PHP Count number of occurrences in numeric array - php

I have a PHP array and I have dumped it below using Zend_Debug:
$ids = array(13) {
[0] => string(1) "7"
[1] => string(1) "8"
[2] => string(1) "2"
[3] => string(1) "7"
[4] => string(1) "8"
[5] => string(1) "4"
[6] => string(1) "7"
[7] => string(1) "3"
[8] => string(1) "7"
[9] => string(1) "8"
[10] => string(1) "3"
[11] => string(1) "7"
[12] => string(1) "4"
I am trying to get how many times each number occurs in the array and output it into an array.
I have tried using array_count_values($ids) but it outputs in the order of most occurred but I cant get the Total times the numbers occur. It gives me the below output:
array(5) {
[7] => int(5)
[8] => int(3)
[2] => int(1)
[4] => int(2)
[3] => int(2)
I can see from the above array 7 occurs 5 times but I can access it when I loop through the array!
Any thoughts?

You can access the data you want like this:
$ids = array( ...);
$array = array_count_values( $ids);
foreach( $array as $number => $times_number_occurred) {
echo $number . ' occurred ' . $times_number_occurred . ' times!';
7 occurred 5 times!
8 occurred 3 times!
2 occurred 1 times!
4 occurred 2 times!
3 occurred 2 times!

Use a foreach construct to loop through the resulting array:
$res = array_count_values($ids);
foreach( $res as $value => $count ) {
// your code here
echo "The value ".$value." appeared ".$count." times in the array";


how to count length of arrays created dynamically?

I have an array
array(10) {
["12-male"] => string(1) "2"
["11-male"] => string(1) "2"
["10-female"] => string(1) "2"
["16-female"] => string(1) "2"
["9-male"] => string(1) "2"
["17-male"] => string(1) "4"
["14-male"] => string(1) "4"
["15-female"] => string(1) "4"
["13-female"] => string(1) "5"
["18-female"] => string(1) "6"
I am DYNAMICALLY getting like sub arrays out of the array above
$rooms = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$rooms['room'.$value][] = $key;
$rooms['room'.$value]['count'] = sizeof($rooms['room'.$value]);
I get this result
Dump => array(4) {
["room2"] => array(6) { //array size=6
[0] => string(7) "12-male"
["count"] => int(6) //count of array size=6
[1] => string(7) "11-male"
[2] => string(9) "10-female"
[3] => string(9) "16-female"
[4] => string(6) "9-male"
["room4"] => array(4) { //array size=4
[0] => string(7) "17-male"
["count"] => int(4) //count of array size=4
[1] => string(7) "14-male"
[2] => string(9) "15-female"
["room5"] => array(2) { //array size=2
[0] => string(9) "13-female"
["count"] => int(1) //count of array size=1 (the problem here)
["room6"] => array(2) { //array size=2
[0] => string(9) "18-female"
["count"] => int(1) //count of array size=1 (the problem here)
My issue is that, the count is returned correctly after first 2 iterations, after that the count is always showing 1, no matter the size of array.
I tried count() as well but the result is the same.
You could do like below:
$rooms = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!isset($rooms['room'.$value])) {
$rooms['room'.$value] = array('count' => 0);
$rooms['room'.$value][] = $key;
But you don't need to add the count into your array.
The reason the count is doing that is that from room2 and room4 you are inserting 'count' on the first iteration, then on subsequent iterations 'count' is included in the sizeof() request. For room 5 and room6 as they are iterated only once sizeof() is only called once, before 'count' is inserted into the array, so it's not the index of 'count' not included in the result of sizeof for those items.

