I would like to truncate a very long string, formatted via html elements.
I need the first 500 words (somehow I have to avoid html tags <p>, <br> while my function truncating the string), but in the result I have to keep/use those html elements because the result also should be formatted by html tags like the "original whole" text.
What's the best way to truncate my string?
Original text
> <p>The Huffington Post (via <a
> href="/t/daily-mail">Daily Mail</a>) is reporting that <a
> href="/t/misty">Misty</a> has been returned to a high kill shelter for
> farting too much! She appeared on Greenville County Pet Rescue’s
> “urgent” list, which means if she doesn’t get readopted, she will be
> euthanized!</p>
I need the first n words (n=10)
> <p>The Huffington Post (via <a
> href="/t/daily-mail">Daily Mail</a>) is reporting that.. </p>
A brute force method would be to just split all elements on blanks, then iterate over them. You count only non-tag elements up to a maximum, while you output tags nonetheless. Something along these lines:
$string = "your string here";
$output = "";
$count = 0;
$max = 10;
$tokens = preg_split('/ /', $string);
foreach ($tokens as $token)
if (preg_match('/<.*?>/', $token)) {
$output .= "$token ";
} else if ($count < $max) {
$output .= "$token ";
$count += 1;
print $output;
You could have found something like this with some Googling.
// Original PHP code by Chirp Internet:
// Please acknowledge use of this code by including this header.
function restoreTags($input)
$opened = array();
// loop through opened and closed tags in order
if(preg_match_all("/<(\/?[a-z]+)>?/i", $input, $matches)) {
foreach($matches[1] as $tag) {
if(preg_match("/^[a-z]+$/i", $tag, $regs)) {
// a tag has been opened
if(strtolower($regs[0]) != 'br') $opened[] = $regs[0];
} elseif(preg_match("/^\/([a-z]+)$/i", $tag, $regs)) {
// a tag has been closed
unset($opened[array_pop(array_keys($opened, $regs[1]))]);
// close tags that are still open
if($opened) {
$tagstoclose = array_reverse($opened);
foreach($tagstoclose as $tag) $input .= "</$tag>";
return $input;
When you combine it with another function mentioned in the article:
function truncateWords($input, $numwords, $padding="")
$output = strtok($input, " \n");
while(--$numwords > 0) $output .= " " . strtok(" \n");
if($output != $input) $output .= $padding;
return $output;
Then you can just achieve what you're looking for by doing this:
$originalText = '...'; // some original text in HTML format
$output = truncateWords($originalText, 500); // This truncates to 500 words (ish...)
$output = restoreTags($output); // This fixes any open tags
I have no problem to disallow all HTML tags with this code that works fine:
while($row = $result->fetch_array()){
echo "<span class='names'>".htmlentities($row['username'])."</span>:<span class='messages'>".htmlentities($row['msg'])."</span><br>";
But what if I want to allow some tags exceptions?
The result that I want is to disable any tag except <p><b><h2>
Example: (allowing <b> and disallowing <div>)
Expected Result:
sometext <div>sometext</div>
See the image:
This code does the job, parsing the HTML code using DOMDocument. It seemed somehow more reliable than regular expressions (what happens if the user inserts an attribute in a forbidden tag? maybe containing <>?), especially after reading this question; it requires more work though, and is not necessarily faster.
$allowed = ['strong']; // your allowed tags
$text = "<div>\n" .
" <div style=\"color: #F00;\">\n" .
" Your <strong>User Text</strong> with DIVs.\n".
" </div>\n" .
" more <strong>text</strong>\n" .
echo selective_escape($text, $allowed);
/* outputs:
<div style="color: #F00;">
Your <strong>User Text</strong> with DIVs.
more <strong>text</strong>
/** Escapes HTML entities everywhere but in the allowed tags.
function selective_escape($text, $allowed_tags) {
$doc = new DOMDocument();
/* DOMDocument normalizes the document structure when loading,
adding a bunch of <p> around text where needed. We don't need
this as we're working only on small pieces of HTML.
