Im trying to update the contents of an element after running some php code. I realize the php is executed first, but I thought by loading the page I could then find the element? However console says cannot find element of null so I guess the page isn't loading before the innerHTML code is running.
Anyone any ideas?
else if(strlen($_POST['username']) < 6){
header("Location: http://webpage/register.html");
echo "document.getElementById('elemID').innerHTML = usename too short";
header() instructs your clients to go to the new location, hence outputting anything after that would make no effect to your client as the content of register.html is already handled differently by your server.
If you can change register.html to use php instead, you could pass
header("Location: http://webpage/register.php?msg=username%20too%20short");
Then in your register.php
if(!empty($_GET['msg'])) echo $_GET['msg'];
First, you shouldn't really have any logic after your header Location redirect. It is good practice to put "exit" or "die" after a redirect like that as you can't guarantee that the browser will ever see the next line before redirecting. In fact, you can pretty well guarantee that it will more often not see that code.
If you're going to redirect, put your error as an argument to your redirect URL and have logic there that shows the error like this:
header("Location: http://webpage/register.php?error=username%20too%20short");
Then in you register.php (I renamed it from .html so you can read the error argument) you can reference your error like:
$error = $_GET['error'];
if (!empty($error)) {
//write your error out in some markup or javascript...
I have a framework and I think I'm following something like the MVC pattern: A framework (the model) an index page that controls the input (the controller) and the views pages (that are included inside main.php/the main html)
I read a lot about structure and logics, to write a good application. I read many comments like "Why are you outputting anything if all you are going to do is try and redirect the user to another page?". Well the answer is, the most common case: redirect after the user successfully logged in. Do I need to print something? Of course, the whole main page with a login form/post. How I'm supposed to do that redirection??
So I'm a bit confused about logics and structure of the application. How do you store all the output and do the header redirection without printing anything?
I was thinking about using javascript to do the redirection but I also read comments saying; "if you write good code (following a good logic/structre), you won't need to use hacks like javascript redirection". How is that even possible?
Because the php output_buffering should not be enabled.
I have the output_buffering enabled, and I can use header (after output) without any problem. If I use the javascript redirection the whole page reloads, but using header it just loads the content (the views content that are included in main.php).
So how do you do this without output_buffering?
If you want to redirect to a success page AND pass messages - say, after a successful login - an easy solution is to use "flash" sessions, where you store a message in a SESSION and then, as soon as it's used, you discard it. You don't need to sore anything in the output buffer for this.
This is a very basic example, but should give you the gist of it.
if($login_successful) {
// put your message in the session
$_SESSION['message'] = 'Login Successful';
// redirect to the success page
header('location: success.php');
// check if $_SESSION['message'] exists
if(isset($_SESSION['message'])) {
// print the message
echo $_SESSION['message'];
// clear the session
$_SESSION['message'] = null;
Looks like you are mixing up some things here. What you are talking about are actually two different requests. Either the user wants to view the main page, or he wants to log in using that form on your main page. In your index.php you would have something like this (pseudocode):
if (isLoginRequest) {
// user wants to log in
if( validateLogin($loginFormData) ) {
} else {
} else {
// user wants to view main page
echo main.html
Update to answer the question in the comments: The better alternative would be to leave your form validation stuff in login.php and refer to that in your login form <form action="login.php" .... Then in your login.php you would have something like this:
if (loginSuccessful) {
// no need to call die() or whatever
} else {
setFlashMessage('Login failed'); // set a flash message like timgavin described
// also no die() or whatever
index.php then is responsible to display your main page and, if set, rendering the flash message from a failed login attempt.
Simple solution: Move the login post script from login.php to another file (login_post.php). The same for other scripts using header() after dom output. (no need to change the form action="")
In index.php:
$url = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
//some more security checks like esc_url() (non-php function)
if ($url == '/login') {
// all these includes before including main.php
// where views pages are included and the DOM output starts
Since header() is inside the post script, no more headers already sent errors (And output_buffering off, of course).
Same for logout page that is currently being included inside main.php
Thanks to the other answers, they helped me finding this solution.
I have some code that does things based on the condition that is given:
#some kind of redirect to another page
#execute code based on the post data
#and then redirect to another page after it has finished
the header() function doesn't work here for me because it has to be the first thing that the browser sees, is there another way of doing this?
Could you use ob_flush?
There might be something else already being outputted to the header?
I faced this same issue and went as far as using jquery/ajax to execute the page and upon .success (jquery/ajax method) assigned window.location.assign('localhost/yadayad.php'). I then discovered its much more simplistic to just echo a JavaScript window.location.assign command within my php file.
if($_SESSION['user_completed_this_form_already'] == 'complete'){
echo "<script>window.location.assign('localhost/yadayad.php');</script>";
this method worked quite nice for me.
No idea why this is not working. Here is the code:
if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && ($_POST['cancel'] == 'cancel'))
header('Location: page1.php');
echo $_POST['cancel'];
Instead of redirecting the page, this output's cancel to the webpage. It skipped over the redirect. Why? How can I fix this? page1.php is a real page located in the same folder as the current page. The above code is the very first lines of the php file. Nothing before it. Nothing. Not even whitespace.
This is likely a problem generated by the headers being already sent.
This occurs if you have echoed anything before deciding to redirect. If so, then the initial (default) headers have been sent and the new headers cannot replace something that's already in the output buffer getting ready to be sent to the browser.
Sometimes it's not even necessary to have echoed something yourself:
if an error is being outputted to the browser it's also considered content so the headers must be sent before the error information;
if one of your files is encoded in one format (let's say ISO-8859-1) and another is encoded in another (let's say UTF-8 with BOM) the incompatibility between the two encodings may result in a few characters being outputted;
Let's check
To test if this is the case you have to enable error reporting: error_reporting(E_ALL); and set the errors to be displayed ini_set('display_errors', TRUE); after which you will likely see a warning referring to the headers being already sent.
Let's fix
Fixing this kinds of errors:
writing your redirect logic somewhere in the code before anything is outputted;
using output buffers to trap any outgoing info and only release it at some point when you know all redirect attempts have been run;
Using a proper MVC framework they already solve it;
MVC solves it both functionally by ensuring that the logic is in the controller and the controller triggers the display/rendering of a view only at the end of the controllers. This means you can decide to do a redirect somewhere within the action but not withing the view.
I have experienced that kind of issue before and now I'm not using header('Location: pageExample.php'); anymore, instead I'm using javascript's document.location.
Change your:
header('Location: page1.php');
To something like this:
echo "<script type='text/javascript'> document.location = 'page1.php'; </script>";
And what is the purpose of echo $_POST['cancel']; by the way?, just delete that line if what you want is just the redirection. I've been using that <script> every time and it doesn't fail me. :-)
Use #obstart or try to use Java Script
put your obstart(); into your top of the page
if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && ($_POST['cancel'] == 'cancel'))
header('Location: page1.php');
If you use Javascript Use window.location.href
window.location.href example:
if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && ($_POST['cancel'] == 'cancel'))
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>window.location.href = 'page1.php';</script>"
I had also the similar issue in godaddy hosting.
But after putting ob_start(); at the beginning of the php page from where page was redirecting, it was working fine.
Please find the example of the fix:
header('Location: page1.php');
I had similar problem...
solved by adding ob_start(); and ob_end_flush();
require 'engine/vishnuHTML.class.php';
require 'engine/admin/login.class.php';
$html=new vishnuHTML();
/* blah bla Code
Think of ob_start() as saying "Start remembering everything that would normally be outputted, but don't quite do anything with it yet."
ob_end_clean() or ob_flush(), which either stops saving things and discards whatever was saved, or stops saving and outputs it all at once, respectively.
For me also it was not working. Then i try with javascript inside php like
echo "<script type='text/javascript'> window.location='index.php'; </script>";
This will definitely working.
Pekka answered my question in the comments. He didn't post an answer, so I am now. Use the exit() method after the header redirect. For some reason the rest of the code of the page continues to execute after the header() method redirect. When the rest of the code executes, the echo statement is outputted to the page. And you can't redirect using the header function after you output to the page. To avoid rest of the code from executing, use exit(). Thanks Pekka.
UPDATE: When using the web browser Internet Explorer, I have noticed that $_POST['cancel'] is not reliable. I am not exactly sure why this is, but I suspect IE posts additional variables on a form submit, specifically the variable 'cancel' is posted. I solved this by using a variable name other than 'cancel'. The combination of using exit() and a unique variable name is working for me.
Neer to specify exit code here so php not execute further
if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && ($_POST['cancel'] == 'cancel'))
header('Location: page1.php');
exit(0); // require to exit here
Try adding
at the top of the code i.e. before the include statement.
Make Sure that you don't leave a space before <?php when you start <?php tag at the top of the page.
Be very careful with whitespace and other stuff that may affect the "output" already done. I certainly know this but still suffered from the same problem. My whole "Admin.php"-file had some spaces after the closing php-tag ?> down the bottom on the last row :)
Easily discovered by adding...
...which told me which line of code that generated the output.
Try this, Add #ob_start() function in top of the page,
if ((isset($_POST['cancel'])) && ($_POST['cancel'] == 'cancel'))
header('Location: page1.php');
Use the following code:
if(isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on')
<script type='text/javascript'>
window.location.href = 'http://<?php echo $self ?>';
put < ?php tag on the top of your file (starting on frist line of document)
--- Blank space or something ---
..your code
header('Location: page1.php');
I'm learning PHP and been looking for this for a while. What I want to achieve is something like so:
if (true/false) {
go to this url;
Every time I search terms like php redirects or php links etc., 99% of the time I get something "headers". I read that header redirects can achieve this but no code can go before it, that it must be first on the page else it wont work.
If that's so, then how can I achieve this?
i read that header redirects can achieve this but no code can go before it. that it must be first on the page else it wont work.
That's wrong. There must be no output before this. Thus you have to ensure, that you don't echo, print, ?>something<?php (or whatever) anything before.
if (true) {
header('Location: ' . $url, false, 302);
exit; // Ensures, that there is no code _after_ the redirect executed
You can ready everything about it in the official manual. Especially:
Remember that header() must be called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML tags, blank lines in a file, or from PHP. It is a very common error to read code with include(), or require(), functions, or another file access function, and have spaces or empty lines that are output before header() is called. The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML file.
echo '<script type="text/javascript"> document.location = "";</script>'
and this will be executed when this part of script is executed.
You can use this if you need some output before the redirect:
header("refresh: $time_in_seconds; url=$your_url);
You still must call this before output is actually sent however. Send the header, then send your output - the page will "redirect" in the time specified.
Disclaimer: I must admit, I'm not sure what the implications of this are and can't find docs on it, so I can't necessarily recommend it - but I can validate that it works.
I have a page which has a link to a php page which takes data from $_GET and updates a database. After that it returns the user to the homepage with:
header("Location: http://localhost/");
The thing is that this seems to "interrupt" the mysql part of the code. If I remove this redirect, everything in the database is updated, but when I put it back, nothing gets updated...
This is the database update code, I am using a class of mine as a mysql wrapper:
-There is no text or echo()'s on the page and no space before the <?php tag
Order of Code:
Data received from $_SESSION and $_GET
Data processed and placed into arrays
Data placed into mysql database
header(); used to redirect page
if ( isset ( $_GET['g'] ) && isset ( $_SESSION['itemA'] ) && isset ( $_SESSION['itemB'] ) ) {
$itemA = $_SESSION['gameA'];
$itemB = $_SESSION['gameB'];
$newData1 = processData($itemA);
$newData2 = processData($itemB);
header('Location: http://localhost/');
} else {
header('Location: http://localhost/');
If you send a header when previously content is outputted, you will get an error that may cause your script to stop execution. So if the header is above the update, the update may not be executed at all. It depends on your settings whether you see this error or not.
echo 'yo';
header('Location: ....'); // <-- error
Update(); // Never gets executed
The output doesn't have to be an echo. It can even be a single space before the opening <?.
Without seeing much of the code, it's hard to be certain, but my guess would be that the PHP page is continuing to work exactly at it was before. What I would suggest might be happening is that the redirected page (ie your home page) is itself doing some database work which is overwriting the changes that had been done by the original page.
As I say, that's quite a wild guess in the absence of any more code (or even any detail about the data in question or what the site does), but I'd say it's worth investigating that possibility.
Try putting ob_start() at the top of the file. It sometimes helps. You can't output before calling header().
Show more code. It's to less of it to think what is wrong.
I have no idea why this worked, but it turned out that if I change this:
header("Location: http://localhost/");
to this:
header('Location: http://localhost/');
everything works. Weird!!