Facebook API send automated private messages to yourself - php

I'm using Facebook Connect on my website. I need to enable users to send themselves automated private messages from my site to their Facebook account. Does the Facebook API allow this?
Edit: I found a solution https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/send/ however I need to send messages without the user interacting with the write message pop up. Messages should be sent directly if possible because they are automated, set up by the user once.

You can send to their facebook email. Facebook email is consisting profile nickname+'#facebook.com'. The email will goes to their facebook inbox message. Note that facebook email does not accept spoofing email. You will need whitelabel domain or use SendGrid.


sending user verification code through facebook

I am making a user registration / login system in php and want to verify the user by sending him/her a verification code that the user has to type to make an account .
Now i dont want to send the verification code through mail( phpmail / phpmailer) or any sms service, instead i want to send the code to his facebook messages inbox from my facebook account by using his email id..is it possible to do so? is there any method or api that allows such type of function?
Thanks in advance
This website provides a powerful api that will do just what you need.
You can also check the Facebook doc

Send private messages to users without API

is there a way to send messages to users on facebook without using the API, like you can send email to users?
I have the users facebook email, but when i send to the facebook email, it sometimes go in the spam, sometime inbox and sometimes it dosen't even send to them, and I can see in Mandrill that the message is send?

Sending emails to friends from facebook application

I want to invite friends via facebook to my application. For example user can send his friends facebook IDs to my php service, and this service send them emails via facebook api. I found notifications.sendEmail function for that, but it send email only for me if I logged in FB. So, can I send invitation emails by FB api if they are not users of my application?
For sending app requests, please use https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/requests/ as it is against policy for an app to automatically send app request to friends of its users. It must be user initiated and also user driven as to which friends get invited.
Also, you cannot get email addresses of a user's friends, this is also prohibited.

Is it possible to authorize a Facebook user to send me a private message into my Inbox?

I definitely know that you can't send a message to other users, but is it possible to allow users to send messages to me?
Lik something similar to Twitter's direct messaging API, where the user authenticates my app to allow them to send messages through the app to me?
Sending a private message to a user using graph API is impossible at this time.
You CAN however use this (using Javascript SDK): http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/send/

Send Message to users inbox using PHP based facebook apps

I have created an application which can post to users wall or even send emails to selected users, what I have not been able to come up with is the functionality to let an application send a message to users facebook inbox, I have googled it and found that applications are not allowed to send messages to users inbox however there's this product called rockmelt browser which does the same thing.
There's has to be some way which allows sending messages to users inbox.
Can somebody guide me on this?
It appears that you cannot send a message to a user's inbox. The closest thing may be this http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/livemessage.send/. It allows you to send a live message to a particular user's browser.
Hope this helps.
If you are sending the message from your application user to one of their Facebook friends, you can use a Request, which will show up in the notification area. When the user clicks on the notification, they'll be taken to your App Canvas where you can show them the full message and any other app interactions you want.
