MySQL table lock, or other possible solutions? - php

I have a security problem. I think to lock a table would be a solution, only I don't know how to properly do it in MySQL, PHP, and don't have enough time to search Google and documentations anymore.
So, the task:
Make a database and write a php code to randomly get lottery-tickets.
I have a table, that contains only a few row. (id, name, quantity)
So for example:
1 - no win - 20000
2 - Hello Kitty bag - 200
3 - a very nice pen - 50
I wrote the php, so the logic's the following:
1) Get the amount of evey tickets from the database, and create a PHP array that contains the intervals, like:
no win: 20000,
Hello Kitty bag: 20200,
a very nice pen: 20250.
2)Generate a random number from 1 to max, so I know what ticket the user got.
3)Update the database: subtract 1 from the proper row.
Now, this works great, however the problem:
What if I have a very large amount of users, and two or three of them clicks at the same time, random the same number, (lets assume it's hello kitty) but only have 1 of that item?
All the three of them subtract from the database, not stopping at 0. (In this example, we would have -2 hello kitty bag)
Huge issue, at least for me.
So in summary, my question is:
1)How can I lock the table from the selection, until I am ready to subtract? Is it a good solution?
2)Can I make it one query, or MySQL can't handle that?
3)Other solutions?
I appreciate every single answer, really!
Thanks in advance, also sorry for the long post, but wanted to keep things straight.
I used a stored procedure, here are the details.
I had some luck to have my server version above 5.x, since as I read the MyISAM system supports stored procedures only above this version.
I will write some code here hoping someone'll find it useful in the future:
delimiter //
CREATE PROCEDURE `name`(IN a_parameter INT(20))
#now using all this stuff
SELECT `name` INTO some_text FROM `users_table` WHERE `table_id` = a_parameter;
SELECT some_text
delimiter ;

You need to use a transaction (documentation here), and a table lock (read about the interaction between table lock and transactions here).
To do it in one query you can build a stored procedure (documentation here). I will go with a procedure.
If you are using PHP PDO you can read all about in in the manual (here, most important PDO:: beginTransaction and PDO:: commit). If you are still using mysql extendion you need to do it explicit like this:
mysql_query('START TRANSACTION');
// Because you cannot nest lock's and transactions, this is a workaround to lock the table
mysql_query('SELECT * FROM foo FOR UPDATE'); // Lock issued, the important part is "FOR UPDATE"
//[ your query's here ]
// if something goes wront, revert the changes
// at the end commit the changes

Lookup "transactions".. Use mysqli/pdo and their transaction capabilities


configure mysql database to save progress

I am new in forum, and need some help to do one functionality for my unity game. I am trying to save the progress of the player in one mysql database, like this:
userid level stars
29 1 2
29 2 1
45 1 3
50 1 2
50 2 3
50 3 1
29 3 3
so the script send the userid provided by the user registration in the begining of the game. and for each level he complete, the script send the number of the level, and the amount of stars collected in the level..
the problem and question is, how I configure this in the php script and mysql database to save the information only once? because if the player with the id 50 play the first level, will add a line with the information, but if the same player play the first level again and change the amount of stars, I dont want a new line, just update the stars amount.
I take a look in the INDEX, UNIQUE, PRIMARY, FULLTEXT, SPATIAL functions but dont figured out what is the correct combination and how to put in the php script, and take a look in other questions in the forum but nothing like this.
thanks for the help!
I recommend you use (in-memory data structure store, used as database, cache and message broker) to save progress in the games.
First you want an unique index on the combination (userid, level) and then you want to do an update if the combination exists and an insert otherwise.
For how to create the unique index please take a look at How do I specify unique constraint for multiple columns in MySQL?
For how to code the SQL query to do update/insert please take a look at SQL: If Exists Update Else Insert
The article above uses Microsoft SQL syntax. In PHP you can code this by issuing the query and then using mysql_affected_rows to see how many rows where affected. If 0 rows where affected then you issue the INSERT query from PHP.
in pseudo code you need to do something like this in SQL.
UPDATE $table set column=value WHERE id=$ID
Hi brayan actually the problems is that no one will write code for you, you have to do it yourself. I guess you are unaware with SQL i.e., you asked that
how I configure this in the php script and mysql database to save the
information only once? because if the player with the id 50 play the
first level, will add a line with the information, but if the same
player play the first level again and change the amount of stars, I
dont want a new line, just update the stars amount.
Anyhow You first required some basic understanding of SQL and PHP with Unity. I will recommend you this Guide Server_Side_Highscores of unityWiki it help you to make database and server logic intergartion with PHP.
Now for your Second important part of question.
You have to update user code after each level completion.Or you can simply ask to user about socre save.
Before inserting new record into the database you have to check that userId with level id alread exist or not. some thing like this
Select userid, level, stars
from youTableName
where userid = ?
and level = ?
if the above query return empty response then you simply need to add the record
INSERT INTO table_name (userid, level, stars)
VALUES (value1,value2,value3);
Otherwise you have to update that specific column.

What's the best way to sync row data in two tables in MySQL?

