Passing variable through function Javascript / PHP - php

i want to pass a variable through to a php on an onClick event, it doesn't seem to be passing it through to the page properly though.
Here's my html
<a href="data.php" onClick="video(We Have a Pope)" hidefocus="">
and the relevant javascript function
function video(result) {
$('#information').load('data.php?result=' + result);
My php page looks like this
$result = $_GET['result'];
echo $result;
Nothing is being outputted though :S

onClick="video(We Have a Pope)" should be onClick="video('We Have a Pope')"

You need quotation marks when you pass string as parameter, like this:
<a href="data.php" onClick="video('We Have a Pope')" hidefocus="">

<a href="data.php" onClick="javascript:video('We Have a Pope');" hidefocus="">

onClick="video('We Have a Pope');"
onClick="video(\"We Have a Pope\");"


onclick function using php

My onclick function is not working.It is not passing the value (parameter)?
<img class="img-thumbnail thumbnails" src="download.jpg" alt="bridget_moynahan_00.jpg" title="bridget_moynahan_00.jpg" onclick="showImage(<?php echo "download.jpg";?>);" />
Your code is producing the following JavaScript:
In JavaScript, as in other languages, string literals need to be surrounded by quotes. For example:
One way to do that here would be like this:
showImage('<?php echo "download.jpg";?>');
Or possibly:
showImage(<?php echo "'download.jpg'";?>);
Try like this
onclick="showImage('<?php echo "download.jpg"; ?>')";
Try this:
onclick="showImage(<?php echo "'download.jpg'";?>);"
Also make sure that you have define the function showImage or that you have add the script file like:
<script src="/js/custom_filename.js"></script>

php javascript json parse escape characters

I currently have a webpage that need to use javascript to parse variables from php.
I do things like this:
data.notices = JSON.parse('<?php echo json_encode($notices) ?>');
However, when there is single or double quotes in the $notices variable, javascript console return errors.
How can I get the variables correctly?
This code doesn`t return error
$notices = array('sad'=>'asd as" asd', 'asd"sdf '=>'asdasd" \' asd ads');
data = new Object();
data.notices = JSON.parse('<?php echo addslashes(json_encode($notices)) ?>');
$a='b' will be converted to "b"(note the quotation mark) by json_encode
just write JSON.parse(<?php echo json_encode($notices) ?>);(remove ') will be ok.
I found that it is the problem caused by the fact that I did not escape the characters before inserting to database.
You are one extra operation. If you want message as javascript variable you can directly get like
data.notices = <?php echo json_encode($notices) ?>;
// and access like this
// data.notices[0] or data.notices['alert']

using javascript quotes in php code

i'm having some trouble using javasript in php code, I'm confused in using double quotes and single quotes.
echo 'Delete';
or how to do the above code in php ?.
use this code
echo 'Delete';
you have to escape the quotes.
You need to escape the quotes with htmlspecialchars (for HTML):
echo '<a href="..." onclick="return confirm('
.htmlspecialchars('"Are you sure"') . '">Delete</a>';
(alternatively you could just write ")
...but don't do that. Use JS event registration:
document.getElementById('a-id').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
if (!confirm("Are you sure...")) {
Do that in JS file. It requires that the <a> have an ID (you could also do it with a host of other selectors, but ID is the simplest).
Change like following
echo "Delete";
Why don't you put the HTML outside of PHP tags? For example you could do:
Another way to echo HTML is:
echo <<<HTML
Error in confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?")"> you need to escape double quote.
You need to call the javascript function using php echo
echo 'href_link';
...but you have to use JS function
<html><head><script type="text/javascript">
function fun()
if(confirm('are you sure')) return TRUE;
else return FALSE;

