PHP Exchange Web Services - get message body - php

I'm using a PHP EWS library, and took this example to get a list of messages, which works perfectly.
It pulls through details such as the sender, receiver, subject, time etc. I tried looking through all the library, but I can't workout how to pull through the message body and attachments.
Any ideas?

It is well described in PHP EWS wiki, right here:
Edit: use whole example linked above to fetch email attachments and just part of it to get the message:
$message_id = ''; // Id of the email message
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices($host, $user, $password);
$request = new EWSType_GetItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::ALL_PROPERTIES;
$request->ItemIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseItemIdsType();
$request->ItemIds->ItemId = new EWSType_ItemIdType();
$request->ItemIds->ItemId->Id = $message_id;
$response = $ews->GetItem($request);
if( $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseCode == 'NoError' &&
$response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->ResponseClass == 'Success' ) {
$message = $response->ResponseMessages->GetItemResponseMessage->Items->Message;
At this point you have the $message. To access body use $message->body - it's an object with bodyType etc - to actually read the message body content use $message->body->_


Docusign bulk send using php client

I have implemented bulk send using docusign php client. I'm getting following error message
{ "errorCode": "UNSPECIFIED_ERROR", "message": "Value cannot be
null. Parameter name: stream" }
when I run below source code.
$templateId = 'd756f973-...';
$apiClient = $this->getDocuSignClient();
// Get Template
$templatesApi = new TemplatesApi($apiClient);
$templateDetails = $templatesApi->get($this->getAccountId(), $templateId);
// Set documents
// Receipient
$signer = new Signer();
$recipients = new Recipients();
// Create draft template
$envelopDefinition = new EnvelopeDefinition();
$envelopDefinition->setEmailSubject('Sign bulk send');
$envelopeApi = new EnvelopesApi($apiClient);
$envelopSummary = $envelopeApi->createEnvelope($this->getAccountId(), $envelopDefinition);
// Update bulk recipients
$clients = Client::all();
$bulkRecipients = [];
foreach ($clients as $client) {
$bulkRecipient = new BulkRecipient();
$bulkRecipients[] = $bulkRecipient;
$bulkRequest = new BulkRecipientsRequest();
$bulkEnvelopesApi = new BulkEnvelopesApi($apiClient);
$bulkEnvelopesApi->updateRecipients($this->getAccountId(), $envelopSummary['envelope_id'], '1', $bulkRequest);
// ---------- the error message throws on above line ----------
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance
can you please try to update to version 4 ( of the PHP client. This supports our new v2.1 API which has a much improved bulk send support

PHP-EWS "Soap client returned status of 404"

So, I'm using php-ews library to connect to my Microsoft Office 365 Exchange Email account to read emails. I've connected successfully to it and I have managed to retrieve a list of emails that I need.
Now the problem is that I cannot get message body. Reading documentation about Exchange Web Services it says that body cannot be fetched with FindItem(), only with GetItem(), and that's okay.
Now the problem I'm seeing is following:
I tried all possible examples I could find about this, and the code doesn't have any errors, it just says "Soap client returned status of 404".
If anyone has any idea where to look for the solution, please tell me.
$ews = new Client('', '###', '###', ClientEWS::VERSION_2010_SP2);
$request = new FindItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
$request->ItemShape->BodyType = BodyTypeResponseType::BEST;
$request->Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
$request->ParentFolderIds = new NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::INBOX;
// sort order
$request->SortOrder = new NonEmptyArrayOfFieldOrdersType();
$request->SortOrder->FieldOrder = array();
$order = new FieldOrderType();
// sorts mails so that oldest appear first
// more field uri definitions can be found from types.xsd (look for UnindexedFieldURIType)
$order->FieldURI = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();
$order->FieldURI->FieldURI = 'item:DateTimeReceived';
$order->Order = 'Ascending';
$request->SortOrder->FieldOrder[] = $order;
//getting list of all emails - works perfectly
$result = $ews->FindItem($request);
if ($result->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->ResponseCode == 'NoError' && $result->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->ResponseClass == 'Success') {
$count = $result->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder->TotalItemsInView;
$request = new GetItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType::ALL_PROPERTIES;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++){
$message_id = $result->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder->Items->Message[$i]->ItemId->Id;
$messageItem = new ItemIdType();
$messageItem->Id = $message_id;
$request->ItemIds->ItemId[] = $messageItem;
// Here is your response
// It throws an error here with the message "Soap client returned status of 404"
$response = $ews->GetItem($request);
} catch(\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
It looks like your trying to use the new REST endpoint for Office365
But your trying to make and EWS SOAP Request, the endpoint you should be using for EWS SOAP is
You might want to consider using the new REST interface as an alternative to EWS/SOAP but you then need to use a REST library.ouauth etc as per
I'd suggest you use a newer version of this library that's maintained much more and has more features (In this case, it support OAuth logins for Office 365), garethp/php-ews. When using it, you can either use the endpoint provided by Glen Scales, or just use

