A GET inside a GET - php

The problem i'm facing right now is im getting a URL, like so:
now the problem is, if theres a get in my url, like so:
it doesn't actually cause a problem yet, but if theres two GET vars in the my URL, it doesn't know where the "and" goes, the first get or the second one, and basically just chooses the first, ex:
is there a workaround? I could recode a lot of things to have it as one get variable, but it'll involve a lot of work and I wish i could have a solution!
Heres my code:
$facebookapi=new facebook(array('appId'=>'*******','secret'=>'********','fileUpload'=>'false'));
$facebookapi->api('/me/******app:answer?question=' . urlencode($url),'POST');

You need urlencode to encode the url parameter.
$url = 'www.google.com?id=1';
echo 'www.example.com/example.php?url='.urlencode($url).'&username=me';
After seeing your posted code, it seems that you should use the third parameter for params.
$facebookapi->api('/me/******app:answer', 'POST', array('question' => $url));

Well the function urlencode is perfect for this.
Once the url is encoded,
The first get variable will turn from this
to this
Your website will then appear as [www.example.com/example.php?url=www.google.com%3Fid%3D1%26username%3Dme]
Once PHP receives that variable you can decode it
$url = urldecode($_GET['url']);
Note: some versions of PHP do it automatically.


Convert &#038 to &

Ho you all, I've got a script in a Wordpress post that sends the value of 4 variable to a URL.
The fact is that since natively WordPress converts & to &#038, the URL that is meant to recive those variable cannot get them, since the final URL will be
instead of http://localhost/php/add.php?a=VALUE1&b=VALUE2&c=VALUE3&d=VALUE4
Now I know that it is possible to fix this problem by commenting to lines in wp-includes/formatting.php, but I'm looking for a PHP function that can convert the URL with '&#038' to an URL with just '&'.
Is it possible? Thanks!
You will need to use htmlspecialchars_decode(). Consider this example:
$url = 'http://localhost/php/add.php?a=VALUE1&b=VALUE2&c=VALUE3&d=VALUE4';
$url = htmlspecialchars_decode($url);
echo $url;
// http://localhost/php/add.php?a=VALUE1&b=VALUE2&c=VALUE3&d=VALUE4

PHP: Use a $_GET-Param with multiple other Params within a $_GET-Param

yeah, I know, the title is kind of confusing, but no better title came to my mind.
Here is my problem:
I want to use a link in my application, which would look like this:
The problem is that &someparam2 is meant to hang on the second $_GET-Param.
It would be like this:
Instead, PHP interprets that &someparam2 hangs on the first $_GET-Param.
Does anyone know a solution for this?
I already tried
but of course that didn't work.
I hope you can understand my problem.
Thank you for your time.
You will need to URL encode your string some_folder/somescript.php?someparam1=1234 so that php will not parse & in the query string as a param separator.
use urlencode("some_folder/somescript.php?someparam1=1234");

Change url variable using php

Say I have a url like this in a php variable:
$url = "http://mywebsite.extension/names/level/etc/page/x";
how would I automatically remove everything after the .com (or other extension) and before /page/2?
Basically I would like every url that could be in $url to become http://mywebsite.extension/page/x
Is there a way to do this in php? :s
thanks for your help guys!
I think parse_url() is the function you're looking for. You can use it to break down an URL into it's component parts, and then put it back together however you want, adding in your own things as needed.
As PeeHaa noted, explode() will be useful for dividing up the path.

How do I INSERT the character "&" into a MySQL database?

