PayPal API Direct Payment process - php

I used usual seller account on sandbox, not wpp.
Can i use direct payments from credit card on that account or i need create only wpp account?
Now i recieve error:
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.

No, you must set up a Website Payments Pro account in order to test the DoDirectPayment API.

You will need to setup buyer account in sandbox and use that one for testing


PayPal Sandbox RefundTransaction returns 10009 "You do not have a verified ACH"

I'm trying to set up programmatic refunds using the NVP RefundTransaction API in the PayPal Sandbox.
I'm using a modified version of this PHP script to make my call. The API returns this error:
'L_ERRORCODE0' => string '10009'
'L_SHORTMESSAGE0' => string 'Transaction refused'
'L_LONGMESSAGE0' => string 'You do not have a verified ACH'
'L_SEVERITYCODE0' => string 'Error'
PayPal's documentation for this code and error message says:
This error occurs because you do not have sufficient funds in your
PayPal balance to cover the amount of the refund and your PayPal
account does not have an associated verified bank account. Be sure
that you have sufficient funds in your PayPal balance and that you
have verified the associated bank account.
However, the PayPal Sandbox account associated with the API credentials that I'm using has a "Bank Account" with an Account Number and Routing Number, and a PayPal "Balance" of 99999 GBP.
I don't know whether it's relevant to mention this, but "Payment Review" is set to OFF. Also, the request is being made in USD, but I've tried changing this GBP with no change in outcome.
My "Live" account has a balance of 0.0, and no associated bank account (at present). I don't see that this should matter, but I thought I'd mention it for completeness. I've double-checked that I am making the call to the Sandbox API and not the Live API.
Any ideas on what might be going wrong? Thank you.
Confirm the sandbox email address of the receiver account:
Log into it and go to
You can resend a confirmation message from there if necessary.
Read the notification via , and sign in
using the link provided to confirm the email
If this does not solve your problem, update your question with the full API error message, which should always include a correlation ID or debug_id among other things.

PayPal Pro setup Error 10548

while paypal test checkout. I got an error mentioned below.
[TIMESTAMP] => 2017-09-22T09:01:00Z
[CORRELATIONID] => 8d454e5592202
[ACK] => Failure
[VERSION] => 65.1
[BUILD] => 36082234
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10548
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant's account is not able to process transactions.
[AMT] => 10.00
I has checked for all stack answers and youtube tutorials.
I has created sandbox business account for us country, added balance, upgraded to pro, on modal in settings tab: PayPal Credit- on, login with pal - all these steps are done. copy the credential under api tab and pasted them to code you provide.
But while make payments. I got the above mentioned errors. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
Your account where it calls the API should be upgrade to PRO before you make the DoDirectPayment API.
This error usually occurs if you don't have a business account. You must have a business PayPal account within a PayPal Payments Pro-enabled country to use the Direct Payment API. The absence of a home or customer service phone number on your PayPal account can also trigger this error.
If you have a business account and you get this error, check your PayPal account profile and make sure it includes a home phone number or a customer service phone number. Update your profile if necessary.

Paypal merchant paying facilitator

I have set up a sandbox test case whereby I allow merchants to link and grant express checkout permission to my facilitator account, coupled with a second page where end users can purchase items from the merchants accounts. The problem I am having is that on completion of an express checkout, the facilitator is receiving all the money instead of the merchant. The merchant receives the credit card payment but immediately pays the facilitator the full amount.
Using this guide:
I have then created an express checkout on behalf of the merchant account.
Auth details:
'mode' => 'sandbox',
'acct1.UserName' => 'dev-facilitator...',
'acct1.Password' => 'dev-facilitator_pw...',
'acct1.Signature' => 'dev-facilitator...',
'acct1.AppId' => 'APP-80W284485P519543T',
'acct1.accessToken' => $merchant_token,
'acct1.tokenSecret' => $merchant_secret
My code looks very similar to the example, with the assumption that the PaymentDetailsType passed through to DoExpressCheckoutPayment is that same as received from GetExpressCheckoutDetails
Everything appears to be working correctly except that when the users completes the payment the merchants paypal ends up looking like:
Purchase From, dev-facilitator, Completed, Details, -$250 NZD
Transfer From, Credit Card , Completed, Details, $250 NZD
With the final result being:
Dev-facilitator balance: $250 NZD
Dev-merchant balance: $0 NZD
I'm not sure where in the express checkout setup I should be specifying the kind of invoice the merchant should file against the facilitator in relation to the express checkout.
I can provide further code snippets if required.
It appears the core of my problem is the fact that accessToken and tokenSecret are ignored if acct1.Subject is not also supplied (The email associated with the accessToken).
The second thing that caused confusion is that I was not paying attention to what account my buyer action was being performed against... Logging into my merchant account changed the cookies that I was using in the other tab for doing the express checkout. Thus the merchant account ended up being the buyer, and the facilitator the merchant... The Purchase From, Transfer From, was just the way credit card transactions are shown: IE first the credit card gets converted into paypal money and then that is used in the paypal purchase transaction.
'mode' => 'sandbox',
'acct1.UserName' => 'dev-facilitator...',
'acct1.Password' => 'dev-facilitator_pw...',
'acct1.Signature' => 'dev-facilitator...',
'acct1.AppId' => 'APP-80W284485P519543T',
'acct1.Subject' => $merchant_email,
'acct1.accessToken' => $merchant_token,
'acct1.tokenSecret' => $merchant_secret
Is what I should have supplied.

Paypal Dodirect without costing my client

I have coded first time paypal doDirect Method and it is working fine on sandbox mode but in order to make it live it gives the following error:
[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10501
[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Configuration
[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
So I then googled and found that my client needs to have a agreement which the Payments Pro costs $30 per month.
Is there another way to do it without it costing me this money?
You could use Payments Advanced for only $5/mo instead of $30/mo.
If you're a high volume I could get you setup with PayFlow (the new Payments Pro) without any monthly fee. If you're doing $5k/mo or more in volume contact me directly and I can get you hooked up.

Create Recurring Payment profile failed

Hi All I am implementing recurring payments with paypal. My paypal script is already running now embedding recurring payments in it. I have searched a lot and not find any useful material. I found from Recurring some material. I implemnted the code of createrecurringpayments.php from here and changed the variables accorinding to mine. I redirect browser to this file from DoExpressCheckoutPayment.php when transaction is completed. But at createrecurringpayment.php I always get the following error.CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile failed: Array ( [TIMESTAMP] => 2011%2d03%2d28T11%3a44%3a30Z [CORRELATIONID] => 81d0c488123c4 [ACK] => Failure [VERSION] => 54%2e0 [BUILD] => 1776465 [L_ERRORCODE0] => 10002 [L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Security%20error [L_LONGMESSAGE0] => Security%20header%20is%20not%20valid [L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error ).
there may be below 4 causes for this type of error you found..
1. You have your PayPal module configured to "Sandbox" but have not used Sandbox API credentials.
2. You have your PayPal module configured to "Live" but have not used Live API credentials.
3. You have mis-typed one or more API credentials entries, including but not limited to leaving trailing spaces.
4. You have deleted and/or recreated new API credentials in your PayPal account but have not copied those new credentials back to your store.
Just check it may helpful to you..
I have found the solution.... I was using paypal Express Checkout.. With this it is not possible to implement recurring payments...
