Need some quick advice I am trying to access a object array but I am struggling, please see the below array. It starts off an object I would normally user $result->_messages->token but it doesnt work I have trawled google and this site but cant access the token.
object(Zend_Auth_Result)#76 (3) {
["_code":protected] => int(1)
["_identity":protected] => string(9) "3232323233"
["_messages":protected] => array(2) {
["user"] => object(stdClass)#71 (13) {
["id"] => string(9) "232323332"
["name"] => string(14) "John Smith"
["first_name"] => string(5) "John"
["last_name"] => string(8) "Smith"
["link"] => string(41) ""
["username"] => string(17) "john.smith"
["location"] => object(stdClass)#68 (2) {
["id"] => string(0) ""
["name"] => NULL
["email"] => string(22) ""
["timezone"] => int(1)
["locale"] => string(5) "en_US"
["verified"] => bool(true)
["updated_time"] => string(24) "2012-06-21T13:57:12+0000"
["token"] => string(109) "AAAGIFdDivU4BAMoxyHT3bqY8eBGhnWo9YKM1szHZAnWgY10AIBgxz9LeNCeA2HV9Yhkp8uM5Aq0WR39ZBdcnOa4MxXVI22rnmFKNbYdQZDZD"
Any advice any body?
From the ZF Reference Guide on Naming Conventions:
For instance variables that are declared with the "private" or "protected" modifier, the first character of the variable name must be a single underscore. This is the only acceptable application of an underscore in a variable name. Member variables declared "public" should never start with an underscore.
So you cannot access _messages directly from outside the Zend_Auth_Result instance, because it is protected. You have to use the getter for that property.
See the API Docs for Zend_Auth_Result
$messages = $zendAuthResult->getMessages();
$token = $messages['token'];
_messages is protected so it's impossible to call upon that variable from outside this (or extended) class, check whether a method exists for the class to get the variable in the array
I have this array:
Array ( ["id"] => 2015020052 ["gs"] => 5 ["ts"] => "THURSDAY 10/15"
["tsc"] => "final" ["bs"] => "FINAL" ["bsc"] => "final"
["atn"] => "Chicago" ["atv"] => "blackhawks" ["ats"] => "1"
["atc"] => "" ["htn"] => "Washington" ["htv"] => "capitals"
["hts"] => "4" ["htc"] => "winner" ["pl"] => true ["rl"] => true
["vl"] => true ["gcl"] => true ["gcll"] => true ["ustv"] => ""
["catv"] => "" )
I am trying to get particular values, like home team and away team and the scores, but I cannot get the values.
I am trying this:
echo "away team is ". $array['atv'];
But i just get
away team is
What am i missing????
var_dump gives me this:
Array vs array(21) { [""id""]=> string(10) "2015020051"
[""gs""]=> string(1) "5" [""ts""]=> string(16) ""THURSDAY 10/15"
[""tsc""]=> string(7) ""final"" [""bs""]=> string(7) ""FINAL""
[""bsc""]=> string(7) ""final"" [""atn""]=> string(8) ""Ottawa""
[""atv""]=> string(10) ""senators"" [""ats""]=> string(3) ""0""
[""atc""]=> string(2) """" [""htn""]=> string(12) ""Pittsburgh""
[""htv""]=> string(10) ""penguins"" [""hts""]=> string(3) ""2""
[""htc""]=> string(8) ""winner"" [""pl""]=> string(4) "true"
[""rl""]=> string(4) "true" [""vl""]=> string(4) "true"
[""gcl""]=> string(4) "true" [""gcll""]=> string(4) "true"
[""ustv""]=> string(2) """" [""catv""]=> string(2) """" }
I was also facing the same problem.
The array was retrieved in Database [saved as a JSON encoded variable].
I was not getting the array element by key like $arr['key']
Tried everything, no success.
Lastly, tried json_decode() and json_encode().
$arr = json_decode(json_encode($arr), TRUE);
Note that second parameter TRUE is very important. Otherwise, you will get object returned.
And it worked like charm.
You are not doing a correct associative array, this must be like this:
$array = [
'id' => 2015020052,
'gs' => 5,
'ts' => "THURSDAY 10/15",
'tsc' => "final",
'bs' => "FINAL",
'bsc' => "final",
'atn' => "Chicago",
Now you can get the value:
echo "away team is ". $array['atv'];
Here is the Demo
I am working on a API project where i get an XML Object as a response. The response can contain one or more products in the NewOrder object(below).However when i try to display the info using a foreach loop it breaks if the only has one entry. i guess it is because the index [0] does not exist in the can i through the xml object and display since there is no [0] i the object. OR how do i add the index [0] in the object.
object(stdClass)#49 (1) {
["NewOrder"] => object(stdClass)#50 (12) {
["BTN"] => string(10) "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxx"
["PreOrderTransactionId"] => string(22) "XXXXXXXX"
["PartnerOrderId"] => string(17) "XXXXXXXXXXX"
["QwestOrderId"] => string(9) "N57395699"
["SalesCode"] => string(7) "XXXXXXXX"
["OrderStatus"] => string(7) "Pending"
["OrderStatusCode"] => string(4) "OPEN"
["OrderStatusSourceSystem"] => string(5) "CPLUS"
["OrderStatusMessage"] => string(0) ""
["OrderStatusDate"] => string(10) "2013-12-09"
["OrderStatusTime"] => string(8) "08:02:30"
["ProductFamily"] => array(3) {
[0] => object(stdClass)#51 (2) {
["ProductFamilyName"] => string(7) "BUNDLE+"
["ProductLines"] => object(stdClass)#52 (3) {
["WTN"] => string(10) "3033689919"
["AppointmentDate"] => string(10) "2013-12-20"
["Products"] => object(stdClass)#53 (5) {
["ProductName"] => string(36) "INTERNET 100+ MBPS & HOME PHONE PLUS"
["Usoc"] => string(5) "BBBVC"
["Quantity"] => string(1) "1"
["Action"] => string(1) "I"
["Status"] => string(4) "OPEN"
I have tried the following but it didn't work:
if (!is_array($this->Orders->NewOrder)) {
$this->Order->NewOrder = array($this->Orders->NewOrder["NewOrder"]);
foreach ($this->Orders->NewOrder as $order){?>
I am getting the following error:
Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in
I think your NewOrder is only an array if it contains more than one object. Use something like this before your loop:
if (!is_array(yourObject["NewOrder"])) {
yourObject["NewOrder"] = array(yourObject["NewOrder"]);
The SoapClient has an option that always creates the array, even if here is only one element.
