I am developing an app to include in my page tab. In this app, the user will go take a picture with your webcam and the picture will sent to an especific album in my fan page.
I found an script here: and he is working very well, but I've a problem, the script use an user access_token to upload the picture, dont's necessary ask permission of all users to upload the picture because the script use my administrator user to send to the page.
The big problem is: The user access token expire after 2 hours or when my admin user not logged in, the permission offline_access was discontinued and I don't know how my script will work.
I need that all user can upload photo using the system, anyone know how I can work?
Here is the script in PHP:
require_once 'library/facebook.php';
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => '<appid>',
'secret' => '<appsecret>',
'fileUpload' => true
$access_token = 'access_token';
$params = array('access_token' => $access_token);
$fanpage = 'page_id';
$album_id ='album_id';
$accounts = $facebook->api('/ADMIN_ACCOUNT/accounts', 'GET', $params);
foreach($accounts['data'] as $account) {
if( $account['id'] == $fanpage || $account['name'] == $fanpage ){
$fanpage_token = $account['access_token'];
$valid_files = array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif');
$img = realpath("image_path");
$args = array(
'message' => 'message to write in legend',
'image' => '#' . $img,
'aid' => $album_id,
'no_story' => 1,
'access_token' => $fanpage_token
$photo = $facebook->api($album_id . '/photos', 'post', $args);
if( is_array( $photo ) && !empty( $photo['id'] ) ){
echo '<p><a target="_blank" href="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid='.$photo['id'].'">Click here to watch this photo on Facebook.</a></p>';
You will need to request a long-lived access token by hitting the endpoint:
Take a look at Scenario 4 on the following document:
If you’re using that script to post to a fan page’s album, then you should get a page access token – they don’t expire.
Details see here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/pages/
I have some facebook php code that worked flawlessly before the 4/30/15 upgrade. I upgraded my code, it seems to work on certain computers but not on others. On computers that it doesn't work on I've tried multiple browsers with the same result. I am able to log into Facebook using the SDK, but it won't post anything to my page's wall. Same code, different computer, and everything works fine. Here's the code:
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => '##########',
'secret' => '##########',
'fileUpload' => true
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
try {
$user_profile = $facebook->api('/me');
catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
if ($user) {
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(array(
'next' => ($user['baseurl'] . 'logout.php')
} else {
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
'scope' => 'publish_pages , manage_pages'
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
$params = array(
'access_token' => $access_token
#The id of the fanpage
$fanpage = '############';
#The id of the album
$album_id = '############';
if ($user) {
$accounts = $facebook->api('/me/accounts', 'GET', $params);
foreach ($accounts['data'] as $account) {
if ($account['id'] == $fanpage || $account['name'] == $fanpage) {
$fanpage_token = $account['access_token'];
$message = 'Post this to the wall.';
$img = 'path to image.jpg';
$args = array(
'message' => $message,
'image' => '#' . $img,
'aid' => $album_id,
'no_story' => 0,
'access_token' => $fanpage_token
$photo = $facebook->api($album_id . '/photos', 'post', $args);
Most permissions need to get approved by Facebook before they can be used for any user, else they only work for users with a role in the App. Check out the docs about Login Review.
You can only use publish_pages and manage_pages as App Admin/Developer/Tester without review.
If you only test with those users and it still does not work, debug the Access Token in the Debugger and see if those permissions are really authorized: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
Edit: After reading your comment, i believe you are trying to use a User Token. Use /me/accounts to get a Page Token and try again with that one. If you debug the Token, make sure the Page shows up too.
this is my situation: I converted my personal account in a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/nextdoorhelp). Now when I logged in FB as the same account I have only a page adminstration panel for that page (that I call pageX).
I created an app for my website http://nextdoorhelp.it/ndh to allow login with Facebook account.
I want to use my FB app to allow to upload a user photo to a specific pageX's photo album.
My problem is that I don't know which access token I have to use to do it!
This is my code:
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => $appId,
'secret' => $app_secret,
'cookie' => true,
'fileUpload' => true
$accessToken = ????;
$post_login_url = "http://nextdoorhelp.it/ndh";
// Facebook Photo Album ID = 123456789
$album_id = "123456789";
// Enable Facebook Upload Support
// Share url
$uri = 'http://nextdoorhelp.it/ndh/pages/share?item=' . $shareurl;
// Data
$attachment = array(
'message' => $msg . ' - '.$uri ,
'image' => '#' .realpath($photo_path),
'access_token' => $accessToken
$data = $facebook->api('/'.$album_id.'/photos', 'post', $attachment);
$loaded_photo_id = $data['id'];
return $loaded_photo_id;
Moreover, I'm admin for the pageX and I tried to use my access token retrieved by a graph-api call to "me/accounts" for pageX but Facebook answered me with an error message "Error: [FacebookApiException] (#120) Invalid album id".
How can I obtain right access token to upload photo from every users (Facebook users and not)?
Please help me, I'm becoming crazy!
How do I give a Facebook App permission to post images to a Facebook Page album?
This is the code I use:
$args = array(
'image' => '#' . $img,
'aid' => $album_id,
'no_story' => 1,
'access_token' => $app_access_token
$photo = $facebook->api($album_id . '/photos', 'post', $args);
This is the error I get:
Uncaught OAuthException: A user access token is required to request this resource.
