I'm trying to match the value of query v in the following regex:
A sample url:
The url is always www and I'm only trying to match the v value. Does anyone know what's wrong with my syntax?
Use the parse_url() function. It's way easier to use:
$url_components = parse_url("http://www.domain.com/videos/video.php?v=9Gu0sd2dmm91B9b1");
echo $url_components['query'];
From there I think you can do the rest and slice off the first couple of letters. Once you do that you're left with only the stuff after v=.
you forget the capital letters
You are not escaping the period '.' in video.php. I also use a different delimiter if I am escaping paths/URL's - like this:
preg_match( "#http://www\.domain\.code/videos/video\.php\?.*v=([^&]*)#", $url, $matches );
If the v= is in the middle of the query string,
.. will match everything up to another & symbol, just in case characters other than alphas and _,- end up in there for some reason.
I'm trying to retrieve the followed by count on my instagram page. I can't seem to get the Regex right and would very much appreciate some help.
Here's what I'm looking for:
That's the beginning of the string, and I want the 4 numbers after that.
$string = preg_replace("{y"\"count":([0-9]+)\}","",$code);
Someone suggested this ^ but I can't get the formatting right...
You haven't posted your strings so it is a guess to what the regex should be... so I'll answer on why your codes fail.
This is very far from the correct preg_replace usage. You need to give it the replacement string and the string to search on. See http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace.php
Your second usage:
$string = preg_replace(/^y":{"count[0-9]/","",$code);
Is closer but preg_replace is global so this is searching your whole file (or it would if not for the anchor) and will replace the found value with nothing. What your really want (I think) is to use preg_match.
$string = preg_match('/y":\{"count(\d{4})/"', $code, $match);
$counted = $match[1];
This presumes your regex was kind of correct already.
Per your update:
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/aR2iU2/1
$code = 'y":{"count:1234';
$string = preg_match('/y":\{"count:(\d{4})/', $code, $match);
$counted = $match[1];
echo $counted;
PHP Demo: https://eval.in/489436
I removed the ^ which requires the regex starts at the start of your string, escaped the { and made the\d be 4 characters long. The () is a capture group and stores whatever is found inside of it, in this case the 4 numbers.
Also if this isn't just for learning you should be prepared for this to stop working at some point as the service provider may change the format. The API is a safer route to go.
This regexp should capture value you're looking for in the first group:
Use it with preg_match_all function to easily capture what you want into array (you're using preg_replace which isn't for retrieving data but for... well replacing it).
Your regexp isn't working because you didn't escaped curly brackets. And also you didn't put count quantifier (plus sign in my example) so it would only capture first digit anyway.
I am looking for a way to get a valid url out of a string like:
$string = 'http://somesite.com/directory//sites/9/my_forms/3-895a3e/somefilename.jpg|:||:||:||:|19845';
My original solution was:
preg_match('#^[^:|]*#', str_replace('//', '/', $string), $modifiedPath);
But obviously its going to remove a slash from the http:// instead of the one in the middle of the string.
My expected output that I want from the original is:
I could always break off the http part of the string first but would like a more elegant solution in the form of regex if possible. Thanks.
This will do exactly what you are asking:
$string = 'http://somesite.com/directory//sites/9/my_forms/3-895a3e/somefilename.jpg|:||:||:||:|19845';
preg_match('/^([^|]+)/', $string, $m); // get everything up to and NOT including the first pipe (|)
$string = $m[1];
$string = preg_replace('/(?<!:)\/\//', '/' ,$string); // replace all occurrences of // as long as they are not preceded by :
echo $string; // outputs: http://somesite.com/directory/sites/9/my_forms/3-895a3e/somefilename.jpg
(?<!X) in regular expressions is the syntax for what is called a lookbehind. The X is replaced with the character(s) we are testing for.
The following expression would match every instance of double slashes (/):
But we need to make sure that the match we are looking for is NOT preceded by the : character so we need to 'lookbehind' our match to see if the : character is there. If it is then we don't want it to be counted as a match:
The ! is what says NOT to match in our lookbehind. If we changed it to (?=:)\/\/ then it would only match the double slashes that did have the : preceding them.
Here is a Quick tutorial that can explain it all better than I can lookahead and lookbehind tutorial
Assuming all your strings are in the form given, you don't need any but the simplest of regexes to do this; if you want an elegant solution, then a regex is definitely not what you need. Also, double slashes are legal in a URL, just like in a Unix path, and mean the same thing a single slash does, so you don't really need to get rid of them at all.
Why not just
$url = array_shift(preg_split('/\|/', $string));
If you really, really care about getting rid of the double slashes in the URL, then you can follow this with
$url = preg_replace('/([^:])\/\//', '$1/', $url);
or even combine them into
$url = preg_replace('/([^:])\/\//', '$1/', array_shift(preg_split('/\|/', $string)));
although that last form gets a little bit hairy.
Since this is a quite strictly defined situation, I'd consider just one preg to be the most elegant solution.
From the top of my head:
$sanitizedURL = preg_replace('~((?<!:)/(?=/)|\\|.+)~', '', $rawURL);
Basically, what this does is look for any forward slash that IS NOT preceded by a colon (:), and IS followed bij another forward slash. It also searches for any pipe character and any character following it.
Anything found is removed from the result.
I can explain the RegEx in more detail if you like.
