performance of MYSQL and PHP fetching records - php

Scenario 1
I have one table lets say "member". In that table "member" i have 7 fields ( memid,login_name,password,age,city,phone,country ). In my table i have 10K records.i need to fetch one record . so i'm using the query like this
mysql_query("select * from member where memid=999");
Scenario 2
I have the same table called "member" but i'm splitting the table like this member and member_txt .So in my member_txt table i have memid,age,phone,city,country )and in my member table i have memid,login_name,password .
Which is the best scenario to fetch the data quickly? Either going to single table or split the table into two with reference?
Note: I need to fetch the particular data in PHP and MYSQL. Please let me know which is best method to follow.
we have 10K records

For your own health, use the single table approach.
As long as you are using a primary key for memid, things are going to be lightning fast. This is because PRIMARY KEY automatically assigns an index, which basically tells the exact location for the data and eliminates the need to go through data that it would otherwise do.
Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly.
Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read
through the entire table to find the relevant rows. The larger the
table, the more this costs. If the table has an index for the columns
in question, MySQL can quickly determine the position to seek to in
the middle of the data file without having to look at all the data. If
a table has 1,000 rows, this is at least 100 times faster than reading
sequentially. If you need to access most of the rows, it is faster to
read sequentially, because this minimizes disk seeks.
Your second approach only makes your system more complex, and provides no benefits.
Use the scenario 1.

please make the memid primary/unique key then having one table is faster than having two tables.

In general you should not see to much impact on performance with 10k rows as long as your accessing it by your primary key.
Also note that fetching data from one table is also faster than fetching data from 2 tables.
If you want to optimize further use the column names in the select statement instead of the * operator.


Should I create index for timestamps columns in Laravel

I'm using laravel & mysql, my database table has over 1M records and continue growing fast. I always need to filter or count by date range in created_at or updated_at column. I'm wondering that should I create indexes for created_at and updated_at. Do the indexes make the query faster? And how much the insert will be slower if I create the two indexes?
Thank all
You should add the index if your business requirements need you to query or order the records by modified_at or created_at, which is often the case.
Otherwise if you just need it for your personal checking, there is no need to add in the index for it.
Indexes are used to find rows with specific column values quickly. Without an index, MySQL must begin with the first row and then read through the entire table to find the relevant rows.
The larger the table, the more this costs. If the table has an index for the columns in question, MySQL can quickly determine the position to seek to in the middle of the data file without having to look at all the data. This is much faster than reading every row sequentially.
Indexes will degrade insert/delete performance since indexes have to be updated. In case of update it depends on whether you update indexed columns. If not, performance should not be affected.

Storing an index list with MYSQL?

I have a MySQL/PHP performance related question.
I need to store an index list associated with each record in a table. Each list contains 1000 indices. I need to be able to quickly access any index value in the list associated to a given record. I am not sure about the best way to go. I've thought of the following ways and would like your input on them:
Store the list in a string as a comma separated value list or using JSON. Probably terrible performance since I need to extract the whole list out of the DB to PHP only to retrieve a single value. Parsing the string won't exactly be fast either... I can store a number of expanded lists in a Least Rencently Used cache on the PHP side to reduce load.
Make a list table with 1001 columns that will store the list and its primary key. I'm not sure how costly this is regarding storage? This also feels like abusing the system. And then, what if I need to store 100000 indices?
Only store with SQL the name of the binary file containing my indices and perform a fopen(); fseek(); fread(); fclose() cycle for each access? Not sure how the system filesystem cache will react to that. If it goes badly then there are many solutions available to adress the issues... but that's sounds a bit overkill no?
What do you think of that?
What about a good old one-to-many relationship?
id int
record ...
record_id int
index varchar
FROM records
LEFT JOIN indices
ON = indices.record_id
WHERE indices.index = 'foo'
The standard solution is to create another table, with one row per (record, index), and add a MySQL Index to allow fast search
`IDrecord` int(11) NOT NULL,
`item` int(11) NOT NULL,
KEY `IDrecord` (`IDrecord`)
Change the item's type according to your needs - I used int in my example.
The most logical solution would be to put each value in it's own tuple. Adding a MYSQL index to each tuple will enable the DBMS to quickly ascertain the value, and should improve performance.
The reasons we're not going with your other answers are as follows:
Option 1
Storing multiple values in one MYSQL cell is a violation of the first stage of database normalisation. You can read up on it here.
Option 3
This has heavy reliance on other files. You want to localize your data storage as much as possible, to make it easier to maintain in the future.

