Yii client side validation doesn't work - php

There is a page with a link inside the "body" tag.
When the link is inserted the following view is rendered in fancybox.
<div class="form">
$model = new User;
$form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
)); ?>
<p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'username'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'username'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'username'); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'password'); ?>
<?php echo $form->passwordField($model,'password'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'password'); ?>
<div class="row buttons">
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('sign up',array('name'=>'submit')); ?>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
</div><!-- form -->
When the above code is inserted without fancybox the client validation script is inserted correctly, but when in fancybox there are no jQuery validation functions inserted to the page.
What can be the problem?
(siteController code is inserted here on purpose)

Your problem is most likely how you send the HTML to Fancybox. If you do a renderPartial (as alluded to by user1248203), you need to make sure you have renderPartial postprocess the view that is sent back (post-processing includes javascript/css files that you want rendered along with the view itself).
More info on the CController page
One other thing to note: when you do the post-processing, you will need to make sure that the Javascript for your Fancybox (and possibly jQuery, etc) isn't sent back again. It can cause some really confusing problems. To keep the files from being re-sent over Ajax, use this:
Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['jquery.js'] = false;
Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap['jquery.min.js'] = false;
Yii::app()->clientscript->scriptMap['jquery-ui.min.js'] = false;
Also note that jquery.js is sent when you're debugging on a dev server (with YII_DEBUG set to true), but jquery.min.js is sent on production servers (where YII_DEBUG is set to false). That's bitten me :-) You can see it defined in framework/web/js/packages.php

Is the code called from an Ajax call (renderPartial) or is it called direct? Ajax calls (renderPartial) do not include the javascript validation function, only the whole page does.


Yii: from a view, how do I found out where a variable came from?

In a Yii project passed to me, there's a function that creates (or shows?) a textbox when the button/link Comment is clicked. From there, the user can create Comments, which will be displayed in a row.
I'm trying to see if I can create an edit comment function, so I thought I could go about this by copying the Comment function - it'll show a textbox, and the user can input the new text in there. And instead of adding a new comment, it will edit the existing one.
But I hit a snag, as apparently the view.php makes use of a variable that I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to use in _comments.php - the file responsible for displaying the individual comments, afaik.
Here's the code for view.php:
echo '<script>alert("'.Yii::app()->user->getFlash('message').'");</script>';
<?php $starter = Persons::model()->findByAttributes(array('party_id'=>$model->party_id));?>
<div id="forum_main_box">
<div class="comment-icon-textbox">
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Comment',array('forum/callcommentform'),
'update' => '#render_div'.$model->id,
)); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="forum_comment_headerbox">
<div id="render_div<?=$model->id?>" class="comment-form">
Of that code, below is the Comment link I spoke of:
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('Comment',array('forum/callcommentform'),
'update' => '#render_div'.$model->id,
)); ?>
<?php } ?>
This block displays the list of comments, and what (I assume to be) the space where the textbox will pop up when the above Comment is clicked:
<div id="render_div<?=$model->id?>" class="comment-form">
Notice that both makes use of $model. It first appeared in the code as $model->title.
And here's a shortened version of the _comments.php, which is used for the comment rows and the comment box.
<?php $comment = $data; ?>
<div class="other-member-comment-box">
<?php $person=Persons::model()->findByAttributes(array('party_id'=>$comment->party_id)); ?>
$location = empty($country) ? '' : ' - '.$country->name;
// $model->title;
<?php if (Yii::app()->user->id == $person->party_id || Yii::app()->partyroles->isAdmin()) {
<p class="admin-commands">
<?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode('Edit'),array('forum/editcomment','reply'=>$data->id,'topic'=>$data->content_id)); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxLink('EditTestComment',array('forum/callcommentform'),array('update' => '#render_div'.$model->id,'data'=>array('id'=>$model->content_id),)); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::link(CHtml::encode('Delete'),array('forum/delete','reply'=>$data->id,'topic'=>$data->content_id),array('confirm'=>'Are you sure you want to delete this item?')); ?>
<div id="render_div<?=$model->id?>" class="comment-form">
<?php } ?>
Under <p class="admin-commands">, there's a EditTestComment link which is a straight up copy of the Comment code from the view.php. This doesn't work, of course, because of this:
2016/04/07 10:24:03 [error] [php] Undefined variable: model
Where'd $model come from in view.php? Because putting in the same line ($model->title) anywhere in _comments.php just breaks it further.
EDIT: Here's the CallComment part of the controller:
public function actionCallCommentForm($id='')
$this->renderPartial('_commentform', array(
'model'=>new Comment,
$model variable is coming from your controller initially. It is an instance of a Comment class which gets passed to the view via $this->render('view', array('model'=>$whatever)). This line will make $whatever available in the forum/view.php file under the name of $model. Now since you are dealing with partial views you have to track it because it is possible that the same $model variable will be passed to another partial view with $this->renderPartial('_comment', array('whatever'=>$model)) and now this will be accessible in partial view as $whatever.