Pass PHP array to Javascript via onClick using JSON

I am using PHP and MySQL to loop through products and generating HTML code that consists of an img tag with an onClick event that calls a Javascript function. I want to pass PHP variables via the onClick event to a Javascript function. I'm using jQuery and thought it would be a good idea to use PHP's json_encode() function and jQuery's jquery-json plugin.
My PHP code looks like this:
$onclick = json_encode(array(
'productid' => $productsRow['ProductID'],
'description' => $productsRow['Description']
echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"changepic('" . htmlentities($onclick) . "')\">";
echo "<img src=\"products/$thumbnailfilename\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">";
echo "</a>";
As you can see my Javascript function is called changepic(). I've left out a bit of code that is irrelevant to this question (i.e. the database access code and deciding where the thumbnail image is).
My Javascript code is:
function changepic(productarray) {
var productid = $.evalJSON(productarray).productid;
var productdesc = $.evalJSON(productarray).description;
I'm not really doing anything yet with the PHP variables that I'm passing to the Javascript array, I'm just trying to get it to work first! My ultimate aim is to use jQuery to insert the product description into a <div>
A sample product detail might look like this:
ProductID: 30c7508008ac7597619ad9b90a97b40f
Description: <p>Wide and Narrow Bands<br>
Set with Top-Quality Diamonds</p><p>
As you can see the description contains HTML code, as well as a newline after the <br> tag.
The HTML that is generated looks like this:
<img src="products/tn-30c7508008ac7597619ad9b90a97b40f.jpg" width="100" height="100">
When I run this I get a Javascript error:
Event thread: click
Uncaught exception: SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Unescaped control char in string: "<p>Wid
Error thrown at line 18, column 2 in changepic(productarray) in http://isis/carats/view-collection.php?collectionid=32d0c7b8774f7f82a2d7c7d053286cfc:
var productid = $.evalJSON(productarray).productid;
called from line 1, column 0 in <anonymous function>(event) in http://isis/carats/view-collection.php?collectionid=32d0c7b8774f7f82a2d7c7d053286cfc:
changepic('{"productid":"30c7508008ac7597619ad9b90a97b40f","description":"<p>Wide and Narrow Bands<br>\r\nSet with Top-Quality Diamonds<\/p>"}')
From what I can see I've done something wrong with encoding the JSON string. I've done some Googling and found some people that say no encoding is necessary (I tried that and the product description was taken as HTML and showed up in the page), others say to use addslashes() and some say htmlentities().
Do I need to do something in the Javascript function to decode it before I try to use it with evalJSON()?
I usually just do this,
var foo = <?php echo json_encode($foo); ?>;
and I don't really see how this can result in any sort of an "injection" attack as long as json_encode is doing its job.
I don't understand why you are getting into so much mess.. here is the solution and it works
$onclick = json_encode(array(
'productid' => $productsRow['ProductID'],
'description' => $productsRow['Description']
echo "<a id='test' href='' var='$onclick'>";
echo "<img src=\"products/$thumbnailfilename\" width=\"100\" height=\"100\">";
echo "</a>";
Here is your jquery:
var img = jQuery.parseJSON(($(this).attr("var")));
Now since you have the json object you can create div tag and put the variables inside or put the content on already existing div tag. I am sure you know what to do here.
I think I was over-complicating things, I didn't really need to use JSON at all.
I got this working by changing my PHP code to this:
$productid = $productsRow['ProductID']
$description = rawurlencode($productsRow['Description']);
echo "<a href=\"javascript:;\" onClick=\"changepic('$productid','$description')\">";
Then my Javascript looks like this:
function changepic(productid, description) {
description = decodeURIComponent(description);
This works fine so now I can continue and actually do something useful in the Javascript function.

calling function on hyperlink onclick event in php

can anybody help me here please?
I am using AJAX for pagination in my application. So I am generating hyperlinks with for loop. as follow:
for($t=1; $t<=$hf; $t++)
if($t == $_GET['pageno'])
echo $t." ";
echo "<a id ='$t' href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='open_page('ajaxinfo.php','content'); javascript:change('$t');'>$t</a>"." ";
Above echo statement does not give call to function. But instead of this when i just write html hyperlink it works fine and I get to see page2.html, my HTML code is:
<a id="page2" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="open_page('ajaxinfo.php','content'); javascript:change('page2');">page2</a>
I don't understand why this is so? But is there any problem in echo's quotes.
Please Help.
that because you have syntax error while building anchors. Try to use double quotes for tag attributes and escape them with backslash.
So, your ECHO should look like this:
echo "<a id =\"{$t}\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"open_page('ajaxinfo.php','content'); javascript:change('{$t}');\">{$t}</a> ";
You have to have code to add the contents returned by the ajax to the page. I don't see that anywhere.
