i am using this code to save the uploaded file but the problem is it is allowing the file with name with special character and space.
for example it is allowing
hi how are you
but i dont want to allow any space ,special charater etc. here is my code .i tried with preg_replace in uri but after that i tried to upload file but nothing got uploaded.
function save_file($file) {
$allowed_ext = array('jpg','png','gif','jpeg');
$ext = $file['name'];
$ext = strtolower($ext);
if (in_array($ext, $allowed_ext)) {
die('Sorry, the file type is incorrect:'.$file['name']);
$fname = date("H_i",time()).'_'.get_rand(5);
$dir = date("Ym",time());
$folder = 'uploads/userfiles/'.$dir;
$uri = $folder.'/'.$fname.'.'.$ext;
if (!is_dir($folder))
mkdir($folder, 0777);
if (copy($file['tmp_name'],$uri))
return $uri;
else {
return false;
To strip non letters out of a string you can use the following regular expression
$input = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z]+/", "", $input);
i am uploading a file to the server. everything works fine unless the uploaded file has a space in it.
I tried to use:
str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['image']['name']);
My code is
$image_name= str_replace(" ", "_", $_FILES['image']['name']);
$image_tmp_name = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
$url = "http://jkshahclasses.com/push_images/$image_name";
echo "file uploaded";
echo "error: file not uploaded";
Thanks in advance
You can use this function to slugify your file name before uploded :
public function slugify($text)
// replace all non letters or digits by _
$text = preg_replace('/\W+/', '_', $text);
// trim and lowercase
$text = strtolower(trim($text, '_'));
return $text;
But first you have to get only file name you can do it with this function :
$file_name = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
If you want to get file extension you have to use :
$file_ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
The file name is known but the file extension is unknown. The images in thier folders do have an extension but in the database their names do not.
$ImagePath = "../images/2015/03/06/"; (Folders are based on date)
$ImageName = "lake-sunset_3";
Does not work - $Ext is empty:
$Ext = (new SplFileInfo($ImagePath))->getExtension();
echo $Ext;
Does not work either - $Ext is empty:
$Ext = (new SplFileInfo($ImagePath.$ImageName))->getExtension();
echo $Ext;
Does not work either - $Ext is still empty:
$Ext = (new SplFileInfo($ImagePath,$ImageName))->getExtension();
echo $Ext;
$Ext should produce ".jpg" or ".jpeg" or ".png" etc.
So my question is simple: What am I doing wrong?
Now, this is a bit of an ugly solution but it should work. Make sure that all your files have unique names else you'll have several of the same file, which could lead to your program obtaining the wrong one.
$dir = scandir($imagePath);
$length = strlen($ImageName);
$true_filename = '';
foreach ($dir as $k => $filename) {
$path = pathinfo($filename);
if ($ImageName === $path['filename']) {
$Ext = $path['extension'];
Maybe this might help you (another brute and ugly solution)-
$dir = '/path/to/your/dir';
$found = array();
$filename = 'your_desired_file';
$files = scandir($dir);
if( !empty( $files ) ){
foreach( $files as $file ){
if( $file == '.' || $file == '..' || $file == '' ){
$info = pathinfo( $file );
if( $info['filename'] == $filename ){
$found = $info;
// if file name is matched, $found variable will contain the path, basename, filename and the extension of the file you are looking for
If you just want the uri of your image then you need to take care of 2 things. First directory path and directory uri are not the same thing. If you need to work with file then you must use directory path. And to serve static files such as images then you must use directory uri. That means if you need to check files exists or what then you must use /absolute/path/to/your/image and in case of image [site_uri]/path/to/your/image/filename. See the differences? The $found variable form the example above is an array-
$found = array(
'dirname' => 'path/to/your/file',
'basename' => 'yourfilename.extension',
'filename' => 'yourfilename',
'extension' => 'fileextension'
// to retrieve the uri from the path.. if you use a CMS then you don't need to worry about that, just get the uri of that directory.
function path2url( $file, $Protocol='http://' ) {
return $Protocol.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '', $file);
$image_url = path2url( $found['dirname'] . $found['basename'] ); // you should get the correct image url at this moment.
You are calling a file named lake-sunset_3. It has no extension.
SplFileInfo::getExtension() is not designed to do what you are requesting it to do.
From the php site:
Returns a string containing the file extension, or an empty string if the file has no extension.
Instead you can do something like this:
$path = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
getExtension() only returns the extension from the given path, which in your case of course doesn't have one.
In general, this is not possible. What if there is a file lake-sunset_3.jpg and a file lake-sunset_3.png?
The only thing you can do is scan the directory and look for a file with that name but any extension.
