Is this possible?
Like make an array with all the variables that have a certain prefix?
I don't need the keys just the values, but I guess I could use array_values on the array.
If you need to do this, it's probably not written very well to begin with, but, here's how to do it :)
$foobar = 'test';
$anothervar = 'anothertest';
$foooverflow = 'fo';
$barfoo = 'foobar';
$prefix = 'foo';
$output = array();
$vars = get_defined_vars();
foreach ($vars as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, $prefix) === 0) $output[] = $value;
$output = array(
'test', // from $foobar
'fo', // from $foooverflow
my eyes are bleeding a little, but I couldn't resist a one liner.
print_r(iterator_to_array(new RegexIterator(new ArrayIterator(get_defined_vars()), '/^' . preg_quote($prefix) . '/', RegexIterator::GET_MATCH, RegexIterator::USE_KEY)));
If you're talking about variables in the global scope, you could do this with $GLOBALS[]:
$newarray = array();
// Iterate over all current global vars
foreach ($GLOBALS as $key => $value) {
// And add those with keys matching prefix_ to a new array
if (strpos($key, 'prefix_' === 0) {
$newarray[$key] = $value;
If you have lots and lots of variables in global scope, this is going to be slower in execution than manually adding them all to compact(), but faster to type out.
I would just add (though I suspect you already know) that if you have the ability to refactor this code, you are better off to group the related variables together into an array in the first place.
This, my second answer, shows how to do this without making a mess of the global scope by using a simple PHP object:
$v = new stdClass();
$v->foo = "bar";
$v->scope = "your friend";
$v->using_classes = "a good idea";
$v->foo_overflow = "a bad day";
echo "Man, this is $v->using_classes!\n";
$prefix = "foo";
$output = array();
$refl = new ReflectionObject($v);
foreach ($refl->getProperties() as $prop) {
if (strpos($prop->getName(), $prefix) === 0) $output[] = $prop->getValue($v);
Here's the output:
Man, this is a good idea!
array (
0 => 'bar',
1 => 'a bad day',
I have a string 'value1/value2'. The required output is $_SESSION['value1']['value2']. i tried using explode and then array_reduce over explode values but with no success.
My code looks like
function set($key, $value){
/* code */
set('key1/key2', 'some_text');
required output like $_SESSION['key1']['key2'] = 'some_text';
key1/key2 is not fixed it may be 'key1' or 'key1/key2/key3' and so on.
Anyone be make fiddle of it is Highly appreciable.
Accessing a value via a key-path string, as in your original question, using your original idea and let array_reduce do the work looks like:
$session = ['value1' => [ 'value2' => [ 'value3' => 'there you are!' ]]];
$path = explode('/', 'value1/value2/value3');
$val = array_reduce($path,
function(&$carry, $key) { return $carry[$key];},
echo $val
--> "there you are!"
Setting a value can be done e.g. like this, following the path by reference, creating arrays as needed:
function set($path, $value) {
$path = explode('/', $path);
$key = array_pop($path);
$arr = &$_SESSION;
foreach($path as $part) {
// carefull, this might lose values to accommodate
// the structure wanted with $path
(isset($arr[$part]) && is_array($arr[$part])) || ($arr[$part] = []);
$arr =& $arr[$part];
$arr[$key] = $value;
Try this
$string = 'value1/value2';
$array = explode("/",$string);
$_SESSION[$array[0]][$array[1]] = "ccccccc";//$_SESSION['value1']['value2']
For a general case (i.e. for more than two pieces), you'll need to iterate over the segments, and incrementally index further into your target array:
$string = 'value1/value2/value3';
$_SESSION = ['value1' => ['value2' => ['value3' => 'My String']]];
$target = $_SESSION;
foreach (explode('/', $string) as $piece) {
$target =& $target[$piece];
echo $target; // My String
I'm curious, how does the PHP's function extract do it's work? I would like to make a slightly modified version. I want my function to make the variable names when extracting from the keys of the array from snake notation to camelCase e.g:
Now extract does this:
$array = ['foo_bar' => 'baz'];
// $foo_bar = 'baz';
What I would like is:
// $fooBar = 'baz';
Now I could of course camelCase the array first, but it would be nice if this could be done in a single function.
It seems some people misread my question. Yes I could do this:
function camelExtract($array)
$array = ['foo_bar' => 'baz'];
$camelCased = [];
foreach($array as $key => $val)
$camelCased[camelcase($key)] = $val;
// $fooBar = 'baz';
// I can't "return" the extracted variables here
// .. now $fooBar is only available in this scope
// Not here
But as I've stated, then the $fooBar is only visible within that scope.
