I have Adjacency list mode structure like that and i want to count all title of parent according level like Food = (2,4,3), Fruit = (3,3)
tree tabel structure
after that make tree like that
by this code i m getting right total like for Food =9, Fruit = 6
function display_children($parent, $level)
$result = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM tree '.'WHERE parent="'.$parent.'"');
$count = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data= str_repeat(' ',$level).$row['title']."\n";
echo $data;
$count += 1 + $this->display_children($row['title'], $level+1);
return $count;
call function
display_children(Food, 0)
Result : 9 // but i want to get result like 2,4,3
But i want to get count total result like that For Food 2,4,3 and For Fruit 3,3 according level
so plz guide how to get total according level
function display_children($parent, $level)
$result = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM tree '.'WHERE parent="'.$parent.'"');
$count = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data= str_repeat(' ',$level).$row['title']."\n";
echo $data;
$count .= (1 + $this->display_children($row['title'], $level+1));
$count = ", ".(1 + $this->display_children($row['title'], $level+1));
return $count;
Lets try this once..
If you want to get amounts by level, then make the function return them by level.
function display_children($parent, $level)
$result = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM tree WHERE parent="'.$parent.'"');
$count = array(0=>0);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data= str_repeat(' ',$level).$row['title']."\n";
echo $data;
$children= $this->display_children($row['title'], $level+1);
foreach ($children as $child)
if ($child==0)
if (isset($count[$index]))
$count[$index] += $child;
$count[$index] = $child;
return $count;
Note that its hard for me to debug the code as i dont have your table. If there is any error let me know and i will fix it.
Anyways result will be array
which should contain amounts of levels specified by indices:
$result=display_children("Food", 0) ;
var_export($result);//For exact info on all levels
echo $result[0];//First level, will output 2
echo $result[1];//Second level, will output 4
echo $result[2];//Third level, will output 3
And by the way there is typo in your database, id 10 (Beef) should have parent "Meat" instead of "Beat" i guess.
If you want to see testing page, its here.
This article has all you need to creates a tree with mysql, and how count item by level
If you don't mind changing your schema I have an alternative solution which is much simpler.
You have your date in a table like this...
item id
Food | 1
Fruit | 1.1
Meat | 1.2
Red Fruit | 1.1.1
Green Fruit | 1.1.2
Yellow Fruit | 1.1.3
Pork | 1.2.1
Queries are now much simpler, because they're just simple string manipulations. This works fine on smallish lists, of a few hundred to a few thousand entries - it may not scale brilliantly - I've not tried that.
But to count how many things there are at the 2nd level you can just do a regexp search.
select count(*) from items
where id regexp '^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$'
Third level is just
select count(*) from items
where id regexp '^[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+$'
If you just want one sub-branch at level 2
select count(*) from items
where id regexp '^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$'
and id like "1.%"
It has the advantage that you don't need to run as many queries on the database, and as a bonus it's much easier to read the data in the tables and see what's going on.
I have a nagging feeling this might not be considered "good form", but it does work very effectively. I'd be very interested in any critiques of this method, do DB people think this is a good solution? If the table were very large, doing table scans and regexps all the time would get very inefficient - your approach would make better use of the any indexes, which is why I say this probably doesn't scale very well, but given you don't need to run so many queries, it may be a trade off worth taking.
An solution by a php class :
class LevelDepCount{
private $level_count=array();
* Display all child of an element
* #return int Count of element
public function display_children($parent, $level, $isStarted=true)
$this->level_count=array(); // Reset for new ask
$result = mysql_query('SELECT title FROM tree '.'WHERE parent="'.$parent.'"');
$count = 0; // For the level in the section
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data= str_repeat(' ',$level).$row['title']."\n";
echo $data;
$count += 1 + $this->display_children($row['title'], $level+1,false);
if(array_key_exists($level, $this->level_count))
return $count;
/** Return the count by level.*/
public function getCountByLevel(){
return $this->level_count;
$counter=new LevelDepCount();
If you modify your query you can get all the data in one swoop and without that much calculations (code untested):
/* Get all the data in one swoop and arrange it for easy mangling later */
function populate_data() {
$result = mysql_query('SELECT parent, COUNT(*) AS amount, GROUP_CONCAT(title) AS children FROM tree GROUP BY parent');
$data = array();
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
/* Each node has the amount of children and their names */
$data[$row['parent']] = array($row['children'], int($row['amount']));
return $data;
/* The function that does the whole work */
function get_children_per_level($data, $root) {
$current_children = array($root);
$next_children = array();
$ret = array();
while(!empty($current_children) && !empty($next_children)) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($current_children as $node) {
$count += $data[$node][0]; /* add the amount */
$next_children = array_merge($next_children, explode($data[$node][1])); /* and its children to the queue */
ret[] = $count;
$current_children = $next_children;
$next_children = array();
return $ret;
$data = populate_data();
get_children_per_level($data, 'Food');
It shouldn't be difficult to modify the function to make a call per invocation or one call per level to populate the data structure without bringing the whole table into memory. I'd suggest against that if you have deep trees with just a few children as it is a lot more efficient to get all the data in one swoop and calculate it. If you have shallow trees with a lot of children, then it may be worth changing.