You're trying to call an incomplete path. You could try Digit's hack of looking through the directory for for a file that matches the name, or you could try looking for the file by adding the extensions to it, ie:
$basePath = $ImagePath . $ImageName;
if(file_exists($basePath . '.jpg'))
$Ext = '.jpg';
else if(file_exists($basePath . '.gif'))
$Ext = '.gif';
else if(file_exists($basePath . 'png'))
$Ext = '.png';
$Ext = false;
Ugly hacks aside, the question begging to be asked is why are you storing them without the extensions? It would be easier to strip off the extension if you need to than it is try and find the file without the extension
Need to remove user requested string from file name. This below is my function.
$directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/path/to/files/';
$strString = $objArray['frmName']; // Name to remove which comes from an array.
function doActionOnRemoveStringFromFileName($strString, $directory) {
if ($handle = opendir($directory)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != "..") {
if(!strstr($file,$strString)) {
$newfilename = str_replace($strString,"",$file);
rename($directory . $file,$directory . $newfilename);
It works partially good. But the mistake what in this routine is, renaming action also takes on file's extensions. What i need is, Only to rename the file and it should not to be affect its file extensions. Any suggestions please. Thanks in advance :).
I have libraries written by myself that have some of those functions. Look:
//Returns the filename but ignores its extension
function getFileNameWithOutExtension($filename) {
$exploded = explode(".", $filename);
//Included a DOT as parameter in implode so, in case the
//filename contains DOT
return implode(".", $exploded);
//Returns the extension
function getFileExtension($file) {
$exploded = explode(".", $file);
$ext = end($exploded);
return $ext;
So you use
$replacedname = str_replace($strString,"", getFileNameWithOutExtension($file));
$newfilename = $replacedname.".".getFileExtension($file);
Check it working here:
Hello I am using the following code to upload files on my server and to write the filename inside the database. My question is how I can achive when the file is uploaded the name of the file to be changed ? Right now I am facing a problem if the filename have space sbetween the words if it is not a whole word the file is not uploading correctly.
here is the code:
$target = "../images/";
$target = $target . basename( $_FILES['photo']['name']);
$filename = $_FILES['photo']['name'];
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['photo']['tmp_name'], $target))
//resize function
You need to parse the filename removing all unwanted characters. The easiast way is to use preg_replace forbidden characters. Here's an example:
// List of forbidden chars (\ and / need to be escaped with \)
$forbiddenChars = "\/\\?%*:|\"<>. ";
//Characters not allowed are replaced by this var
$replaceStr = "_";
$filename = preg_replace("/[$forbiddenChars]/", $replaceStr, $_FILES['photo']['name']);
//DEBUG: Test if everything is ok (should be deleted in production)
i'd like to change the name of uploaded file to md5(file_name).ext, where ext is extension of uploaded file. Is there any function which can help me to do it?
$filename = basename($_FILES['file']['name']);
$extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$new = md5($filename).'.'.$extension;
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "/path/{$new}"))
// other code
Use this function to change the file name to md5 with the same extension
function convert_filename_to_md5($filename) {
$filename_parts = explode('.',$filename);
$count = count($filename_parts);
if($count> 1) {
$ext = $filename_parts[$count-1];
$filename_to_md5 = implode('.',$filename_parts);
$newName = md5($filename_to_md5). '.' . $ext ;
} else {
$newName = md5($filename);
return $newName;
$filename = $_FILES['file']['name'];
$extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$new = rand(0000,9999);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$newfilename))
//advanced code
Find below php code to get file extension and change file name
if(isset($_FILES['upload_Image']['name']) && $_FILES['upload_Image']['name']!=='') {
$ext = substr($_FILES['upload_Image']['name'], strpos($_FILES['upload_Image']['name'],'.'), strlen($_FILES['upload_Image']['name'])-1);
$imageName = time().$ext;
$normalDestination = "Photos/Orignal/" . $imageName;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_Image']['tmp_name'], $normalDestination);
This one work
// Your file name you are uploading
$file_name = $HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['name'];
// random 4 digit to add to our file name
// some people use date and time in stead of random digit
//combine random digit to you file name to create new file name
//use dot (.) to combile these two variables
//set where you want to store files
//in this example we keep file in folder upload
//$new_file_name = new upload file name
//for example upload file name cartoon.gif . $path will be upload/cartoon.gif
$path= "upload/".$new_file_name;
if($ufile !=none)
if(copy($HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['tmp_name'], $path))
echo "Successful<BR/>";
//$new_file_name = new file name
//$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['size'] = file size
//$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['type'] = type of file
echo "File Name :".$new_file_name."<BR/>";
echo "File Size :".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['size']."<BR/>";
echo "File Type :".$HTTP_POST_FILES['ufile']['type']."<BR/>";
echo "Error";