Here is the code I use to publish a photo to an album on Facebook. I hope it'll help.
include '../src/facebook.php';
$config['fileUpload'] = true;
$facebook=new Facebook($config);
$args = array(
'image' => '#' . $img,
$photo = $facebook->api('/'.$album_id . '/photos', 'post', $args);
catch(FacebookApiException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();//Get OAuth Error
echo "Please <a href='$loginUrl'>Click Here</a> To Login";
Learn more Here
Just in case any user stumbles upon this post , to resolve this error
1> $facebook->setaccesstoken() to facebook page's access token . The facebook page access token is available by issuing $facebook->api('/user_id/accounts'), here user id is the id of page's admin .
2> After setting access token you can use the facebook->api to post the photo to album using album id
$facebook->api('album_id/photos', 'post', array( 'source' => '#'.$photo ));
I created a contest where a submitted form will:
write a comment on the wall of Facebook staff and
write a comment on the wall of my page
I had no problems with step 1, but step 2 does not work. My code is as follows:
//include the Facebook PHP SDK
include_once 'facebook.php';
//instantiate the Facebook library with the APP ID and APP SECRET
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'secret' => 'CRYPT FOR THIS FORUM',
'cookie' => true
//Get the FB UID of the currently logged in user
$user = $facebook->getUser();
//if the user has already allowed the application, you'll be able to get his/her FB UID
if($user) {
//start the session if needed
if( session_id() ) {
} else {
//do stuff when already logged in
//get the user's access token
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();
//check permissions list
$permissions_list = $facebook->api(
'access_token' => $access_token
//check if the permissions we need have been allowed by the user
//if not then redirect them again to facebook's permissions page
$permissions_needed = array('publish_stream', 'read_stream');
foreach($permissions_needed as $perm) {
if( !isset($permissions_list['data'][0][$perm]) || $permissions_list['data'][0][$perm] != 1 ) {
$login_url_params = array(
'scope' => 'publish_stream,read_stream',
'fbconnect' => 1,
'display' => "page",
'next' => 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($login_url_params);
header("Location: {$login_url}");
//if the user has allowed all the permissions we need,
//get the information about the pages that he or she managers
//id pag sposiamo è 494659577226200
$accounts = $facebook->api(
'access_token' => $access_token
//save the information inside the session
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $access_token;
$_SESSION['accounts'] = $accounts['data'];
//save the first page as the default active page
//$_SESSION['active'] = $accounts['data'][0];*/
//redirect to manage.php
header('Location: manage.php');
} else {
//if not, let's redirect to the ALLOW page so we can get access
//Create a login URL using the Facebook library's getLoginUrl() method
$login_url_params = array(
'scope' => 'publish_stream,read_stream',
'fbconnect' => 1,
'display' => "page",
'next' => 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
$login_url = $facebook->getLoginUrl($login_url_params);
//redirect to the login URL on facebook
header("Location: {$login_url}");
//include the Facebook PHP SDK
include_once 'facebook.php';
//start the session if necessary
if( session_id() ) {
} else {
//instantiate the Facebook library with the APP ID and APP SECRET
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'CRYPT',
'secret' => 'CRYPT',
'cookie' => true
//get the info from the form
$parameters = array(
'message' => $_POST['message'],
'picture' => $_POST['picture'],
'link' => $_POST['link'],
'name' => $_POST['name'],
'caption' => $_POST['caption'],
'description' => $_POST['description']
//add the access token to it
$parameters['access_token'] = $_SESSION['active']['access_token'];
//build and call our Graph API request
$newpost = $facebook->api(
//redirect back to the manage page
header('Location: manage.php');
494659577226200 = FBPAGEID
PROBLEM IS '/494659577226200/feed', and error AuthCode 200...
You need to ask your user's to give your app manage_pages permission to post to their pages they manage on behalf of them. Check out their permissions doc here, See Page Permissions section.
Quoted from docs:
Enables your application to retrieve access_tokens for Pages and Applications that the user administrates. The access tokens can be queried by calling //accounts via the Graph API. This permission is only compatible with the Graph API, not the deprecated REST API.
See here for generating long-lived Page access tokens that do not expire after 60 days.
Once you get this permission, you can then make a wall post using page access token
I finally got facebooks graph api to post messages on my fan PAGE as page
How do i get it to post large images as a post, not as a link?
'source' => $photo seems to create a thumbnail
this is what i have so far
$page_id = 'YOUR-PAGE-ID';
$message = "I'm a Page!";
$photo = "http://www.urlToMyImage.com/pic.jpg";
require '../src/facebook.php';
// Create our Application instance (replace this with your appId and secret).
$facebook = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => 'YOUR-APP-ID',
'secret' => 'YOUR-SECRET-ID',
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
try {
$page_info = $facebook->api("/$page_id/?fields=access_token");
if( !empty($page_info['access_token']) ) {
$facebook->setFileUploadSupport(true); // very important
$args = array(
'access_token' => $page_info['access_token'],
'message' => $message,
'source' => $photo
$post_id = $facebook->api("/$page_id/feed","post",$args);
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;
// Login or logout url will be needed depending on current user state.
if ($user) {
$logoutUrl = $facebook->getLogoutUrl(array( 'next' => 'http://mydomain.com/logout_page.php' ));
} else {
$loginUrl = $facebook->getLoginUrl(array('scope'=>'manage_pages,publish_stream'));
The problem here is that you are in actual fact not posting a photo. What you are doing is posting a link to that photo so what you see is indeed a thumbnail preview image that Facebook retrieved from that URL.
What you'll want to do is provide a full path to a file on your server prefixed with the # symbol. The topic has been discussed on the site quite a bit so I'll just point you in the direction of a canonical post dealing with uploading of images to Facebook with the PHP SDK
Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API
The code looks like this -
$params = array('message' => 'Photo Message');
$params['image'] = '#' . realpath($FILE_PATH);
$data = $facebook->api('/me/photos', 'post', $params);