MYSQL ordering columns in my query - php

I have been working on trying to get a bunch of data to work in a table structure displayed neatly using PHP, and I must say I am having a difficult time. I have finally been able to call the columns so that in case I add a field it will always add it in my table, and I hope for this to be very easily managed. However, when I initially set up the table, I put it in a random order. Now when I come use the DESCRIBE table it gives them to me in exact order, and I cannot find a way to organize them better. It would not make sense to say have month/year at the end of the database for my form that I have.
require 'connect.php';
<h3>Monthly Finances | Add New Month </h3>
<table border="1" bordercolor ="#000000">
$columns = "DESCRIBE `month` ";
if($query_run_columns = mysql_query($columns)){
$columnNames = array();
while($column = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run_columns)){
echo '<th>'.$column['Field'].'</th>';
echo'sql error';
$gatherdata = "SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month` ";
if($query_run = mysql_query($gatherdata)){
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run)){
$rent = $row['rent'];
$electric = $row['electric'];
$cable = $row['cable'];
$cellphone = $row['cellphone'];
$renters = $row['renters'];
$month = $row['month'];
$year = $row['year'];
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$month.'</td>';
echo '<td algin="center">'.$year.'</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$rent.'</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$electric.'</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$cable.'</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$cellphone.'</td>';
echo '<td align="center">'.$renters.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo 'query error';
<br>View by month
<form action="index.php" method="GET">
<select name="months" value="all">
$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month";
if($query_month_selector = mysql_query($gathermonths)){
while($month_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_month_selector)){
$month = $month_row['month'];
$year = $month_row['year'];
echo '<option value="'.$month.' '.$year.'">' .$month.' '.$year.'</option>';
echo $_GET['months'];
<input type="submit" value="View Selected Date"></input>
My code is very far from complete, or orderly but I have been slacking on this project and I will clean it up more when I have more time. But if you could please give me a hand on an efficient organizational method that would be appreciated.

Do your tables contain an index/id?
You can easily order them in ascending/descending by "ORDER BY"
ALTER TABLE `table_name` ORDER BY `id`
Note default ORDER BY is in ascending order. Put DESC at the end if you want descending.
If you want your mysql query to output results in a nice ordered fashion, you can also use ORDER BY in the query:
$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month` ORDER BY `month` DESC";
There is also GROUP BY functions in case you wanted to group your results by month:
$gathermonths = "SELECT `month`, `year` FROM `month` GROUP BY `month`";

Instead of the DESCRIBE query, you could use mysql_fetch_field. Then columns will always be in the same order you have on your SELECT:
$gatherdata = "SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month` ";
if($query_run = mysql_query($gatherdata)){
// Loop the columns to build the table headers
echo '<table>';
echo '<tr>';
while ($i < mysql_num_fields($query_run)) {
$field = mysql_fetch_field($query_run, $i);
echo '<th>' . $field->name . '</th>';
echo '</tr>';
// Your current data loop
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query_run)){
// (...)
echo '</table>'

Since you're already specifying which columns you're fetching, simply output the column headers explicitly rather than querying the database.
Contrariwise, if you want to abstract the HTML table generation code so that it works with arbitrary SQL tables (thus separating data access from display), record the column names as you generate the column headers in an array, then iterate over this array when outputting rows. You can also do away with the $rent = $row['rent']; assignments, as they gain you nothing. Using PDO:
/* data access */
$finances = $db->query('SELECT `month`, `year`,`rent`,`electric`,`cable`,`cellphone`,`renters` FROM `month`');
$columns = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $finances->columnCount(); ++$i) {
$meta = $finances->getColumnMeta($i);
$columns[$meta['name']] = ucwords($meta['name']);
/* data display. Note this is completely independent of the type used to store
the colum & row data. All that matters are that $columns and $finances are
<?php foreach ($columns as $name => $label): ?>
<th><?php echo $label ?></th>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php foreach ($finances as $monthly): ?>
<?php foreach ($columns as $name => $label): ?>
<td><?php echo $monthly[$name]; ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Error handling and abstraction into modules left as an exercise.


Add values from db to array, sort and display

I am getting some values from a mysql database, but the values in the db are not in order. I want to order the days of the week as SUN, MON, TUE, etc. and display the corresponding values from the db table. I am currently displaying the values from the db without sorting. And I add the values to an array. How can I sort and show the values in an html table? This is my code
$q3 = mysqli_query($link,"SELECT * FROM stores_op_hours WHERE Store_Id='$stid' ");
<table class="table ophours">
<thead class="thead-inverse">
<tr><th>Day</th><th>Open Time</th><th>Close Time</th></tr>
$myarray = array();
while($rw = mysqli_fetch_array($q3)){
$day = $rw['Day_Name'];
$op = $rw['Open_Time'];
$cl = $rw['Close_Time'];
//$day = strtoupper($day);
$myarray[] = array("day" => $day, "open" => $op, "close" => $cl);
<tr><td><?php echo $day; ?></td><td><?php echo $op; ?></td><td><?php echo $cl; ?></td></tr>
What you could do is the ORDER BY FIELD(id,3,2,1,4) solution. Then in the query you would specify the sort order for the Day_Name field, like so:
$q = sprintf("SELECT * FROM stores_op_hours WHERE Store_Id=%d
order by field(Day_Name,'SUN','MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT')",(int) $stid);
So the final edit (thanks to #Erik Dohmen) should look like:
$q = sprintf("SELECT * FROM stores_op_hours WHERE Store_Id=%d
order by field(Day_Name,'SUN','MON','TUE','WED','THU','FRI','SAT')",
(int) $stid);
$q3 = mysqli_query($link,$q);

Display columns with rows in php table

Hey guys I need your help, I have this table
and I want to shows like this FIDDLE, really I don't know how to do this because sometimes just exist two columns(prov_name ) and sometimes exist more that two rows please help me if you can !
Hope you understand me. Thanks so much !
In this way I can be able to select data from Joomla.
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT prov_name FROM provprices where CA_id = '.$CA_id;
$result = $db->loadObjectList();
$prov_name = $result[0];
echo $prov_name->prov_name;
First off, in order for your data to be presented like that obviously it must be grouped accordingly.
The first row is, the prov_name's, so you can use GROUP BY or you cal also do it in PHP. Based of the sample data, it should have from 1 to 6.
Then the second row is just a simple unitval and totval according to how many prov_name's.
Third is the and the rest is the grouping of the values. See Example:
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DATABASE_NAME;charset=utf8', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
$data = array();
$results = $db->query("SELECT * from YOUR_TABLE_NAME");
while($row = $results->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$data[$row['prov_name']][] = $row;
$keys = array_keys($data);
$size = count($keys);
$vals = array();
// grouping:
// if there are six (cam1 to cam6)
// then group them by cam1, ... to cam6, then repeat until theres no more left
while(count($data) > 0) {
foreach($keys as $key) {
if(!empty($data[$key])) {
$vals[] = array_shift($data[$key]);
} else {
unset($data[$key]); // remove them if empty
$vals = array_chunk($vals, $size); // split them by how many prov_names
<table border="1" cellpadding="10">
<!-- PROV NAMES -->
<tr><?php for($x = 1; $x <= $size; $x++): ?>
<th colspan="2"><?php echo "prov_name $x"; ?></th>
<?php endfor; ?></tr>
<!-- unitval totvals -->
<tr><?php for($x = 1; $x <= $size; $x++): ?>
<?php endfor; ?></tr>
<!-- the grouped values -->
<?php foreach($vals as $val): ?>
<?php foreach($val as $v): ?>
<td><?php echo $v['unitval']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $v['totval']; ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
I think you must do this first,
try looping to show prov_name in horizontal,
and then you fetch again in query with
"SELECT * FROM table_test where prov_name = '$prov_name'"
in Variable $prov_name you must have a value with CAM2 or CAM3 .etc
sorry just a logic :)

How do output combined results from two MySQL tables using PDO

I have the following two table structures in MySQL, which record details of a conference call and those participants that joined it:
Table: conference:
conference_sid, date_created, date_completed, RecordURL, PIN
*date_created and *date_completed are timestamps
Table: participants:
conference_sid, call_sid, call_from, name_recording
I want to output a simple table, that displays the following results for each conference_sid as a separate row:
<tr id="conference_sid">
<td>duration: [date_completed - date_created in h/mm/ss]</td>
<li>call_from [for all participants in that conference_sid]
Call recording
<tr id="conference_sid">
I only want this table to show relevant results for conferences that have the same PIN as the user's Session::get('PIN')
You can combine the participants using GROUP_CONCAT
TIMEDIFF(date_completed, date_created) AS duration,
GROUP_CONCAT(call_sid SEPARATOR ",") AS call_sid,
GROUP_CONCAT(call_from SEPARATOR ",") AS call_from,
GROUP_CONCAT(name_recording SEPARATOR ",") AS name_recording
conference conf
participants p ON p.conference_sid = conf.conference_sid
conf.PIN = 123
GROUP BY conf.conference_sid
Refer SQLFIDDLE and MySQL documentation about TIMEDIFF.
Now the application logic will be
$pin = 123;
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');
$stmt = $db->prepare(
timediff(date_completed, date_created) AS duration,
GROUP_CONCAT(call_sid SEPARATOR ",") AS call_sid,
GROUP_CONCAT(call_from SEPARATOR ",") AS call_from,
GROUP_CONCAT(name_recording SEPARATOR ",") AS name_recording
conference conf
participants p ON p.conference_sid = conf.conference_sid
conf.PIN = :pin
GROUP BY conf.conference_sid');
$stmt->bindParam(':pin', $pin);
<table border="1">
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
<td><?php echo $row['date_created']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['duration']; ?></td>
<table border="1">
$length = count(explode(',', $row['pid']));
$call_sid = explode(',', $row['call_sid']);
$call_from = explode(',', $row['call_from']);
$name_recording = explode(',', $row['name_recording']);
for ($i=0; $i < $length; $i++) {
<td> <?php echo $call_sid[$i]; ?> </td>
<td> <?php echo $call_from[$i]; ?></td>
<td> <?php echo $name_recording[$i]; ?> </td>
<a href="<?php echo $row['RecordURL']; ?>">
Call recording</a>
You will get the result set with comma(,) separated values in pid, call_sid, call_from, and name_recording. You can convert this string to array using explode.
array explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] )
Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string
formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the string delimiter.
I won't do the PHP part, as I am not that knowledgeable in PHP, but here is the SQL:
FROM `conference`, `participants`
WHERE `conference`.PIN = $PIN AND
`participants`.conference_sid = `conference`.conference_sid
This will return rows with the information from conference and the participants of those conferences, joined into one row.
The following query will give you the information you need to display:
SELECT c.conference_sid
, c.date_created
, timediff(c.date_completed, c.date_created) AS duration
, p.call_from
, p.name_recording
, c.RecordURL
FROM conference c
JOIN participants p
ON c.conference_sid = p.conference_sid
ORDER BY c.conference_sid
You will need to process the results with a nested loop. The outer loop should advance each time the conference_sid changes. The inner loop will display each element of the participants list for that conference.
This will be my take on it, it uses 2 separate queries to keep the data kinda separated. I use fetchAll() for brevity but this could have performance issues, luckily this can be accomodated. I didn't put any error checking, if you want it or you have questions, please ask
// assume $db is a PDO connection to the database
/* #var $db PDO */
$q = 'SELECT conference_sid, date_created, date_completed, RecordURL, PIN'
.' FROM conference';
// we need these
$conferences = $db->query($q)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,'stdClass');
// let's group them as CSV, and concatenate the contents with ":"
$q = 'SELECT conference_sid,GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT_WS(":",call_from,name_recording)) AS parts '
.' FROM participants GROUP BY conference_sid';
$conf_parts = array();
foreach ($db->query($q)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS,'stdClass') as $parts) {
// save the participants as an array, their data is still joined though
$conf_parts[$parts->conference_sid] = explode(',',$parts->parts);
// their contents will be exploded later
<tbody><?php foreach ($conferences as $conference) {
$csid = $conference->conference_sid;
// Create two new DateTime-objects...
$date1 = new DateTime($conference->date_completed);
$date2 = new DateTime($conference->date_created);
// The diff-methods returns a new DateInterval-object...
$diff = $date2->diff($date1);
?><tr id="<?php echo $csid; ?>">
<td><?php echo $conference->date_created; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $diff->format('H/i/s'); ?></td>
<ul><?php foreach ($conf_parts[$csid] as $participant) {
// we have each participant for this conference call
list ($call_from, $name_recording) = explode($participant,':');
// and now we have the required data from each participant
?><li><?php echo $call_from; ?></li><?php
} ?></ul>
Call recording
} ?></tbody>
In this particular contex I prefer to use two separated queries. Here's how I would do it:
try {
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', 'username', 'password');
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo 'Could not connect to db';
$stmt_conferences = $db->prepare(
timediff(date_completed, date_created) AS duration,
$stmt_conferences->bindParam(':pin', $pin);
$stmt_participants = $db->prepare(
$stmt_participants->bindParam(':confsid', $confsid);
$pin = 1; /* get your PIN here */
while ($row = $stmt_conferences->fetch()) {
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['date_created'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></td>
<td><?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['duration'], ENT_QUOTES); ?></td>
$confsid = $row['conference_sid'];
while ($participant = $stmt_participants->fetch()) {
<li><a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($participant['name_recording'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>">
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($participant['call_from'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>
<a href="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['RecordURL'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>">
Call recording</a>
Please notice that you have to add some code to handle errors and to correctly escape all data you echo (can you really trust your database?). Also element IDs should be unique within the entire document, you can have just one id="conference_sid" in your page. Use classes instead.
If you can really trust your database, then you can just output the contents of a field with code like this:
<?php echo $row['call_from']; ?>
but what happens if RecordURL contains for example the following string?
<script>alert("I am injecting some code....");</script>
It will happen that some unwanted code will be injected in your page, so it is always better yo use a safe function like htmlspecialchars() every time you need to echo some output:
<?php echo htmlspecialchars($row['call_from'], ENT_QUOTES); ?>
this way, any unwanted code won't be harmful.
I also added a basic TRY/CATCH construct to handle errors.
Hope this helps!
First, we need to get our result.
$vPIN = $_SESSION['PIN']; // or however you get your user's pin from session
$vQuery = "SELECT * FROM conference AS a LEFT JOIN participants as B USING (conference_sid) WHERE a.PIN='$vPIN'";
$oResult = $oDB->execute($vQuery);
$aRows = $oResult->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
note the prefixes: $v if for a simple variable, $o represents a ressource (which I like to think of as an object), $a represents an array. It's just for my mental sanity.
so now, we have an array, probably very big, containing every single row in the conference table times every corresponding row in the participants. Sweet, now let's build an array with some meaning in it.
foreach($aRows as $aRow) // maybe a bit confusing but the 's' changes everything: all rows vs one row
{if (!isset($aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['infos']))
{$aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['infos']['date_created'] = $aRow['date_created'];
$aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['infos']['date_completed'] = $aRow['date_completed'];
$aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['infos']['record_url'] = $aRow['RecordURL'];
$aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['infos']['pin'] = $aRow['PIN'];}
$aConferences[$aRow['conference_sid']]['participants'][] = $aRow['call_from'];}
so what happens here is that for each row, if the infos for corresponding conference_sid haven't been set, they will be, and then we create a list from 0 to x of each call_from for that conference. print_r of that array with dummy values:
[1627]['infos']['date_created'] = 2013-11-26
['date_completed'] = 2013-11-29
['record_url'] = ''
['PIN'] = 139856742
['participants'][0] = Bob
[1] = gertrude
[2] = Foo
[8542]['infos']['date_created'] = 2013-12-01
['date_completed'] = 2013-12-02
['record_url'] = ''
['PIN'] = 584217
['participants'][0] = Family Guy
[1] = aragorn
[2] = obama
[3] = Loki
so here is a nice array with which we can build a html table! let's do that
$vHTML = '<table>
foreach ($aConferences as $conference_sid => $aConference) // notice the s and no s again
{$vHTML.= '<tr id="' . $conference_sid . '">';
$vDateCreated = $aConference['infos']['date_created'];
$vDateCompleted = $aConference['infos']['date_completed'];
$vHTML.= '<td>' . $vDateCreated . '</td>';
$vHTML.= '<td>' . date('Y-m-d',(strtotime($vDateCompleted) - strtotime($vDateCreated))) . '</td>'; // you might have to debug that date diff for yourself.
$vHTML.= '<td><ul>'; // here a foreach for the participants
foreach ($aConference['participants'] as $call_from)
{$vHTML.= '<li>' . $call_from . '</li>';}
$vHTML.= '</ul></td>';
$vHTML.= '<td>' . $aConference['infos']['record_url'] . '</td>';
$vHTML.= '</tr>';}
$vHTML.= '</tbody></table>';
so here: for each conference create a table row with the infos, then for each participant, add a list item within the list. comment if you wish for any precision.
oh, and don't forget to do something with $vHTML. like echo $vHTML :)

Loop through database record to generate table

I want to construct an html table based on the returned results from the database. Assuming I have a table called constraints in my database and a column called riskName and it has these values: Security, Financial, Legal and Technical as shown in the image below. How do i loop through my database and come up with this table. I have tried different approach but no has worked. Here is my code so far:
$optioner = 12;
$getObs = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM constraints WHERE constraintsID = ?");
$riski->bindParam(1, $optioner);
$result = $riski->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
echo "<tr><td>".($result['riskName'])."<td><tr>";
//...other code
<?php };
I'm not sure if this will give you the exact table you're looking for, but it should at least put you on the right lines. Also, you weren't keeping your variables the same and notice how $result is set in the while loop
$optioner = 12;
$riski = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM constraints WHERE constraintsID = ?");
$riski->bindParam(1, $optioner);
<tr> <th>i</th> <th>Importance</th> <th>How Much More?</th> <tr>
while($result = $riski->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'. $result['riskName']).'<td>';
echo '<td>';
for ($i=1;$i<10;$i++){
//radio buttons go here
//...other code
Sorry I couldn't help more.
Hope this works for you.

msql fetch array no longer listing all results

I have a code that I have used over and over again before and now it's messing up. All I want to do is list information from the database into the table on the page, but now it will only show one result, instead of all the results it has found.
<tr><td style="background-color:#009745; color:#FFFFFF"><center><strong>Address Book</strong></center></td></tr>
$getids = mysql_query("SELECT id, first_name, last_name FROM accounts WHERE s1='$id' ORDER BY id DESC", $db);
if (mysql_num_rows($getids) > 0) {
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_array($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
<td><?= $ab_id ?> - <?= $ab_fn . " " . $ab_ln ?></td>
} else {
<td><center>No Contacts</center></td>
please help me with this.
Thank You for your help :)
I love this site!! I can always get answers when I need them.
I saw two thing wrong
you are using mysql_fetch_array and later you are using string indexes to print the result
print the things in loop it is overriding values and just storing last row
if (mysql_num_rows($getids) > 0) {
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_assoc($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
echo '<td>'.$ab_id.' -'. $ab_fn.''.$ab_ln.' </td>';
In this messy code you're closing the while loop too early:
while ($gids = mysql_fetch_array($getids)) {
$ab_id = $gids['id'];
$ab_fn = $gids['first_name'];
$ab_ln = $gids['last_name'];
Only the last retrieved row is used later on. Also, don't use mysql_fetch_array if you're not accessing the numeric indeces of your result. Use mysql_fetch_assoc instead.