So we pretend this is a piece of XML code.
// $doc->loadHTML($text);
$doc->loadXML("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><body>" . $text . "</body>\n");
// find the body
$body = $doc->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0);
// do stuff
$child = $body->firstChild;
while ($child != NULL) {
$child = selective_escape_node($child, $allowed_tags);
// output the innerHTML. need to loop again
$retval = "";
$child = $body->firstChild;
while ($child != NULL) {
$retval .= $doc->saveHTML($child);
$child = $child->nextSibling;
return $retval;
/** Escapes HTML for tags that are not in $allowed_tags for a DOM tree.
* #returns the next sibling to process, or NULL if we reached the last child.
* The function replaced a forbidden tag with two text nodes wrapping the
* children of the old node.
function selective_escape_node($node, $allowed_tags) {
// preprocess children
if ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$child = $node->firstChild;
while ($child != NULL) {
$child = selective_escape_node($child, $allowed_tags);
// check if there is anything to do on $node as well
if ($node->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (!in_array($node->nodeName, $allowed_tags)) {
// move children right before $node
$firstChild = NULL;
while ($node->hasChildNodes()) {
$child = $node->firstChild;
if ($firstChild == NULL) $firstChild = $child;
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($child, $node);
// now $node has no children.
$outer_html = $node->ownerDocument->saveHTML($node);
// two cases. either ends in "/>", or in "</TAGNAME>".
if (substr($outer_html, -2) === "/>") {
// strip off "/>"
$outer_html = substr($outer_html, 0, strlen($outer_html) - 2);
} else {
// find the closing tag
$close_tag = strpos($outer_html, "></" . $node->nodeName . ">");
if ($close_tag === false) {
// uh-oh. something wrong
return NULL;
} else {
// strip "></TAGNAME>"
$outer_html = substr($outer_html, 0, $close_tag);
// put a textnode before the first child
$txt1 = $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode($outer_html . ">");
// and another before $node
$txt2 = $node->ownerDocument->createTextNode("</" . $node->nodeName . ">");
// note that createTextNode automatically escapes "<>".
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($txt1, $firstChild);
$node->parentNode->insertBefore($txt2, $node);
// pick the next node to process
$next = $node->nextSibling;
// remove node
return $next;
// go to next sibling
return $node->nextSibling;
Please be aware at bottom to set which tags would be allowed:
function strip_html_tags( $text )
$text = preg_replace(
// Remove invisible content
'#<b[^>]*?>.*?</b>#siu', // HERE IS YOUR DISSALOW TAG WITH CONTENT
// Add line breaks before and after blocks
' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
"\$0", "\$0", "\$0", "\$0", "\$0", "\$0",
"\$0", "\$0",
$text );
$to_strip = strip_tags( $text, '<b>' ); // STRIP YOUR BOLD TAGS
// add here to another + add content on above '#<b[^>]*?>.*?</b>#siu', and returns "\$0" on arrays
return $to_strip;
$e = '<b>from_bold_text</b><div>from_div_text</div>';
echo strip_html_tags($e);
shell:~$ php ar.php
shell:~$ cat ar.php
$t ="<b>sometext</b><div>sometext</div>";
$text = htmlentities($t, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
$text = htmlspecialchars_decode($text);
$text = strip_tags($text, "<p><b><h2>");
echo $text;
shell:~$ php ar.php
Note: strip_tags will NOT remove a values inside it, only tags will be removed.
$text = 'sometextsometext';
$text2 = strip_tags($text, '');
var_dump($text2); // it will show allowed tags and values.
