So I want to make my page to have multi language function, like German, English, and Hungarian. I started to learn OOP in PHP, and now I force myself to use OOP in everything, sure not a good idea, but I try to learn. So this is what I got so far:
class class_lang {
private $language;
public function __construct() {
$this->language = $_GET['lang'];
public function select_lang($var);
return ('language_'.$this->select_lang($var));
So what is going on. On my index page i got 3 links (national flags) when i click 1 my class gets the value from the url like this: href="index.php?lang=uk". Now what i am not sure about is how do i make the string: cause my lang files i want to include look like language_uk.php , language_ge.php etc... So i just want to creat that string and pass it back to my index page in a value so i can include then the right file.
If I understand it correctly, this should work:
return 'language_' . $this->language;
try to make public var $language ,
construct could filter and validate the GET var, save the object somewhere (sessions) to interact with object
additional methods you could use are
many other..
(1) In PHP, field members are declared with leading "$", but, later, witouth it, and prefixed with "$this->". So:
(2) Extra, remove the semicolon from the method header:
public function select_lang($var)
return ('language_' . $this->language($var));
(3) Extra, add a temporally variable to methods that return a value, its not required by syntax, but, will allow you to debug ("ToString"), and avoid a lot of problems:
public function select_lang($var)
$Result = ('language_' . $this->language)
return $Result;
This has probably been asked before, but I couldn't find the answer to my question with some preliminary searches, so here it is:
A very simple example of my current method of injecting PHP variables into HTML is as follows:
HTML (file.php):
<tag><?php echo $variable; ?></tag>
$variable = "value";
include "file.php";
$results = ob_get_clean();
This achieves the correct result just fine, but it annoys me every time that I have to copy and paste those three lines to get variables injected into my HTML files. There's a chance I might want to change the details of this injection functionality at a later date, and it's currently scattered in a couple hundred locations throughout my code.
In a perfect world, I would move those three lines to a separate function that takes the file path as an input, and returns the "compiled" result. However, the function would then no longer have access to the calling scope, and I would have to pass the variables in as another input. The only thing I'm able to think of for doing that is:
function injectVariables($filePath, array $variables)
//Built-in PHP function, extracts array key => value pairs into variable $key = value pairs in the current scope
include $filePath;
return ob_get_clean();
That certainly gets the job done, and it will be what I implement if there aren't any better solutions, but it seems less than ideal to me. It involves creating an array every time this runs, just to loop through it and extract all the variables, which just feels a bit wrong to me.
Does anyone know of any other methods that might work?
Not really sure what you are asking, but here is my answer
I don't know the structure of your code, but I hope you are using a MVC approach (or at least something which deals with classes) so that you can do the following:
In your main controller, you create a class variable like viewData which will be an array. And you put in it everything you want
$this->viewData['username'] = $username;
$this->viewData['myArray'] = array('foo' => 'bar');
$this->viewData['menuSubview'] = 'path_to_menu_subview.php';
Then, you create a render function.
public function render()
return ob_get_clean();
And in myfile.php (with the HTML) you can simply do what you used so far
<div id="menu"><?php include($menuSubview);?></div>
The whole code can be something like this.
class Something {
protected $viewData;
protected $viewFile;
public function logic()
echo $this->render();
public function userProfile()
$this->viewData['username'] = 'John The Ripper';
$this->viewFile = 'myFile.php';
public function render()
return ob_get_clean();
Here's a simplified class that stores data and allows for recursive rendering of files that all have access to the save data form the initial instance.
class View {
// view data
protected $_data = [];
* Set view data
public function __set( $key, $value )
$this->_data[ $key ] = $value;
* Get view data
public function __get( $key )
if( array_key_exists( $key, $this->_data ) )
return $this->_data[ $key ];
return null;
* Render view file
public function render( $file )
if( is_file( $file ) )
$view = $this;
include( $file );
return ob_get_clean();
return 'File not found: '.$file;
Just use the variable $view inside your included files to access the data in the class, or render() another partial file that can do the same thing, and so on.
// Bootstrap a View instance and add some data
$view = new View;
$view->dataOne = 'valueOne';
$view->dataTwo = 'valueTwo';
// Render main template
echo $view->render( 'template.php' );
Inside template.php
<?= $view->render( 'header.php' ) ?>
<h1><?= $view->dataOne ?></h1>
<p><?= $view->dataTwo ?></p>
Nothing is wrong with your injectVariables() function, it is in fact a good idea.
You shouldn't have performance impact anyway (If this is your main concern your are doing premature optimization !)
Your view (HTML) shouldn't know about the internal of your application. (You split responsability - this is a huge subject that I won't talk deep)
You know if something end-up into $variables it has been build/formatted or is revelent to be display for $filePath.
In complex system you may end up with a variable with a pdf generator, why would the HTML want that? The only purpose of the HTML is to DISPLAY HTML data.
Some variables from your logic will end-up in $variables almost every time such as session informations (Who is currently logged), for your case this is normal.
