php write subdirectories' contents into separate text files - php

I am trying to list files in subdirectories and write these lists into separate text files.
I managed to get the directory and subdirectory listings and even to write all the files into a text file.
I just don't seem to manage to burst out of loops I am creating. I either end up with a single text file or the second+ files include all preceeding subdirectories content as well.
What I need to achieve is:
dir A/AA/a1.txt,a2.txt >> AA.log
dir A/BB/b1.txt,b2.txt >> BB.log
Hope this makes sense.
I've found the recursiveDirectoryIterator method as described in PHP SPL RecursiveDirectoryIterator RecursiveIteratorIterator retrieving the full tree being great help. I then use a for and a foreach loop to iterate through the directories, to write the text files, but I cannot break them into multiple files.

Most likely you are not filtering out the directories . and .. .
if (!$maindir) die('Cant open directory A');
while (true) {
if (!$dir) break;
if ($dir=='.') continue;
if ($dir=='..') continue;
if (!is_dir("A/$dir")) continue;
if (!$subdir) continue;
if (!$fd) continue;
while (true) {
if (!$file) break;
if (!is_file($file)) continue;

I thought I'd demonstrate a different way, as this seems like a nice place to use glob.
// Where to start recursing, no trailing slash
$start_folder = './test';
// Where to output files
$output_folder = $start_folder;
function glob_each_dir ($start_folder, $callback) {
$search_pattern = $start_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*';
// Get just the folders in an array
$folders = glob($search_pattern, GLOB_ONLYDIR);
// Get just the files: there isn't an ONLYFILES option yet so just diff the
// entire folder contents against the previous array of folders
$files = array_diff(glob($search_pattern), $folders);
// Apply the callback function to the array of files
$callback($start_folder, $files);
if (!empty($folders)) {
// Call this function for every folder found
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
glob_each_dir($folder, $callback);
glob_each_dir('.', function ($folder_name, Array $filelist) {
// Generate a filename from the folder, changing / or \ into _
$output_filename = $_GLOBALS['output_folder']
. trim(strtr(str_replace(__DIR__, '', realpath($folder_name)), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_'), '_')
. '.txt';
file_put_contents($output_filename, implode(PHP_EOL, $filelist));


How to scan directories within directories in a PHP loop

$dirs = scandir("../public_html/");
foreach ($dirs as $currentIndex => $currentDir) {
if (is_dir($currentDir))
if (!($currentDir[0] == "."))
echo "<a href='../public_html/$currentDir'>$currentDir</a><br/>";
So I've got this code that scans my public_html directory on my server and echos out all the subdirectories (but not the files) so that I have a list of clickable links to my subdirectories.
What I want to do is when one of the directories is clicked, have it show IT'S subdirectories (if any). I can't figure out how to logically do that though. I could write a loop within a loop within a loop, etc, but I want this code to work no matter how many directories I add.
How could I accomplish this?
The endgoal is to have a menu system for my hosting files/folders.
Something like this should do the trick. You can adjust function to whatever needed:
function getDirs($root)
foreach (scandir($root) as $dir) {
if ( ! in_array($dir, ['.', '..'])) {
$path = realpath($root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $dir);
if (is_dir($path)) {
echo $path . PHP_EOL;

php mkdir folder tree from array

I'm trying to create a folder tree from an array, taken from a string.
$folders = str_split(564);
564 can actually be any number. The goal is to create a folder structure like /5/6/4
I've managed to create all folders in a single location, using code inspired from another thread -
for ($i=0;$i<count($folders);$i++) {
for ($j=0;$j<count($folders[$i]);$j++) {
$path .= $folders[$i][$j] . "/";
but this way I get all folders in the same containing path.
Furthermore, how can I create these folders in a specific location on disk? Not that familiar with advanced php, sorry :(
Thank you.
This is pretty simple.
Do a for each loop through the folder array and create a string which appends on each loop the next sub-folder:
$folders = str_split(564);
$pathToCreateFolder = '';
foreach($folders as $folder) {
$pathToCreateFolder .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder;
You may also add the base path, where the folders should be created to initial $pathToCreateFolder.
Here you'll find a demo:
Or you do it as Michael mentioned in comments, with just one line:
mkdir(implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $folders), 0777, TRUE);
The TRUE flag allows mkdir to create folders recursivley. And the implode put the directory parts together like 5/6/4. The DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR is a PHP constant for the slash (/) on unix machines or backslash (\) on windows.
Why not just do:
$directories = str_split(564);
$path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $directories);
mkdir($path, 0777, true);
Don't know what you're really trying to do, but here are some hints.
There are recursive mkdir:
if(!file_exists($dir)) // check if directory is not created
#mkdir($dir, 0755, true); // create it recursively
Path you want can be made in two function calls and prefixed by some start path:
$path = 'some/path/to/cache';
$cache_node_id = 4515;
$path = $path.'/'.join('/', str_split($cache_node_id));
Resulting path can be used to create folder with the code above
So here we come to a pair of functions/methods
function getPath($node_id, $path = 'default_path')
return $path.'/'.join('/', str_split($node_id))
function createPath($node_id, $path = 'default_path');
$path = getPath($node_id, $path);
if(!file_exists($path)) // check if directory is not created
#mkdir($path, 0755, true); // create it recursively
With these you can easily create such folders everywhere you desire and get them by your number.
As mentioned earlier, the solution I got from a friend was
$folders = str_split(564);
Also, to add a location defined in a variable, I used
$folders = str_split($idimg);
mkdir($path_defined_earlier. implode('/',$folders),0777,true);
So thanks for all the answers, seems like this was the correct way to handle this.
Now the issue is that I need to the created path, so how can I store it in a variable? Sorry if this breaches any rules, if I need to create a new thread I'll do it...

PHP FILES Recursive backup of directories, deleting main directory

function scandir_recursive($dir) {
$items = scandir($dir);
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') {
$file = $dir . '/' . $item;
echo "$file<br />";
if (is_dir($file)) {
EEAOC/EN/1001/data/New Text Document.txt
EEAOC/EN/1002/data/New Text Document.txt
EEAOC/EN/1003/data/New Text Document.txt
EEAOC/EN/1004/data/New Text Document.txt
Is it possible to delete those empty directories and keep files?
such deleting EEAOC/EN/1001/data &EEAOC/EN/1002/data& EEAOC/EN/1003/data &EEAOC/EN/1004/data
I want to keep remaining how?
As shown from your function-output, the directories are not empty.
I suppose that the data is of low value and just needs to be backed up. I assume you are running Linux from your choice of a slash rather than a backslash. Naturally directories incur links or inodes, with metadata, which in linux can be checked via
df -hi
The Inode-Ids of files can be shown via the -i flag of ls
ls -i filename
ls -iltr
ls -ltri `echo $HOME`
Inodes take up space, and introduce overhead in file-system operations. So much to the motivation to remove the directories.
PHP's rmdir function to remove directories requires that The directory must be empty, and the relevant permissions must permit this. It is also non-recursive.
Approach 1: flatten filenames and move the files to a backup directory, then remove the empty directories
Approach 2: incrementally archive and remove the directories
#Approach 1
Your choice should depend on how easy and frequent your file access occurs.
function scandir_recursive($dir) {
$items = scandir($dir);
foreach($items as $item) {
if ($item == '.' || $item == '..') {
$file = $dir . '/' . $item;
$fnameflat = $dir . '_' . $item;
echo "$file<br />\n";
if (is_dir($file)) {
rename($file, '~/backup/'.$fnameflat);
Afterwards use this function by SeniorDev, to unlink files and directories, or run
`exec("rmdir -rf $path")`
This is not recommended.
#Approach 2
Archive the directory using exec("tar -cvzf backup".date().".tar.gz $path"); or using php.
Then remove the directory aferwards, as described in #1.

PHP - Deleting folder/files only if there are no more in there

$value can = a folder structure to the language file. Example: languages/english.php
$value can also = the files name. Example: english.php
So I need to get the current folder that $value is in and delete the folder ONLY if there are no other files/folders within that directory (after deleting the actual file as I am doing already, ofcourse).
foreach($module['languages'] as $lang => $langFile)
foreach ($langFile as $type => $value)
#unlink($module_path . '/' . $value);
// Now I need to delete the folder ONLY if there are no other directories inside the folder where it is currently at.
// And ONLY if there are NO OTHER files within that folder also.
How can I do this?? And wondering if this can be done without using a while loop, since a while loop within a foreach loop could take some time, and need this to be as quick as possible.
And just FYI, the $module_path should never be deleted. So if $value = english.php, it should never delete the $module_path. Ofcourse, there will always be another file in there, so checking for this is not necessary, but won't hurt either way.
Thanks guys :)
Ok, now I'm using this code here and it is NOT working, it is not removing the folders or the files, and I don't get any errors either... so not sure what the problem is here:
foreach($module['languages'] as $lang => $langFile)
foreach ($langFile as $type => $value)
if (#unlink($module_path . '/' . $value))
#rmdir(dirname($module_path . '/' . $value));
NEVERMIND, this works a CHARM!!! Cheers Everyone!!
The easyest way is try to use rmdir. This don't delete folder if it is not empty
also you can check is folder empty by
2 for . and ..
UPD: as I reviewed maybe you should replace $module_path by dirname($module_path.'.'.$value);
Since the directory you care about might be part of the $value, you need to use dirname to figure out what the parent directory is, you can't just assume that it's $module_path.
$file_path = $module_path . '/' . $value;
if (#unlink($file_path)) {
if (is_file($value)) {
} else if (is_dir($value)) {
if (count(scandir($value)) == 2) }
The code below will take a path, check if it is a file (i.e. not a directory). If it is a file, it will extract the directory name, then delete the file, then iterate over the dir and count the files in it, if the files are zero it'll delete the dir.
Code is as an example and should work, however privileges and environment setup may result in it not working.
if(!is_dir ( string $filename )){ //if it is a file
$fileDir = dirname ( $filename );
if ($handle = opendir($fileDir)) {
echo "Directory handle: $handle\n";
echo "Files:\n";
//delete the file
//Loop the dir and count the file in it
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$numFiles = $numFiles + 1;
if($numFiles == 0) {
//delete the dir

Having troubling listing subdirectories recursively in PHP

I have the following code snippet. I'm trying to list all the files in a directory and make them available for users to download. This script works fine with directories that don't have sub-directories, but if I wanted to get the files in a sub-directory, it doesn't work. It only lists the directory name. I'm not sure why the is_dir is failing on me... I'm a bit baffled on that. I'm sure that there is a better way to list all the files recursively, so I'm open to any suggestions!
function getLinks ($folderName, $folderID) {
$fileArray = array();
foreach (new DirectoryIterator(<some base directory> . $folderName) as $file) {
//if its not "." or ".." continue
if (!$file->isDot()) {
if (is_dir($file)) {
$tempArray = getLinks($file . "/", $folderID);
array_merge($fileArray, $tempArray);
} else {
$fileName = $file->getFilename();
$url = getDownloadLink($folderID, $fileName);
$fileArray[] = $url;
Instead of using DirectoryIterator, you can use RecursiveDirectoryIterator, which provides functionality for iterating over a file structure recursively. Example from documentation:
$path = realpath('/etc');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
foreach($objects as $name => $object){
echo "$name\n";
This prints a list of all files and
directories under $path (including
$path ifself). If you want to omit
directories, remove the
You should use RecursiveDirectoryIterator, but you might also want to consider using the Finder component from Symfony2. It allows for easy on the fly filtering (by size, date, ..), including dirs or files, excluding dirs or dot-files, etc. Look at the docblocks inside the Finder.php file for instructions.