Finding the Need to Use Indexes in MySQL

I have three or four tables in a MySQL database associated with an upcoming Android app that potentially may explode to thousands of rows very fast. At this time, I have about 6 - 8 SELECT and 2 INSERT SQL commands that will need to be done.
After doing research, I have found that I will have to use indexing to cut down on load time. I have searched for several tutorials on different sites to see if I can pick this up -- but I have found nothing that explains very clearly what and how to to do this.
Here's the situation:
First and foremast, it will be using a Godaddy MySQL server. Unlimited bandwidth and 150,000 MB. Here is one table that will be getting lots of use:
items_id (int 11)
item (100 varchar)
cat_id (int 11)
In PHPMyAdmin it says for indexes:
Keyname/PRIMARY type/PRIMARY Cardinality/576 items_id
So it appears there is an index established, correct?
Here is one SQL Query (via PHP) related to this table (SELECT):
"SELECT * FROM items WHERE cat_id = ' ".$_REQUEST['category_id']."' ORDER BY TRIM(LEADING 'The ' FROM item) ASC;"
And another (INSERT):
"INSERT INTO items (item, cat_id) VALUES ('{$newItem}', '{$cat_id}')"
My main questions are: With these methods, am I utilizing the best speed possible and making use of the established indexes? Or does this have "slow" written all over it?
Simple selects / inserts cannot be changed to take advantage of indexes.
But indexes can be added to the tables to make the queries run faster.
Well actually inserts don't do anything with indexes unless you're using InnoDB as a storage engine and foreign key constraints.
If you're using a column in the where / group by / order by clauses of a select statement you may consider adding an index on it. A good ideea would be to use EXPLAIN on the queries in cause and see how the database engine uses the columns in the where clause.
If a column has a small set of non-unique possible values (gender: male/ female) it makes little sense to add an index for it because you won't be searching for all the females or all the males (and half a table search is not very different than a full table search). But if you use that column along with another column to filter / group / sort you may want to add a composite index (multi-column index) on them.
Databases within MySQL are organized as folders. The folders contain multiple files for each table.
There's a table definition file, a table data file and some index files. If you define an index for a column or multiple columns, a file for that index will be created.
If you don't have any indexes not even the primary key, any Select statement is going to do a full table search which for hundreds of thousands of entries becomes noticeably slow.
If you define an index it will read all the unique values in the table for that column or set of columns and write a file that lists correspondences between a certain value of that column or those columns and the records that contain it.
That file should be much smaller that the data file and should usually fit into memory entirely along side other index files. MySQL now has to intersect the matching record lists in that file to find out which records match the select criteria and then cherry-pick the data it needs from the data table.
Primary and Unique indexes have a direct correspondence between one value and one record. So searching by unique value is fast.

Optimized ways to update every record in a table after running some calculations on each row

There is a large table that holds millions of records. phpMyAdmin reports 1.2G size for the table.
There is a calculation that needs to be done for every row. The calculation is not simple (cannot be put in set col= calc format), it uses a stored function to get the values, so currently we have for each row a single update.
This is extremely slow and we want to optimize it.
Stored function:
And this is called by this method for every row:
This is performed on a off live server, and usually it is updated once per week.
What options we have here.
Why not setup a separate table to hold the computed values to take the load off your current table. It can have two columns: primary key for each row in your main table and a column for the computed value.
Then your process can be:
a) Truncate computedValues table - This is faster than trying to identify new rows
b) Compute the values and insert into the computed values table
c) So when ever you need your computed values you join to the computedValues table using a primary key join which is fast, and in case you need more computations well you just add new columns.
d) You can also update the main table using the computed values if you have to
Well, the problem doesn't seem to be the UPDATE query because no calculations are performed in the query itself. As it seems the calculations are performed first and then the UPDATE query is run. So the UPDATE should be quick enough.
When you say "this is extremely slow", I assume you are not referring to the UPDATE query but the complete process. Here are some quick thoughts:
As you said there are millions of records, updating those many entries is always time consuming. And if there are many columns and indexes defined on the table, it will add to the overhead.
I see that there are many REPLACE INTO queries in the function getNumberOfPeople(). These might as well be a reason for the slow process. Have you checked how efficient are these REPLACE INTO queries? Can you try removing them and then see if it has any impact on the UPDATE process.
There are a couple of SELECT queries too in getNumberOfPeople(). Check if they might be impacting the process and if so, try optimizing them.
In procedure updateGPCD(), you may try replacing SELECT COUNT(*) INTO _has_breakdown with SELECT COUNT(1) INTO _has_breakdown. In the same query, the WHERE condition is reading _ACCOUNT but this will fail when _ACCOUNT = 0, no?
On another suggestion, if it is the UPDATE that you think is slow because of reason 1, it might make sense to move the updating column gpcd outside usage_bill to another table. The only other column in the table should be the unique ID from usage_bill.
Hope the above make sense.