In the perfect world if you put a class into $variables it should be designed only for purpose of your HTML even if it is almost the same object as your logic.
As an exemple I designed a Session class in my logic. It does have method such as Logout() and EnsureIsAlive() as well as field such as FullName. FullName is going to be use by my HTML because I want to display it in the header of my page.
I should have a Session class for the HTML that only contains a FullName field because the HTML has only one job and is it to display data. Login() and EnsureIsAlive() are specific for the logic and aren't related at all with displaying data.
In reallity time is always a constraint and because you are writing all by yurself from scratch you may end-up just sending the logic Session class into $variables.
Design note : I'm a C# programmer and we always use class over array to pass parameters as a good pratice and it does affect the exemple about how to pass FullName to your HTML. In your case, instead of creating a class dedicated for the HTML you could also create a simple array :
$variables['Session'] = array('FullName' => $mySession->fullName).
That way you still avoid your HTML to have access to the unrelated method specific for your logic. I'm not sure if it is a good pratice in php...
Keep context variables clean
If you do call injectVariables() more than once (for different $PathFile) you may not want the same variables.
One injectionVariables() could be for a widget, another for a complete complete page.
Why would a TimeWidget need your totalInvoice variable?
You also have the ability to prepare multiples $variables at the same time because each injectVariables() will have his own parameters.
I'm not up-to-date but I know phpBB template system use (back near 2000) the exact same pattern as your injectVariables()).
You wrote that each of your page do call injectVariables(), you could also (but it may be complex) do it only in one file - like php frameworks.
Framework handle HTTP requests into one specific file
(eg. or would call (internaly) and
Then this page (index.php in my exemple) would include a specific file (controller) according with his GET parameters ($_GET['page'] and $_GET['subpage']).
The controller job would be to fetch data, apply logic then fill $variables.
Then index.php will call injectVariables() with the releated HTML.
i'm having a problem with yii which seems very simple but i can't find an appropriate solution for it. I need to do I18N in web page and i'm using yii, i have translations already done, i found that it's possible to easily change language in controller class like that:
class Controller extends CController
function init() {
if(isset($_GET['lang'])) {
Yii::app()->language = 'lt';
Everything is ok, but obviously the language parameter is lost when url doesn't contain the language parameter. One way around is adding the parameter in all urls across whole site, but that doesn't seem like a solution.
Is there some more static way of passing the parameter? Maybe some option in UrlManager in yii? Or maybe there is another way of changing the language more dynamically?
And what if you'll use session only when get-request is absent?
But it is still bad idea to show different content on the same url.
if(isset($_GET['lang'])) {
$app->session['language'] = 'lt';
} elseif($app->session->contains('language')) {
$app->language = $app->session['language'];
A very simple solution is to use session data to remember the user's language choice across pages:
function init() {
$app = Yii::app();
// If "lang" is specified, remember that
if(isset($_GET['lang'])) {
$app->session['language'] = 'lt';
// If we remember a language put it in use
if($app->session->contains('language')) {
$app->language = $app->session['language'];
You can easy add it as static param to url manager rules. I recommend using urls in form /en/controller/action etc, so first parameter is always language. I'm using this approach for long time and works like a charm.
For details check this answer:
I have a page named ChangeApprovalInfo.php - It has a function called Row_Rendered as follows;
function Row_Rendered() {
// To view properties of field class, use:
$RecordOwner = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
echo $RecordOwner;
Echoing $RecordOwner gets me the data I will need for a sql query on another page....
I have another page called ChangeApprovalEdit.php - This page has
<?php include_once "ChangeApprovalinfo.php" ?>
at the top of the file.
ChangeApprovalEdit.php has a function where I need the $RecordOwner variable as defined in ChangedApprovalInfo.php
If I add "echo $RecordOwner" on the ChangeApprovalEdit.php page, I get an error saying it's an unknown variable. My understanding is that I need to "make it global" or some such business. I know very little about PHP and the pages I am editing are long and complex. (to me, at least)
What do I need to do? I know that the information I have provided might not be enough to answer the question. I don't know enough to even know exactly what I need to ask. If more information is needed, I will edit and follow up.
pastebin of the files
ChangeApprovalInfo.php =
ChangeApprovalEdit.php =
Changing Row_Rendered to this seems to be more effective. I'm having trouble seeing WHERE I can later echo this variable... but I'm getting somewhere with this...
function Row_Rendered() {
// To view properties of field class, use:
$GLOBALS['RecordOwner'] = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
Don't echo variables from functions, which just outputs them to the standard output. return them from the function so you can use the value elsewhere as well.
function Row_Rendered() {
$RecordOwner = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
return $RecordOwner;
Then instead of
echo $obj->Row_Rendered();
and if you want to use the value elsewhere, use
$value = $obj->Row_Rendered();
You can do a couple of things:
First, you can return $RecordOwner from the function, and store its value in a variable. This method is usually preferred.
function Row_Rendered() {
// To view properties of field class, use:
$RecordOwner = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
echo $RecordOwner;
return $RecordOwner;
// Store it in a variable when calling the function.