return new SoapClient(
'location' => '...',
I'm trying to accomplish something very similar to what this user was doing Here.
I followed the answer, but I could not get it working. Inside the Active directory, my memberOf field looks like this:
CN=$VPN Users,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri,CN=$ITAR,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri,CN=allsubscribers,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri
My Filter that works is:
I'm trying to get the following to work:
I have tried adding the full DN which is
to my filter as well, but I get:
array(1) { ["count"]=> int(0) }
as my response.
I'm using ldap 3
This is the partial Working authentication code written in php:
$login = ldap_bind( $url, "username#somedomain", $password );
$attributes = array("displayname", "mailnickname");
$filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$username))";
$result = ldap_search($url, "CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri", $filter, $attributes);
$entries = ldap_get_entries($url, $result);
What am I doing wrong?
Code Result From #DaveRandom
First Var dump:
string(49) "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=rmoser))"
array(2) {
["count"] => int(1)
[0] => array(8) {
["displayname"] => array(2) {
["count"] => int(1)
[0] => string(10) "Ryan Moser"
[0] => string(11) "displayname"
["memberof"] => array(4) {
["count"] => int(3)
[0] => string(36) "CN=$VPN Users,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri"
[1] => string(31) "CN=$ITAR,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri"
[2] => string(40) "CN=allsubscribers,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri"
[1]=> string(8) "memberof"
["mailnickname"] => array(2) {
["count"] => int(1)
[0] => string(6) "rmoser"
[2] => string(12) "mailnickname"
["count"] => int(3)
["dn"] => string(36) "CN=Ryan Moser,CN=Users,DC=iai,DC=pri"
Second var_dump:
string(70) "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=rmoser)(memberof=*CN=$ITAR*))"
array(1) {
["count"] => int(0)
LDAP filters look for an exact match.
In order to match CN=$ITAR anywhere in a value, you will need to surround it with the filter wildcard character *.
Try this filter:
Also don't forget that $ITAR is a valid variable name in PHP, so if you place that filter string in double quotes (which you would need to in order for $p_username to be interpolated) PHP will attempt to interpolate $ITAR as a variable as well, find that it (probably) doesn't exist and the end result will be that it gets stripped from the string.
$filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$p_username)(memberOf=*CN=\$ITAR*))";
A useful link for any question concerning a dynamic filter built with PHP is this.
How can I get the follow thing done.
The follow array I have:
array(2) { [0] => array(3) {
["id"] => string(1) "5"
["avatar"] => string(15) "4e0d886ee9ed3_n"
["username"] => string(5) "testuser1"}
[1] => array(3) {
["id"] => string(1) "1"
["avatar"] => string(15) "4e25bc58b6789_w"
["username"] => string(6) "testuser2"
I want to create a array with just one user in it, but it has to be random. It can be like
user with id=5, id=1 or a hole other user (when there are more users).
Did you try, something like:
$rand = array_rand($your_array);
Try using array_rand().
$randomKey = array_rand($yourArray);
$randomUserId = $yourArray[$randomKey]['id'];
$rand_user = array_rand($your_array);
PHP Manual: array_rand
I'm trying to print an ID from MySQL, the field loads into an array and is visible via print_r but I can't echo it or transfer it to another variable ... what am I missing?
if ( $_POST['section'] == "freelance" ) {
$field_name = "promoter";
} else {
$field_name = "connector";
echo $row[$field_name.'_login_ID']
As requested the results of var_dump($row)
array(13) {
["connector_login_id"] => string(2) "14"
["connector_type"] => string(10) "non-profit"
["unique_code"] => string(9) "test-t001"
["update_code"] => string(1) "N"
["md5ID"] => string(0) ""
["username"] => string(6) "bugger"
["connectorEmail"] => string(17) ""
["password"] => string(32) "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"
["connectorPass"] => string(4) "test"
["active"] => string(1) "Y"
["modified"] => string(19) "2009-08-21 15:37:22"
["lastlogin"] => string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
["md5email" ]=> string(32) "051cba58da33fac6b2d18af5182079f4"
$row[$field_name.'_login_ID'] <-- "ID"
array(13) {
["connector_login_id"] <-- "id"
Seems like a simple typo to me.
Alternatively, are you sure $field_name gets set to 'connector', since 'promoter_login_id' doesn't exist in this array.
This is purely speculation without your code, but it's probable that the field you are trying to echo contains a hyphen, e.g. "mytable-id", considering that it does indeed show when you use print_r() to print out the entire array. If this is the case you would need to use {'mytable-id'} to get/echo it's value:
*Edit: I don't know if your code is copy and pasted, but the value you are trying to print is:
echo $row[$field_name.'_login_ID'];
instead of:
echo $row[$field_name.'_login_id'];
PHP is case-sensitive. You could also try this:
$field_name = $field_name.'_login_id';
echo $row[$field_name];
$field_name = $field_name.'_login_id';
echo $row['$field_name'];