For removing a values inside it use regex or another function with CONTENT ON MANUAL:
function strip_tags_content($text, $tags = '', $invert = FALSE) {
preg_match_all('/<(.+?)[\s]*\/?[\s]*>/si', trim($tags), $tags);
$tags = array_unique($tags[1]);
if(is_array($tags) AND count($tags) > 0) {
if($invert == FALSE) {
return preg_replace('#<(?!(?:'. implode('|', $tags) .')\b)(\w+)\b.*?>.*?</\1>#si', '', $text);
else {
return preg_replace('#<('. implode('|', $tags) .')\b.*?>.*?</\1>#si', '', $text);
elseif($invert == FALSE) {
return preg_replace('#<(\w+)\b.*?>.*?</\1>#si', '', $text);
return $text;
Sample text:
$text = '<b>sample</b> text with <div>tags</div>';
Result for strip_tags($text):
sample text with tags
Result for strip_tags_content($text):
text with
Result for strip_tags_content($text, '<b>'):
<b>sample</b> text with
Result for strip_tags_content($text, '<b>', TRUE);
text with <div>tags</div>
Your expectation:
$text = '<b>sometext_from_bold</b><div>sometext_from_div</div>';
// here goes function function strip_tags_content($text, $tags = '', $invert = FALSE) {
.... }
// Your results
echo strip_tags_content($text, '<b>', FALSE);
I have a huge HTML code in a PHP variable like :
$html_code = '<div class="contianer" style="text-align:center;">The Sameple text.</div><br><span>Another sample text.</span>....';
I want to display only first 500 characters of this code. This character count must consider the text in HTML tags and should exclude HTMl tags and attributes while measuring the length.
but while triming the code, it should not affect DOM structure of HTML code.
Is there any tuorial or working examples available?
If its the text you want, you can do this with the following too
Ooohh... I know this I can't get it exactly off the top of my head but you want to load the text you've got as a DOMDOCUMENT
then grab the text from the entire document node (as a DOMnode
This won't be exactly right, but hopefully this will steer you onto the right track.
Try something like:
$html_code = '<div class="contianer" style="text-align:center;">The Sameple text.</div><br><span>Another sample text.</span>....';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$text_to_strip = $dom->textContent;
$stripped = mb_substr($text_to_strip,0,500);
echo "$stripped"; // The Sameple text.Another sample text.....
edit ok... that should work. just tested locally
Now that I understand you want to keep the tags, but limit the text, lets see. You're going to want to loop the content until you get to 500 characters. This is probably going to take a few edits and passes for me to get right, but hopefully I can help. (sorry I can't give undivided attention)
First case is when the text is less than 500 characters. Nothing to worry about. Starting with the above code we can do the following.
if (strlen($stripped) > 500) {
// this is where we do our work.
$characters_so_far = 0;
foreach ($dom->child_nodes as $ChildNode) {
// should check if $ChildNode->hasChildNodes();
// probably put some of this stuff into a function
$characters_in_next_node += str_len($ChildNode->textcontent);
if ($characters_so_far+$characters_in_next_node > 500) {
// remove the node
// try using
// $ChildNode->parentNode->removeChild($ChildNode);
$characters_so_far += $characters_in_next_node
$final_out = $dom->saveHTML();
} else {
$final_out = $html_code;
i'm pasting below a php class i wrote a long time ago, but i know it works. its not exactly what you're after, as it deals with words instead of a character count, but i figure its pretty close and someone might find it useful.
class HtmlWordManipulator
var $stack = array();
function truncate($text, $num=50)
if (preg_match_all('/\s+/', $text, $junk) <= $num) return $text;
$text = preg_replace_callback('/(<\/?[^>]+\s+[^>]*>)/','_truncateProtect', $text);
$words = 0;
$out = array();
$text = str_replace('<',' <',str_replace('>','> ',$text));
$toks = preg_split('/\s+/', $text);
foreach ($toks as $tok)
if (preg_match_all('/<(\/?[^\x01>]+)([^>]*)>/',$tok,$matches,PREG_SET_ORDER))
foreach ($matches as $tag) $this->_recordTag($tag[1], $tag[2]);
$out[] = trim($tok);
if (! preg_match('/^(<[^>]+>)+$/', $tok))
if (!strpos($tok,'=') && !strpos($tok,'<') && strlen(trim(strip_tags($tok))) > 0)
echo '<hr />';
echo htmlentities('failed: '.$tok).'<br /)>';
echo htmlentities('has equals: '.strpos($tok,'=')).'<br />';
echo htmlentities('has greater than: '.strpos($tok,'<')).'<br />';
echo htmlentities('strip tags: '.strip_tags($tok)).'<br />';
echo str_word_count($text);
if ($words > $num) break;
$truncate = $this->_truncateRestore(implode(' ', $out));
return $truncate;
function restoreTags($text)
foreach ($this->stack as $tag) $text .= "</$tag>";
return $text;
private function _truncateProtect($match)
return preg_replace('/\s/', "\x01", $match[0]);
private function _truncateRestore($strings)
return preg_replace('/\x01/', ' ', $strings);
private function _recordTag($tag, $args)
if (strlen($args) and $args[strlen($args) - 1] == '/') return;
else if ($tag[0] == '/')
$tag = substr($tag, 1);
for ($i=count($this->stack) -1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
if ($this->stack[$i] == $tag) {
array_splice($this->stack, $i, 1);
else if (in_array($tag, array('p', 'li', 'ul', 'ol', 'div', 'span', 'a')))
$this->stack[] = $tag;
else return;
truncate is what you want, and you pass it the html and the number of words you want it trimmed down to. it ignores html while counting words, but then rewraps everything in html, even closing trailing tags due to the truncation.
please don't judge me on the complete lack of oop principles. i was young and stupid.
so it turns out the usage is more like this:
$content = $manipulator->restoreTags($manipulator->truncate($myHtml,$numOfWords));
stupid design decision. allowed me to inject html inside the unclosed tags though.
I'm not up to coding a real solution, but if someone wants to, here's what I'd do (in pseudo-PHP):
$html_code = '<div class="contianer" style="text-align:center;">The Sameple text.</div><br><span>Another sample text.</span>....';
$aggregate = '';
$document = XMLParser($html_code);
foreach ($document->getElementsByTagName('*') as $element) {
$aggregate .= $element->text(); // This is the text, not HTML. It doesn't
// include the children, only the text
// directly in the tag.
So I need to strip the span tags of class tip.
So that would be <span class="tip"> and the corresponding </span>, and everything inside it...
I suspect a regular expression is needed but I terribly suck at this.
$string = 'April 15, 2003';
$pattern = '/(\w+) (\d+), (\d+)/i';
$replacement = '${1}1,$3';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);
Gives no error... But
$str = preg_replace('<span class="tip">.+</span>', "", '<span class="rss-title"></span><span class="rss-link">linkylink</span><span class="rss-id"></span><span class="rss-content"></span><span class=\"rss-newpost\"></span>');
echo $str;
Gives me the error:
Warning: preg_replace() [function.preg-replace]: Unknown modifier '.' in <A FILE> on line 4
previously, the error was at the ); in the 2nd line, but now.... >.>
This is the "proper" method (adapted from this answer).
$str = '<div>lol wut <span class="tip">remove!</span><span>don\'t remove!</span></div>';
function recurse(&$doc, &$parent) {
if (!$parent->hasChildNodes())
for ($i = 0; $i < $parent->childNodes->length; ) {
$elm = $parent->childNodes->item($i);
if ($elm->nodeName == "span") {
$class = $elm->attributes->getNamedItem("class")->nodeValue;
if (!is_null($class) && $class == "tip") {
recurse($doc, $elm);
// Load in the DOM (remembering that XML requires one root node)
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadXML("<document>" . $str . "</document>");
// Iterate the DOM
recurse($doc, $doc->documentElement);
// Output the result
foreach ($doc->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes as $node) {
echo $doc->saveXML($node);
<div>lol wut <span>don't remove!</span></div>
A simple regular expression like:
<span class="tip">.+</span>
Wont work, the issue being that if another span was opened and closed inside the tip span, your regex will terminate with its ending, rather than the tip one. DOM Based tools like the one linked in the comments will really provide a more reliable answer.
As per my comment below, you need to add pattern delimiters when working with regular expressions in PHP.
$str = preg_replace('\<span class="tip">.+</span>\', "", '<span class="rss-title"></span><span class="rss-link">linkylink</span><span class="rss-id"></span><span class="rss-content"></span><span class=\"rss-newpost\"></span>');
echo $str;
may be moderately more successful. Please take a look at the documentation page for the function in question.
Now without regexp, and without heavy XML parsing:
$html = ' ... <span class="tip"> hello <span id="x"> man </span> </span> ... ';
$tag = '<span class="tip">';
$tag_close = '</span>';
$tag_familly = '<span';
$tag_len = strlen($tag);
$p1 = -1;
$p2 = 0;
while ( ($p2!==false) && (($p1=strpos($html, $tag, $p1+1))!==false) ) {
// the tag is found, now we will search for its corresponding closing tag
$level = 1;
$p2 = $p1;
$continue = true;
while ($continue) {
$p2 = strpos($html, $tag_close, $p2+1);
if ($p2===false) {
// error in the html contents, the analysis cannot continue
echo "ERROR in html contents";
$continue = false;
$p2 = false; // will stop the loop
} else {
$level = $level -1;
$x = substr($html, $p1+$tag_len, $p2-$p1-$tag_len);
$n = substr_count($x, $tag_familly);
if ($level+$n<=0) $continue = false;
if ($p2!==false) {
// delete the couple of tags, the farest first
$html = substr_replace($html, '', $p2, strlen($tag_close));
$html = substr_replace($html, '', $p1, $tag_len);
I want to truncate some text (loaded from a database or text file), but it contains HTML so as a result the tags are included and less text will be returned. This can then result in tags not being closed, or being partially closed (so Tidy may not work properly and there is still less content). How can I truncate based on the text (and probably stopping when you get to a table as that could cause more complex issues).
substr("Hello, my <strong>name</strong> is <em>Sam</em>. I´m a web developer.",0,26)."..."
Would result in:
Hello, my <strong>name</st...
What I would want is:
Hello, my <strong>name</strong> is <em>Sam</em>. I´m...
How can I do this?
While my question is for how to do it in PHP, it would be good to know how to do it in C#... either should be OK as I think I would be able to port the method over (unless it is a built in method).
Also note that I have included an HTML entity ´ - which would have to be considered as a single character (rather than 7 characters as in this example).
strip_tags is a fallback, but I would lose formatting and links and it would still have the problem with HTML entities.
Assuming you are using valid XHTML, it's simple to parse the HTML and make sure tags are handled properly. You simply need to track which tags have been opened so far, and make sure to close them again "on your way out".
header('Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
function printTruncated($maxLength, $html, $isUtf8=true)
$printedLength = 0;
$position = 0;
$tags = array();
// For UTF-8, we need to count multibyte sequences as one character.
$re = $isUtf8
? '{</?([a-z]+)[^>]*>|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;|[\x80-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]*}'
: '{</?([a-z]+)[^>]*>|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;}';
while ($printedLength < $maxLength && preg_match($re, $html, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $position))
list($tag, $tagPosition) = $match[0];
// Print text leading up to the tag.
$str = substr($html, $position, $tagPosition - $position);
if ($printedLength + strlen($str) > $maxLength)
print(substr($str, 0, $maxLength - $printedLength));
$printedLength = $maxLength;
$printedLength += strlen($str);
if ($printedLength >= $maxLength) break;
if ($tag[0] == '&' || ord($tag) >= 0x80)
// Pass the entity or UTF-8 multibyte sequence through unchanged.
// Handle the tag.
$tagName = $match[1][0];
if ($tag[1] == '/')
// This is a closing tag.
