I'm very new to php and so far in everything I have wanted to do I have been able to search the web for a solution. And after hours of reading what I could find and still not being able to figure it out I come to you..
Here is what I'm doing I'm creating a form where someone can upload some information and then that information populates in to an inventory page as long as well as there own page, and create a more in depth full page for each submission based on a template. All form information is stored in a mysql database.
I have gotten all if to work except the last piece. I'm trying to use fwrite to do this. I'll post what I have for that section. I do know that I'm missing some major steps here. Any guidance or a point in the right direction would be nice.
// For use in creating individual page
$tpl_file = "properties.php"; // template
$tpl_path = "pages/"; // where template is stored
$submissions_path = "new-pages/"; // where new file will be stored
$fp = fopen($submissions_path, "w");
fwrite($fp, $tpl_file);
You're opening a directory using a file operation, which will not work. fopen() works on FILES, not directories.
Most likely what you're after is
$path = $submissions_path . $tpl_path . $tpl_file;
$fp = fopen($path, 'w') or die("Failed open $path for writing");
Note the added or die() business - it is always a good idea to verify that a file system operation succeeded (or failed) before you proceed. Assuming success will bite you in the rump at some point.
I have a small number of image files and text files. They have the same file name with different extensions. I need to read the image files and for each image I need to read some (tool top) text from the corresponding text file. The problem is the file open inside the "foreach( glob("inserts/*.png")" loop fails. I have output the filename and the fopen works fine. I thought it may be you are unable to open two file concurrently in PHP but I could find nothing about it when I googled
foreach( glob("inserts/*.png" ) as $filename ) {
$insertpath=substr($filename, 0, -3)."txt";
$myfile = fopen($insertpath, "r");
$HTML5.="<img class='insertimage' src='".$path."' title='".$name."' onclick='insertcomponent(\"".$insertpath."\")'>";
One day I hope I know enough to answer questions instead of just asking them. :(
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to open multiple files and no reason the foreach should break anything that works. My hunch is that the path you're trying to open is wrong. I suggest either debugging the code to see the variables or add an echo to see their content. You should also check if fopen() and fread() don't return some false because they failed. Good luck :)
I have a PHP code that connects to a FTP server, reads a file's content, makes a minor change, and than overrides the original file.
it looks like:
$stream_context = stream_context_create(array('ftp' => array('overwrite' => true)));
$file_content = file_get_contents($ftp_file); // this line works
$file_content = str_replace('some content', 'another content', $file_content); // this also..
file_put_contents($ftp_file, $file_content, 0, $stream_context); // this one doesn't :/
the real issue is that the "file_put_contents" worked for a long time, but now it doesn't.
what it does now is weird: it deletes the original file from the server..
also, if i'm changing it to something like:
file_put_contents($new_ftp_file, $file_content);
from what I know, it should create the new file and put the content in it, but it doesn't create it at all.
the hosting service i'm using has a PHP version change a few days ago. I don't remember the what the previous version was, but the current is: 5.2.17
thanks! :)
some changes
I found this piece: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.file-put-contents.php#86864
doting the same as "file_put_contents" but with foen, fwrite and fclose (I send his example because of the results..). his functions is returning "false" if it couldn't to "fopen" the file, or the "bytes" if it succeeded. I got "false" :/
which means it couldn't even do the:
#fopen($filename, 'w');
although the "file_get_contents" with the same file address is working.
reading is working (but if you take the $filename and use it yourself on a client FTP - it works):
#fopen($filename, 'r');
the "open base_dir" for my hosting (which makes the action) is set to false, but the target hosting (which has the target-file) is set to be true.
I had an idea to save the new content on a new file, so I tried something like:
$f = #fopen($new_ftp_file, 'w'); //this one seems to work and connect
fwrite($f, $file_content); // this one seems to work either and returning the number of byes..
the problem is that none of them really works. I logged in to the FTP address, using the same credentials that my script is using, and I haven't found the new file. It wasn't created at all. (as I remind you, "$new_ftp_file" is a path to a file that doesn't exists, so "w" mode on "fopen" should create it).
file_put_contents do erase the file by default if it already exists. You have to ask him to don't.
Look at here:
See: If filename does not exist, the file is created. Otherwise, the existing file is overwritten, unless the FILE_APPEND flag is set.
this is not the best solution (definitely), but I managed to figure something..
