Either I'm losing my mind, or I've not got the faintest idea what I'm doing. I'm leaning towards the latter.
I'm trying to convert this: 1316826000, which I'm pretty confident should be Sat, 24 Sep 2011 01:00:00 GMT
http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm confirms this.
http://www.unixtimestamp.com/index.php tells me 09 / 23 / 11 # 8:00:00pm EST, so far so good. I happen to be in EST, this is the result I'd like to get back from PHP.
When I do date('l, M d, Y, h:ia', $iTime), I get: Friday, Sep 23, 2011, 12:00am, a full 20 hours off.
I've confirmed the server's time is correct using date('c'). date('c') output is: 2012-05-19T03:19:20+00:00. The server is in the central time zone, where it is currently 10:20pm. May 18.
echo date_default_timezone_get() outputs "GMT" (set somewhere else in the script using date_default_timezone_set('GMT'))
What am I missing? Nothing I've read so far can explain how I'm getting a result 20 hours behind what it should be. Were it an hour fast or slow, I could at least wrap my head around it being some sort of DST idiotry, but 20? Crazyness! Thanks for reading!
Check what your php.ini says for date.timezone.
In unix it is usually here: /etc/php.ini
Then use a proper timezone recognized by PHP:
date.timezone = 'America/New_York'
Then reload your web server.
Unix time just means the number of seconds since epoch. Has nothing to do with timezones. Timezones simply add or subtract 1 hour (3600 seconds) from the unix time for each zone you move away from GMT.
An example:
$userTimezone = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$gmtTimezone = new DateTimeZone('GMT');
$myDateTime = new DateTime('2014-01-22 11:44', $gmtTimezone);
$offset = $userTimezone->getOffset($myDateTime);
echo $offset;
That will output: -14400 or 4 hours. Which is the difference between New York and GMT
Using some Java code with the Joda-Time 2.3 library, as I don't know PHP…
long m = 1316826000L;
DateTime dateTimeUtc = new DateTime( m * 1000L, DateTimeZone.UTC );
DateTime dateTimeNewYork = dateTimeUtc.toDateTime( DateTimeZone.forID( "America/New_York" ) );
System.out.println( "dateTimeUtc: " + dateTimeUtc );
System.out.println( "dateTimeNewYork: " + dateTimeNewYork );
I can tell you that 1316826000 seconds from the beginning of 1970 UTC/GMT (Unix Epoch) is…
dateTimeUtc: 2011-09-24T01:00:00.000Z
dateTimeNewYork: 2011-09-23T21:00:00.000-04:00
So, as the commenter stated, it would be 8 PM in EST but EST was not in effect on that day. DST (Daylight Saving Time) (idiocy, as you correctly noted) was in effect until November 9 of that year (2011). So the time of day is pushed forward one hour, to 9 PM.
In GMT/UTC, that means 1 AM in the morning of the next day.
Standard time in east coast US is 5 hours behind UTC/GMT. With DST it is 4 hours behind UTC/GMT (one hour closer).
Where you got confused:
Your time format/conversion in incorrect.I can't help with that as I don't know PHP.
You should be using a competent date-time library for this kind of work.Date-time work is complicated, tricky, confusing, and error-prone.This question discusses possibilities of Joda-Time (for Java) sorts of libraries for PHP.
You used three-letter time zone codes. Avoid these.Those codes are neither standardized nor unique -- there are common duplicates. Instead, use proper time zone names. In your case of east coast US, "America/New_York". Furthermore, in this case you confused the time zone area and rules (east coast US) with a particular application of those rules (EST). Saying "America/New_York" means "whatever time zone rules were in effect on that date, whereas saying "EST" (if interpreted to mean Eastern Standard Time in US) means "UTC-05:00". So either (a) use a time zone name such as "America/New_York", or (b) use a specific offset such as "-05:00".
$new_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+2 days"));
$new_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+48 hours"));
Are they same or different
Are they same or different
They are quite different. Objectively speaking, 2 days does not always equal 48 hours.
Consider crossing a daylight-savings boundary.
For example, 2019-04-07T02:00:00+1100 (AEDT -> AEST)
$twoDays = new DateInterval('P2D');
$fortyEightHours = new DateInterval('PT48H');
$ref = new DateTimeImmutable('2019-04-07T01:00:00',
new DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne'));
echo 'Reference: ', $ref->format('r'), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Plus 2 days: ', $ref->add($twoDays)->format('r'), PHP_EOL;
echo 'Plus 48 hours: ', $ref->add($fortyEightHours)->format('r'), PHP_EOL;
This produces
Reference: Sun, 07 Apr 2019 01:00:00 +1100
Plus 2 days: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 01:00:00 +1000
Plus 48 hours: Tue, 09 Apr 2019 00:00:00 +1000
Note, HHVM produces a different result for some reason
Demo ~ https://3v4l.org/L4tKo
This list of common date / time related falsehoods is worth checking out ~ https://github.com/kdeldycke/awesome-falsehood#dates-and-time
It's worth pointing out that using the same reference date and manipulating it with strtotime() produces different results to those above.
Demo ~ https://3v4l.org/O6MTd
I suspect this is because its relative time calculations aren't as nuanced as DateInterval.
Semantically they are different, as demonstrated by Phil in the other answer. This means that in some other libraries that account for this the difference is real.
However, the implementation of strtotime() does not take this into account, so given your example, it makes no difference.
I was interested if it can be followed up through source code, so here goes:
Implementation of strtotime() does this:
strtotime() starts, calling timelib_strtotime() to create the initial ts construct
timelib_strtotime() calls scan() to parse the string
it reads the string you've given to it, and one of the tokens it gets is your +2 days or +48 hours, which is considered as relativetext.
for relativetext, among other things, timelib_set_relative() is called
in timelib_set_relative() it does a lookup from using timelib_lookup_relunit(), which uses timelib_relunit_lookup array, finding that you've provided either a construct with type TIMELIB_DAY, value 1, multiplier 2, or construct TIMELIB_HOUR, value 1, multiplier 24
It saves the information from previous call to s->time->relative construct
this construct gets passed on, until strtotime calls timelib_update_ts with it (and with timezone info!)
in timelib_update_ts we call do_adjust_relative() to act on it. We do it without using time zone parameter, which I would think is the critical mistake
do_adjust_relative() calls timelib_do_normalize()
timelib_do_normalize() for hours does do_range_limit(0, 24, 24, &time->h, &time->d), increasing days and decreasing hours if hours are over the hardcoded limit which is 24, and for days does do_range_limit_days(), increasing months and decreasing days if we are over the limit, taking into account leap time (but NOT time zones!).
on returning to timelib_update_ts, we call do_adjust_timezone with timezone parameter, but at this point we've already made all the adjustments and we know no more if it was done with +48 hours or with +2 days. Thus it makes no difference.
TLDR: strtotime() does not take time zones into account when doing the conversion, so in that function it makes no difference, even though it really should.
I've been searching alot and I can't seem to find a solution.
I have a PHP web page where I can schedule email alerts at specific times. I select the date and time of when the alert is to be sent. This is stored in MySQL table in UNIX format. I have a job that executes every 15 minutes and sends the emails if the date+time is in the past - this all works perfectly except I need to extend it for my USA colleagues. I am based in Ireland so I will need to manage the different timezones all across the US. I am planning on adding a select list of timezones that the user will have to select once they register...at least thats a start. Managing timezones is fine because I reckon all I need to do is minus the time different from the server time and then save the date time in unix format. DST is a different issue tho - does anyone have any ideas on how to overcome this?
I have read that using UTC as the base time but even if that is the case wont I still have the same issue?
Thanks a mil!
Your times are already in UNIX timestamp format so all you need is to calculate time difference (offset) of user. For example Ireland is in UTC/UTC+1 timezone. So all you need is to do the math like james_t mentioned in his comment. If you need user from Ireland to get an email in 9:00pm UTC+1 you have to send it in 8:00pm UTC. So what's an idea?
Allow users to select timezone which means they select offset from UTC. Keep it somewhere in database (your users table or some other table, doesn't matter).
Convert offset in seconds:
$delta_time = -1 * $offset * 3600
Then calculate your trigger-time:
$trigger_time = time() + $delta_time;
Now you have time when your email sender can fire in right moment depending on user's timezone settings.
For example:
$offset = 1; // summer in Ireland
$server_time = time(); // at the moment 1350509127
$delta_time = -1 * $offset * 3600; // -3600
$trigger_time = $server_time + $delta_time; // 1350505527
All you need is to compare $trigger_time with UNIX timestamp from your database and decide to send an email (or not).
Ofc, it's not bad idea to use PHP timezones instead of pure +/- offset and stay updated when DST changes apply on certain locations.
Make some test, this is not that hard.
This is just a general idea, not complete working solution.
To calculate time-difference in seconds between any two timezones you can use something like this:
function delta_offset()
function delta_offset($server_timezone, $user_timezone) {
$dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($server_timezone));
$offset_server = $dt->getOffset();
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($user_timezone));
$offset_user = $dt->getOffset();
return $offset_user - $offset_server;
To get an offset in seconds:
$server_tz = "Europe/London";
$user_tz = "America/New_York";
$offset = delta_offset($server_tz, $user_tz); // offset in sec.
Create some output:
$dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
echo "<pre>UTC date/time: " . $dt->format('l, F jS, <b>H:i:s</b>') . "\n";
$dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($server_tz));
echo "London date/time: " . $dt->format('l, F jS, <b>H:i:s</b>') . "\n";
$dt = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone($user_tz));
echo "New York date/time: " . $dt->format('l, F jS, <b>H:i:s</b>') . "\n\n";
echo "Time difference between London (UK) and New York (USA) is: <b>$offset_h</b> ($offset s)</pre>";
Output in browser (in moment of writing this post):
UTC date/time: Wednesday, October 17th, 22:32:27
London date/time: Wednesday, October 17th, 23:32:27
New York date/time: Wednesday, October 17th, 18:32:27
Time difference between London (UK) and New York (USA) is: -5:00 (-18000 s)
In this case offset is -5 hours (-18000 seconds) but it automatically changes if DST rules change for any of timezones given as function-arguments.
Delta-offset provides information how much earlier or later you have to send an email to user in different timezone and all you need now is to do simple +/- delta-offset with your email-sender's scheduler.
Hope this may help you to get right solution for your problem.
Update #2 - Example (theory)
Imagine this situation.
Your current server-time is X and its 7:00pm at the moment in Ireland. I live in Serbia and we have same DST rules but I’m one hour after (UTC+1/UTC+2). Difference between your and my time is +3600 seconds (1 hour).
Now you have to send an email to me in 10:00pm (it’s 9:00pm in Ireland).
Current time is X.
Delta-offset is -1 * +3600 = -3600 (delta-offset multiplied with -1).
Sending time on your location in 10:00 pm is X + 10800 (3 hours later).
Sending time on my location in 10 pm is X + 10800 + delta-offset = X + 7200 (2 hours later).
Formula to check if actual time is equal or greater than trigger-time (sending time) is:
current_timestamp >= trigger_timestamp + delta_offset
where delta-offset from delta_offset() function must be multiplied with -1 to use in formula.
Now you can send email when you want and be sure it will be sent using user's local time (ofc, if user timezone settings are correct).
Note: Difference from this example (Serbia - Ireland = +1 hour) is different during DST changes which means that 1 hour every year we're in same timezone (0 delta-offset), and one hour we have +2 hours delta-offset. This is possible because DST changes are applied 1 hour earlier in Serbia so when our time is changed +1 you have to wait 60 minutes before same change applies to Ireland-time *then we're +2) and same thing when we bring back clock to normal time (0 difference).
Here's what my server says:
date('c') = 2012-08-09T22:11:13-04:00
time() = 1344564673
Within 10 seconds, here's what http://www.unixtimestamp.com says:
1344568431 EST (-5 GMT + DST when appropriate)
1344564831 UTC (GMT)
...seconds since Jan 01 1970.
This translates to current server time of 08/09/2012 # 10:13pm in EST.
... and when I type my server's time stamp of 1344564673 into unixtimestamp's converter I get:
TIME STAMP: 1344564673
DATE (M/D/Y # h:m:s): 08 / 09 / 12 # 9:11:13pm EST
... My server's off by almost an hour, right? Or am I missing something? (I don't care if it's off by a few minutes)
Your time appears correct (within a few minutes).
It appears that unixtimestamp.com isn't taking DST into effect, which it is right now in EST. That's why their time is off by an hour from what you get from PHP.
Instead try epochconverter.com which does handle DST.
Just FYI in case you didn't already know: time() always returns timestamps in UTC. When you output them in PHP using date(), the output is reflected in the timezone currently set in PHP. This can be set in php.ini using the date.timezone setting, and you can switch it at runtime using date_default_timezone_set().
Hope that helps.
Columbus, Ohio is in EDT timezone but PHP::DateTime uses these php timezones and I cannot seem to find one that gives me correct time. America/New_York is off by an hour because until EDT ends we are +5 not 4.
I am confused. For example right now its 11:26AM roughly speaking and I get back 10:26AM. The server has the right time set on it, I tried using date_default_timezone_set("EDT") but this is not allowed.
$fromZone = 'Europe/London';
$toZone = 'American/New_York';
function adjustTime($time, $fromZone, $toZone){
$date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimeZone($fromZone));
$date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($toZone));
return $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
For example: I receive from a soap web service "2010-09-23 15:25:56" which is Europe/London time and it should be transformed to "2010-09-23 11:25:56" which is EDT time. I was trying to use the function above and this is returning back "2010-09-23 10:25:56"
"America/New_York" should give you the right value, given that at the time of this writing it's 11.36 in New York too. Note that that's UTC-4 (it's currently 15:35 UTC). In standard time, you're UTC-5.
EDT isn't really a "full" time zone - it's just the daylight part of it. A time zone name like "America/New_York" gives the complete time zone implementation.
Now as to why your server is giving the wrong value, that's a different matter... if you ask for the UTC time, what does it give you?
EDIT: As mentioned in the comments, the fix is to convert from UTC, not from Europe/London:
$date = new DateTime($time, new DateTimeZone('UTC'))
(There may be a better way of doing it; I'm not a PHP developer.)
I've got a very strange bug cropping up in some PHP code I've got. The page is managing student enrolments in courses. On the page is a table of the student's courses, and each row has a number of dates: when they enrolled, when they completed, when they passed the assessment and when they picked up their certificate.
The table data is generated by PHP (drawing the data from the DB), and Javascript actually renders the table. The output from PHP is JS code which looks something like this:
var e = new Enrolment();
e.contactId = 5801;
e.enrolId = 14834;
e.courseId = 3;
e.dateEnrolled = new Date(1219672800000);
e.dateCompleted = new Date(-1000); // magic value meaning they haven't completed.
e.resultDate = new Date(1223647200000);
e.certDate = new Date(1223560800000);
e.result = 95;
e.passed = true;
enrolments[14834] = e;
In the database, all the date fields are stored as DATE (not DATETIME) fields.
The bug is that the dates are being displayed as one day off. I would suspect that this has a lot to do with the server being in an area which has daylight saving, whereas here there isn't any (meaning the server time is one hour off). This explains a lot, especially how the data preparation and rendering is being done in two different timezones. That is: the server is saying to the client that the person completed at midnight on the 15th August, and the client is interpreting that as 11pm on the 14th and therefore displaying 14th August.
But here's the confusing part: it's only doing that for the resultDate and certDate fields! I've copied the data to my local server and have found that the production server is actually sending a different timestamp (one which is off by 1 hour) just for those two fields, whereas the dateEnrolled field is the same.
Here's the output using the exact same code and data from the database:
// local server (timezone GMT+1000)
e.dateEnrolled = new Date(1219672800000); // 26 Aug 2008 00:00 +10:00
e.dateCompleted = new Date(-1000);
e.resultDate = new Date(1223647200000); // 11 Oct 2008 00:00 +10:00
e.certDate = new Date(1223560800000); // 10 Oct 2008 00:00 +10:00
// production server (timezone GMT+1100)
e.dateEnrolled = new Date(1219672800000); // 26 Aug 2008 00:00 +10:00
e.dateCompleted = new Date(-1000);
e.resultDate = new Date(1223643600000); // 10 Oct 2008 23:00 +10:00 **
e.certDate = new Date(1223557200000); // 09 Oct 2008 23:00 +10:00 **
I can understand if this was a problem with Daylight Saving not being accounted for, but notice how the dateEnrolled is the same?
The PHP code which converts the MySQL date to a unix timestamp is this:
list ($year, $month, $day) = explode ('-', $mysqlDT);
$timestamp = mktime (0,0,0, $month, $day, $year);
Any ideas about how to fix this?
Thats because you use mktime which is locale specific. That is it will convert it to the number of seconds from 00:00:00 1970-1-1 GMT, and that is offset by 1 hour with one timezone.
You should also remember that the javascript does use the same timezone as the browser, not the web page.
e.resultDate = new Date(year, month - 1, day);
This will make sure the date is the same for every viewer from every timezone.
Or you can use gmmktime and use the UTC methods in Date.
Ok, I just figured out why it's mucking up one date but not the other. Daylight savings wasn't in effect in August. facepalm
always store dates/datetimes in GMT/UTC
take a good look at the query that retrieves these values, anything different about the ones being adjusted?
if not, are they all timestamp or date or datetime?
It is mosly likely to be day light saving issue.
The reason why it doing it only for resultDate and certDate is that dateEnrolled is in August, daylight saving normally begins/ends in late September or early October.
Set the date.timezone ini setting to your app's timezone, using apache.conf, .htaccess or ini_set().