mysql_real_escape_string strange apostrophe behaviour? - php

I have a form and a user enters eg (note apostrophe at end of string)
My Bday'
Now, I want to strip apostrophes, simple as that... not escape them, not add slashes just get rid of them
Firstly I have the following:
$event_title = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['event_title']);
echo "<br /><br /><br />event title is $event_title";
Which results in the following being returned:
event title is My Bday\\\'
Why 3 slashes?
So, then I go ahead and deal with this by using the following:
$event_title = str_replace("'", "", $event_title);
$event_title = stripslashes($event_title);
Then I return it again to check results
echo "<br /><br /><br />event title is $event_title";
I get the following:
event title is My Bday\
Any ideas what's happening? I simply want to strip apostophes and slashes but somehow it's not happening
magic_quotes_gpc is off by the way
If I don't use stripslashes therefore leaving them in for MySQL to deal with I get the following error:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your
MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Private',
event_notes = '' where user_event_id = '35'' at line 3
update user_events set event_date = '2012-11-17', event_title = 'My Bday\\\',
event_vis = 'Private', event_notes = '' where user_event_id = '35'
OK, a further EDIT:
I tried this:
$event_title = $_POST['event_title'];
$event_title = str_replace("'", "", $event_title);
$event_title = trim($event_title);
$event_title = mysql_real_escape_string($event_title);
echo "<br /><br /><br />event title is $event_title";
and I get this:
event title is My Bday\\
I simply want to get rid of apostrophes, clearly something else is going on here but its got me!

What's happening is this:
mysql_real_escape_string escapes all the characters that should be escaped by adding a slash in front of a character being escaped. But adding just a slash will lead to storing the character as unescaped within the DB, therefore also the slash must be escaped prior to inserting...
That's why You have My BDay\\\'. If this value is stored into a DB the final result will be My BDay\'.
But when You do str_replace("'", "", 'My BDay\\\''); You will end up with My BDay\\\ and after calling stripslashes on this You will get My BDay\ - that is absolutely correct!
So don't bother with how the string looks like after calling mysql_real_escape_string, just store that value into the DB and after retrieving it You will end up with My BDay' again...
EDIT How You come to just one slash from the three after calling stripslasshes? The function goes from the start of the string to its end and looks for any slash escaped characters to remove the escaping slash. So it finds first two slashes and removes one, but still two remains (the one just processed and the third one), so it processes next two slasshes it finds that will result in just one slash remaining...
If You'd call stripslashes on the string My BDay\\\' - that will lead to My BDay'...
EDIT2 My bad... The next two slashes are added probably because You have magic_quotes_gpc ON - turn that off or call mysql_real_escape_string(stripslashes($string)).

One slash to escape the apostrophe, the other to escape the slash that escape the apostrophe.
Internally the mysql interpret the \' how '

in your php settings the string_splash setting is ON and that is why when the string is passed from form - it is already excapped... Now you using mysql_real_escape_string - which excapes "excape character" as well as single quote as well. and that is why three slashes..
Try using this function - which I use a lot
function sanitize( $value )
if( get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$value = stripslashes( $value );
//check if this function exists
if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) )
$value = mysql_real_escape_string( $value );
//for PHP version < 4.3.0 use addslashes
$value = addslashes( $value );
return $value;
It is not specifically for php 4 or older years... The function works to escape string and make sure it does not double escape it ( which is the question beign asked )
if( function_exists( "mysql_real_escape_string" ) ) - this line escapes if the database connection is available and
else part of that if condition makes sure it works if database connection is not available and php 4 support is added benifit only...


Joining variable to strings fails in PHP

I'm sorry that this is basic. When I use this PHP code it works fine:
$data = '{"reportID":1092480021}';
However, when I run my URL like this:
and use this PHP code:
$reportref = $_GET['type'];
$data = '{"reportID:".$reportref."}"';
I get the error
Error_description:reportID is required
I think it's an error with how I am joining my variable to the string but I can't understand where I am going wrong.
Your string is improperly quoted. To match the format in your first example use:
$data = '{"reportID":' . $reportref.'}';
Note there are no double quotes on the last curly.
Even better:
$reportref = 1092480021;
$data = [ 'reportId' => $reportref ];
string(23) "{"reportId":1092480021}"
For simple view and understanding, can you try out:
$data = "{\"reportID\":$reportref}";
Think that should sort it out
Use it like this
data = '{"reportID:"'.$reportref.'"}"';
It isn't working because you wrap all the value within single quote and when it come to concatenate the $reprtref you put directly .$reportref without closing the first single quote and after putting the value to concatenate you forget to open another single quote
the correct value is
'{"reportID:"' . $reportref . '"}"';
and to match the way you specify your $data value It must be like this
'{"reportID":' . $reportref . '}';

Sphinx - How to escape user input for SphinxQL?

I have website where users can search posts by entering keywords,
I am using Sphinx search for full text search, everyhting is working as expected.
But when i enter/input some special charaters in search query the search dosnt complete and throws error.
keyword i search for :
my query for sphinxql :
SELECT id FROM index1 WHERE MATCH('hello)')
error i get :
index index1: syntax error, unexpected ')' near ')'
my php code looks like this
$sphinxql = mysqli_connect($sphinxql_host.':'.$sphinxql_port,'','') or die('ERROR');
$q = urldecode($_GET['q']);
$sphinxql_query = "SELECT id FROM $sphinx_index WHERE MATCH('".$q."') ";
How can i escape user input and make sure the query wont brake and return the result set ?
You should use SQL escaping, to avoid SQL injection.
$sphinxql_query = ".... MATCH('".mysqli_real_escape_string($sphinxql,$q)."') ";
... BUT you may want to ALSO, escape extended syntax.
See the FIRST THREE POSTS (after that it delves into misunderstanding) in this thread in the sphinx forum
For a simple solution.
The function in that thread, can be used to make your query work. It will escape the ) and stop it being taken as a operator.
BUT, it also means you WONT be able to use any search operators - because it blindly escapes them ALL. (which is the confusion later in the thread)
If you want to be able to use some or all operators, need to use more advanced escaping. (which I dont have a good solution for)
Edit: actully lets go the whole hog...
//Escapes all the Extended syntax, so can accept anything the user throws at us.
function EscapeString ( $string ) {
$from = array ( '\\', '(',')','|','-','!','#','~','"','&', '/', '^', '$', '=' );
$to = array ( '\\\\', '\(','\)','\|','\-','\!','\#','\~','\"', '\&', '\/', '\^', '\$', '\=' );
return str_replace ( $from, $to, $string );
if ($allow_full_extended_syntax) {
$q = $_GET['q'];
// the user is responsible for providing valid query.
} elseif ($allow_partical_extended_syntax) {
$q = InteligentEscape($_GET['q']);
//I don't have this function, it would need to be created.
} else {
$q = EscapeString($_GET['q']);
// escapes ALL extended syntax. NO operators allowed
$sphinxql_query = ".... MATCH('".mysqli_real_escape_string($sphinxql,$q)."') ";
Then it sounds like you want both $allow_full_extended_syntax and $allow_partical_extended_syntax set to false. Which means no operators will work, because they will be fully escaped.
The EscapeString function needs to escape the < character as well. Also see escapeString function in PECL shpinx for reference.

Zend insert prevent specific escaping

So due to a design decision that pervades our application, I need to be able to insert carriage returns into the database. I store the information in a string, and then use Zend's insert, but that escapes the escape character, so the string:
This is an entry\rsplit across two lines
Is actually inserted into the database exactly as written, with the literal \r in the string. I need it to be inserted without escaping the \ so the actual carriage return is put in the database.
The Zend Form has a text box and a multiselect box. The user can enter text into the text box, press a button, and then it gets added to the multiselect box. My code:
$info['choices'] = '';
foreach ($info['choice_list'] as $choice) {
$info['choices'] .= $choice . '\r';
$info['choices'] = substr_replace($info['choices'], "", -2);
$info is just an array of table fields => values that I pass to Zend's ->update I use the substr_replace at the end to just trim off the last \r
Problem was resolved, the issue was using single quotes instead of double quotes. Changing my code to:
$info['choices'] = "";
foreach ($info['choice_list'] as $choice) {
$info['choices'] .= $choice . "\r";
$info['choices'] = substr_replace($info['choices'], "", -2);
Fixed the issue.