I used 2 different hosts on them same hosting service, both of the having "open base_dir = On" & "safe mode = Off".
it looks something like:
$ftpstring = "ftp://user:password#anotherhosteddomain.com";
$file = file_get_contents($ftpstring . 'index.html'); // this line works as expected. (yeah, the other hosting has this file);
and then, if you're trying to write something like:
$handler = fopen($ftpstring.'index.html', "w");
it wouldn't work, and tell you it cannot access on writing mode to an existing file.
so if you're doing something like:
$newfile_handler = fopen($ftpstring.'index_new_version.html', "w");
fwrite($newfile, "1122");
so yeah - it works!
but now is a tricky issue.. when i'm adding this line:
the new file is deleted from the hosting!!
I couldn't find any reason why "fclose" is deleting the file after it was create at "fopen" and written in at "fwrite".
so if you're not adding the "fclose" line - it works, but it doesn't close the connection, and also I have to actually delete the existing file before I can override it with a new content, which makes it silly..
although it works, I would really like someone to give me a better solution than mine.
I recently made a PHP program to count how many users are online using a program I created. It works like this:
Client sends register request to server (registerMember.php)
Server checks if the user is already online
If the user isn't already online, increment a number in a file
Write the persons username to a text file
My problem is that a lot of people would register in at the same time, and that would create a blank file.
$file_handle = fopen("registeredMembers", "r");
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
$line = fgets($file_handle);
$fp = fopen('registeredMembers', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $line);
This is happening because there are two requests happening at the same time, and before the program writes the incremented version of the variable, another request has read a blank file before writing. Is there a better way I could be doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Try blocking the file with flock after you open it (see the example inside).
I'm using this code below that simply takes the name of an artist submitted through a form and saves it as a html file on the server.
if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
$fileName = $_GET['artist'].".html";
$fileHandler = fopen($fileName, 'w') or die("can't create file");
What I'm trying to work out is how I could possibly add any code within the file before it is saved. That way every time a user adds an artist I can include my template code within the file. Any help would be great :)
Use fwrite.
Two things:
file_put_contents as a whole will be faster.
Your design is a very bad idea. They can inject a file anywhere on your filesystem, e.g. artist=../../../../etc/passwd%00 would try to write to /etc/passwd (%00 is a NUL byte, which causes fopen to terminate the string in C - unless that's been fixed).
fwrite() allows you to write text to the file.
if (isset($_GET['artist'])) {
$fileName = $_GET['artist'].".html";
$fileHandler = fopen($fileName, 'w') or die("can't create file");
fwrite($fileHandler, 'your content goes here');
Warning - be very careful about what you write to the filesystem. In your example there is nothing stopping someone from writing to parts of the filesystem that you would never have expected (eg. artist='../index'!).
I sincerely recommend that you think twice about this, and either save content to a database (using appropriate best practices, ie http://php.net/manual/en/security.database.sql-injection.php) or at least make sure that you limit the characters used in the filename strings (eg. only allow characters A-Z or a-z and '_', for example). It's dangerous and exploitable otherwise, and at the very least you run the risk of your site being defaced or abused.
As others have said - you should be able to write php code to the filesystem with fwrite.
I experimenting with twitter streaming API,
I use Phirehose to connect to twitter and fetch the data but having problems storing it in files for further processing.
Basically what I want to do is to create a file named
for every hour of connection.
Here is how my code looks like right now (not handling the hourly change of files)
public function enqueueStatus($status)
$data = json_decode($status,true);
if(isset($data['text'])/*more conditions here*/) {
$fp = fopen("/tmp/$time.txt");
fwirte ($status,$fp);
Help is as always much appreciated :)
You want the 'append' mode in fopen - this will either append to a file or create it.
if(isset($data['text'])/*more conditions here*/) {
$fp = fopen("/tmp/" . date("YmdH") . ".txt", "a");
fwrite ($status,$fp);
From the Phirehose googlecode wiki:
As of Phirehose version 0.2.2 there is
an example of a simple "ghetto queue"
included in the tarball (see file:
ghetto-queue-collect.php and
ghetto-queue-consume.php) that shows
how statuses could be easily collected
on to the filesystem for processing
and then picked up by a separate
process (consume).
This is a complete working sample of doing what you want to do. The rotation time interval is configurable too. Additionally there's another script to consume and process the written files too.
Now if only I could find a way to stop the whole sript, my log keeps filling up (the script continues execution) even if I close the browser tab :P