This is the code for edit.php where when I click edit this page opens and edits that specific line.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
Allows user to edit specific entry in database
// creates the edit record form
// since this form is used multiple times in this file, I have made it a function that is easily reusable
function renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email,$job_title,$workplace,$country,$nationality, $error){
<title>Edit Entries</title>
<body><?php // if there are any errors, display them
if ($error != ''){echo '
<div style="padding:4px; border:1px solid red; color:red;">'.$error.'</div>';
<div class="maindiv">
<?php include("includes/head.php");?>
<?php include("menu.php");?>
<div class="form_div">
<div class="title"><h2>Updating Report for ID: <?php echo $id;?></p></h2> </div>
<form action="" method="post">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css\insert.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css\navcss.css" type="text/css" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<label>Name:</label><b><label style="margin-left:24em">الاسم</b></label><br />
<input class="input" type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>" /><br />
<label>Telephone Number:</label><b><label style="margin-left:15em">رقم الهاتف</b><br />
<input class="input" type="text" name="telephone_number" value="<?php echo $telephone_number; ?>" /><br />
<label>Email:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:20em">البريد الإلكتروني</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" /><br />
<label>Job Title:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:19em">المسمى الوظيفي</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="job_title" value="<?php echo $job_title; ?>" /><br />
<label>Work Place:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:19em">جهه العمل</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="workplace" value="<?php echo $workplace; ?>" /><br />
<label>Country:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:23em">الدولة</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="country" value="<?php echo $country; ?>" /><br />
<label>Nationality:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:21em">الجنسية</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="nationality" value="<?php echo $nationality; ?>" /><br />
<p>* Required</p>
<input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Update Record" />
<button class="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="history.back();return false;">Return to previous page</button>
<?php } // connect to the database
include('connect.php');// check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to the database
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){// confirm that the 'id' value is a valid integer before getting the form data
if (is_numeric($_POST['id'])){// get form data, making sure it is valid
$id = $_POST['id'];
$name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']));
$telephone_number = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['telephone_number']));
$email = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']));
$job_title = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['job_title']));
$workplace = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['workplace']));
$country = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['country']));
$nationality = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['nationality']));// check that firstname/lastname fields are both filled in
if ($name == ''){// generate error message
$error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!';//error, display form
renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email, $job_title, $workplace, $country, $nationality, $error);
else{// save the data to the database
$link->query("UPDATE conf SET name='$name', telephone_number='$telephone_number',email='$email',job_title='$job_title',workplace='$workplace',country='$country',nationality='$nationality' WHERE id=$id");// once saved, redirect back to the view page
header("Location: view.php");
else{// if the 'id' isn't valid, display an error
echo 'Error!';
else{ // if the form hasn't been submitted, get the data from the db and display the form
// get the 'id' value from the URL (if it exists), making sure that it is valid (checing that it is numeric/larger than 0)
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0){// query db
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = $link->query("SELECT * FROM conf WHERE id=$id");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC);// check that the 'id' matches up with a row in the databse
if($row){// get data from db
$telephone_number = $row['telephone_number'];
$email = $row['email'];
$job_title = $row['job_title'];
$workplace = $row['workplace'];
$country = $row['country'];
$nationality = $row['nationality'];// show form //renderForm($id, $first_name,$emp_number,$department,$email, '');
renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email,$job_title,$workplace,$country,$nationality, '');
else{// if no match, display result
echo "No results!";
else{// if the 'id' in the URL isn't valid, or if there is no 'id' value, display an error
echo 'Error!';
It gives first warning that mysql is deprecated so I used below syntax but still it gives error:
Second major error its giving is that it takes me to this error message and makes all form fields empty. The line its showing always is:
ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!
Please Guide!
$servername = "localhost:3306";
$username = "root";
$password = "<Password here>";
$dbname = "TUTORIALS";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
$sql = "INSERT INTO tutorials_inf(name)VALUES ('".$_POST["name"]."')";
if (mysqli_query($conn, $sql)) {
echo "New record created successfully";
} else {
echo "Error: " . $sql . "" . mysqli_error($conn);
I Solved My-Self...
Code Below...
