Hi I have a query in PHP that calculates the sum of all the values in a column. However when I try to print, nothing happens. I get a blank page. Im pretty sure its an obvious problem but constant coding means I cant think straight :(
$query = 'SELECT SUM(cost) AS total_price FROM items WHERE item_ID = $input';
$sum = mysql_query($query, $database);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($sum);
echo "Total "" = $". $row['total_price'];
mysql_fetch_row fetches a enumerated array, you want mysql_fetch_assoc.
Alternatively you can just use mysql_result to fetch the single field.
You also have a syntax error in your echo which would cause a blank page unless you have error_reporting/display_errors on:
echo "Total "" = $". $row['total_price'];
should be:
echo "Total = $". $row['total_price'];
Try this
$query = 'SELECT SUM(cost) AS total_price FROM items WHERE item_ID = $input';
$sum = mysql_query($query, $database) or die(mysql_error());
if(mysql_num_rows($sum) > 0) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sum);
echo 'Total = $'.$row['total_price'];
} else {
echo "No result found";
I have a table and i'm trying to extract the maximum value of a column called order_num, which has 33 intries of integers 1 through 33. I want the value "33" in this instance as its the highest number.
$userid is an integer derived from a one row table with a field id that I am trying to retrieve
//get the currentUser ID so we know whos deck to ammend
$userIDSQL = "SELECT id FROM currentUser";
$userIdResult = mysqli_query($db, $userIDSQL) or die("SQL Error on fetching user ID: " . mysqli_error($db));
$result_array = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($userIdResult)) {
$result_array[] = $row['id'];
//the actual user id
$userId = $row['id'];
echo "user id is " . $userId;
Doing a print_r on $userId shows the array to be empty, that's why the code below doesn't work.. :(
$reOrderDeckSQL = "SELECT MAX(order_num) AS order_num FROM decks WHERE id='$userId'";
$reOrderDeckResult = mysqli_query($db, $reOrderDeckSQL) or die("SQL Error on reOrder: " . mysqli_error($db));
$result_array = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($reOrderDeckResult)) {
$result_array[] = $row['MAX(order_num)'];
echo "the result is" . $result_array['order_num'];
echo "the result is" . $row['order_num'];
echo "the result is" . $result_array['MAX(order_num)']; //tried different methods to get the output.
The output I get is
the result is the result is the result is
Does anyone know why i'm not able to get the result from the table?
Okay, try this:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($reOrderDeckResult)) {
What do you get?
Your first code to get the userId doesn't work because of your usage of the array, change to:
$userId = 0;
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($userIdResult)) {
$userId = $row['id'];
As I've shown below, if you only expect a single row then remove the while loop and just call fetch_assoc a single time.
Given you only want the single row you don't need the while loop:
$reOrderDeckSQL = "SELECT MAX(order_num) AS order_num FROM decks WHERE id='$userId' LIMIT 1";
$reOrderDeckResult = mysqli_query($db, $reOrderDeckSQL) or die("SQL Error on reOrder: " . mysqli_error($db));
if($reOrderDeckResult && mysqli_num_rows($reOrderDeckResult) == 1)
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($reOrderDeckResult);
echo 'result: ' . $row['order_num'];
echo 'No rows found!!';
I also added LIMIT 1 to the query, and a check to see if there are any rows.
You have renamed your MAX(order_num) AS order_num so you should try to get value using order_num only as echo $result_array['order_num']
and in while you should check whether you are getting value or not by placing below code in while loop
echo '<PRE>';
echo '</PRE>';
This may helps you..,
$reOrderDeckSQL = "SELECT MAX(order_num) AS order_num FROM decks WHERE id='$userId'";
$reOrderDeckResult = mysqli_query($db, $reOrderDeckSQL) or die("SQL Error on reOrder: " . mysqli_error($db));
$result_array = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($reOrderDeckResult)) {
//you have to use the alias name not aggregate function title
$result_array[] = $row['order_num'];
echo "the result is" . $result_array['order_num'];
echo "the result is" . $row['order_num'];
//you have to use the alias name not aggregate function title
echo "the result is" . $result_array['order_num']; //tried different methods to get the output.
I have two tables, posts and sections. I want to get the last 10 posts WHERE section = 1,
but use the 10 results in different places. I make a function:
function sectionposts($section_id){
$maxpost1 ="SELECT max(id) from posts WHERE section_id = $section_id ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 20";
$maxpost12 =mysql_query($maxpost1);
while ($maxpost_rows = mysql_fetch_array($maxpost12 ,MYSQL_BOTH)){
$maxpost2 = $maxpost_rows[0];
$query = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = $maxpost2";
$query2 = mysql_query($query);
return $query2;
$query2 = sectionposts(6);
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query2)){
echo $rows['title'] . "<br/>" . "<br/>";
echo $rows['id'] . "<br/>" . "<br/>";
echo $rows['image_section'] . "<br/>";
echo $rows['subject'] . "<br/>";
echo $rows['image_post'] . "<br/>";
How can it take these ten results but use them in different places, and keep them arranged from one to ten.
this was the old case and i solve it but i found another problem, that, if the client had deleted a post as id = 800 "so there aren't id = 800 in DB" so when i get the max id minus $NUM from it, and this operation must be equal id = 800, so i have a programing mistake here, how can i take care of something like that.
function getmax_id_with_minus ($minus){
$maxid ="SELECT max(id) FROM posts";
$maxid1 =mysql_query($maxid);
while ($maxid_row = mysql_fetch_array($maxid1)){
$maxid_id = $maxid_row['0'];
$maxid_minus = $maxid_id - $minus;
$selectedpost1 = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id = $maxid_minus";
$query_selectedpost =mysql_query($selectedpost1);
return ($query_selectedpost);
$ss = getmax_id_with_minus (8);
while ($rows = mysql_fetch_assoc($ss)){
$main_post_1 = $rows;
anyway "really" thanks again :) !
A few thoughts regarding posted code:
First and foremost, you should stop using mysql_ functions as they are being deprecated and are vulnerable to SQL injection.
$maxpost1 ="SELECT max(id) from posts WHERE section_id = $section_id ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 20";
When you SELECT MAX, MIN, COUNT, AVG ... functions that only return a single row, you do not need an ORDER BY or a LIMIT.
Given that you are only asking for the MAX(id), you can save work by combining your queries like so:
WHERE id = (SELECT MAX(id) from posts WHERE section_id = $section_id)
If I'm understanding what you're trying to do (please correct me if I'm wrong), your function would look something like:
function sectionposts($section_id) {
$link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");
$stmt = mysqli_prepare($link, "SELECT title, id, image_section, subject, image_post FROM posts "
. "WHERE section_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, $section_id);
return mysqli_query($link, $stmt)
$result = sectionposts(6);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo $rows['title'] . "<br /><br />";
echo $rows['id'] . "<br /><br />";
echo $rows['image_section'] . "<br />";
echo $rows['subject'] . "<br />";
echo $rows['image_post'] . "<br />";
Try this instead, to save yourself a lot of pointless code:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE section_id=$section_id HAVING bar=MAX(bar);"
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo ...;
echo ...;
The having clause lets you find the max record in a single operation, without the inherent raciness of your two-query version. And unless you allow multiple records with the same IDs to pollute your tables, removing the while() loops also makes things far more legible.
Seems like you want to store them in an array.
$posts = array(); //put this before the while loop.
$posts[] = $row; //put this in the while loop
This might be really simple, but i cannot figure out the problem with this code:
$sql = mysql_query("select * from Temporary_Stock_Transfer where Emp_ID = '$emp_id' and Company_ID = '$company_id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0) {
echo "<tr><td colspan='3'><i>You currenty have no items</i></td></tr>";
}else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo mysql_num_rows($sql);
echo 'reached';
$book_id = $row[1];
$sql = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select title from Book where Book_ID = '$book_id'"));
echo "<tr><td>".$sql[0]."</td><td>".$row[2]."</td><td><span class='label label-important'>Remove</span></td></tr>";
Now based on my database the query is returning 2 results, the echo mysql_num_rows($sql) also gives out 2. However the reached is echoed only once. Does anyone see a potential problem with the code?
P.S: My bad, $sql is being repeated, that was a silly mistake
It will only echo once because of this line :
$sql = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select title from Book where Book_ID = '$book_id'"));
your overwriting the $sql variable.
Why not just run a single query and join the data you require ?
try ($sql2 instead of $sql and $sql[0] to $sql2[0]):
$sql = mysql_query("select * from Temporary_Stock_Transfer where Emp_ID = '$emp_id' and Company_ID = '$company_id'");
if(mysql_num_rows($sql) == 0) {
echo "<tr><td colspan='3'><i>You currenty have no items</i></td></tr>";
}else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) {
echo mysql_num_rows($sql);
echo 'reached';
$book_id = $row[1];
$sql2 = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select title from Book where Book_ID = '$book_id'"));
echo "<tr><td>".$sql2[0]."</td><td>".$row[2]."</td><td><span class='label label-important'>Remove</span></td></tr>";
I think it'll be because you are ressetting the sql variable
$sql = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select title from Book where Book_ID = '$book_id'"));
when you are still using it in the while loop. :P
It's probably this line:
$sql = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("select title from Book where Book_ID = '$book_id'"));
Try using a different variable name.
You are changing the $sql variable inside the loop, therefore the next time you run $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql), the value will be different (probably won't be any based on your code).
Inside the while loop you are re-using the same variable: $sql. This is used to control the terminating condition of the loop.
Using a different variable name, e.g. $sql2 should leave the original variable intact and the loop should proceed as expected.
I feel like I'm missing something really simple here. Here's my sql query:
$getpages = "SELECT id FROM pages WHERE account = 2 ORDER BY page_order";
$showpages = #mysqli_query ($dbc, $getpages);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($showpages, MYSQLI_NUM);
I then print the first result:
echo $row[0];
And get a correct value, the id of the first page (by page order):
So I submit a form which simply turns that $row[0] into $row[1].
And nothing prints. I don't understand.
You have to do this:
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($showpages, MYSQLI_NUM)) {
$id = $row[id];
// do something with the id
echo $id . "<br/>"; // Echo every id
This will iterate through all of the results
mysqli_fetch_array is a special function as each time you call it, it outputs the NEXT row.
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array(stuff)){
$var = $row['sql column'];
// In your case "$var = $row[0];" to get the id for the first row found.
is how you use it.
This will keep running the function until mysqli_fetch_array() eventually returns false. These each time it will output a new row. And the $row array is the array of one row in the sql table.
Use :
in the while loop to see exactly what's being returned for use.
$getpages = "SELECT id FROM pages WHERE account = 2 ORDER BY page_order";
$showpages = #mysqli_query ($dbc, $getpages);
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($showpages, MYSQLI_NUM);
Question how many rows are fetched in this query in this case id, So MYSQL will result to 1 row affected, But since you are using
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($showpages, MYSQLI_NUM);
This code you used will not output anything try
$row[n] as n-1
$result->fetch_assoc() or mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)
catch one line at a time, from a mysqli_result:
$sql = "SELECT id, firstname, lastname FROM MyGuests";
$result = $conn->query($sql);
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "id: " . $row["id"]. " - Name: " . $row["firstname"]. " " . $row["lastname"]. "<br>";
} else {
echo "0 results";
source: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_select.asp
I'm trying to add all the values from the grade_points field for example 10, 12.5, 2.1 and then divide it by how many times grade points where entered into the database for example 24.6 / 3.
I know that $total_rating_points is an array but I don't really know how to convert the array so I can add the total grade points and then divide it by how many times points where entered. I was hoping if someone can help me out with this problem? That I have been working on forever.
Here is the code I'm having trouble on.
$sql2 = "SELECT grade_points
FROM grades
JOIN articles_grades ON grades.id = articles_grades.grade_id
WHERE articles_grades.users_articles_id = '$page'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$sql2);
if (!mysqli_query($dbc, $sql2)) {
print mysqli_error($dbc);
$total_rating_points = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if (!empty($total_rating_points) && !empty($total_ratings)){
$avg = (round($total_rating_points / $total_ratings,1));
$votes = $total_ratings;
echo $avg . "/10 (" . $votes . " votes cast)";
} else {
echo '(no votes cast)';
Here is the full code I'm working on.
function getRatingText(){
$dbc = mysqli_connect ("localhost", "root", "", "sitename");
$page = '3';
$sql1 = "SELECT COUNT(users_articles_id)
FROM articles_grades
WHERE users_articles_id = '$page'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$sql1);
if (!mysqli_query($dbc, $sql1)) {
print mysqli_error($dbc);
$total_ratings = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
$sql2 = "SELECT grade_points
FROM grades
JOIN articles_grades ON grades.id = articles_grades.grade_id
WHERE articles_grades.users_articles_id = '$page'";
$result = mysqli_query($dbc,$sql2);
if (!mysqli_query($dbc, $sql2)) {
print mysqli_error($dbc);
$total_rating_points = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
if (!empty($total_rating_points) && !empty($total_ratings)){
$avg = (round($total_rating_points / $total_ratings,1));
$votes = $total_ratings;
echo $avg . "/10 (" . $votes . " votes cast)";
} else {
echo '(no votes cast)';
To start off, you need to grab ALL of the values from your query. PHP's library only returns results one row at a time so you need to loop over it and continue to get results until you have them all. So do this:
$resource = mysqli_query($statement);
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($resource))
$total_results_points[] = $result[0];
From there, summing and averaging the array in PHP should be fairly simple:
$average = array_sum($total_rating_points) / count($total_rating_points)
In a nutshell, the array_sum() function returns all the elements in an array added together. The count() function tells you how many elements are in the array. So using the two, you can obtain the mean of the array quite easily.
Or you could just go:
SELECT AVG(grade_points)
FROM grades
JOIN articles_grades ON grades.id = articles_grades.grade_id
WHERE articles_grades.users_articles_id = '$page'
One call to mysql_fetch_array will return the only row returned by this statement, an array with one element, there's your average.
When you're confused about what's in an array you can use
To see what's in the array.
EDIT: Responding to comment
You have to use a while. mysqli_fetch_array retrieves a row, not all rows. So something like this would be in order:
$total_rating_points = array();
while ($rating_row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
$total_rating_points[] = $rating_row[0]; //0 might be the wrong index depending on the actual query.
You can then use array functions like sum and count as mentioned in some of the other solutions.