$RecordOwner = Row_Rendered();
Or, you can make it global inside the function:
function Row_Rendered() {
// To view properties of field class, use:
$GLOBALS['RecordOwner'] = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
echo $GLOBALS['RecordOwner'];
You can use the $GLOBALS superglobals array, like this:
function Row_Rendered() {
$GLOBALS['RecordOwner'] = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
However, you should not do that. Instead, refactor your application so that the view in ChangeApprovalinfo.php just contains a function, which is then called with the appropriate parameters.
EDIT: Chaning Row_Rendered to this seems to be more effective. I'm having trouble seeing WHERE I can later echo this variable... but I'm getting somewhere with this...
function Row_Rendered() {
// To view properties of field class, use:
$GLOBALS['RecordOwner'] = $this->RequestUser->CurrentValue;
I feel compelled to write another answer to this update. Let me demonstrate the use of globals as seen from outside that function:
echo $GLOBALS['RecordOwner'];
Quick, what will be echoed and where does that value come from? Well, it depends on what $obj-foobar() does. Maybe it changes the global variable. Maybe it doesn't. Who knows if the variable has been set at all? How would you trace back what happened exactly without adding a debug line after every single function call?
And that's just three lines of code. Imagine that in an application of any complexity.
Now, the same thing if I return the value from Row_Rendered:
$owner = $obj->Row_Rendered();
echo $owner;
If the Row_Rendered method is behaving as it should (returning the owner), this code is very predictable. If you do not follow this pattern, you'll have a hell of a time getting anything done when the application grows to any halfway complex size.
Set the variable as global from within the function
$my_global_var = "old value";
function doing_stuff(){
global $my_global_var; //this will use the global variable instead of creating a local one
$my_global_var = "new value";
echo $my_global_var;//returns "new value"
For multi-language usage of CMS, they translate terms by a function similar to
function __($word) {
include 'fr.php';
if(!empty($lang[$word])) {$translated=$lang[$word];
} else {
$translated = $word;
return $translated;
Since we need to use this function several times in a php page, as all words and phrases will be echoed by __(' '); does the function need to include the language time every time, or it will be cached for the function after first load?
Since the language file contains a complete list of words and phrased used throughout the website (thousands of key/value), pho needs to load this long array into memory every time a page is visited. Is it really the best approach to add multi-language feature to a CMS?
If you can't use gettext() for some reason, you'd be better off, with something like this, to put it into an object with the included language strings as a static array, something like:
class Message {
private static $_messages = array();
public static function setMessageLibrary($sMessageLibrary) {
require_once $sMessageLibrary;
self::$_messages = $aMsgs;
public static function getMessage($sMessageId) {
return isset(self::$_messages[$sMessageId]) ? self::$_messages[$sMessageId] : "";
Your message library file (included with the setMessageLibrary() static function), of which you'll have one per language, will need a variable in it called $aMsgs which might look something like:
// Messages for fr-FR
$aMsgs = array(
'hello_everybody' => "Bonjour tout le monde"
and so on
Since it's all static but within the object you can effectively cache that included language file by setting it at the start of your script.
echo Message::getMessage('hello_world');
echo Message::getMessage('another_message');
echo Message::getMessage('yet_another_message');
All three messages will then reference the single language array stored in Message::$_messages
There's no sanitisation, nor sanity checks in there, but that's the basic principle anyway ... if you can't use gettext() ;)
1) it won't be cached, use include_once instead
2) no, i think gettext is doing it another/better way
IIRC, it will do some caching.
No, it's not. Check out gettext.
I have the following setup:
This defines many variables, the one I'm working with right now is $thisuser->getStaffLang();
(Only a function, not a class) This file runs a sql query based on the one variable I pass it from as well as it should pull the staff members unique language ID.
The function is:
function translate($TRANSLATION){
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$translation = mysql_result($query,0);
print $translation;
First file I'm working with using this function
example translation entry is:
My problem is that when I'm outside the function $thisuser->getStaffLang; is populated but inside the function it is empty. I really don't want to have to pass the same variable to the function over and over as some files can have upwards of 20 translations in them and that seems like alot of redundant coding. Can someone tell me how in the heck I can get that variable to be recognized by the function without have to pass it to it every single time when calling the function? Hope this wasn't clear as mud. :\
Note: Both class.language.php (where the function is and doesn't work) and (where the variable alone works) have required class.staff.php. So they both should be able to utilize that code/variable.
add global $thisuser; at the beggining of translate()
You need to mark $thisuser as global. See below:
function translate($TRANSLATION)
global $thisuser; //<---- MUST MARK global
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$translation = mysql_result($query,0);
print $translation;
$thisuser->getStaffLang is probably not a global. You should either make it global, by adding global $thisuser to the first line of the function,
or better, pass this variable also in the function scope. So something like this:
function translate($TRANSLATION, $stafflang){
// function here