Not collected Exception: Wrong Version PHP-EWS

Im trying to connect with the PHP-EWS and my Exchange server.
I use the Script from
But everytime i load my script the browser tells me
Not collected Exception: Wrong Version
Here is my script (The Autoloader is in a extra File so dont worry it works)
$server = "***********";
$version= "2010"; // or Exchange 2010; Exchange 2010 SP1
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices($server, $username, $password, $version);
$request = new EWSType_FindFolderType();
$request->Traversal = EWSType_FolderQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
$request->FolderShape = new EWSType_FolderResponseShapeType();
$request->FolderShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::ALL_PROPERTIES;
// configure the view
$request->IndexedPageFolderView = new EWSType_IndexedPageViewType();
$request->IndexedPageFolderView->BasePoint = 'Beginning';
$request->IndexedPageFolderView->Offset = 0;
// set the starting folder as the inbox
$request->ParentFolderIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::INBOX;
// make the actual call
$response = $ews->FindFolder($request);
Does anybody know why i keep getting
Not collected Exception: Wrong Version
and knew what to do?
Your version is wrong, you should use one of the pre-defined constants in ExchangeWebServices.
E.g: $version = ExchangeWebServices::VERSION_2010
You should have a look at "ExchangeWebServices.php" in order to see which other versions are defined.

php-ews how to search calender event by Calender Subject

I am using for connecting php to exchange server so far no problem using the code below . i can connect to specific user mail box and can retrieve all his calender events . right now its pulling all the events what i want is to pull only those calendar events which has lets say 'Student Appt.' in Subject line.Is it possible . ?
$host = 'xxx';
$username = 'xxx';
$password = 'xxx';
$version = 'Exchange2010';
$start = " 2013-04-17T15:18:34+03:00";
$end = " 2013-04-30T15:18:34+03:00";
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices($host, $username, $password, $version);
//new dBug ($ews);
// Set init class
$request = new EWSType_FindItemType();
// Use this to search only the items in the parent directory in question or use ::SOFT_DELETED
// to identify "soft deleted" items, i.e. not visible and not in the trash can.
$request->Traversal = EWSType_ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
// This identifies the set of properties to return in an item or folder response
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
// Define the timeframe to load calendar items
$request->CalendarView = new EWSType_CalendarViewType();
$request->CalendarView->StartDate = $start ;// an ISO8601 date e.g. 2012-06-12T15:18:34+03:00
$request->CalendarView->EndDate = $end ; // an ISO8601 date later than the above
// Only look in the "calendars folder"
$request->ParentFolderIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::CALENDAR;
// if you want to get to someones folder
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $call_pri_result )){
$EmailAddy = '';
$mailBox = new EWSType_EmailAddressType();
$mailBox->EmailAddress = $EmailAddy;
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Mailbox = $mailBox;
echo 'Now Looping for Consular ID '.$EmailAddy.'<br>' ;
// Send request
$response = $ews->FindItem($request);
// Loop through each item if event(s) were found in the timeframe specified
if ($response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder->TotalItemsInView > 0){
$events = $response->ResponseMessages->FindItemResponseMessage->RootFolder->Items->CalendarItem;
foreach ($events as $event){
$id = $event->ItemId->Id;
$change_key = $event->ItemId->ChangeKey;
$start = $event->Start;
$end = $event->End;
$subject = $event->Subject;
//$location = $event->Location;
else {
// No items returned
From my digging you cannot add restrictions or sort order to a CalendarView. I added the code found here to my code to get calendar items and I got the following MessageText:
Restrictions and sort order may not be specified for a CalendarView.
It looks like the full list of FieldURI variables is listed at this MSDN page.
What I would do in your case is put a regular expression, strpos() or similar in your foreach() loop of events. Then if that case matches perform your function. Yes you will have extra events that you will do nothing with but you will at least be able to filter out your desired events.

Getting unread mail from exchange web services via PHP

How do you get all unread mail in a users' exchange mailbox using PHP while using this class ?
I figured to first list a folders contents like this:
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices("mailserver.domain.local", "user", "pass");
$request = new EWSType_FindFolderType();
$request->FolderShape = new EWSType_FolderResponseShapeType();
$request->FolderShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
$request->ParentFolderIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::INBOX;
$request->Traversal = new EWSType_FolderQueryTraversalType();
$result = $ews->FindFolder($request);
Only then I get this error:
Catchable fatal error: Object of class EWSType_FolderQueryTraversalType could not be converted to string
Is there anybody with experience with this class that can tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I do know that a string has to be passed, but it seems the class has just 3 constants without any functions or other properties..
I figured it out, in above example I had to use
$request->Traversal = EWSType_FolderQueryTraversalType::DEEP;
Since it only had the 3 constants.
But posting it here since I think it might be useful for anyone else looking to do the same, listing all mail in your inbox goes as follows:
$ews = new ExchangeWebServices("mailserver.domain.local", "user", "pass");
$request = new EWSType_FindItemType();
$request->ItemShape = new EWSType_ItemResponseShapeType();
$request->ItemShape->BaseShape = EWSType_DefaultShapeNamesType::DEFAULT_PROPERTIES;
$request->ParentFolderIds = new EWSType_NonEmptyArrayOfBaseFolderIdsType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId = new EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdType();
$request->ParentFolderIds->DistinguishedFolderId->Id = EWSType_DistinguishedFolderIdNameType::INBOX;
$request->Traversal = EWSType_ItemQueryTraversalType::SHALLOW;
$result = $ews->FindItem($request);