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
Allows user to edit specific entry in database
// creates the edit record form
// since this form is used multiple times in this file, I have made it a function that is easily reusable
function renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email,$job_title,$workplace,$country,$nationality, $error)
<title>Edit Entries</title>
// if there are any errors, display them
if ($error != '')
echo '<div style="padding:4px; border:1px solid red; color:red;">'.$error.'</div>';
<div class="maindiv">
<?php include("includes/head.php");?>
<?php include("menu.php");?>
<!--HTML form -->
<div class="form_div">
<div class="title"><h2>Updating Report for ID: <?php echo $id;?></p></h2> </div>
<form action="" method="post">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css\insert.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css\navcss.css" type="text/css" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>"/>
<label>Name:</label><b><label style="margin-left:24em">الاسم</b></label>
<br />
<input class="input" type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo $name; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Telephone Number:</label><b><label style="margin-left:15em">رقم الهاتف</b>
<br />
<input class="input" type="text" name="telephone_number" value="<?php echo $telephone_number; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Email:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:20em">البريد الإلكتروني</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo $email; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Job Title:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:19em">المسمى الوظيفي</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="job_title" value="<?php echo $job_title; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Work Place:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:19em">جهه العمل</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="workplace" value="<?php echo $workplace; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Country:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:23em">الدولة</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="country" value="<?php echo $country; ?>" />
<br />
<label>Nationality:</label></label><b><label style="margin-left:21em">الجنسية</b></label>
<input class="input" type="text" name="nationality" value="<?php echo $nationality; ?>" />
<br />
<p>* Required</p>
<input class="submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="Update Record" />
<button class="btnSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="history.back(); return false;">Return to previous page</button>
// connect to the database
$mysqli = new mysqli("", "b7_21234466", "mazhar2012", "b7_21234466_conference");
// check if the form has been submitted. If it has, process the form and save it to the database
if (isset($_POST['submit']))
// confirm that the 'id' value is a valid integer before getting the form data
if (is_numeric($_POST['id']))
// get form data, making sure it is valid
$id = $_POST['id'];
$name = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
//$name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']));
//$last_name = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['last_name']));
$telephone_number = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['telephone_number']);
$email = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
$job_title = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['job_title']);
$workplace = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['workplace']);
$country = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['country']);
$nationality = $mysqli->real_escape_string($_POST['nationality']);
// check that firstname/lastname fields are both filled in
if ($name == '')
// generate error message
$error = 'ERROR: Please fill in all required fields!';
//error, display form
renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email, $job_title, $workplace, $country, $nationality, $error);
// save the data to the database
$mysqli->query("UPDATE conf SET name='$name', telephone_number='$telephone_number',email='$email',job_title='$job_title',workplace='$workplace',country='$country',nationality='$nationality' WHERE id=$id");
// once saved, redirect back to the view page
header("Location: view.php");
// if the 'id' isn't valid, display an error
echo 'Error!';
// if the form hasn't been submitted, get the data from the db and display the form
// get the 'id' value from the URL (if it exists), making sure that it is valid (checing that it is numeric/larger than 0)
if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0)
// query db
$id = $_GET['id'];
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT * FROM conf WHERE id=$id");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result,MYSQLI_ASSOC);
// check that the 'id' matches up with a row in the databse
// get data from db
$telephone_number = $row['telephone_number'];
$email = $row['email'];
$job_title = $row['job_title'];
$workplace = $row['workplace'];
$country = $row['country'];
$nationality = $row['nationality'];
// show form
//renderForm($id, $first_name,$emp_number,$department,$email, '');
renderForm($id, $name, $telephone_number, $email,$job_title,$workplace,$country,$nationality, '');
// if no match, display result
echo "No results!";
// if the 'id' in the URL isn't valid, or if there is no 'id' value, display an error
echo 'Error!';
$link->query($conn,"UPDATE conf SET name='$name', telephone_number='$telephone_number',email='$email',job_title='$job_title',workplace='$workplace',country='$country',nationality='$nationality' WHERE id=$id");
I´ve been working on this project for a quite while and, the other day I was doing some code when I walk by this piece of code that keeps giving me headaches. So i got my html and php code all right but whenever i try to upload an image to my database, the image goes null, what am i doing wrong?
