.html " [12]=> string(1) " " [13]=> string(0) "" }
Here is my code:
// If you are using Composer
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use SendGrid\Mail;
$apiKey = 'mykey';
$sg = new \SendGrid($apiKey);
$email = new SendGrid\Email("Me", "mail#gmail.com");
$mail = new SendGrid\Mail();
$mail->setSubject("Attachment Test");
$p = new \SendGrid\Personalization();
$c = new \SendGrid\Content("text/plain", "Hi");
$att1 = new \SendGrid\Attachment();
$att1->setContent( file_get_contents("favicon.ico") );
$mail->addAttachment( $att1 );
$response = $sg->client->mail()->send()->post($mail);
echo $response->statusCode() . "\n";
echo json_encode( json_decode($response->body()), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
Not sure if it's related to the attachment. I managed to send an email using a different code, but I'm trying to implement attachments to it so this is the new code. I don't know much php so I'm kinda lost on what does this error means.
The error that you're getting is due to the attachment.
The contents of the file must be base64 encoded. Otherwise it will malform the JSON since you're introducing random bytes into the request body.
You can see that in the complete example of the mail helper for sendgrid-php, a base64 string is set as content to the attachment.
As you can see in the Attachment class, the content is simply just set and will serialize as a string in the JSON object when the class is serialized:
You just need to use this function: http://php.net/manual/en/function.base64-encode.php
To change the line:
$att1->setContent( file_get_contents("favicon.ico") );
$att1->setContent( base64_encode( file_get_contents("favicon.ico") ) );
The v3 Mail Send documentation is here: https://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API_v3/Mail/index.html
If you scroll down to the "attachments" object and expand the "content" field, it'll show the requirements for it, maily: The Base64 encoded content of the attachment.
I have a RPC server class that accepts JSON data from an unspecified given 3rd party using cURL.
I can see the data hit my class, I can store a var_dump into a for what appears to be the server request, but the output looks like receiving webserver info with references to the inbound object.
But I do not see my JSON data 'foo:bar'
class jsonRPCServer {
public static function handle($object) {
if (
empty($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE']) ||
$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] != 'application/json'
) {
return false;
$request = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'),true);
$result2 = ob_get_clean();
$file = 'stripedump.txt';
$current = file_get_contents($file);
$current .= $result2;
file_put_contents($file, $current);
try {
if ($result = #call_user_func_array(array($object,$request['method']),$request['params'])) {
$response = array (
'id' => $request['id'],
'result' => $result,
'error' => NULL
} else {
$response = array (
'id' => $request['id'],
'result' => NULL,
'error' => 'unknown method or incorrect parameters'
} catch (Exception $e) {
$response = array (
'id' => $request['id'],
'result' => NULL,
'error' => $e->getMessage()
if (!empty($request['id'])) { // notifications don't want response
header('content-type: text/javascript');
echo json_encode($response);
return true;
require_once 'example.php';
require_once 'jsonRPCServer.php';
$myExample = new example();
or print 'no request';
echo '<b>Attempt to perform basic operations</b><br />'."\n";
try {
echo 'Your name is <i>'.$myExample->giveMeSomeData('name').'</i><br />'."\n";
$myExample->changeYourState('I am using this funnction from the local environement');
echo 'Your status request has been accepted<br />'."\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo nl2br($e->getMessage()).'<br />'."\n";
echo '<br /><b>Attempt to store strategic data</b><br />'."\n";
try {
$myExample->writeSomething('bite me');
echo 'Strategic data succefully stored';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo nl2br($e->getMessage());
output from remote cURL client:
gentoo-mini htdocs # curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{foo:bar}" http://nyctelecomm.com/hooker/
<b>Attempt to perform basic operations</b><br />
Your name is <i>Bubba</i><br />
Your status request has been accepted<br />
object(example)#1 (1) {
array(2) {
string(5) "Bubba"
string(17) "Some me Attribute"
<br /><b>Attempt to store strategic data</b><br />
Strategic data succefully stored
stored var_dump($_SERVER) data:
array(29) {
string(15) "nyccomm.com"
string(11) "curl/7.42.1"
string(3) "*/*"
string(16) "application/json"
string(1) "9"
string(29) "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
string(29) "/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib"
string(0) ""
string(34) "Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) PHP/5.6.10"
string(15) "nyccomm.com"
string(13) ""
string(2) "80"
string(12) ""
string(21) "/home/www"
string(4) "http"
string(0) ""
string(21) "/home/www"
string(19) "admin#ex-mailer.com"
string(38) "/home/www/hooker/index.php"
string(5) "52841"
string(7) "CGI/1.1"
string(8) "HTTP/1.1"
string(4) "POST"
string(0) ""
string(8) "/hooker/"
string(17) "/hooker/index.php"
string(17) "/hooker/index.php"
string(4) "name"
00:29:06.659025 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:148, ack 1, win 115, options [nop,nop,TS val 2017270703 ecr 2483478707], length 147
x=......POST /hooker/ HTTP/1.1
Host: nyccomm.com
User-Agent: curl/7.42.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 9
00:29:06.746198 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:561, ack 148, win 1033, options [nop,nop,TS val 2483478793 ecr 2017270703], length 560
E..dm.#.5...l=.....7.P.i.I.]....... :......
