Getting database results from Array of IDs - php

Apologies for the newbishness of this question. I'm just starting a project and I have an array of IDs to grab certain records from a table. What's the best way to go about this?
Will the following work?
public function getWork($slideIDs) {
$params = array();
$params = $slideIDs;
$count = count($params);
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$STH = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT *
FROM slides
WHERE slideID = :slideID;");
$result = $STH->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;

Better to execute just one SQL statement using an IN clause
SELECT * FROM slides WHERE slideID IN (1,2,3,4,5, ...)
Since fewer connections and trips to the database is generally better for performance.
So just build that SQL string in your loop, then move the Execute to the bottom (outside your loop.)

Adjust your PHP to create a single query string with this format:
FROM slides
WHERE slideID IN (2,5,11)
Do not execute multiple queries. :)

Same as others ;)
Use implode($array, ",") to get the part which should go into the IN() statement

The following should work. Used implode to create the required string containing the IDs separated by comma to pass to SQL.
function getWork($slideIDs) {
$params = implode(",",$slideIDs);
$STH = $this->_db->prepare("SELECT *
FROM slides
WHERE slideID in ( :slideID );");
$result = $STH->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
return $result;


Workaround for nested while->fetch

Good day everyone!
Currently I'm trying to find a workaround for my problem. As fair as I am concerned, MySqli doesnt support nested fetch'es, therefore my function doesn't quite work. I've tried to find a fix, but had no luck. My current code:
function viewQuestionnaire($id){
$questionStmt = $this->connection->prepare("SELECT id, type, name FROM TAP_questions WHERE questionnaire_id=?;");
$questionStmt->bind_param("i", $id);
$questionStmt->bind_result($id, $type, $name);
$result = array();
while ($questionStmt->fetch()) {
$questions = new StdClass();
$questions->question_id = $id;
$questions->question_type = $type;
$questions->question_options = array();
$questions->question_name = $name;
$stmtOptions= $this->connection->prepare("SELECT id, options FROM TAP_options WHERE question_id=?;");
$stmtOptions->bind_param("i", $id);
$stmtOptions->bind_result($qu_id, $qu_opt);
while ($stmtOptions->fetch()) {
$options = new StdClass();
$options->option_id = $qu_id;
$options->option_name = $qu_opt;
array_push($questions->question_options, $options);
array_push($result, $questions);
return $result;
As you can see, i'm trying to grab values from database, depending on the question type. If the question type is "2", i need to grab "additional" values from another table. How do i do that?
I had more or less exactly this problem two weeks ago and found two working solutions:
1.) Nesting the queries, but using/initializing two different connections for them (even if it's to the same database)
2.) Doing one query first, saving the result in an array and using that array later inside the other query.
If you buffer the result, you can run the second query w/o loosing the result from the first query.
In Mysqli you buffer the result of an executed prepared statement (which by default is unbuffered) via the mysqli_stmt::store_result method.
$questionStmt = $connection->prepare(
"SELECT id, type, name FROM TAP_questions WHERE questionnaire_id=?;"
$questionStmt->bind_param("i", $id);
$questionStmt->bind_result($id, $type, $name);
/* store result */
/* free result */

Pulling data from mysql based on Array

I have a file file.php and inside my file I am using the code bellow to pull some data from my database and display some information.
My code is
$array = $_GET['theurl']; // My url looks like myfile.php?theurl=1,2,3 (id,s)
$sqlnt4 = "select * from mytable WHERE `id` IN ($array)";
$rsdt4 = mysql_query($sql);
$tc4a = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsdt4);
$mycomma4 = ",";
if ($tc4a['a_youtube'] == "#"){
while ($tc4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsdt4))
echo $tc4['a_youtube'];
echo ",";
I expect to echo the infos of the two id's (in array) inside my while function, but it returns the results only from the first.
Any ideas?
I am confusing on $sql :
$sqlnt4 = "select * from mytable WHERE `id` IN ($array)";
$rsdt4 = mysql_query($sql);
Can you take a look after changing below:
$sqlnt4 = "select * from mytable WHERE `id` IN ($array)";
$rsdt4 = mysql_query($sqlnt4);
First that's extremely vulnerable to security issues - I hope this isn't used in production and just for playing around.
I recommend switching to PDO, or at the very least securing your variables.
To put that array into the query, you need to implode it into a list, as such.
$list = implode(',', $array);
You can then use the list in the statement, which will look like 1,2,3.
I've just realized your $array value isn't actually an array - have you missed code out or is it badly named?
mysql_fetch_assoc: "Returns an associative array that corresponds to the fetched row and moves the internal data pointer ahead."
Try mysql_fetch_rows to return all matching rows into an array.