<?php include "connection.php"; ?>
$img = mysql_query("SELECT imagem2 from segurancaofensiva where nmr=$n");
$file = $_FILES['imagem']['tmp_name'];
$image = addslashes(file_get_contents($file));
$count = $connect->query("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT nmr) FROM segurancaofensiva")->fetch_row()[0];
if ($connect->connect_error){
die("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error);
$sql = "UPDATE segurancaofensiva SET texto='$t', imagem='{$image}', imagem2='{$image}' where nmr=$n" ;
$sql1 = "UPDATE segurancaofensiva SET texto='$t', imagem='$img' where nmr=$n";
if ($_FILES['imagem']['name']!=='' && $connect->query($sql) !== false )
if ($n <= $count) {
echo "actualizou\n\n";
echo "nao atualizou numero fora dos limites";
} else {
if ($connect->query($sql1) !== false){
echo "atualizou\n\n";
} else {
echo "errp";
<?php include 'connection.php'; ?>
$campo = $_POST['selected'];
$query = "SELECT campo FROM segurancaofensiva";
$result1 = mysqli_query($connect, $query);
$stored = $campo;
$obterquery = "SELECT * FROM segurancaofensiva where campo ='$campo'";
$x = $connect->query ($obterquery) or die ("Erro na variavel resultado");
$final = $x->fetch_array (MYSQL_ASSOC);
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/styleBO.css">
<div class="formulario" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<form name="form2" method="POST" action="">
<h6>Campo:</h6> <select name ="selected" id="selected" >
<?php while($row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result1)):;?>
<option value="<?php echo $row1[0];?>"><?php echo $row1[0];?></option>
<?php endwhile;?>
<input type="submit" id="load" class="load" name="load" value="Carregar">
<input type="hidden" name="selectedValue" value="0"/><br>
<div class="formulario" id="form2" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
<form name="form1" target="apresenta" method="POST" action="menu3.php">
<label> Atualizar dados </label><br>
<h6>Texto:</h6><textarea name="texto" id="texto"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($final['texto']);?></textarea><br>
<h6>Imagem:</h6><input type="file" name="imagem"><br>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($final['nmr']);?>" name="num">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Enviar" class="topo">
<input type="reset" value="Limpar" class="topo">
Change form html like below. PHP will not detect file object without this.
<form enctype="multipart/form-data">
Add form attribute as per your requirement.
You are missing enctype attribute in form tag
If you post data and trying to upload file you must use enctype
I have a MySQL table named as letter and wish to insert records through the HTML data input form. Code as follows:
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="css/jquery-ui-1.10.1.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(({ dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }));
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Add Letter</title>
<style type="text/css" media="screen">
#import "style_contactform.css";
$querymethod = "select r_method_code, r_method from r_method order by r_method";
$resultmethod = mysql_query($querymethod) or die ( mysql_error());
$querybranch = "select bcode, branch from branch order by branch";
$resultbranch = mysql_query($querybranch) or die ( mysql_error());
$querytype = "select tcode, type from type order by type";
$resulttype = mysql_query($querytype) or die ( mysql_error());
if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
$rno =$_POST["rno"];
$lno =$_POST["lno"];
$dol = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["doi"]);
$hdg =$_POST["hdg"];
$from =$_POST["from"];
$address =$_POST["address"];
$method =$_POST["method"];
$type =$_POST["type"];
$branch =$_POST["branch"];
if ((empty($hdg))){
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'alert("All fields must be required")';
echo '</script>';
$query ="INSERT INTO letter (reference_no, letter_no, date_stamp, heading, from_1, address, r_method_code, tcode, bcode) VALUES ('$rno', '$lno', '$dst', '$hdg', '$from', '$address', '$method', '$type', '$branch')";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ( mysql_error());
$rc = mysql_affected_rows();
echo '<script language="javascript">';
echo 'alert("Added Successfully")';
echo '</script>';
<form id="contactform">
<div class="formcolumn">
<label for="rno">Reference No:</label>
<input type="text" name="rno" />
<label for="lno">Letter No:</label>
<input type="text" name="lno" />
<label for="dst">Date of the Letter:</label>
<input type="text" name="dst" id="datepicker" />
<label for="hdg">Heading:</label>
<textarea name="hdg"></textarea>
<div class="formcolumn">
<label for="from">From 1:</label>
<input type="text" id="from" />
<label for="address">Address:</label>
<textarea id="address"></textarea>
<label for="method">Received Method:</label>
<select name="method" span class="al">
do {
<option value="<?php echo $rowmethod['r_method_code']?>"><?php echo $rowmethod['r_method']?></option>
} while ($rowmethod = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultmethod));
<label for="type">Type:</label>
<select name="type" span class="al">
do {
<option value="<?php echo $rowtype['tcode']?>"><?php echo $rowtype['type']?></option>
} while ($rowtype = mysql_fetch_assoc($resulttype));
<label for="branch">Branch:</label>
<select name="branch" span class="al">
do {
<option value="<?php echo $rowbranch['bcode']?>"><?php echo $rowbranch['branch']?></option>
} while ($rowbranch = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultbranch));
<div class="buttons">
<input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit!" />
But I was unable to add records through this form to the relevant table. I can not understand what I am going wrong. Can any one help me?... Pls...