It would also be possible to put everything together in a single function, but I'd avoid re-calculating data for repeated calls when they are not needed. A possible solution for this would be to make this a class, use the populate_data function as the constructor that stores it as an internal private property and a single method that is the same as get_children_per_level without the first parameter as it would get the data off its internal private property.
In any case, I'd also suggest you use the ID column as a "parent" reference instead of other columns. To start with, my code will break if any of the names contains a comma :P. Besides, you may have two different elements with the same name. For example, you could have Vegetables -> Red -> Pepper and the Red will get slumped together with the Fruit's Red.
Another thing to note is that my code will enter an infinite loop if your DB data is not a tree. If there is any cycle in the graph, it will never finish. That bug could be easily solved by keeping a $visited array with all the nodes that have already been visited and not pushing them into the $next_children array within the loop (probably using array_diff($data[$node][1], $visited).
Say I have a query the following query run:
Added order clause because the real sql statement has one.
SELECT description, amount, id FROM table ORDER BY id
In this instance, the ID is not unique to the dataset. It would return something like this.
Description Amount ID
----------- ------ --
1 Hats 45 1
2 Pants 16 1
3 Shoes 3 1
4 Dogs 5 2
5 Cats 6 2
6 Waffles 99 3
What I need to do is enclose each section of IDs in it's own div (So rows 1,2,3 in one div, 4,5 in another div and 6 in it's own div).
There are tons of solutions to this but I just can't think of one that isn't overly complicated.
I want to be able to keep the SQL how it is and somehow sort the data set in PHP so that I can loop through each section of the dataset while looping through the dataset as a whole.
Some kind of array would work but the structure of it is stumping me.
How can I get this to work? PHP solutions would be idea but theoretical will help too.
See if something like this works for you.
// execute query: Select description, amount, id from table
$results = array();
while ($row = $query_result->fetch_array()) {
if (!isset($results[$row['id']])) $results[$row['id']] = array();
$results[$row['id']][] = $row; // push $row to results for this id
// later on
foreach($results as $id => $data) {
// output div based on $id
foreach($data as $datum) {
// output individual data item that belongs to $id
A simple serial solution might look something like this:
$curId = ''; // track working id
$firstDiv = true; // track if inside first div
// open first div
echo '<div>';
// foreach $row
// when id changes, transition to new div, except when in first div
if ($row->$id != $curId) {
if ($firstDiv) {
$firstDiv = false;
} else {
// start new div
echo '</div>';
echo '<div>';
$curId = $row->$id; // track new current id
// display contents of current row
// close last div
echo '</div>';
Just store the id in temp variable, if the next one is different close the div and open new div
Assuming associative arrays for the db results:
$final = array();
foreach($results as $result)
$final[$result['id']][] = $result;
This leaves you with an associative array $final that groups the entries by ID
I have two tables.
The chapters table has the columns id and name.
The chapters_chapter table has columns id, master_id, and slave_id.
Lets say that the chapters table has 7 records:
id name
1 test01
2 test02
3 test03
4 test04
5 test05
6 test06
7 test07
And in the chapters_chapters table I have these records:
id master_id slave_id
1 1 5
2 1 6
3 6 7
4 7 2
Given that data, how can I extract the hierarchy of that data so that it looks like this?
So this was kind of a pain because of the fact that we had to have the hierarchy stored in the DB. Because of this, each item can have multiple children, and each child can have multiple parents.
This second part means we cannot simply loop through the list once and be done with it. We might have to insert an item in multiple places in the hierarchy. While you probably won't actually structure your data that way, the database schema you've described supports this scenario, so the code must support it too.
Here's a high-level version of the algorithm:
Query both tables
Create a map (array) of a parent (number) to its children (another array)
Create a set of items that are children (array of numbers)
Create a function that displays a single item, indenting it to the desired depth.
