Opencart test if version greater than - php

How would I add an IF statement to check if the opencart version is greater than
This is defined in the index.php as:
// Version
define('VERSION', '1.5.0');
I have tried: if((int)VERSION >= ''){ although when I convert this into an int it becomes empty.
Also I tried this with the same effect:
$this->data['oc_version'] = (int)str_replace('.', '', VERSION);
if($this->data['oc_version'] >= 1513){
Do I need to convert this into an int to correctly perform greater/less than calculations?

if(version_compare(VERSION, '', '>')) {
} else {
Though the branch actually goes up to so I'm guessing you want it to be that

I tried this recently and couldnt get it working as above, perhaps its a PHP version thing but I got it working with:
if(version_compare(VERSION, '') > 0) {
} else {
Hope that helps someone else. Got the code from here:


Google Cloud Vision - PHP Error occurred during parsing

Im using Vision API Client Library for PHP.
This is my code:
use Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient;
$imageAnnotator = new ImageAnnotatorClient();
$fileName = 'textinjpeg.jpg';
$image = file_get_contents($fileName);
$response = $imageAnnotator->labelDetection($image);
$labels = $response->getLabelAnnotations();
if ($labels) {
echo("Labels:" . PHP_EOL);
foreach ($labels as $label) {
echo($label->getDescription() . PHP_EOL);
} else {
echo('No label found' . PHP_EOL);
And I receive this error:
Error occurred during parsing: Fail to push limit. (0)
#0: Google\Protobuf\Internal\CodedInputStream->pushLimit(integer)
#1: Google\Protobuf\Internal\CodedInputStream->incrementRecursionDepthAndPushLimit(integer, integer, integer)
#15: Google\Cloud\Vision\V1\ImageAnnotatorClient->labelDetection(string)
This is the place, where Exception goes from:
public function pushLimit($byte_limit)
// Current position relative to the beginning of the stream.
$current_position = $this->current();
$old_limit = $this->current_limit;
// security: byte_limit is possibly evil, so check for negative values
// and overflow.
if ($byte_limit >= 0 &&
$byte_limit <= PHP_INT_MAX - $current_position &&
$byte_limit <= $this->current_limit - $current_position) {
$this->current_limit = $current_position + $byte_limit;
} else {
throw new GPBDecodeException("Fail to push limit.");
return $old_limit;
$byte_limit <= $this->current_limit - $current_position is true
Should I increase current_position? And if I should, how can i do it? Change something on server or in PHP config?
It's a crazy thing to do!
The error "Fail to push limit" appears from time to time in forums. Various ideas are given there as to where the problem could lie. One cause could be when the source code is composed on the local PC via Composer and then transferred to the server via (S)FTP. The FTP programme decides on the basis of the file extension whether it saves the data on the server in ASCII or binary format.
In vendor/google/protobuf/src/Google/Protobuf/ there are various generated files that have a .php extension but are actually BINARY! (if you open the file, you can see it immediately, e.g. : vendor/google/protobuf/src/GPBMetadata/Google/Protobuf/Any.php)
The solution to transfer these files explicitly via binary to the server worked in my case! If in doubt, transfer the complete module from Google/protobuf as a binary...
You mentioned that $byte_limit <= $this->current_limit - $current_position is true, so either $byte_limit >= 0 or $byte_limit <= PHP_INT_MAX - $current_position are false.
If $byte_limit <= PHP_INT_MAX - $current_position is false, then increasing $current_position, won't turn it true. If you want to tweak the values, so the expression get evaluated as true, you would need to increase the value of PHP_INT_MAX instead.
If $byte_limit >= 0 is false, then modifying $current_limit won't avoid the exception.
Either way, it seems that the error is an issue with the protobuf php library, so I'd recommend you to report the issue there, rather than try to modify the values directly.
mbstring.func_overload was 2
This was the reason of error
Changed to 0 and it worked

Why is this PHP if statement non-optimal according to PhpStorm

I am using PhpStorm and it says that this if statement is non optimal. Unfortunately it does not say why.
Can anyone tell me it is non-optimal?
if ($this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['code'] === T_ARRAY) {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['parenthesis_opener']]['parenthesis_closer'];
} else if ($this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['code'] === T_OPEN_SHORT_ARRAY) {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['bracket_closer'];
} else {
$next_token_ptr = $this->tokens[$next_token_ptr]['scope_closer'];
The error was reported from the Php Inspections plugin.
The problem is that this expression is executed twice when it can be done only once

MySQL bit value in PHP doesn't work

I have a bit type value hasFreePackage in database which stores 1 or 0.
Here is my code below, This is working on my localhost and but whenever i try to upload on live server this code doesn't work.
public function checkBitValue($hasFreePackage)
$hasFreePackage= ($hasFreePackage== 0x01)
return 1;
return 0;
As live server is linux platform and i'm running windows on local. my code works on windows but not on linux So i changed my code to this code..
public function checkBitValue($hasFreePackage)
$FreePackage= ($hasFreePackage== 0x01)
return 1;
return 1;
return 0;
but still not working. I'm using yii 1.1 php framework and php versions are different.At linux is 5.2.0 and at local (windows) is 5.7
Even simpler:
return $hasFreePackage ? 1 : 0;
Or, more clearly:
return $hasFreePackage ? TRUE : FALSE;
The rationale: 0 is FALSE; non-zero numbers are TRUE.
Still better: Keep that in mind and don't bother checking true/false value against true/false!
Caution: NULL and '' muddy up logic like this. Hence the "rationale" spoke only of numbers.