Form's Attribute method's default value is get
You should specify it like this
<form id="contactform" method="post">
Now you can use $_POST to get data!
I am trying to update the records but the update query is not working for some reason.It is deleting and inserting fine but somehow the update doesn't work.I have checked various questions but couldn't find the answer.I have checked the data inserted in the query and its fine too.This is my code.
require 'database.php';
$ido = 0;
if ( !empty($_GET['id'])) {
$ido = $_REQUEST['id'];
echo $ido;
if ( !empty($_POST)) {
// keep track validation errors
$nameError = null;
$descError = null;
$priceError = null;
// keep track post values
$name = $_POST['name'];
$desc = $_POST['desc'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
// validate input
$valid = true;
if (empty($name)) {
$nameError = 'Please enter Name';
$valid = false;
if (empty($desc)) {
$descError = 'Please enter Valid descriptin';
$valid = false;
if (empty($price) || filter_var($price, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) == false) {
$priceError = 'Please enter a valid price';
$valid = false;
// insert data
if ($valid) {
$pdo = Database::connect();
$sql = "UPDATE Items SET I_name = ? , I_desc = ? ,I_price = ? WHERE I_id = ?"; <---This is the update query part
$q = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$q->execute(array($name,$desc,$price,$ido)); <---these are the values inserted
header("Location: index.php");
else {
echo $ido;
$pdo = Database::connect();
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Items where I_id = ?";
$q = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$data = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$name = $data['I_name'];
$desc = $data['I_desc'];
$price = $data['I_price'];
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<div class="container">
<div class="span10 offset1">
<div class="row">
<h3>Update Items</h3>
<form class="form-horizontal" action="update_items.php" method="post">
<div class="control-group <?php echo !empty($nameError)?'error':'';?>">
<label class="control-label">Name</label>
<div class="controls">
<input name="name" type="text" placeholder="Item Name" value="<?php echo !empty($name)?$name:'';?>">
<?php if (!empty($nameError)): ?>
<span class="help-inline"><?php echo $nameError;?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<div class="control-group <?php echo !empty($descError)?'error':'';?>">
<label class="control-label">Description</label>
<div class="controls">
<input name="desc" type="text" placeholder="Item Description" value="<?php echo !empty($desc)?$desc:'';?>">
<?php if (!empty($descError)): ?>
<span class="help-inline"><?php echo $descError;?></span>
<?php endif;?>
<div class="control-group <?php echo !empty($priceError)?'error':'';?>">
<label class="control-label">Price</label>
<div class="controls">
<input name="price" type="text" placeholder="Item Price" value="<? php echo !empty($price)?$price:'';?>">
<?php if (!empty($priceError)): ?>
<span class="help-inline"><?php echo $priceError;?></span>
<?php endif;?>
<div class="form-actions">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">Create</button>
<a class="btn" href="index.php">Back</a>
</div> <!-- /container -->
This is your form:
<form class="form-horizontal" action="update_items.php" method="post">
^ nothing here
As you can see you are posting and there is no query variable after the url you are posting to.
Then you check for the ID:
$ido = 0;
if (!empty($_GET['id'])) {
$ido = $_REQUEST['id'];
echo $ido;
$ido will remain 0 as there is no $_GET['id'].