convert mysql query in to an array format

can any one know the, convert mysql query in to an php array:
this is mysql query :
SELECT SUM(time_spent) AS sumtime, title, url
FROM library
WHERE delete_status = 0
GROUP BY url_id
I want to convert this query in to simple php array .
So, you need to get data out of MySQL. The best way, hands down, to fetch data from MySQL using PHP is PDO, a cross-database access interface.
So, first let's connect.
// Let's make sure that any errors cause an Exception.
// <>
// We need some credentials...
$user = 'username';
$pass = 'password';
$host = 'hostname';
$dbname = 'database';
// PDO wants a "data source name," made up of those credentials.
// <>
$dsn = "mysql:host={$host};dbname={$dbname}";
$pdo = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
There, we've connected. Let's pretend that $sql has the SQL you provided in your question. Let's run the SQL:
$statement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
There, it's been executed. Let's talk about results. You steadfastly refuse to tell us how you want your data structured, so let's go through four ways that you could get your data.
Let's first assume that the query returns a single row. If you want a numerically indexed array, you would do this:
// <>
$array = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
If you want an associative array with the column names as the keys, you would do this:
$array = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Now, what if the query returns more than one record? If we want each row in a numerically indexed array, with each row as an associative array, we would do this:
// <>
$array = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
What if we want each row as a numerically indexed array instead? Can you guess?
$array = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
Tada. You now know how to query MySQL using the modern PDO interface and get your results as no less than four types of array. There's a tremendous number of other cool things that you can do in PDO with very minimal effort. Just follow the links to the manual pages, which I have quite intentionally not linked for you.
This over-the-top post has been brought to you by the letters T, F and W, and the number PHP_MAX_INT + 1.
i don't get you clearly, but
mysql_fetch_array and mysql_fetch_assoc
both returns only array
please refer:-
If you just need a simple array...
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { //you can assume rest of the code, right?
$result[$row['url_id']] = array($row['sumtime']);
For a simple array
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(time_spent) AS sumtime, title, url
FROM library
WHERE delete_status = 0
GROUP BY url_id
ORDER BY sumtime DESC");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
$array1 = $row['sumtime'];
$array2 = $row['title'];
$array3 = $row['url'];
Hope this is one you wanted
Dude the fastest way is probably the following
$data = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[] = $row;

Get the full result

Is there a PHP function to get the full result with a mysql query in a multidimensional array?
Usually I would make something like this:
$query = mysql_query = ("SELECT * FROM table");
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query){
echo $result[0];
You can create your own function like mysql_fetch_array_complete() and imagine that it's builtin ;-)
If you are using PDO to access mysql there is.
Otherwise you need to do it yourself.
$query = mysql_query = ("SELECT * FROM table");
$all_results = array();
while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query){
$all_results[] = $result;
The $all_results variable will be a multi-dimensional array with all the records.
You could always write your own function to do this, but it would often lead to an unnecessary iteration through the result set (once when you call your function, another time when you actually USE the resulting array).
Since you're in php5, you could create a database result class that implements the Iterator interface. Then, you can use your class in foreach () loops and have much of the ease-of-use that you get from an array.
As of PHP 5.3 there is a built in function:

How to get "field names" using PHP ADOdb?

I'm using PHP ADOdb and I can get the result set:
$result = &$db->Execute($query);
How do I get the field names from that one row and loop through it?
(I'm using access database if that matters.)
It will depend on your fetch mode - if you setFetchMode to ADODB_FETCH_NUM (probably the default) each row contains a flat array of columns. If you setFetchMode to ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC you get an associative array where you can access each value by a key. The following is taken from ADODB documentation -
$rs1 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
$rs2 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
print_r($rs1->fields); # shows array([0]=>'v0',[1] =>'v1')
print_r($rs2->fields); # shows array(['col1']=>'v0',['col2'] =>'v1')
To loop through a set of results:
$result = &$db->Execute($query);
foreach ($result as $row) {
Small improvement to the solution posted by #thetaiko.
If you are ONLY needing the field names, append LIMIT 1 to the end of your select statement (as shown below). This will tell the server to send you a single row with column names, rather than sending you the entire table.
I'm working with a table that contains 9.1M records, so this minor change speeds up the query significantly!
This is a function I use to return a field array - I've stripped out some extra stuff that, for example, allows it to work with other DBs than MySQL.
function getFieldNames($strTable, $cn) {
$aRet = array();
# Get Field Names:
$lngCountFields = 0;
$strSQL = "SELECT * FROM $strTable LIMIT 1;";
$rs = $cn->Execute($strSQL)
or die("Error in query: \n$strSQL\n" . $cn->ErrorMsg());
if (!$rs->EOF) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $rs->FieldCount(); $i++) {
$fld = $rs->FetchField($i);
$aRet[$lngCountFields] = $fld->name;
$rs = null;
return $aRet;
Edit: just to point out that, as I say, I've stripped out some extra stuff, and the EOF check is therefore no longer necessary in the above, reduced version.
I initally tried to use MetaColumnNames, but it gave differing results in VisualPHPUnit and actual site, while running from the same server, so eventually
I ended up doing something like this:
$sql = "select column_name, column_key, column_default, data_type, table_name, table_schema from information_schema.columns";
$sql .= ' where table_name="'.$table.'" and table_schema="'.$database_name.'"';
$result = $conn->Execute($sql);
while($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
$out[] = strToUpper($row['column_name']);
I think it should work with mysql, mssql and postgres.
The benefit of doing it like this, is that you can get the column names, even if a query from a table returns an empty set.
If you need the Coloumn names even for empty tables or for joins about multiple tables use this:
$db->Execute("SELECT .......");
// FieldTypesArray - Reads ColoumnInfo from Result, even for Joins
$colInfo = $res->FieldTypesArray();
$colNames = array();
foreach($colInfo as $info) $colNames[] = $info->name;
The OP is asking for a list of fieldnames that would result of executing an sql statement stored in $query.
Using $result->fetchRow(), even with fetch mode set to associative, will return nothing if no records match the criteria set by $query. The $result->fields array would also be empty and would give no information for getting the fieldnames list.
Actually, we don't know what's inside the $query statement. Besides, setting limit to 1 may not compatible with all database drivers supported by PHP ADOdb.
Answer by Radon8472 is the right one, but the correct code could be:
$result = $db->Execute($query);
// FieldTypesArray - an array of ADOFieldObject Objects
// read from $result, even for empty sets or when
// using * as field list.
$colInfo = [];
if (is_subclass_of($result, 'ADORecordSet')){
foreach ($result->FieldTypesArray() as $info) {
$colInfo[] = $info->name;
I have the habit of checking the class name of $result, for as PHP ADOdb will return false if execution fails.
