Errors concerning depreciated eregi - php

This is the error i am receiving
Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /home/socia125/public_html/profile.php on
This is my code
// Loop through the array of user agents and matching operating systems
foreach($OSList as $CurrOS=>$Match) {
// Find a match
if (eregi($Match, $agent)) {
any help is appreciated

Well, as the manual quotes,
This function has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on this
feature is highly discouraged.
Use preg_match() instead. Be a bit careful though, because you cannot convert your search pattern 1:1 from eregi to preg_match().
Example to show the difference:
$t = "this is a test...";
if (preg_match("/test/i", $t)) echo "match!";
if (eregi('test', $t)) echo "match!";
There is a whole chapter in the php manual dedicated to the PCRE syntax.
But if you're just simply trying to find a string, use something like strstr or stristr, those are faster and easier to use.

Use preg_match instead of eregi.
But it seems like all it does is searching for a string, so you might be able to use stripos instead.
// Loop through the array of user agents and matching operating systems
foreach($OSList as $CurrOS=>$Match) {
// Find a match
if (stripos($Match, $agent) !== FALSE ) {
I can't guarantee that it works as it should, since we don't see all of the code (especially contents and example values of $Match and $agent)

eregi() is deprecated as of 5.3.
You may ignore this as it is just a warning.
I would recommend to use preg_match() instead.
See the link here


Is there a built-in PHP function to check if a given string is a reserved keyword?

I'm looking at this:
I've made numerous search queries for things like: "php determine if string is reserved keyword".
I find nothing, and I'm starting to seriously sweat. Please don't tell me I'm going to have to code a complicated script to regularly scrape the PHP manual for all these various kinds of reserved keywords and build my own database!
Please let there be a nice, simple function to simply check:
And it gives a true/false.
I went a different way to Andrew and instead went for having PHP figure it out rather than hard coding the list.
function isPhpKeyword($testString) {
// First check it's actually a word and not an expression/number
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]+$/i', $testString)) {
return false;
$tokenised = token_get_all('<?php ' . $testString . '; ?>');
// tokenised[0] = opening PHP tag, tokenised[1] = our test string
return reset($tokenised[1]) !== T_STRING;
This has a few advantages:
It doesn't need the list to be maintained as PHP's own parser says what's valid or not.
It's a lot simpler to understand.
Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any built-in function for what you describe. But based on the RegEx pattern you can find among the contributed notes on, you can test it like this:
$reserved_pattern = "/\b((a(bstract|nd|rray|s))|(c(a(llable|se|tch)|l(ass|one)|on(st|tinue)))|(d(e(clare|fault)|ie|o))|(e(cho|lse(if)?|mpty|nd(declare|for(each)|if|switch|while)|val|x(it|tends)))|(f(inal|or(each)?|unction))|(g(lobal|oto))|(i(f|mplements|n(clude(_once)?|st(anceof|eadof)|terface)|sset))|(n(amespace|ew))|(p(r(i(nt|vate)|otected)|ublic))|(re(quire(_once)?|turn))|(s(tatic|witch))|(t(hrow|r(ait|y)))|(u(nset|se))|(__halt_compiler|break|list|(x)?or|var|while))\b/";
if(!preg_match($reserved_pattern, $myString)) {
// It is not reserved!
It may not be the most elegant-looking piece of PHP code out there, but it gets the job done.
UPDATE: See online demo of function here:

Deprecated preg_replace in 5.5.3

I am currently re-programming a framework in php and I upgraded our development server to php 5.5.3. When I fire up the webbrowser, it returns the following error:
[19-Oct-2013 16:54:05 Europe/Amsterdam] PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/fw/lib/lang.php on line 57
And line 57 is;
$response = preg_replace('/\{'.$find.'(:(.*))?\}/Ue', 'str_replace("{value}", "\\2", $replace)', $response);
I am really horrible at reading these php documentation, I am a beginner and simply changing preg_replace() by preg_replace_callback() is too good to be true. A co-worker told me it had to be something like $value[1] but that didn't work eather.
Is there a simple solution, am I overlooking something?
Here is the page about modifiers, giving you more detail about why it is deprecated, and what that means exactly.
Basically the reason is that the /e modifier causes a string to be evaluated as PHP code, as if eval was called. Using preg_replace_callback instead, which allows you to pass it an actual PHP function is indeed the way to go.
If you replace the string-code (second parameter) by an anonymous function, your code should then look something like this:
$response = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) use ($replace) {
return str_replace($m, "\\2", $replace);
} ,
The keyword use makes sure that the anonymous function can use the $replace variable which should be defined in the calling scope. See this discussion.

"Function split() is deprecated" in PHP?