Create URL with only A-Z characters that includes variable and extension

I am trying to create file links based a variable which has a "prefix" and an extension at the end.
Here's what I have:
$url = "" . ereg("^[A-Za-z_\-]+$", $title) . ".php";
Example output of what I wish to have outputted (assuming $title = testing;):
What it currently outputs:
Thanks in advance!
Perhaps this is what you need:
$title = "testing";
if(preg_match("/^[A-Za-z_\-]+$/", $title, $match)){
$url = "".$match[0].".php";
// Think of something to do here...
Now $url is
Do you want to keep letters and remove all other chars in the URL?
In this case the following should work:
$title = ...
$fixedtitle=preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z_-]/", "", $title);
$url = "".$fixedtitle.".php";
the inverted character class will remove everything you do not want.
OK first it's important for you to realize that ereg() is deprecated and will eventually not be available as a command for php, so to prevent an error down the road you should use preg_match instead.
Secondly, both ereg() and preg_match output the status of the match, not the match itself. So
ereg("^[A-Za-z_\-]+$", $title)
will output an integer equal to the length of the string in $title, 0 if there's no match and 1 if there's a match but you didn't pass it another variable to store the matches in.
I'm not sure why it's displaying
It should actually be outputting
if everything was working correctly. So there is something going on there, and it's definitely not doing what you want it to. You need to pass another variable to the function that will store all the matches found. If the match is successful (which you can check using the return value of the function) then that variable will be an array of all matches.
Note that with preg_match by default only the first match will be returned. but it will still generate an array (which can be used to get isolated portions of the match) whereas preg_match_all will match multiple things.
See for more details.
Your regex looks more or less correct
So the proper code should look something like:
$title = 'testing'; //making sure that $title is what we think it is
if (preg_match('/^[A-Za-z_\-]+$/',$title,$matches)) {
$url = "" . $matches[0] . ".php";
} else {
//match failed, put error code in here

PHP preg_replace problem

This is a follow-up question to the one I posted here (thanks to mario)
Ok, so I have a preg_replace statement to replace a url string with sometext, insert a value from a query string (using $_GET["size"]) and insert a value from a associative array (using $fruitArray["$1"] back reference.)
Input url string would be:
Output string should be:
The PHP I have is as follows:
$result = preg_replace('|\?fruit=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)|e', ' "" .$_GET["size"]. "/sometext/" .$fruitArray["$1"]. "/"', $result);
This codes outputs the following string:
The code seems to skip the value in $fruitArray["$1"].
What am I missing?
Well, weird thing.
Your code work's perfectly fine for me (see below code that I used for testing locally).
I did however fix 2 things with your regex:
Don't use | as a delimiter, it has meaning in regex.
Your regular expression is only giving the illusion that it works as you're not escaping the .s. It would actually match http://www#mysite%com/script*php?fruit=apple too.
Test script:
$fruitArray = array('apple' => 'green');
$_GET = array('size' => 'small');
$result = '';
$result = preg_replace('#http://www\.mysite\.com/script\.php\?fruit=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)#e', ' "" .$_GET["size"]. "/sometext/" .$fruitArray["$1"]. "/"', $result);
echo $result;
Rudis-Mac-Pro:~ rudi$ php tmp.php
The only thing this leads me to think is that $fruitArray is not setup correctly for you.
By the way, I think this may be more appropriate, as it will give you more flexibility in the future, better syntax highlighting and make more sense than using the e modifier for the evil() function to be internally called by PHP ;-) It's also a lot cleaner to read, IMO.
$result = preg_replace_callback('#http://www\.mysite\.com/script\.php\?fruit=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)#', function($matches) {
global $fruitArray;
return '' . $_GET['size'] . '/sometext/' . $fruitArray[$matches[1]] . '/';
}, $result);
i write it again, i don't understand good where is the error, the evaluation of preg results is very weird in php
, '"http://www.$1/".$_GET["size"]."/sometext/".$fruitArray["$2"]."/";'
, $result
It looks like you have forgotten to escape the ?. It should be /script.php\?, with a \? to escape properly, as in the linked answer you provided.
$fruitArray["\$1"] instead of $fruitArray["$1"]