If that item has children, this function increases the depth by one, and calls itself recursively
Loop through all items that aren't children (root items).
Call the function for each of those items, with a desired depth of 0 (no indent).
Here's two hours work. Enjoy :)
Note that I stuck it within a <pre> block, so you might have to mess with how the indentation is done (output something other than two spaces, mess with the style of the divs, etc).
$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "test_user", "your_password");
die("could not connect to DB: " . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("your_db", $con);
// get chapters
$chapters = array();
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM chapters");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$id = $row["id"];
$name = $row["name"];
$chapters[$id] = $name;
// get chapters_chapters - We'll call it "parent/child" instead of "master/slave"
$parent_child_map = array();
$is_child = array();
$result = mysql_query("SELECT master_id, slave_id FROM chapters_chapters");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$parent_id = $row["master_id"];
$child_id = $row["slave_id"];
$children = $parent_child_map[$parent_id];
if($children == null)
$children = array();
$children[] = $child_id;
$parent_child_map[$parent_id] = $children;
$is_child[$child_id] = true;
// display item hierarchically
$display_item_and_children = function($id, $name, $depth)
use ($chapters, $parent_child_map, &$display_item_and_children)
echo "<div><pre>";
// indent up to depth
for($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++)
echo " ";
echo "id: " . $id
. " name: " . $name
. "</pre></div>";
// if there are children, display them recursively
$children = $parent_child_map[$id];
if($children != null)
foreach($children as $child_id)
$child_name = $chapters[$child_id];
$display_item_and_children($child_id, $child_name, $depth + 1);
// display all top-level items hierarchically
foreach($chapters as $id => $name)
// if it is a top-level item, display it
if($is_child[$id] != true)
$display_item_and_children($id, $name, 0);
And here's a screenshot:
The question becomes how complex you want your solution to be. I'd do it with the following pseudo code.
SELECT all the chapters
SELECT all the *chapters_chapters*
loop over the chapters to create an array chapter objects
loop over the `chapters_chapters* and create the relationships using the chapter objects
Essentially you're creating a link-list.
I have a follow-up to a previous thread/question that I hope can be solved by relatively small updates to this existing code. In the other thread/question, I pretty much solved a need for a nested unordered list. I needed the nested unordered list to be broken up into columns based on the number of topics.
For example, if a database query resulted in 6 topics and a user specified 2 columns for the layout, each column would have 3 topics (and the related news items below it).
For example, if a database query resulted in 24 topics and a user specified 4 columns for the layout, each column would have 6 topics (and the related news items below it).
The previous question is called PHP - Simple Nested Unordered List (UL) Array.
The provided solution works pretty well, but it doesn't always divide
correctly. For example, when $columns = 4, it only divides the
columns into 3 groups. The code is below.
Another issue that I'd like to solve was brought to my attention by
the gentleman who answered the question. Rather than putting
everything into memory, and then iterating a second time to print it
out, I would like to run two queries: one to find the number of
unique TopicNames and one to find the number of total items in the
One last thing I'd like to solve is to have a duplicate set of
code with an update that breaks the nested unordered list into columns
based on the number of news items (rather than categories). So, this
would probably involve just swapping a few variables for this second
set of code.
So, I was hoping to solve three issues:
1.) Fix the division problem when relying on the number of categories (unordered list broken up into columns based on number of topics)
2.) Reshape the PHP code to run two queries: one to find the number of unique TopicNames and one to find the number of total items in the list
3.) Create a duplicate set of PHP code that works to rely on the number of news items rather than the categories (unordered list broken up into columns based on number of news items)
Could anyone provide an update or point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!
$columns = // user specified;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM News");
$num_articles = 0;
// $dataset will contain array( 'Topic1' => array('News 1', 'News2'), ... )
$dataset = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if (!$row['TopicID']) {
$row['TopicName'] = 'Sort Me';
$dataset[$row['TopicName']][] = $row['NewsID'];
$num_topics = count($dataset);
// naive topics to column allocation
$topics_per_column = ceil($num_topics / $columns);
$i = 0; // keeps track of number of topics printed
$c = 1; // keeps track of columns printed
foreach($dataset as $topic => $items){
if($i % $topics_per_columnn == 0){
if($i > 0){
echo '</ul></div>';
echo '<div class="Columns' . $columns . 'Group' . $c . '"><ul>';
echo '<li>' . $topic . '</li>';
// this lists the articles under this topic
echo '<ul>';
foreach($items as $article){
echo '<li>' . $article . '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
if($i > 0){
// saw at least one topic, need to close the list.
echo '</ul></div>';
UPDATE 12/19/2011: Separating Data Handling from Output Logic (for the "The X topics per column variant"):
Hi Hakre: I've sketched out the structure of my output, but am struggling with weaving the two new functions with the old data handling. Should the code below work?