I guess I could do something as extract(camelCaseArray($array)); and that would work.
This should work:-
function camel(array $arr)
foreach($arr as $a => $b)
$a = lcfirst(str_replace(" ", "", ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $a))));
$GLOBALS[$a] = $b;
You can (cautiously) use variable variables:
function camelExtract($vals = array()) {
foreach ($vals as $key => $v) {
$splitVar = explode('_', $key);
$first = true;
foreach ($splitVar as &$word) {
if (!$first) {
$word = ucfirst($word);
$first = false;
$key = implode('', $splitVar);
global ${$key};
${$key} = $v;
This has now been tested and functions as expected. This condensed answer (after it addressed the lowercase first word) also works great and is much more condensed - mine is just a little more of a "step by step" to work through how the camel is done.
extract, and modification to the callees local symbol table from within a called function is magic. There is no way to perform the equivalent in plain-PHP without using it.
The final task can be solved using John Conde's suggesting of using extra after performing a transformation to the supplied array keys; although my recommendation is to avoid extract-like behavior entirely. The approach would then look similar to
where such code is not wrapped in a function so that extract is executed from the scope of the symbol table in which to import the variables.
This extract behavior is is unlike variable-variables (in a called function) and is unlike using $GLOBALS as it mutates the callees (and only the callees) symbol table as see seen in this demo:
function extract_container () {
extract(array("foo" => "bar"));
return $foo;
echo "Extract: " . extract_container() . "\n"; // "bar" =>
echo "Current: " . $foo . "\n"; // => {no $foo in scope}
echo "Global: " . $GLOBALS['foo'] . "\n"; // => {no 'foo' in GLOBALS}
The C implementation for extract can be found in ext/standard/array.c. This behavior is allowed because the native function does not create a new/local PHP symbol table for itself; as such it is allowed to (trivially) modify the symbol table of the calling PHP context.
$arr = array('foo_bar'=>'smth');
function camelExtract($arr) {
foreach($arr as $k=>$v) {
$newName = lcfirst(str_replace(" ","",ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$k))));
global $$newName;
$$newName = $v;
or just like (t's what you suggest, and better to mimic the original extract)
$camelArray[lcfirst(str_replace(" ","",ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",$k))))] = $v;
and extract on the resulting camelArray
I will have a lot unknown levels of array; I would like to delete the selected ones.
$data = array(
'level1' => array(
'level2' => array(
'level3' => array(
'level4' => 'the end level at currently example, but not always',
'level4_remain' => 'this data will remain'
'remain' => 'this data would not delete in this example too'
'root' => 'this data would not delete in this example'
I have a class called vars; it stores all variables globally that I can fetch at anytime; add at anytime, but now that I'm going to make the delete method, I worry about the multi-level issue:
class vars {
public static $data = array();
public static function get($key){
$key = explode('/', $key);
$v = self::$data;
foreach($key as $k)
return null;
$v = &$v[$k];
return $v;
public static function has($key){
public static function del($key){
$key = explode('/', $key);
//....Any idea how to do this....//
and I will use the get method like this:
$blabla = vars::get('level1/level2/level3/level4');
and return correct data, but in the del method, I have no idea what to do:
$deleted = vars::del('level1/level2/level3/level4');
It needs to be finished after deleting the array:
After doing some research I found this, but this is just for "set" level of array, not automatically set as many level as it can be:
foreach ($data as $k1 => $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $k2 => $arr2) {
foreach ($arr2 as $k3 => $arr3) {
if ($k3 == $key) {
and I think it can be done like this but is quite ugly:
foreach($data as $k1 => $arr1){
foreach($arr1 as $k2 => $arr2){
//...keep writing the if(is_array()){}else{} and foreach(){} for more level deeper...//
//...the unset should be here...//
After some research, eval might be harmful, so anyone have any ideas how to do this using any method except eval?
If you don't mind using eval...
public static function del($levels)
$lvls = explode('/', $levels);
$count = count($lvls);
$eval = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$count; ++$i) {
// Current Array Key
$key = $lvls[$i];
$eval .= "['$key']";
$eval = 'self::data' . $eval;
However, running untrusted (like User input) through eval can be dangerous.