Access to PHP array elements

I have a PHP array when I used var_dump() this is the result I get:
array(1) { ["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]=> array(9) { ["Id"]=> string(1) "2" ["VIN"]=> NULL ["Year"]=> array(2) { ["Id"]=> string(4) "2006" ["Value"]=> string(4) "2006" } ["Make"]=> array(2) { ["Id"]=> string(1) "2" ["Value"]=> string(5) "Acura" } ["Model"]=> array(2) { ["Id"]=> string(1) "2" ["Value"]=> string(2) "TL" } ["Trim"]=> array(2) { ["Id"]=> string(6) "268650" ["Value"]=> string(12) "3.2 Sedan 4D" } ["Mileage"]=> string(6) "100000" ["OptionalEquipment"]=> array(1) { ["EquipmentOption"]=> array(35) { [0]=> array(13) { ["DisplayName"]=> string(19) "V6, VTEC, 3.2 Liter" ["VehicleOptionId"]=> string(3) "204" ["IsSelected"]=> string(4) "true" ["OptionTypeDisplayName"]=> string(6) "Engine" ["OptionGroupName"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["DisplayNameAdditionalData"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["ManufactureCode"]=> string(0) "" ["OptionAvailabilityDisplayName"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["IsDefaultConfiguration"]=> string(4) "true" ["DetailName"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["NonBoldName"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["Footer"]=> string(3) "N/A" ["SortOrder"]=> string(4) "1000" }
How I can get the elements from this array?
Some of the elements are complex, like they are array inside array.
That is the formatted print out of the array to understand better:
[GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult] => Array
[Id] => 2
[VIN] =>
[Year] => Array
[Id] => 2006
[Value] => 2006
[Make] => Array
[Id] => 2
[Value] => Acura
[Model] => Array
[Id] => 2
[Value] => TL
[Trim] => Array
[Id] => 268650
[Value] => 3.2 Sedan 4D
[Mileage] => 100000
[OptionalEquipment] => Array
[EquipmentOption] => Array
[0] => Array
[DisplayName] => V6, VTEC, 3.2 Liter
[VehicleOptionId] => 204
[IsSelected] => true
[OptionTypeDisplayName] => Engine
[OptionGroupName] => N/A
[DisplayNameAdditionalData] => N/A
[ManufactureCode] =>
[OptionAvailabilityDisplayName] => N/A
[IsDefaultConfiguration] => true
[DetailName] => N/A
[NonBoldName] => N/A
[Footer] => N/A
[SortOrder] => 1000
I want to get: Id, VIN, Year, Make, Model, Trim,Mileage and OptionalEquipment and pass them as 1 single parameter to another method.
It solved:
$Id = $resultVehicleId['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['Id'];
$Year = $resultVehicleId['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['Year']['Value'];
You are correct. There are arrays inside of arrays here. And var_dump shows it very nicely so you can perfectly know how to navigate the levels of this multi-dimensional array.
If you want VIN just get $array['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['VIN']
For Year you need to get $array['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['Year']['Value']
I think you can guess the others now.
They are just array elements no matter how deep you go so you can just reference them by name like below:
$id = $that_array['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['Id'];
$id = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Id'];;
$vin = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['VIN'];
$year = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Year']
$make = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Make'];
$model = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Model'];
$trim = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Trim']['Value'];
$mileage = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['Mileage'];
$optional_equipment = $array_name["GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult"]['OptionalEquipment']['EquipmentOption'][0]['DisplayName'];
For simplicity's sake I'm assuming this array is saved as $array.
You can access the data from the array like this:
$vin = $array['GetVehicleConfigurationByVehicleIdResult']['VIN'];
But you stated that you want to pass them all as a single parameter, so to do that you would probably want to just pass an array.

Displaying Array Values from DB

I can`t find a way to loop this structure of array . Anyone does encounter it.?
Print_r output
Array (
[0] => Array ( [0] => [LABOR_NO] => [1] => 3 [WORK_CODE] => 3 [2] => [MHR] => [3] => [PHR] => [4] => [PESO_VALUE] => )
[1] => Array ( [0] => [LABOR_NO] => [1] => 3 [WORK_CODE] => 3 [2] => [MHR] => [3] => [PHR] => [4] => [PESO_VALUE] => )
[2] => Array ( [0] => 1 [LABOR_NO] => 1 [1] => 3 [WORK_CODE] => 3 [2] => 2.50 [MHR] => 2.50 [3] => 0.00 [PHR] => 0.00 [4] => 3000.00 [PESO_VALUE] => 3000.00 )
Vardump Output
array(3) {
[0]=> array(10) {
[0]=> NULL ["LABOR_NO"]=> NULL [1]=> string(1) "3" ["WORK_CODE"]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> NULL ["MHR"]=> NULL [3]=> NULL ["PHR"]=> NULL [4]=> NULL ["PESO_VALUE"]=> NULL }
[1]=> array(10) { [0]=> NULL ["LABOR_NO"]=> NULL [1]=> string(1) "3" ["WORK_CODE"]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> NULL ["MHR"]=> NULL [3]=> NULL ["PHR"]=> NULL [4]=> NULL ["PESO_VALUE"]=> NULL }
[2]=> array(10) { [0]=> string(1) "1" ["LABOR_NO"]=> string(1) "1" [1]=> string(1) "3" ["WORK_CODE"]=> string(1) "3" [2]=> string(4) "2.50" ["MHR"]=> string(4) "2.50" [3]=> string(4) "0.00" ["PHR"]=> string(4) "0.00" [4]=> string(7) "3000.00" ["PESO_VALUE"]=> string(7) "3000.00" }
Heres what i have done but not working i think. i dont know => has been continues to each that turned them to $keys..
class Displayer extends MySQLHandler {
public function getTitle($batchNo = NULL,$workCode = NULL){
// create array of data subjects..
$result = array();
$result['REC_NO'] = $DATA[0]['REC_NO'];
return $result;
public function getTotal($batchNo = NULL,$workCode = NULL){
// par selection
$DATA = $this->Select($STMT);
// rollup
foreach($DATA as $key=>$value){
foreach($value as $fieldset=>$values){
echo $fieldset.'<br/>';
$displayer = new Displayer;