I think I have seen this question before but I don't think it's answered good enough yet because I can't get it to work.
The case:
I want to insert an URL into my MySQL database like so:
$url = $_POST["url"]; //$_POST["url"] = "http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2& ...";
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO table(url) values('$url')") or die ("Error: " . mysql_error());
Now, the URL is inserted into the database properly but when I look at it, it looks like this:
It's like the URL is cut right at the "&" character. I have tried: mysql_real_escape_string, htmlspecialchars, escaping by doing "\" etc. Nothing seems to work.
I have read that you might be able to do it with "SQL Plus" or something like that.
Thanks in advance.
Regards, VG
Chances are the problem here is nothing to do with the database query, and more to do with how the url is passed to the page. I suspect you'll find that the URL used to load the page is something like:
This will result in a $_GET that looks like this:
array (
'url' => 'http://example.com/?foo=1',
'bar' => '2'
What you need is to call page with a URL that looks more like this:
Note that the & has been encoded to %26. Now $_GET will look like this:
array (
'url' => 'http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2'
...and the query will work as expected.
EDIT I've just noticed you're using $_POST, but the same rules apply to the body of the request and I still think this is your problem. If you are, as I suspect, using Javascript/AJAX to call the page, you need to pass the URL string through encodeURIComponent().
It is likely the querystring is not being passed. It looks like you are receiving it from a FORM post. Remember that form posts that use a method of GET append a querystring to pass all of the form variables, so any querystring in the action is typically ignored.
So, the first thing to do is echo the URL before you try to INSERT it to make sure you are getting the data you think you are.
If there are variables you need to pass with the URL, use hidden inputs for that, and a method of GET on the form tag, and they will get magically appended as querystring parameters.
Right !! The problem here is nothing to do with the database query has DaveRandom said.
Just use the javascript function "encodeURIComponent()".
Depending on what you want to do with the stored value, you also urlencode() the string: http://php.net/manual/de/function.urlencode.php
P.S.: SQL*Plus is for Oracle Databases.
maybe escape the url with urlencode then you can decode it if you want to pull it out of the db

Jquery, ajax and the ampersand conundrum

I know that I should encodeURI any url passed to anything else, because I read this:
I want to share the current time of the current track I am listening to.
So I installed the excellent yoururls shortener.
And I have a bit of code that puts all the bits together, and makes the following:
As I don't want everyone seeing my private key, I have a little php file which takes the input, and appends the following, so it looks like this:
So in the main page, I call the jquery of $("div.shorturl").load(loadall);
It then does a little bit of CURL and then shortener returns a nice short URL.
Like this:
$myurl='http://myshorten.example/yourls-api.php?signature=x&action=shorturl&format=simple&url=' . $theurl;
$ch = curl_init($myurl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$data = curl_exec($ch);
if ($data === false) {
echo 'cURL failed';
echo $data;
All perfect.
Except... the URL which is shortened is always in the form of http://urltoshorten?track=2 - anything after the ampersand is shortened.
I have tried wrapping the whole URL in php's URLencode, I've wrapped the track=2&time=967 in both encodeURI and encodeURIComponent, I've evem tried wrapping the whole thing in one or both.
And still, the & breaks it, even though I can see the submitted url looks like track=1%26time%3D5 at the end.
If I paste this or even the "plain" version with the unencoded url either into the yoururls interface, or submit it to the yoururls via the api as a normal URL pasted into the location bar of the browser, again it works perfectly.
So it's not yoururls at fault, it seems like the url is being encoded properly, the only thing I can think of is CURL possibly?
Now at this point you might be thinking "why not replace the & with a * and then convert it back again?".
OK, so when the url is expanded, I get the values from
var track = $.getUrlVar('track');
var time = $.getUrlVar('time');
so I COULD lose the time var, then do a bit of finding on where the * is in track and then assume the rest of anything after * is the time, but it's a bit ugly, and more to the point, it's not really the correct way to do things.
If anyone could help me, it would be appreciated.
I have tried wrapping the whole URL in php's URLencode
That is indeed what you have to do (assuming by ‘URL’ you mean inner URL being passed as a component of the outer URL). Any time you put a value in a URL component, you need to URL-encode, whether the value you're setting is a URL or not.
(urlencode() is OK for query parameters like this, but rawurlencode() is also OK for path parts, so unless you really need spaces to look slightly prettier [+ vs %20], I'd go for rawurlencode() by default.)
This will give you a final URL like:
Which you should be able to verify works. If it doesn't, there is something wrong with yourls-api.php.
I have tried wrapping the whole URL in php's URLencode, I've wrapped the track=2&time=967 in both encodeURI and encodeURIComponent, I've evem tried wrapping the whole thing in one or both. And still, the & breaks it, even though I can see the submitted url looks like track=1%26time%3D5 at the end.
Maybe an explanation of how HTTP variables work will help you out.
If I'm getting a page with the following variables and values:
var1 = Bruce Oxford
var2 = Brandy&Wine
var3 = ➋➌➔ (unicode chars)
We uri-encode the var name and the value of the var, ie:
var1 = Bruce+Oxford
var2 = Brandy%26Wine
var3 = %E2%9E%8B%E2%9E%8C%E2%9E%94
What we are not doing is encoding the delimiting charecters, so what the request data will look like for the above is:
Rather than:
Which is of course just gibberish.