Purpose of Secondary Key

What is the purpose of the Secondary key? Say I have a table that logs down all the check-ins (similar to Foursquare), with columns id, user_id, location_id, post, time, and there can be millions of rows, many people have stated to use secondary keys to speed up the process.
Why does this work? And should both user_id and location_id be secondary keys?
I'm using mySQL btw...
Edit: There will be a page that lists/calculates all the check-ins for a particular user, and another page that lists all the users who has checked-in to a particular location
mySQL Query
Type 1
SELECT location_id FROM checkin WHERE user_id = 1234
SELECT user_id FROM checkin WHERE location_id = 4321
Type 2
SELECT COUNT(location_id) as num_users FROM checkin
SELECT COUNT(user_id) as num_checkins FROM checkin
The key (also called index) is for speeding up queries. If you want to see all checkins for a given user, you need a key on user_id field. If you want to see all checking for a given location, you need index on location_id field. You can read more at mysql documentation
I want to comment on your question and your examples.
Let me just suggest strongly to you that since you are using MySQL you make sure that your tables are using the innodb engine type for many reasons you can research on your own.
One important feature of InnoDB is that you have referential integrity. What does that mean? In your checkin table, you have a foreign key of user_id which is the primary key of the user table. With referential integrity, MySQL will not let you insert a row with a user_id that doesn't exist in the user table. Using MyISAM, you can. That alone should be enough to make you want to use the innodb engine.
To your question about keys/indexes, essentially when a table is defined and a key is declared for a column or some combination of columns, mysql will create an index.
Indexes are essential for performance as a table grows with the insert of rows.
All relational databases and Document databases depend on an implementation of BTree indexing. What Btree's are very good for, is finding an item (or not) using a predictable number of lookups. So when people talk about the performance of a relational database the essential building block of that is use of btree indexes, which are created via KEY statements or with alter table or create index statements.
To understand why this is, imagine that your user table was simply a text file, with one line per row, perhaps separated by commas. As you add a row, a new line in the text file gets added at the bottom.
Eventually you get to the point that you have 10,000 lines in the file.
Now you want to find out if you entered a line for one particular person with the last name of Smith. How can you find that out?
Without any sort of sortation of the file, or a separate index, you have but one option and that is to start at the first line in the file and scan through every line in the table looking for a match. Even if you found a Smith, that might not be the only 'Smith' in the table, so you have to read the entire file from top to bottom every time you want do do this search.
Obviously as the table grows the performance of searching gets worse and worse.
In relational database parlance, this is known as a "table scan". The database has to start at the first row and scan through reading every row until it gets to the end.
Without indexes, relational databases still work, but they are highly dependent on IO performance.
With a Btree index, the rows you want to find are found in the index first. The indexes have a pointer directly to the data you want, so the table no longer needs to be scanned, but instead the individual data pages required are read. This is how a database can maintain adequate performance even when there are millions or 10's or 100's of millions of rows.
To really start to gain insight into how mysql works, you need to get familiar with EXPLAIN EXTENDED ... and start looking at the explain plans for queries. Simple ones like those you've provided will have simple plans that show you how many rows are being examined to get a result and whether or not they are using one or more indexes.
For your summary queries, indexes are not helpful because you are doing a COUNT(). The table will need to be scanned when you have no other criteria constraining the search.
I did notice what looks like a mistake in your summary queries. Just based on your labels, I would think that these are the right queries to get what you would want given your column alias names.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) as num_users FROM checkin
SELECT COUNT(*) as num_checkins FROM checkin
This is yet another reason to use InnoDB, which when properly configured has a data cache (innodb buffer pool) similar to other rdbms's like oracle and sql server. MyISAM doesn't cache data at all, so if you are repeatedly querying the same sorts of queries that might require a lot of IO, MySQL will have to do all that data reading work over and over, whereas with InnoDB, that data could very well be sitting in cache memory and have the result returned without having to go back and read from storage.
Primary vs Secondary
There really is no such concept internally. A Primary key is special because it allows the database to find one single row. Primary keys must be unique, and to reflect that, the associated Btree index is unique, which simply means that it will not allow you to have 2 keys with the same data to exist in the index.
Whether or not an index is unique is an excellent tool that allows you to maintain the consistency of your database in many other cases. Let's say you have an 'employee' table with the SS_Number column to store social security #. It makes sense to have an index on that column if you want the system to support finding an employee by SS number. Without an index, you will tablescan. But you also want to have that index be unique, so that once an employee with a SS# is inserted, there is no way the database will let you enter a duplicate employee with the same SS#.
But to demystify this for you, when you declare keys these indexes are just being created for you and used automagically in most cases, when you define the tables.
It's when you aren't dealing with keys (primary or foreign) as in the example of usernames, first, last & last names, ss#'s etc., that you need to also be aware of how to create an index because you are searching (using where clause criteria) on one or more columns that aren't keys.