How can I split a sentence into words and punctuation marks?

For example, I want to split this sentence:
I am a sentence.
Into an array with 5 parts; I, am, a, sentence, and ..
I'm currently using preg_split after trying explode, but I can't seem to find something suitable.
This is what I've tried:
$sentence = explode(" ", $sentence);
returns array(4) {
string(1) "I"
string(2) "am"
string(1) "a"
string(8) "sentence."
And also this:
$sentence = preg_split("/[.?!\s]/", $sentence);
returns array(5) {
string(1) "I"
string(2) "am"
string(1) "a"
string(8) "sentence"
string(0) ""
How can this be done?
You can split on word boundaries:
$sentence = preg_split("/(?<=\w)\b\s*/", 'I am a sentence.');
Pretty much the regex scans until a word character is found, then after it, the regex must capture a word boundary and some optional space.
array(5) {
string(1) "I"
string(2) "am"
string(1) "a"
string(8) "sentence"
string(1) "."
I was looking for the same solution and landed here. The accepted solution does not work with non-word characters like apostrophes and accent marks and so forth. Below, find the solution that worked for me.
Here is my test sentence:
Claire’s favorite sonata for piano is Mozart’s Sonata no. 15 in C Major.
The accepted answer gave me the following results:
[0] => Claire
[1] => ’s
[2] => favorite
[3] => sonata
[4] => for
[5] => piano
[6] => is
[7] => Mozart
[8] => ’s
[9] => Sonata
[10] => no
[11] => . 15
[12] => in
[13] => C
[14] => Major
[15] => .
The solution I came up with follows:
$parts = preg_split("/\s+|\b(?=[!\?\.])(?!\.\s+)/", $sentence);
It gives the following results:
[0] => Claire’s
[1] => favorite
[2] => sonata
[3] => for
[4] => piano
[5] => is
[6] => Mozart’s
[7] => Sonata
[8] => no.
[9] => 15
[10] => in
[11] => C
[12] => Major
[13] => .
If anyone is interested in an simple solution which ignores punctuation
preg_split( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', 'I am a sentence' );
would split into
array(4) {
string(1) "I"
string(2) "am"
string(1) "a"
string(8) "sentence"
Or an alternative solution where the punctuation is included in the adjacent word
preg_split( '/\b[^a-zA-Z0-9]+\b/', 'I am a sentence.' );
would split into
array(4) {
string(1) "I"
string(2) "am"
string(1) "a"
string(8) "sentence."

how to combine two specific arrays keys and values together, in PHP?

i have two interesting arrays that im trying to combine together. Simple put:
array(3) {
[0] => array(2) {
[0] => string(1) "1"
[1] => string(16) "test1"
[1] => array(2) {
[0] => string(1) "8"
[1] => string(26) "test2"
[2] => array(2) {
[0] => string(1) "9"
[1] => string(23) "test3"
array(3) {
[0] => string(1) "1"
[1] => string(1) "2"
[2] => string(1) "3"
what i would like to get is something like this (not arrays):
$x = 1, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9;
$y = test1, test2, test2, test3, test3, test3;
basically the second array values dictates how many times the first array values are duplicated.
any ideas?
foreach ($secondArr as $k=>$v){
$x.= str_repeat($firstArr[$k][0].',',$v);
$y.= str_repeat($firstArr[$k][1].',',$v);
echo rtrim($x,",").";\n";
echo rtrim($y,",").";";
working demo:
