Twitter api: Does x follow y? - php

I'm looking for a very simple script that will tell me if one twitter user follows another twitter user. I looked through the twitter developer docs, but I couldn't find any information relating to what I want to accomplish.
An example of what I'm looking for is demonstrated on this site:
I did consider using this website, and then checking if the page contains the string "yup", but obviously this isn't the most efficient way to do this.
Anyone have any suggestions/resources to how I could go about accomplishing what I want to do?

Okay, I figured it out. Lol...


How to use Reddit's POST api?

I have managed to grab data from Reddit easily, displaying all links that users have submitted to a sub-reddit. What I want to achieve now though is to allow users of my site to login to reddit, and post to that sub-reddit from my site.
How would I achieve this using PHP?
I have searched the web everywhere and cannot seem to find anything that can help me. I am a begginer a PHP so it's quite confusing at times.
If there is an article explaining exactly what I want, I would be grateful if you could link me to it :)
Thank you!
EDIT: Documentation here;
I'd recomment to use/look into this opensource project on github (not my project). It uses curl to communicate and it might even be enough for you.
Another option would be to look into httpRequest::send and simply send your post variables with this method. This is if you like things to be more lowlevel.
The reddit api basically tells you what post parameters you need for which action

How to create a facebook app without much knowledge of PHP/MYSQL?

I'm trying to SUGGEST, or CREATE an app, and I don't have any knowledge of facebook app creation... I've looked up on tutorials, but facebook's API might change or has changed by the date of those tutorials...
So I thought I'll ask on here, after searching for a facebook developer's support, I was redirected to here.
My question: What is the best way to create a basic app, as per my requirements (below)..?
My Suggestion/Requirements: I wrote this tutorial on superuser, which lets you display your current playing track as an updated div on your html based website. I'm trying to create a facebook app that posts these track info updates to the right side of the facebook home panel (above the chat column). Like Spotify! Or SoundCloud...
My Problem: I don't know where to start? I don't have much knowledge of scripting and according to me, it should be quite simple in PHP/MYSQL/Javascript/ ... but don't know how facebook would handle the html file from where the <div> data could be collected. I think jquery would solve that, but this can also be done via PHP/MYSQL.
It should be simple, so I'm also suggesting this as an idea for anyone willing to create this app on facebook? And if you create it, please do keep it open source project or a tutorial for it, so that if at any time you close the app, it can still be replicated. I cannot create it but am willing to, but don't know how to...
I'm asking this here because facebook doesn't appear to have a forum based posts for this apart from the developers group. I've joined the facebook developers group, but haven't yet been allowed to post anything, as the join request is pending.
That's mostly all. Thanks for any help.
Start with registering your application on Facebook .It will give you some token and keys.
Now you can follow any tutorial online to create application on fb.

Searching twitters public timeline using JQuery

So a while back I used to use the twitter json search in one of my apps but it seems since the change in API versions there has been some major changes which even after reading the documentation I still can't get my head around and it really doesn't make it very easy to understand so hopefully one of you tech guys out there can help me out.
I want to clean my application up so it works again in plainly doing the following:-
Obviously with the changes this is no longer possible but I want to be able to do this again using the new address but in JQuery unless someone can suggest either a tutorial or a piece of code or even a link to a topic where I could get my answer. I'm also open to using PHP as this is what I used at one point with searching Facebook's timeline and you can get an access token using $.get() for Facebook so surely it would be the same with Twitter too?
Any advice/code is welcome.
the search API needs authorization now. I'd say that, first off, you need to call the https url not http.
With Abhramam William's library you'd do something like the following, after having received your app's bearer token:
$your_tweets = $connection->get("");

Facebook App - Browsing Random Posts

I've been tearing through the Facebook API documentation and beginner-level tutorials on the basics of an in-Facebook app and am starting to get a grasp of the basics. I'm looking to develop an app for a semester-long project for school and was wondering if anyone might be able to point me in the right direction of what documentation/tutorials to look for. To give some further context, here is the basic idea behind the app:
It will allow users to fill out basic drop-down form filters (Friends lists, date ranges, post types, etc.) and then press a button to 'stumble' to a random existing post (i.e. a random picture from 2 years ago, a random status or wall post from 3 months ago, etc.)
I was thinking of maybe looking further into FQL, but would just like to get some advice before proceeding.
Thanks in advance!
I have yet to find a way to do a stem search via the Graph other than from the link. See: and look for the search section.

Question regarding publishing to a user's facebook feed

Currently I am building a small application that allows a user to sign in to their Facebook account and update their status from within the application.
However, the Facebook API does not seem well documented and I am having trouble locating sources of information that are relevant to the specific project that I am building.
Does anyone know of any articles that might be of use to me?
Thank you.
The documentation is there, scattered around and difficult to find, but there. These two links may help if you are looking to post to someone's wall. FB.ui is sort of a multi-purpose call that will present different dialogs, prompting the user for action. It's far easier to implement than it is find.