This is the text sample:
$text = "asd dasjfd fdsfsd http://11111.com/asdasd/?s=423%423%2F gfsdf http://22222.com/asdasd/?s=423%423%2F
asdfggasd http://3333333.com/asdasd/?s=423%423%2F";
This is my regex pattern:
preg_match_all( "#http:\/\/(.*?)[\s|\n]#is", $text, $m );
That match the first two urls, but how do I match the last one? I tried adding [\s|\n|$] but that will also only match the first two urls.
Don't try to match \n (there's no line break after all!) and instead use $ (which will match to the end of the string).
I'd love to hear why my initial idea doesn't work, so in case you know it, let me know. I'd guess because [] tries to match one character, while end of line isn't one? :)
This one will work:
preg_match_all('#http://(\S+)#is', $text, $m);
Note that you don't have to escape the / due to them not being the delimiting character, but you'd have to escape the \ as you're using double quotes (so the string is parsed). Instead I used single quotes for this.
I'm not familar with PHP, so I don't have the exact syntax, but maybe this will give you something to try. the [] means a character class so |$ will literally look for a $. I think what you'll need is another look ahead so something like this:
I apologize if this is way off, but maybe it will give you another angle to try.
See What is the best regular expression to check if a string is a valid URL?
It has some very long regular expressions that will match all urls.
I'm new at regular expressions and wonder how to phrase one that collects everything after the last /.
I'm extracting an ID used by Google's GData.
my example string is
Where the ID is: p1f3JYcCu_cb0i0JYuCu123
Oh and I'm using PHP.
This matches at least one of (anything not a slash) followed by end of the string:
No parens because it doesn't need any groups - result goes into group 0 (the match itself).
Uses + (instead of *) so that if the last character is a slash it fails to match (rather than matching empty string).
But, most likely a faster and simpler solution is to use your language's built-in string list processing functionality - i.e. ListLast( Text , '/' ) or equivalent function.
For PHP, the closest function is strrchr which works like this:
strrchr( Text , '/' )
This includes the slash in the results - as per Teddy's comment below, you can remove the slash with substr:
substr( strrchr( Text, '/' ), 1 );
The data you want would then be the match of the first group.
Edit Since you’re using PHP, you could also use strrchr that’s returning everything from the last occurence of a character in a string up to the end. Or you could use a combination of strrpos and substr, first find the position of the last occurence and then get the substring from that position up to the end. Or explode and array_pop, split the string at the / and get just the last part.
You can also get the "filename", or the last part, with the basename function.
$url = 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/p1f3JYcCu_cb0i0JYuCu123';
echo basename($url); // "p1f3JYcCu_cb0i0JYuCu123"
On my box I could just pass the full URL. It's possible you might need to strip off http:/ from the front.
Basename and dirname are great for moving through anything that looks like a unix filepath.
^ = start of the row
.*\/ = greedy match to last occurance to / from start of the row
(.*) = group of everything that comes after the last occurance of /
you can also normal string split
$str = "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/p1f3JYcCu_cb0i0JYuCu123";
$s = explode("/",$str);
print end($s);
This pattern will not capture the last slash in $0, and it won't match anything if there's no characters after the last slash.
Edit: but it requires lookbehind, not supported by ECMAScript (Javascript, Actionscript), Ruby or a few other flavors. If you are using one of those flavors, you can use:
But it will capture the last slash in $0.
Not a PHP programmer, but strrpos seems a more promising place to start. Find the rightmost '/', and everything past that is what you are looking for. No regex used.
Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string
based on #Mark Rushakoff's answer the best solution for different cases:
$path = "http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/p1f3JYcCu_cb0i0JYuCu123?var1&var2#hash";
$vars =strrchr($path, "?"); // ?asd=qwe&stuff#hash
var_dump(preg_replace('/'. preg_quote($vars, '/') . '$/', '', basename($path))); // test.png
Regular Expression to collect everything after the last /
How to get file name from full path with PHP?
Here is the subject:
What I need using regex is only the bit before the last / (including that last / too)
The 937IPiztQG string may change; it will contain a-z A-Z 0-9 - _
Here's what I tried:
$code = strstr($url, '/http:\/\/www\.mysite\.com\/files\/get\/([A-Za-z0-9]+)./');
EDIT: I need to use regex because I don't actually know the URL. I have string like this...
a song
more text
oh and here goes some more blah blah
I need it to read that string and cut off filename part of the URLs.
You really don't need a regexp here. Here is a simple solution:
echo basename(dirname('http://www.mysite.com/files/get/937IPiztQG/the-blah-blah-text-i-dont-need.mov'));
// echoes "937IPiztQG"
Also, I'd like to quote Jamie Zawinski:
"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use regular expressions.' Now they have two problems."
This seems far too simple to use regex. Use something similar to strrpos to look for the last occurrence of the '/' character, and then use substr to trim the string.
How about something like this? Which should capture anything that's not a /, 1 or more times before a /.
The greediness of regexp will assure this works fine ^.*/
The strstr() function does not use a regular expression for any of its arguments it's the wrong function for regex replacement.
Are you thinking of preg_replace()?
But a function like basename() would be more appropriate.
Try this
if($ok) $code=$m[1];
Then give a good read to these pages
the use of "#" as a delimiter to avoid getting trapped into escaping too many "/"
the "i" flag making match insensitive
(allowing more liberal spellings of the MySite.com domain name)
the $m array of captured results