$openingTag = array_pop($tags);
assert($openingTag == $tagName); // check that tags are properly nested.
else if ($tag[strlen($tag) - 2] == '/')
// Self-closing tag.
// Opening tag.
$tags[] = $tagName;
// Continue after the tag.
$position = $tagPosition + strlen($tag);
// Print any remaining text.
if ($printedLength < $maxLength && $position < strlen($html))
print(substr($html, $position, $maxLength - $printedLength));
// Close any open tags.
while (!empty($tags))
printf('</%s>', array_pop($tags));
printTruncated(10, '<b><Hello></b> <img src="world.png" alt="" /> world!'); print("\n");
printTruncated(10, '<table><tr><td>Heck, </td><td>throw</td></tr><tr><td>in a</td><td>table</td></tr></table>'); print("\n");
printTruncated(10, "<em><b>Hello</b>w\xC3\xB8rld!</em>"); print("\n");
Encoding note: The above code assumes the XHTML is UTF-8 encoded. ASCII-compatible single-byte encodings (such as Latin-1) are also supported, just pass false as the third argument. Other multibyte encodings are not supported, though you may hack in support by using mb_convert_encoding to convert to UTF-8 before calling the function, then converting back again in every print statement.
(You should always be using UTF-8, though.)
Edit: Updated to handle character entities and UTF-8. Fixed bug where the function would print one character too many, if that character was a character entity.
I've written a function that truncates HTML just as yous suggest, but instead of printing it out it puts it just keeps it all in a string variable. handles HTML Entities, as well.
* function to truncate and then clean up end of the HTML,
* truncates by counting characters outside of HTML tags
* #author alex lockwood, alex dot lockwood at websightdesign
* #param string $str the string to truncate
* #param int $len the number of characters
* #param string $end the end string for truncation
* #return string $truncated_html
* **/
public static function truncateHTML($str, $len, $end = '…'){
//find all tags
$tagPattern = '/(<\/?)([\w]*)(\s*[^>]*)>?|&[\w#]+;/i'; //match html tags and entities
preg_match_all($tagPattern, $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER );
//WSDDebug::dump($matches); exit;
$i =0;
//loop through each found tag that is within the $len, add those characters to the len,
//also track open and closed tags
// $matches[$i][0] = the whole tag string --the only applicable field for html enitities
// IF its not matching an &htmlentity; the following apply
// $matches[$i][1] = the start of the tag either '<' or '</'
// $matches[$i][2] = the tag name
// $matches[$i][3] = the end of the tag
//$matces[$i][$j][0] = the string
//$matces[$i][$j][1] = the str offest
while($matches[$i][0][1] < $len && !empty($matches[$i])){
$len = $len + strlen($matches[$i][0][0]);
if(substr($matches[$i][0][0],0,1) == '&' )
$len = $len-1;
//if $matches[$i][2] is undefined then its an html entity, want to ignore those for tag counting
//ignore empty/singleton tags for tag counting
if(!empty($matches[$i][2][0]) && !in_array($matches[$i][2][0],array('br','img','hr', 'input', 'param', 'link'))){
//double check
if(substr($matches[$i][3][0],-1) !='/' && substr($matches[$i][1][0],-1) !='/')
$openTags[] = $matches[$i][2][0];
elseif(end($openTags) == $matches[$i][2][0]){
$warnings[] = "html has some tags mismatched in it: $str";
$closeTags = '';
if (!empty($openTags)){
$openTags = array_reverse($openTags);
foreach ($openTags as $t){
$closeTagString .="</".$t . ">";
// Finds the last space from the string new length
$lastWord = strpos($str, ' ', $len);
if ($lastWord) {
//truncate with new len last word
$str = substr($str, 0, $lastWord);
//finds last character
$last_character = (substr($str, -1, 1));
//add the end text
$truncated_html = ($last_character == '.' ? $str : ($last_character == ',' ? substr($str, 0, -1) : $str) . $end);
//restore any open tags
$truncated_html .= $closeTagString;
$truncated_html = $str;
return $truncated_html;
100% accurate, but pretty difficult approach:
Iterate charactes using DOM
Use DOM methods to remove remaining elements
Serialize the DOM
Easy brute-force approach:
Split string into tags (not elements) and text fragments using preg_split('/(<tag>)/') with PREG_DELIM_CAPTURE.