Got server error trying to display image with Yii

I have a problem that I can't get displayed picture with yii. Add 'enctype' form, but that doesn't helped.
This is in view:
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'htmlOptions'=>array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data')
)); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'pic'); ?>
<?php echo CHtml::activeFileField($model, 'pic'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'pic'); ?>
I got this error
Here I want to get picture displayed
<?php echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl.'/protected/prod_pictures/'.$model->pic,"pics",array("width"=>200)); ?>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
I would like to have this picture visible alredy before the form is submitted (now I need to reload page), but I will try to solve it after this problem.
Any suggestions?
The folder in which you are storing images should be outside the protected folder and not in it. The protected folder is named as such since one cannot directly access its contents through a webserver by default.

Yii Submit Form in View page

I just started working with yii and I stumbled upon a problem.
I have a table called "users" and a table called "messages".
I basically want to have a page where I can view a user's details but also send him a message that would be saved in the message table.
I have a view called "user/view.php" which consists of:
<h1>View User #<?php echo $model->id; ?></h1>
<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
)); ?>
<?php $message=new Message;
echo $this->renderPartial('_messagesend', array('model'=>$message)); ?>
the _messagesend form (created using gii) looks like:
<div class="form">
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
)); ?>
<p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>
<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>
//for the sake of simplicity lets just insert the id's manually for now
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'idFrom'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'idFrom'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'idFrom'); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'idTo'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'idTo'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'idTo'); ?>
<div class="row">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'msg'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'msg'); ?>
<?php echo $form->error($model,'msg'); ?>
<div class="row buttons">
<?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Send'); ?>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
</div><!-- form -->
I have a simple view in my UserController to display the details info:
public function actionView($id)
And now I want to figure out how i can add the controller to save the message. After gii creation I get a code which I tried to use and modify a little bit:
public function actionMessagesend()
$model=new Message;
I tried to add this controller function in the UserController.php but it doesn't seem to work, I tried to add the same function to MessageController.php but it also doesn't seem to work. I tried to remove all the code and only add a redirect to show if the controllercode actually hits but it doesn't redirect (i tried it both in usercontroller and messagecontroller). So I have a feeling my code isn't reached. You guys have any idea what I'm missing here?
Maybe a little extra question: Is there a better suggestion to do what I want to do?
Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
Your message sending action isn't reached because by default the CActiveForm submits to the current page, so you will have to add the message processing to the view action, or you will need to set the action property for your CActiveForm.
Here is the link to the property documentation: http://www.yiiframework.com/doc/api/1.1/CActiveForm#action-detail
So the form widget in the view should be something like:
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'action' => array( '/message/messageSend' ), // change depending on your project
)); ?>
You can also achieve this by editing the submit button in the view page like this:
<?php echo CHtml::button('Send', array('submit' => array('message/messageSend')));?>