To avoid eval, you can go the recursive route. The trick is to loop over your indices and pass a subarray reference repeatedly, similar to your get function, just recursively.
public static function del($key){
$key = array_reverse( explode('/', $key) ); // _reverse for _pop later
del_r(self::$data,$key); // start the recursive function
private static function del_r(&$array,$keys) { // shouldn't be used from outside
$key = array_pop($keys); // extract next key, this removes it from $keys
if (count($keys)) { // still keys left -> recurse further
del_r($array[$key],$keys); // pass subarray by reference
else { // no more keys -> delete the element at the current $key
Depending on the number of keys, you can use array_shift() instead of array_pop() and remove the array_reverse().
Do you know a better way to do thing when it comes to assigning values to a large number of variables after an if?
In my case it like this:
$akeType = array_key_exists('type',$handle);
$akeParent = array_key_exists('parent',$handle);
$akeUserName = array_key_exists('userName',$handle);
$akeUserId = array_key_exists('userId',$handle);
$akeCountryCode = array_key_exists('userId',$handle);
if ( $akeType && $akeParent && $akeUserName && $akeUserId & $akeCountryCode ) {
$listType = $handle['type'];
$listParent = $handle['parent'];
$listUserName = $handle['userName'];
$listUserId = $handle['userId'];
$foo = $_POST['foo'];
$bar = $_POST['bar'];
$listCountryCode = $handle['countryCode']; // Is there a way to clean up this part? The assignments to variables.
take a look at the extract -- Import variables into the current symbol table from an array
extract($handle, EXTR_OVERWRITE, "ake_");
You can do this with the somewhat more obscure code following:
$keys= array('type','parent','userName', 'userId');
foreach($keys as $key) {
$nametoset= "list".ucfirst($key);
$$nametoset= $handle[$key];
$$nametoset refers to the variable named like the string $nametoset.
Similar code may be used for the $ake... variables.
You can use Variable variables to set your variable list.
For your specific case, you can use the following code:
foreach ($handle as $key => $value) {
$var_name = 'list'.$key;
$$var_name = $value;
foreach ($_POST as $pkey => $pvalue) {
$$pkey = $pvalue;
These loops create variables depending on your arrays keys.
I have a string like this:
$string = 'one/two/three/four';
which I turn it into a array:
$keys = explode('/', $string);
This array can have any number of elements, like 1, 2, 5 etc.
How can I assign a certain value to a multidimensional array, but use the $keys I created above to identify the position where to insert?
$arr['one']['two']['three']['four'] = 'value';
Sorry if the question is confusing, but I don't know how to explain it better
This is kind of non-trivial because you want to nest, but it should go something like:
function insert_using_keys($arr, $keys, $value){
// we're modifying a copy of $arr, but here
// we obtain a reference to it. we move the
// reference in order to set the values.
$a = &$arr;
while( count($keys) > 0 ){
// get next first key
$k = array_shift($keys);
// if $a isn't an array already, make it one
$a = array();
// move the reference deeper
$a = &$a[$k];
$a = $value;
// return a copy of $arr with the value set
return $arr;
$string = 'one/two/three/four';
$keys = explode('/', $string);
$arr = array(); // some big array with lots of dimensions
$ref = &$arr;
while ($key = array_shift($keys)) {
$ref = &$ref[$key];
$ref = 'value';
What this is doing:
Using a variable, $ref, to keep track of a reference to the current dimension of $arr.
Looping through $keys one at a time, referencing the $key element of the current reference.
Setting the value to the final reference.
You'll need to first make sure the key's exist, then assign the value. Something like this should work (untested):
function addValueByNestedKey(&$array, $keys, $value) {
$branch = &$array;
$key = array_shift($keys);
// add keys, maintaining reference to latest branch:
while(count($keys)) {
$key = array_pop($keys);
if(!array_key_exists($key, $branch) {
$branch[$key] = array();
$branch = &$branch[$key];
$branch[$key] = $value;
// usage:
$arr = array();
$keys = explode('/', 'one/two/three/four');
addValueByNestedKey($arr, $keys, 'value');
it's corny but:
function setValueByArrayKeys($array_keys, &$multi, $value) {
$m = &$multi
foreach ($array_keys as $k){
$m = &$m[$k];
$m = $value;
$arr['one']['two']['three']['four'] = 'value';
$string = 'one/two/three/four';
$ExpCheck = explode("/", $string);
$CheckVal = $arr;
foreach($ExpCheck AS $eVal){
$CheckVal = $CheckVal[$eVal]??false;
if (!$CheckVal)
if ($CheckVal) {
$val =$CheckVal;
this will give u your value in array.