Measure text length you want (it'll be every second element from split, you might use html_entity_decode() to help measure accurately)
Cut the string (trim &[^\s;]+$ at the end to get rid of possibly chopped entity)
Fix it with HTML Tidy
I used a nice function found at, apparently taken from CakePHP
The following is a simple state-machine parser which handles you test case successfully. I fails on nested tags though as it doesn't track the tags themselves. I also chokes on entities within HTML tags (e.g. in an href-attribute of an <a>-tag). So it cannot be considered a 100% solution to this problem but because it's easy to understand it could be the basis for a more advanced function.
function substr_html($string, $length)
$count = 0;
* $state = 0 - normal text
* $state = 1 - in HTML tag
* $state = 2 - in HTML entity
$state = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) {
$char = $string[$i];
if ($char == '<') {
$state = 1;
} else if ($char == '&') {
$state = 2;
} else if ($char == ';') {
$state = 0;
} else if ($char == '>') {
$state = 0;
} else if ($state === 0) {
if ($count === $length) {
return substr($string, 0, $i + 1);
return $string;
you can use tidy as well:
function truncate_html($html, $max_length) {
return tidy_repair_string(substr($html, 0, $max_length),
array('wrap' => 0, 'show-body-only' => TRUE), 'utf8');
Could use DomDocument in this case with a nasty regex hack, worst that would happen is a warning, if there's a broken tag :
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$dom->loadHTML(substr("Hello, my <strong>name</strong> is <em>Sam</em>. I´m a web developer.",0,26));
$html = preg_replace("/\<\/?(body|html|p)>/", "", $dom->saveHTML());
echo $html;
Should give output : Hello, my <strong>**name**</strong>.
I've made light changes to Søren Løvborg printTruncated function making it UTF-8 compatible:
/* Truncate HTML, close opened tags
* #param int, maxlength of the string
* #param string, html
* #return $html
function html_truncate($maxLength, $html){
$printedLength = 0;
$position = 0;
$tags = array();
while ($printedLength < $maxLength && preg_match('{</?([a-z]+)[^>]*>|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;}', $html, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $position)){
list($tag, $tagPosition) = $match[0];
// Print text leading up to the tag.
$str = mb_strcut($html, $position, $tagPosition - $position);
if ($printedLength + mb_strlen($str) > $maxLength){
print(mb_strcut($str, 0, $maxLength - $printedLength));
$printedLength = $maxLength;
$printedLength += mb_strlen($str);
if ($tag[0] == '&'){
// Handle the entity.
// Handle the tag.
$tagName = $match[1][0];
if ($tag[1] == '/'){
// This is a closing tag.
$openingTag = array_pop($tags);
assert($openingTag == $tagName); // check that tags are properly nested.
else if ($tag[mb_strlen($tag) - 2] == '/'){
// Self-closing tag.
// Opening tag.
$tags[] = $tagName;
// Continue after the tag.
$position = $tagPosition + mb_strlen($tag);
// Print any remaining text.
if ($printedLength < $maxLength && $position < mb_strlen($html))
print(mb_strcut($html, $position, $maxLength - $printedLength));
// Close any open tags.
while (!empty($tags))
printf('</%s>', array_pop($tags));
$bufferOuput = ob_get_contents();
$html = $bufferOuput;
return $html;
Bounce added multi-byte character support to Søren Løvborg's solution - I've added:
support for unpaired HTML tags (e.g. <hr>, <br> <col> etc. don't get closed - in HTML a '/' is not required at the end of these (in is for XHTML though)),
customisable truncation indicator (defaults to &hellips; i.e. … ),
return as a string without using output buffer, and
unit tests with 100% coverage.