... x=..HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2015 08:03:21 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.12 (FreeBSD) PHP/5.6.10
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.6.10
Content-Length: 373
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
<b>Attempt to perform basic operations</b><br />
Your name is <i>Bubba</i><br />
Your status request has been accepted<br />
object(example)#1 (1) {
array(2) {
string(5) "Bubba"
string(17) "Some me Attribute"
<br /><b>Attempt to store strategic data</b><br />
Strategic data succefully stored
00:29:06.746271 IP > Flags [.], ack 561, win 123, options [nop,nop,TS val 2017270790 ecr 2483478793], length 0
How do I access the JSON data from my inbound RPC object? (specifically 'foo:bar')
This works when used all by its self
$request = file_get_contents('php://input');
$result2 = ob_get_clean();
$file = 'stripedump.txt';
$current = file_get_contents($file);
$current .= $result2;
file_put_contents($file, $current);
I have working PHP code to create a Google contact via their v3 API. However, when it comes time to edit (update) the contact I cannot seem to get it to do the update. I keep getting a "Not Found" back in the update response. Any ideas why???
Here is my code.
$client = new Google_Client();
$xml = <<<END_XML
<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' xmlns:gContact='http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008'>
<atom:content type='text'>{$content}</atom:content>
$request = new Google_Http_Request("https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/{$account}/full/{$contact['id']}");
$request = $client->getAuth()->sign($request);
$request->setRequestHeaders(array('content-length' => strlen($xml), 'GData-Version'=> '3.0','content-type'=>'application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8; type=feed'));
$response = $client->getIo()->executeRequest($request);
Here is a var_dump of my request (data masked with xxx):
object(Google_Http_Request)#5 (14) {
array(3) {
string(16) "application/http"
string(6) "binary"
string(3) "1.0"
array(0) {
string(4) "POST"
array(4) {
string(90) "Bearer ya29.vQDJSs7ZxzBG8eN05Er6KiwutMf0K_uNKyuNUu4s5jd9XL4oA3o_SsikhUeIGzRoVtacYwlVVFcEYg"
string(3) "3.0"
string(46) "application/atom+xml; charset=UTF-8; type=feed"
string(22) "https://www.google.com"
string(65) "/m8/feeds/contacts/events#xxx/full/1603b8310ac9f5ca"
string(392) "<atom:entry xmlns:atom='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gd='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005' xmlns:gContact='http://schemas.google.com/contact/2008'>
<atom:content type='text'>Notes Test Data</atom:content>
Here is a var_dump of my response:
array(3) {
string(9) "Not Found"
array(12) {
string(46) "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate"
string(8) "no-cache"
string(29) "Fri, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT"
string(29) "Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:13:58 GMT"
string(15) "Origin
string(24) "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
string(7) "nosniff"
string(10) "SAMEORIGIN"
string(13) "1; mode=block"
string(3) "GSE"
string(15) "443:quic,p=0.01"
string(7) "chunked"
Since https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/http-update,
that means request to the Contacts API must be sent with https:// instead of http:// now, have you noticed you are using
rather than
in the var_dump of my request code.
I think you need to change