Get PHP script result from a page with HTML content by AJAX

I have a PHP page with HTML content in it. Now I run some PHP codes between HTMLs and I get some results. The fact is, when I try to get a respond from this page by AJAX it'll show me the whole page content and plus the result I was looking for. What can I do to prevent the page from writing extra content. I know whenever something get printed on page it'll go as respond to the AJAX call but I want a way to somehow fix this.
My page file (name: page.php):
<?php echo $Content->GetData('HEADER'); ?>
<div id="Content">
<div id="Page">
<?php if($Content->GetData('PAGE','IS_TRUE')) : ?>
<?php if(NULL !== $Content->GetData('PAGE','TITLE')) : ?>
<?php echo $Content->GetPlugins("Page:" . $Content->GetData('PAGE','ID') . ",BeforeTitle"); ?>
<div id="Title" dir="rtl">
<?php echo $Content->GetData('PAGE','TITLE'); ?>
<?php echo $Content->GetPlugins("Page:" . $Content->GetData('PAGE','ID') . ",AfterTitle"); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="Content" dir="rtl">
<div style="float: right; width: 966px; padding: 6px">
<?php echo $Content->GetPlugins("Page:" . $Content->GetData('PAGE','ID') . ",BeforeContent"); ?>
<?php echo $Content->GetData('PAGE','CONTENT'); ?>
<?php echo $Content->GetPlugins("Page:" . $Content->GetData('PAGE','ID') . ",AfterContent"); ?>
<?php else : ?>
<div id="Content" dir="rtl">
<div style="float: right; width: 966px; padding: 6px">
There is no page like this in our archives.
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $Content->GetData('FOOTER'); ?>
If I write an address in my browser like this localhost/cload/blog?action=rate it'll go through my redirection list and show the page.php with blog plugin loaded. The problem is I want to call my blog plugin by AJAX through this address but it will first render the page data.
Sorry if this is messy.
I'd suggest modifying page.php to be some functions, primarily a data processing function, and then an output function. Then, when you load the page, put a check in for whether it's an AJAX request, and if so, echo the data you want as JSON, otherwise render the page using the output function.
Alternatively, you could create a second, separate page, but that could be more difficult to maintain than a single file.
Yes, you should check whether your request is a ajax request, if it is so you should change your response to return only the result whatever want.
This php code will give an rough idea on this.
return new Response(json_encode($data_array));
Hope this will help.

how to create widget in Yii based on existing login action view?

how to create a widget out of an existing login action view ?
this is what I currently have in my login.php view file of the site's controller actinLogin()
<div id="login-wrapper">
<div class="login-container">
<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id'=>'login-form','enableAjaxValidation'=>true,)); ?>
<div class="login-input">
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'username'); ?>
<?php echo $form->textField($model,'username',array('placeholder'=>'username')); ?>
<?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'password'); ?>
<?php echo $form->passwordField($model,'password',array('placeholder'=>'password')); ?>
<div id="bmenu">
<ul class="menu">
<li class="register"><?php echo CHtml::link("Registration", array('wsmembers/register'));?></li>
<li class="login"><?php echo CHtml::submitButton('Login',array('id'=>'login_button')); ?></li>
<?php $this->endWidget(); ?>
</div><!-- .login-container -->
<div class="login-bg-bottom"></div>
if I click the default login link from the navbar, that's the only time that code above shows
the login box at the upper right corner of the page
but the problem is, the login box should be at the homepage and must already be there
without clicking a login link at the navbar. so how am i gonna do that? this have something to do with main.php layout file right?
What you have defined is a view that is used for content. If you click the link the login action will be executed and it it will show the form.
If you want this to be shown always, just do a Yii::app()->controller->renderPartial on the view. Note that it cannot be $this->renderPartial as you would normally do since the main layout is not executed by the controller. I usually define an alias called "userViews" that points to protected/views so I can do:
Or something like that. Hope that helps :)
As for the alias you can add this to your config:
Yii::setPathOfAlias('userViews', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../protected/views');
This is assuming your views are indeed under protected views.