All this at Pastie.
Another light changes to Søren Løvborg printTruncated function making it UTF-8 (Needs mbstring) compatible and making it return string not print one. I think it's more useful.
And my code not use buffering like Bounce variant, just one more variable.
UPD: to make it work properly with utf-8 chars in tag attributes you need mb_preg_match function, listed below.
Great thanks to Søren Løvborg for that function, it's very good.
/* Truncate HTML, close opened tags
* #param int, maxlength of the string
* #param string, html
* #return $html
function htmlTruncate($maxLength, $html)
$printedLength = 0;
$position = 0;
$tags = array();
$out = "";
while ($printedLength < $maxLength && mb_preg_match('{</?([a-z]+)[^>]*>|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;}', $html, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $position))
list($tag, $tagPosition) = $match[0];
// Print text leading up to the tag.
$str = mb_substr($html, $position, $tagPosition - $position);
if ($printedLength + mb_strlen($str) > $maxLength)
$out .= mb_substr($str, 0, $maxLength - $printedLength);
$printedLength = $maxLength;
$out .= $str;
$printedLength += mb_strlen($str);
if ($tag[0] == '&')
// Handle the entity.
$out .= $tag;
// Handle the tag.
$tagName = $match[1][0];
if ($tag[1] == '/')
// This is a closing tag.
$openingTag = array_pop($tags);
assert($openingTag == $tagName); // check that tags are properly nested.
$out .= $tag;
else if ($tag[mb_strlen($tag) - 2] == '/')
// Self-closing tag.
$out .= $tag;
// Opening tag.
$out .= $tag;
$tags[] = $tagName;
// Continue after the tag.
$position = $tagPosition + mb_strlen($tag);
// Print any remaining text.
if ($printedLength < $maxLength && $position < mb_strlen($html))
$out .= mb_substr($html, $position, $maxLength - $printedLength);
// Close any open tags.
while (!empty($tags))
$out .= sprintf('</%s>', array_pop($tags));
return $out;
function mb_preg_match(
$pn_flags = 0,
$pn_offset = 0,
$ps_encoding = NULL
) {
// WARNING! - All this function does is to correct offsets, nothing else:
//(code is independent of PREG_PATTER_ORDER / PREG_SET_ORDER)
if (is_null($ps_encoding)) $ps_encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
$pn_offset = strlen(mb_substr($ps_subject, 0, $pn_offset, $ps_encoding));
$ret = preg_match($ps_pattern, $ps_subject, $pa_matches, $pn_flags, $pn_offset);
if ($ret && ($pn_flags & PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE))
foreach($pa_matches as &$ha_match) {
$ha_match[1] = mb_strlen(substr($ps_subject, 0, $ha_match[1]), $ps_encoding);
return $ret;
Use the function truncateHTML() from:
Example: truncate after 9 characters including the ellipsis:
truncateHTML(9, "<p><b>A</b> red ball.</p>", ['wholeWord' => false]);
// => "<p><b>A</b> red ba…</p>"
Features: UTF-8, configurable ellipsis, include/exclude length of ellipsis, self-closing tags, collapsing spaces, invisible elements (<head>, <script>, <noscript>, <style>, <!-- comments -->), HTML $entities;, truncating at last whole word (with option to still truncate very long words), PHP 5.6 and 7.0+, 240+ unit tests, returns a string (doesn't use the output buffer), and well commented code.
I wrote this function, because I really liked Søren Løvborg's function above (especially how he managed encodings), but I needed a bit more functionality and flexibility.
The CakePHP framework has a HTML-aware truncate() function in the Text Helper that works for me. See Text. MIT license. Link to source (provided by #Quentin).
This is very difficult to do without using a validator and a parser, the reason being that imagine if you have
<div id='x'>
<div id='y'>
How do you plan to truncate that and end up with valid HTML?
After a brief search, I found this link which could help.