$stringText = "[TEST-1] test task 1 Created: 06/Apr/11 Updated: 06/Apr/11";
$splitArray = split(" ",$stringText);
Deprecated: Function split() is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\RSS.php on line 27
Why this error happen ?
From the manual
Warning This function has been
DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0. Relying on
this feature is highly discouraged
As of PHP 5.3.0, the regex extension
is deprecated in favor of the PCRE
extension. Calling this function will
issue an E_DEPRECATED notice. See the
list of differences for help on
converting to PCRE.
I guess you're supposed to use the alternative preg_split(). Or if you're not using a regex, just use explode
split has been replaced with explode, see for more information. Works the same as split, but split is 'deprecated' basically means that is a old function that shouldn't be used anymore, and is not likely to be in later versions of php.
Use following explode function:
$command = explode(" ", $tag[1]);
This is the standard solution for this case.
Its Perfectly working.
Ahh, the docs says about it. And the docs also say which functions should be used instead of this:
Because the function has been deprecated? You can customize the error_reporting level to not log / display the depreciated errors. But it would be more prudent to just correct the issue (IE use explode instead for the simple split you are doing above.)
You can use this custom function for old codes:
if (!function_exists('split')) {
function split($pattern, $subject, $limit=-1, $flags=0){
return preg_split($pattern, $subject, $limit, $flags);

Searching partial strings PHP

How can you search a partial string when typing (not to use MySQL) like the LIKE function in MySQL but using PHP when searching a string, e.g.
$string = "Stackoverflow";
$find = "overfl";
if($find == $string)
return true;
return false
But that will obviously work won't, but is there a function where you can search partially of a string? That would be great :)
What if it was in an array?
if i use the strpos, it does the echo, If I use it, it goes like truetruetruetruetrue.
I tend to use strpos
$haystack='I\'m feeling flappy, and you?';
//then it was found
If you want it to ignore case, use stripos.
Note that a subtlety about this is that if the needle is at the very start of the haystack, in position 0, integer 0 is returned. This means you must compare to false, using strict comparison, or it can produce a false negative.
As noted in the manual, linked above
This function may return Boolean
FALSE, but may also return a
non-Boolean value which evaluates to
FALSE, such as 0 or "". Please read
the section on Booleans for more
information. Use the === operator for
testing the return value of this
As far as using arrays, strpos is meant to take two strings. Using an array will produce Warning: strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given or 1Warning: strpos(): needle is not a string or an integer`.
Okay, let's say you have an array of strings for which to search.
You can
$haystack='Where are those pancakes??';
foreach($needles as $ndl){
if(strpos($haystack,$ndl)!==false){ echo "'$ndl': found<br>\n"; }
else{ echo "'$ndl' : not found<br>\n"; }
Another way of searching for multiple strings in one string, without using an array... This only tells you whether at least one match was found.
$haystack='Where are those pancakes??';
//$match is now int(1)
Or, use preg_match_all to see how many matches there are, total.
//all_matches is int(2). Note you also have $results, which stores which needles matched.
In that, the search term is a regular expression. () groups the terms together, and | means 'or'. # denotes the beginning and end of the pattern. Regexes can get pretty complicated quickly, but of course, they work! They are often avoided for performance reasons, but if you're testing multiple strings, this might be more efficient than they array looping method described above. I'm sure there are also other ways to do this.
strstr() / stristr() (the latter being case-insensitive)
strpos() can do that.
if(strpos($string, $find) !== false)
. . .
Note that it may return 0, so do use the type-equals operator.

How to handle deprecated function in PHP

I'm new in this site. I want to ask about PHP programming. How do we can handle deprecated function in PHP. I want to redirect it to my new function. As we know, ereg function has been deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 and recommended to preg_match (posix to PCRE). But, when we wrote a lot of code with ereg function, do we have to change it manually? I want a solution like this.
function ereg($pattern, $string, &$array) { return preg_match('#'.$pattern.'#', $string, $array); }
The main problem is not the ereg function, but solution of handling deprecated function.
I've been searching in Google. Someone suggest to use override_function (using APD extension). But, this extension is hard to find (I need precompiled extension build for windows). Anyone can help me?
I'm sorry for my bad English. I hope you can understand.
The reason they tell you it is deprecated, and they don't remove it completely, is to give you time to update your code.
If you don't want to update your code, you can always just not upgrade your install of PHP. Or you can wait until a release of PHP is out were ereg() is removed completely, and use your above solution.
Other possible solutions include doing a search/replace for all ereg calls, and replacing it my_ereg, which could be the function you defined above.
if(!function_exists("ereg")){ .... }
Define the function inside of the if statement that checks if the function already exists. This will make the transition smoother.
But all in all, the purpose of deprecation is to give developers time to update their code and stop using all of the deprecated functions before they remove it completely from the code base.
I believe some call it 'Maintenance'.
You could always use the function_exists function.
function ereg($pattern, $string, &$array)
return preg_match('#'.$pattern.'#', $string, $array);
Using this method would allow it to work in all version as if it is deprecated but still able to be used it will use the function but once it has been removed from php it will be able to use your user defined function.