You can either modify your form to add the ID or add a hidden variable in the form with the ID and check for $_POST['id'].
I'd go for the second option:
<form class="form-horizontal" action="update_items.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $ido; ?>">
and in php:
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$ido = $_POST['id'];
I made a login/register page. It works fine on chrome and firefox, but doesnt work on internet explorer (8, 9). After clicking any submit button ie redirect to index page. I have the same problem on another page based on this code.
Here is html code:
$errors1 = array();
$missing1 = array();
$errors = array();
$missing = array();
$expected = array('login', 'email', 'pwd');
$required = array('login', 'email', 'pwd');
if ($token_sent) {
header('Location: (..) ');
if(isset($_POST['submit1'])) {
if($log_in) {
if (isset($_SESSION['name']) && !empty($_SESSION['name'])) {
if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-86400, '/');
if (isset($_POST['login1'])) {
$_SESSION['name'] = $login1 ;
header('Location: http:// (...) ');
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="copyright" content="Copyright (c) 2012 k">
<meta name="author" content="">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
<link href="login.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen">
<div id="wrap">
<?php include('./');?>
<div id="header">
<?php include('./');?>
<?php include('./');?>
<?php include('./');?>
<div id='left'>
<div id='info'>
<h1 class='title'>LOGIN</h1> <br/>
<form class='form' name="login1" action=" " method="post">
<?php if ($missing1) { ?>
<span class="warning">...</span><br/>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(isset($errors1['wrong'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span><br/>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(isset($errors1['not_verified'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span><br/>
<?php } ?>
<label for="login1">Login: </label>
<input type="text" name="login1"
<?php if ($missing1 || $errors1) {
echo 'value="' . htmlentities($login1, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
} ?>
<label for="pwd1">Password:</label>
<input type="password" name="pwd1" /> <br/>
<span class='submit'><input name="submit1" type="submit" value="LOGIN" /></span>
<div id='right'>
<div id='info'>
<h1 class='title'>REGISTRATION</h1> <br/>
<form class='form' name="register" action=" " method="post">
<label for="login">Login: </label>
<input type="text" name="login"
<?php if ($missing || $errors) {
echo 'value="' . htmlentities($login, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
} ?>
<?php if ($missing && in_array('login', $missing)) { ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['login_mini'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['login_maxi'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['login'])){ ?>
<span class="warning"> A-Z, a-z, 0-9.</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['login_exist'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
<?php } ?>
<label for="email">Email: </label>
<input type="text" name="email"
<?php if ($missing || $errors) {
echo 'value="' . htmlentities($email, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"';
} ?>
<?php if ($missing && in_array('email', $missing)) { ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
<?php } elseif(isset($errors['email'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
<?php } elseif(isset($errors['email_exist'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
<?php } ?>
<label for="pwd">Password:</label>
<input type="password" name="pwd" />
<?php if ($missing && in_array('pwd', $missing)) { ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['pwd_mini'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
} elseif(isset($errors['pwd_maxi'])){ ?>
<span class="warning">...</span>
<?php } ?>
<span class='submit'><input type="submit" name="submit" value="REGISTER" /></span>
<?php include('./'); ?>
Here is '' code:
$login1 = "";
$pwd1 = "";
$salt = "(...)";
foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$temp = is_array($value) ? $value : trim($value);
if (empty($temp) && in_array($key, $required)) {
$missing1[] = $key;
} elseif (in_array($key, $expected)) {
${$key} = $temp;
$login1 = mysql_real_escape_string($login1);
$hash = $salt . $pwd1;
for ( $i = 0; $i < 100; $i ++ ){
$hash = hash('sha256', $hash);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT user_nick='$login1' FROM users WHERE user_password='$hash'") or die('Sorry, we could not count the number of results: ' . mysql_error());
if(mysql_result($result, 0)){
/*-------IS ACTIVATED?------------------------------*/
$verified = mysql_query("SELECT user_verified='yes' FROM users WHERE user_nick='$login1'");
if(mysql_result($verified, 0)){
$errors1['not_verified'] = true;
$errors1['wrong'] = true;
Are you really using <form class='form' name="register" action=" " method="post"> ?
It could come from here, try with action="#"
There won't have any cross browser problem with PHP, it comes from HTML (generated or not)