Finding the difference between 2 dates and iterating an image based on the difference - php

Ive managed to loop through a table and get the difference in days between 2 dates adjacent to each other in the table.
Multiple entries have the same date, i have it now that when that date changes, it displays an image however i want it to display the image as many times as the difference in date
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Films_Info")
or die(mysql_error());
$last_value = null;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql)) {
if (!is_null($last_value)) {
$a = new DateTime($row['FilmRelease']);
echo "<p>".$row['FilmName']."</p>";
$interval = $a->diff(new DateTime($last_value));
//echo $interval->format('%d days');
$i = 0;
$howManydays = $interval->days;
for ( $i; $howManydays; $i++) {
echo "<img src=\"day.jpg\" />";
$howManydays = 0;
$last_value = $row['FilmRelease'];

for ( $i = 0; $i < $howManydays; $i++) The second is a conditional statement telling when the loop should stop.
The first section in the for loop where it says $i = 0 initialized the variable $i to 0 and then tests the condition $i < $howManydays.
Let's say $howManydays equals 1. That means 0 < 1, so the loop will perform.
At the end of the loop, the third section is called ($i++), so $i is incremented and now equals 1. The second section is called again to test conditions $i < $howManydays which is asking if 1<1 which it's not, so the loop will exit.
So if $howManydays is greater than 0, the loop should happen the integer amount that is in $howManydays.
You will want to remove $howManydays = 0; within the for loop, if you don't want it to only fire once.
The for loop
for ( $i = 0; $i < $howManydays; $i++){
// ...
is somewhat equivalent to the while loop:
$i = 0;
while ( $i < $howManydays ){
// ...
} for more information
In your code above, you should also check if interval was set. You should probably just do an if rather than a while, if only need one interval.

you could just do a simple division on the interval and print out the image that many times
$last_value_u = $last_value->format('U');
$a_u = $a->format('U');
$interval = $a_u - $last_value_u;
$image_count = intval($interval/86400);
echo "<p><img src=\"day.jpg\" /></p>";
An alternative option would be to loop through the interval:
if(intval(($a_u - $i)/86400) == X)
// run special code for specific day
// run code for every other day


Pairwise function different calculation

i have this function:
function pairwiseDifference($arry)
$n = count($arry) - 1; // you can add the -1 here
$diff = 0;
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
// absolute difference between
// consecutive numbers
$diff = abs($arry[$i] - $arry[$i + 1]);
echo $diff." ";
array_push($result, $diff); // use array_push() to add new items to an array
return $result; // return the result array
$arry = array(20,10,10,50);
echo "<br> Percent of commisions are: ";
// this echos 10,0,40 and assigns whatever your function returns
// to the variable $diffArray
$diffArray = pairwiseDifference($arry);
The problem are that im not expecting this output
becouse first number of array (20) is my commission
and the other numbers are my parents commission (10,10,50).
So basically i need to output like this: (0,0,30)
becouse i take 20 of commission,
first parent not take nothing becouse are less of my commission (10)
second parent not take nothing becouse are less of my commission (10)
and only last parent take 30 becouse are greater than my commission (50 - 20 my commission).
Thanks in advance
Since your first element of the array is your commission and the others are the the commissions of parents, and since it seems that you don't want to include your commission in the result array, you can do something like this:
function pairwiseDifference($arry)
$n = count($arry);
$diff = 0;
$result = array();
$myComm = $arry[0]; // your commision
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++)
$diff = 0; // set $diff to 0 as default
if($myComm < $arry[$i]) // if your commision < parent commision
$diff = $arry[$i] - $myComm;
echo $diff." ";
array_push($result, $diff);
return $result;
$arry = array(20,10,10,50);
echo "<br> Percent of commisions are: ";
$diffArray = pairwiseDifference($arry);
echo $diffArray[0]; // prints 0
echo $diffArray[1]; // prints 0
echo $diffArray[2]; // prinst 30
To tweak the logic according to your code, there would be only 3 modifications.
Create a $max variable and assign it the value of $arry[0].
Make difference as 0 if current max is greater than current one, else take the difference.
Calculate the new max again using max() function.
function pairwiseDifference($arry)
$n = count($arry) - 1; // you can add the -1 here
$diff = 0;
$result = array();
$max = $arry[0]; // new addition
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; $i++) // new modification <= n instead of < n
// absolute difference between
// consecutive numbers
$diff = $max < $arry[$i] ? $arry[$i] - $max : 0; // new modification
$max = max($max, $arry[$i]); // new modification
echo $diff." ";
array_push($result, $diff); // use array_push() to add new items to an array
return $result; // return the result array
$arry = array(20,10,10,50);
echo "<br> Percent of commisions are: ";
// this echos 10,0,40 and assigns whatever your function returns
// to the variable $diffArray
$diffArray = pairwiseDifference($arry);

Optimisation of O(n4) complexity to O(n) in PHP nested for loop

I am writing one logic to iterate numbers first and then additional logic to putting them into particular subset of array.
What does this code do :
Code accept first $n
its create array of $n number from 1 to $n
Then started converting to subset of $main_array to possible one like
['1'] [1,2] [1,2,3] [2] [2,3] [3] etc. same like this
After creating subset i am counting those some subset which satisfy condition
Condition is xyz[0] should not come in subset with abc[0] vice versa xyz[i] should not come in subset abc[i]. Example 2 and 3 is coming subset then dont count that subset, same 1 and 4 is coming then dont count
here is my nested for loop :
$n = 1299;
$main_array = range(1,$n);
$counter = 0;
$count = sizeof($abc); // $abc and $xyz size will same always.
$abc = [2,1];
$xyz = [3,4];
for ($i=0; $i <$n; $i++) {
for($j = $i;$j < $n; $j++){
$interval_array = array();
for ($k = $i; $k <= $j; $k++){
for ($l=0; $l < $count ; $l++) {
//if block here to additional condition using in_array() php function. which do $counter--
if(in_array($abc[$l], $interval_array) &&
in_array($xyz[$l], $interval_array)){
$main_array i have to create on the spot after receiving $n values.
Following is cases :
when running $n = 4 its run in 4s
when running $n = 1200 or 1299 or more than 1000 its run in 60s-123s
Expected execution timing is 9s. I reduce from 124s to 65s by removing function calling inside for loop but its not coming to point.
Expectation of code is if i have array like
$array = [1,2,3];
subset need to generate :
Any help in this ?
It's difficult to test performance against your experience, but this solution removes one of the loops.
The way you repeatedly build $interval_array is not needed, what this code does is to just add the new value from the main array on each $j loop. This array is then reset only in the outer loop and so it just keeps the last values and adds 1 extra value each time...
for ($i=0; $i <$n; $i++) {
$interval_array = array();
for($j = $i;$j < $n; $j++){
// Check output
echo implode(",", $interval_array)."\n";
for ($l=0; $l < $count ; $l++) {
if(in_array($abc[$l], $interval_array) &&
in_array($xyz[$l], $interval_array)){
break 2;
adding "\n" to better understanding for subset flow.
import datetime
N = list(range(1, int(input("N:")) + 1))
affected_list = list(map(int, input("affected_list").split()))
poisoned_list = list(map(int, input("poisoned_list").split()))
start_time =
exclude_list = list(map(list, list(zip(affected_list, poisoned_list))))
final_list = []
for i in range(0, len(N)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(N) + 1):
if N[i:j] not in exclude_list:
end_time =
print("Total Time: ", (end_time - start_time).seconds)

Finding the averege in a loop counting to 100

I need to find the averege after using a loop counting ever 3rd to a 100. The loop part is easy enough, but I need to sum every value then divide the sum on the total of values.
for ($x = 3; $x < 100; $x+=3) {
echo $x.", ";
This is the loop I need to use. How to I sum the values this produces and how do I find how many values this loop produces?
I believe the intention here is to learn about loops, otherwise this stuff can be done without looping too.
For learning purpose, you can simply introduce two variables count and sum and compute them inside the loop. For count, you just increment it on each iteration. For sum, you add the current value of x into sum. After the loop you print both variables.
$count = 0;
$sum = 0;
for ($x = 3; $x < 100; $x+=3) {
echo $x.", ";
echo $sum;
echo $count;
add your elements into an array and then use array_sum to sum the array elements , then divide the sum by the count of your array
$arr = [];
for ($x = 3; $x < 100; $x+=3) {
// echo $x.", \n";
$arr[] = $x;
print_r(array_sum($arr) / count($arr));
// Output : 51
for ($x = 3; $x < 100; $x+=3) {
//total sum
$tempx = $tempx + $x;
//count of how many times the loop ran in this case 33 times
//first $i was 0 so we add 1
$i=$i + 1;
//getting the average
$average=$tempx / $i;
echo $average;
For the last answer i think we should not do:
//first $i was 0 so we add 1 $i=$i + 1;

Even distribution of PHP arrays across columns

So, I want to distribute evenly lists across 3 columns. The lists cannot be broken up or reordered.
At the moment, I have 5 lists each containing respectively 4, 4, 6, 3 and 3 items.
My initial approach was:
$lists = [4,4,6,3,3];
$columns = 3;
$total_links = 20;
$items_per_column = ceil($total_links/$columns);
$current_column = 1;
$counter = 0;
$lists_by_column = [];
foreach ($lists as $total_items) {
$counter += $total_items;
$lists_by_column[$current_column][] = $total_items;
if ($counter > $current_column*$links_per_column) {
Results in:
But, I want it to look like this:
I want to always have the least possible variation in length between the columns.
Other examples of expected results:
[6,4,4,6] => [[6], [4,4], [6]]
[4,4,4,4,6] => [[4,4], [4,4], [6]]
[10,4,4,3,5] => [[10], [4,4], [3,5]]
[2,2,4,6,4,3,3,3] => [[2,2,4], [6,4], [3,3,3]]
Roughly what you need to do is loop over the number of columns within your foreach(). That will distribute them for you.
$numrows = ceil(count($lists) / $columns);
$thisrow = 1;
foreach ($lists as $total_items) {
if($thisrow < $numrows){
for($i = 1; $i <= $columns; $i++){
$lists_by_column[$i][] = $total_items;
//this is the last row
//find out how many columns need to fit.
//1 column is easy, it goes in the first column
//2 columns is when you'll need to skip the middle one
//3 columns is easy because it's full
This will be an even distribution, from left to right. But you actually want a modified even distribution that will look symmetrical to the eye. So within the foreach loop, you'll need to keep track of 1.) if you're on the last row of three, and 2.) if there are 2 remainders, to have it skip col2 and push to col3 instead. You'll need to set that up to be able to play around with it,...but you're just a couple of logic gates away from the land of milk and honey.
So, I ended up using this code:
$lists = [4,4,6,3,3];
$columns = 3;
$total_links = 20;
$items_per_column = ceil($total_links/$columns);
$current_column = 1;
$lists_by_column = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($lists); $i++) {
$total = $lists[$i];
$lists_by_column[$current_column][] = $lists[$i];
//Loop until reaching the end of the column
while ($total < $items_per_column && $i+1 < count($lists)) {
if ($total + $lists[$i+1] > $items_per_column) {
$total += $lists[$i];
$lists_by_column[$current_column][] = $lists[$i];
//When exiting the loop the last time we need another break
if (!isset($lists[$i+1])) {break;}
//If the last item goes onto the next column
if (abs($total - $items_per_column) < abs($total + $lists[$i+1] - $items_per_column)) {
//If the last item goes onto the current column
} else if ($total + $lists[$i+1] > $items_per_column) {
$lists_by_column[$current_column][] = $lists[$i];

How can I loop through an array, starting at an offset and looping round again?

Newb question: I'm using a foreach loop to get items from an array.
I need to start looping at an offset number- (I'm using a $i variable to do this, no problem).
But when my foreach reaches the end of the array I want it to start going through the array again until it reaches the offset number.
I need to do this so I can have a user open any image in an artist's portfolio and have this image used as the first image presented in a grid of thumbnail icons , with all the other images subsequently populating the rest of the grid.
Any ideas?
Please bear in mind I'm new to PHP! :)
See below for an example of my current code...
$limit=50;// install this in the if conditional with the offset in it (below) to limit the number of thumbnails added to the page.
foreach($portfolio_image_array as $k=>$image_obj){//$k = an integer counter, $image_obj = one of the many stored imageObject arrays.
if ($i > $offset && $i < $limit) {// ignore all portfolio_array items below the offset number.
if ($img_obj->boolean_test_thing===true) {// OK as a way to test equivalency?
// do something
} else if ($img_obj->boolean_test_thing===false) { // Now add all the non-see_more small thumbnails:
// do something else
} else {
// error handler will go here.
} // end of offset conditional
}// end of add boolean_test_thing thumbnails foreach loop.
};// end of add thumbnails loop.
$i = 0;
$limit = 50;
$offset = $any_arbitrary_link_dependant_integer;
$count = count($portfolio_image_array);
foreach($portfolio_image_array as $k=>$image_obj){//$k = an integer counter, $image_obj = one of the many stored imageObject arrays.
if ($i > $offset && $i < $limit && $i < ($count - $offset)) {// ignore all portfolio_array items below the offset number.
if ($img_obj->boolean_test_thing===true) {// OK as a way to test equivalency?
// do something
} else if ($img_obj->boolean_test_thing===false) { // Now add all the non-see_more small thumbnails:
// do something else
} else {
// error handler will go here.
} // end of offset conditional
}// end of add boolean_test_thing thumbnails foreach loop.
Only thing I added was a $count variable.
Edit: If your array starts at 0 I would suggest you put the $i++; at the end of your foreach loop.
A simple method is to use two separate numeric for loops, the first going from offset to end, and the second going from beginning to offset.
// Create an example array - ignore this line
$example = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
$offset = 3;
// Standard loop stuff
$count = count($example);
for($i = $offset; $i < $count; $i++)
echo $example[$i]."<br />";
for($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++)
echo $example[$i]."<br />";
This is also almost certainly cheaper than doing multiple checks on every single element in the array, and it expresses exactly what you are trying to do to other programmers who look at this code - including yourself in 2 weeks time.
Edit: depending on the nature of the array, in order to use numeric keys you may first need to do $example = array_values($portfolio_image_array);.
Using Answer Question to force StackOverflow to let me post a decent length of text!
OK #Mark Walet et al, not sure how to post correctly on this forum yet but here goes. I got the issue sorted as follows:
$array_length = count($portfolio_image_array);
foreach($portfolio_image_array as $k=>$img_obj){// go through array from offset (chosen image) to end.
if ($i >= $offset && $i <= $array_length) {
echo write_thumbnails_fun($type_of_thumbnail, $image_path, $k, $i, $portfolio_image_array, $title, $image_original);
$t_total++;// update thumbnail total count.
}// end of foreach loop 1.
$looped=true;// Just FYI.
$i=0;// Reset.
foreach($portfolio_image_array as $k=>$img_obj){// go through array from beginning to offset.
if ($i < $offset) {
echo write_thumbnails_fun($type_of_thumbnail, $image_path, $k, $i, $portfolio_image_array, $title, $image_original);
}// end of foreach loop 2.
Thankyou so much for all the help!
as #arkascha suggested use modulo operator
$example = array(1,2,3,4,5,6);
$count = count($example);
$offset = 3;
for($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$idx = ($offset + $i) % count
echo $example[$idx]."<br />";