/* Data Handling */
$columns = // user specified;
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM News LEFT JOIN Topics on Topics.TopicID = New.FK_TopicID WHERE News.FK_UserID = $_SESSION[user_id] ORDER BY TopicSort, TopicName ASC, TopicSort, NewsTitle");
$num_articles = 0;
// $dataset will contain array( 'Topic1' => array('News 1', 'News2'), ... )
$dataset = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
if (!$row['TopicID']) {
$row['TopicName'] = 'Sort Me';
$dataset[$row['TopicName']][] = $row['NewsID'];
/* Output Logic */
function render_list($title, array $entries)
echo '<ul><li>', $title, '<ul>';
foreach($entries as $entry)
echo '<li>', $entry['NewsID'], '</li>';
echo '</ul></li></ul>;
function render_column(array $topics)
echo '<div class="column">';
foreach($topics as $topic)
render_list($topic['title'], $topic['entries']);
echo '</div>';
You have not shown in your both questions what the database table is, so I can not specifically answer it, but will outline my suggestion.
You can make use of aggregation functions in mysql to obtain your news entries ordered and grouped by topics incl. their count. You can do two queries to obtain counts first, that depends a bit how you'd like to deal with your data.
In any case, using the mysql_... functions, all data you selected from the database will be in memory (even twice due to internals). So having another array as in your previous question should not hurt much thanks to copy on write optimization in PHP. Only a small overhead effectively.
Next to that before you take care of the actual output, you should get your data in order so that you don't need to mix data handling and output logic. Mixing does make things more complicated hence harder to solve. For example if you put your output into simple functions, this gets more easy:
function render_list($title, array $entries)
echo '<ul><li>', $title, '<ul>';
foreach($entries as $entry)
echo '<li>', $entry['NewsID'], '</li>';
echo '</ul></li></ul>;
function render_column(array $topics)
echo '<div class="column">';
foreach($topics as $topic)
render_list($topic['title'], $topic['entries']);
echo '</div>';
This already solves your output problem, so we don't need to care about it any longer. We just need to care about what to feed into these functions as parameters.
The X topics per column variant:
With this variant the data should be an array with one topic per value, like you did with the previous question. I would say it's already solved. Don't know which concrete problem you have with the number of columns, the calculation looks good, so I skip that until you provide concrete information about it. "Does not work" does not qualify.
The X news items per column variant:
This is more interesting. An easy move here is to continue the previous topic with the next column by adding the topic title again. Something like:
Topic A Topic A Topic B
- A-1 - A-5 - B-4
- A-2 Topic B - B-5
- A-3 - B-1 - B-6
- A-4 - B-2
- B-3
To achieve this you need to process your data a bit differently, namely by item (news) count.
Let's say you managed to retrieve the data grouped (and therefore sorted) from your database:
SELECT TopicName, NewsID FROM news GROUP BY 1;
You can then just iterate over all returned rows and create your columns, finally output them (already solved):
$itemsPerColumn = 4;
// get columns
$topics = array();
$items = 0;
$lastTopic = NULL;
foreach ($rows as $row)
if ($lastTopic != $row['TopicName'])
$topic = array('title' => $row['TopicName']);
$topics[] = &$topic;
$topic['entries'][] = $row;
if ($items === $itemsPerColumn)
$columns[] = $topics;
$topics = array();
$lastTopic = NULL;
// output
foreach($columns as $column)
So this is actually comparable to the previous answer, but this time you don't need to re-arrange the array to obtain the news ordered by their topic because the database query does this already (you could do that for the previous answer as well).
Then again it's the same: Iteration over the returned result-set and bringing the data into a structure that you can output. Input, Processing, Output. It's always the same.
Hope this is helpful.
I have never had a need to do a random SELECT on a MySQL DB until this project I'm working on. After researching it seems the general populous says that using RAND() is a bad idea. I found an article that explains how to do another type of random select.
Basically, if I want to select five (5) random elements, I should do the following (I'm using the Kohana framework here)?
final class Offers extends Model
* Loads a random set of offers.