How do I use the output from a php file in a TemplaVoila FCE?

I am trying to use the output from a php file in a TemplaVoila FCE.
According to the articles, etc, I have found on the subject, I seem to be doing it right. But it does not work.
I have reduced my implementation to a very simple test, and I hope that someone here can tell me what I am doing wrong.
The php code is in fileadmin/php/test.php
The file contains this code:
function getBeechgroveTest($content, $conf)
return 'B';
//echo getBeechgroveTest(0,0);
In the main template (template module - not TemplaVoila) I have added this line:
includeLibs.beechgroveTest = fileadmin/php/test.php
I have tried to put it at the root level and inside a PAGE object. Both gave the same result.
If I uncomment the 'echo' line I get a 'B' at the top of my HTML page, so the php must be read at some point.
My FCE has one field of type 'None (TypoScript only)' and contains this code:
10 = TEXT
10 {
value = A
20 = USER
20 {
userFunc = getBeechgroveTest
30 = TEXT
30 {
value = C
I was expecting the FCE to output 'ABC', but I only get 'AC'.
What am I doing wrong?
I use TYPO3 version 4.5.30 and TemplVoila 1.8.0
It must by problem in cache, try use USER_INT instead USER. If you create this object as USER_INT, it will be rendered non-cached, outside the main page-rendering.
20 {
userFunc = getBeechgroveTest

in php i need one line if condition for time compare

i have to value
now i need a if condition to display an error on below conditions
if one of them($mo or $mc) are empty, null or blank.
if close time($mc) is less than open time($mo)
means if both are empty(null) or $mc>$mo then go further
please suggest optimized one line if condition for this
i know it seems very basic question, but i m facing problem when both are null
either i was using simple
if(($mo==NULL && $mc!=NULL) || ( $mo>=$mc && ($mo!=NULL && $mc!=NULL)) )
Keep in mind that 0, null, and blank all mean completely different things here. As indicated previously, strtotime will never return NULL. However, 0 is a valid unix timestamp, whereas false means that the strtotime function was unable to process the value provided.
Also, you've requested that a single-line solution; however, in my opinion, it is much better in this case to write out each condition and display a different error message for each condition. That way, the user knows what actually went wrong. Perhaps this is a better way:
// Only check for errors if we have at least one value set
if (!empty($input['MondayOpen']) || !empty($input['MondayClosed']) {
$mo = strtotime($input['MondayOpen']);
$mc = strtotime($input['MondayClosed']);
$invalid = false;
if (false === $mo) {
echo "Invalid Opening Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if (false === $mc) {
echo "Invalid Closing Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if (!$invalid && $mc <= $mo) {
echo "Closing time must be After Opening Time\n";
$invalid = true;
if ($invalid) {
exit(); // Or handle errors more gracefully
// Do something useful
All right. How about this.
It checks whether $mo and $mc are valid dates using is_numeric. Any NULL or false values will be caught by that.
I haven't tested it but it should work.
I spread it into a huge block of code. In the beginning, when learning the language, this is the best way to make sense out of the code. It is not the most elegant, nor by far the shortest solution. Later, you can shorten it by removing whitespace, or by introducing or and stuff.
I'm not 100% sure about the number comparison part, and I don't have the time to check it right now. You'll have to try out whether it works.
You need to decide how you want to handle errors and insert the code to where my comments are. A simple echo might already do.
// If $mo or $mc are false, show error.
// Else, proceed to checking whether $mo is larger
// than $mc.
if ((!is_numeric($mo)) and (is_numeric($mc)))
// Error: $mo is either NULL, or false, or something else, but not a number.
// While $mc IS a number.
elseif ((!is_numeric($mc)) and (is_numeric($mo)))
// Error: $mc is either NULL, or false, or something else, but not a number.
// While $mo IS a number.
if (($mc <= $mo) and ((is_numeric($mc) or (is_numeric($mo)))))
// Error: closing time is before opening time.
// Success!!
in php, strotime will return a integer or false. Checking for null in this case will never bear fruit, but otherwise...
if((!$mo xor !$mc) || ($mc && $mc<=$mo)){
oops, edited for correctness. I transposed $mc and $mo. XOR should be correct though.
You can try:
print ((empty($mo) && empty($mc)) || ($mc > $mo)) ? 'case_true_message' : 'case_false_message';
But you should also check the manual :) - for basic control structures