* #param integer $limit
* #return array
public function random_offers($limit = 5)
// Find the highest offer_id
$sql = '
SELECT MAX(offer_id) AS max_offer_id
FROM offers
$max_offer_id = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)
// Check to make sure we're not trying to load more offers
// than there really is...
if ($max_offer_id < $limit)
$limit = $max_offer_id;
$used = array();
$ids = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $limit; )
$rand = mt_rand(1, $max_offer_id);
if (!isset($used[$rand]))
// Flag the ID as used
$used[$rand] = TRUE;
// Set the ID
if ($i > 0) $ids .= ',';
$ids .= $rand;
$sql = '
SELECT offer_id, offer_name
FROM offers
WHERE offer_id IN(:ids)
$offers = DB::query(Database::SELECT, $sql)
->param(':ids', $ids)
return $offers;
If not, what is a better solution?
That approach will work, as long as your offer_id's are sequential and all continuous - if you ever remove an offer, you might have gaps in the id's that would then be a problem.
I've read the same things about the MySQL rand() function on large table sets, but I would think you could do it faster by counting the table rows, then using PHP's built in rand(0, count) to generate a few index ID's you can grab in a SELECT. I suspect it would have the same affect but without all the performance concerns.
I'm trying to generate a tree structure from a table in a database. The table is stored flat, with each record either having a parent_id or 0. The ultimate goal is to have a select box generated, and an array of nodes.
The code I have so far is :
function init($table, $parent_id = 0)
$sql = "SELECT id, {$this->parent_id_field}, {$this->name_field} FROM $table WHERE {$this->parent_id_field}=$parent_id ORDER BY display_order";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$this->get_tree($result, 0);
function get_tree($query, $depth = 0, $parent_obj = null)
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($query))
/* Get node */
$this->nodes[$row->parent_category_id][$row->id] = $row;
/* Get select item */
$text = "";
if($row->parent_category_id != 0) {
$text .= " ";
$text .= "$row->name";
$this->select[$row->id] = $text;
echo "$depth $text\n";
$sql = "SELECT id, parent_category_id, name FROM product_categories WHERE parent_category_id=".$row->id." ORDER BY display_order";
$nextQuery = mysql_query($sql);
$rows = mysql_num_rows($nextQuery);
if($rows > 0) {
$this->get_tree($nextQuery, ++$depth, $row);
It's almost working, but not quite. Can anybody help me finish it off?
You almost certainly, should not continue down your current path. The recursive method you are trying to use will almost certainly kill your performance if your tree ever gets even slightly larger. You probably should be looking at a nested set structure instead of an adjacency list if you plan on reading the tree frequently.
With a nested set, you can easily retrieve the entire tree nested properly with a single query.
Please see these questions for a a discussion of trees.
Is it possible to query a tree structure table in MySQL in a single query, to any depth?
Implementing a hierarchical data structure in a database
What is the most efficient/elegant way to parse a flat table into a tree?
$this->nodes[$row->parent_category_id][$row->id] = $row;
This line is destroying your ORDER BY display_order. Change it to
$this->nodes[$row->parent_category_id][] = $row;
My next issue is the $row->parent_category_id part of that. Shouldn't it just be $row->parent_id?
EDIT: Oh, I didn't read your source closely enough. Get rid of the WHERE clause. Read the whole table at once. You need to post process the tree a second time. First you read the database into a list of arrays. Then you process the array recursively to do your output.
Your array should look like this:
Array(0 => Array(1 => $obj, 5 => $obj),
1 => Array(2 => $obj),
2 => Array(3 => $obj, 4 => $obj),
5 => Array(6 => $obj) );
function display_tree() {
// all the stuff above
output_tree($this->nodes[0], 0); // pass all the parent_id = 0 arrays.
function output_tree($nodes, $depth = 0) {
foreach($nodes as $k => $v) {
echo str_repeat(' ', $depth*2) . $v->print_me();
// print my sub trees
output_tree($this->nodes[$k], $depth + 1);
object 1
object 2
object 3
object 4
object 5
object 6
I think it's this line here:
if($row->parent_category_id != 0) {
$text .= " ";
should be:
while ($depth-- > 0) {
$text .= " ";
You are only indenting it once, not the number of times it should be indented.
And this line:
$this->get_tree($nextQuery, ++$depth, $row);
should be:
$this->get_tree($nextQuery, $depth + 1, $row);
Note that you should probably follow the advice in the other answer though, and grab the entire table at once, and then process it at once, because in general you want to minimize round-trips to the database (there are a few use cases where the way you are doing it is more optimal, such as if you have a very large tree, and are selecting a small portion of it, but I doubt that is the case here)