I have two tables, to make it easy, consider the following as an example.
contacts (has name and email)
messages (messages but also has name and email w/c needs to be synced to the contacts table)
now please, for those who are itching to say "use relational method" or foreign key etc. I know, but this situation is different. I need to have a "copy" of the name and email of the messages on the messages table itself and need to sync it from time to time only.
As per the syncing requirement, I need to sync the names on the messages with the latest names on the contacts table.
I basically have the following UPDATE SQL in a loop for all rows in Contacts table
UPDATE messages SET name=(
SELECT name FROM contacts WHERE email = '$cur_email')
WHERE email='$cur_email'
the above loops through all the contacts and is fired as many contacts as I have.
I have several looping ideas to do this as well without using internal SELECT but I just thought the above would be more efficient (is it?), but I was wondering if there's an SQL way that's more efficient? Like:
UPDATE messages SET name=(
SELECT name FROM contacts WHERE email = '$cur_email')
something that looks like a join?
I think it should be more efficient
UPDATE messages m JOIN contacts n on SET
Ok. i figured it out now.. using JOINS on update
UPDATE messages JOIN contacts ON
it's fairly simple!
BUT... I'm not sure if this is really the ANSWER TO MY POST, since my question is what the "BEST WAY is" in terms of efficiency..
Executing the above query on 2000 records took my system a 4second pause.. where as executing a few select , php loop, and a few update statements felt like it was faster..
------ UPDATE --------
Well i went ahead and created 2 scripts to test this ..
on my QuadCore i7 Ivybridge machine, surprisingly
a single Update query via SQL JOIN is MUCH SLOWER than doing a rather multi query and loop approach..
on one side i have the above simple query running on 1000 records, where all records need updating...
script execution time was 4.92 seconds! and caused my machine to hicup for a split second.. noticed a 100% spike on one of my cores..
succeeding calls to the script (where no fields where needing update) took the same amount of time! ridiculous..
The other side, involving SELECT JOIN query to all rows needing an update, and a simple UPDATE query looped in a foreach() function in PHP..
took the script
3.45 seconds to do all the updates.. # around 50% single core spike
1.04 seconds on succeeding queries (where no fields where needing update)
Case closed...
hope this helps the community!
This is what i meant when debating some logic with programmers who are too much into "coding standards".. where their argument is "do it on the SQL side" if you can as it is faster and more of the standard rather than crude method of evaluating and updating in loops w/c they said was "dirty" code.. sheesh.

Performance of MySQL

MyPHP Application sends a SELECT statement to MySQL with HTTPClient.
It takes about 20 seconds or more.
I thought MySQL can’t get result immediately because MySQL Administrator shows stat for sending data or copying to tmp table while I'd been waiting for result.
But when I send same SELECT statement from another application like phpMyAdmin or jmater it takes 2 seconds or less.10 times faster!!
Dose anyone know why MySQL perform so difference?
Like #symcbean already said, php's mysql driver caches query results. This is also why you can do another mysql_query() while in a while($row=mysql_fetch_array()) loop.
The reason MySql Administrator or phpMyAdmin shows result so fast is they append a LIMIT 10 to your query behind your back.
If you want to get your query results fast, i can offer some tips. They involve selecting only what you need and when you need:
Select only the columns you need, don't throw select * everywhere. This might bite you later when you want another column but forget to add it to select statement, so do this when needed (like tables with 100 columns or a million rows).
Don't throw a 20 by 1000 table in front of your user. She cant find what she's looking for in a giant table anyway. Offer sorting and filtering. As a bonus, find out what she generally looks for and offer a way to show that records with a single click.
With very big tables, select only primary keys of the records you need. Than retrieve additional details in the while() loop. This might look like illogical 'cause you make more queries but when you deal with queries involving around ~10 tables, hundreds of concurrent users, locks and query caches; things don't always make sense at first :)
These are some tips i learned from my boss and my own experince. As always, YMMV.
Dose anyone know why MySQL perform so difference?
Because MySQL caches query results, and the operating system caches disk I/O (see this link for a description of the process in Linux)

PHP/MySQL Concurrency - Write dependent on Read - Critical Section

I have a website running PHP+MySQL. It is a multiuser system and most of the MySQL tables are MyISAM-based.
The following situation got me puzzled for the last few hours:
I have two (concurrent) users A,B. Both of them will do this:
Perform a Read Operation on Table 1
Perform a Write Operation on another Table 2 (only if the previous Read operation will return a distinct result, e.g. STATUS="OK")
B is a little delayed towards A.
So it will occur like this:
User A performs a read on Table 1 and sees STATUS="OK".
(User A Schedules Write on Table 2)
User B performs a read on Table 1 and still sees STATUS="OK".
User A performs Write on Table 2 (resulting in STATUS="NOT OK" anymore)
User B performs Write on Table 2 (assuming STATUS="OK")
I think I could prevent this if Reading Table 1 and Writing to Table 2 were defined as a critical section and would be executed atomically. I know this works perfectly fine in Java with threads etc., however in PHP there is no thread communication, as far as I know.
So the solution to my problem must be database-related, right?
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!
The Right Way: Use InnoDB and transactions.
The Wrong-But-Works Way: Use the GET_LOCK() MySQL function to obtain an exclusive named lock before performing the database operations. When you're don, release the lock with RELEASE_LOCK(). Since only one client can own a particular lock, this will ensure that there's never more than one instance of the script in the "critical section" at the same time.
SELECT GET_LOCK('mylock', 10);
If the query returned "1":
//Read from Table 1
//Update Table 2
//Another instance has been holding the lock for > 10 seconds...

Large mysql query in PHP

I have a large table of about 14 million rows. Each row has contains a block of text. I also have another table with about 6000 rows and each row has a word and six numerical values for each word. I need to take each block of text from the first table and find the amount of times each word in the second table appears then calculate the mean of the six values for each block of text and store it.
I have a debian machine with an i7 and 8gb of memory which should be able to handle it. At the moment I am using the php substr_count() function. However PHP just doesn't feel like its the right solution for this problem. Other than working around time-out and memory limit problems does anyone have a better way of doing this? Is it possible to use just SQL? If not what would be the best way to execute my PHP without overloading the server?
Do each record from the 'big' table one-at-a-time. Load that single 'block' of text into your program (php or what ever), and do the searching and calculation, then save the appropriate values where ever you need them.
Do each record as its own transaction, in isolation from the rest. If you are interrupted, use the saved values to determine where to start again.
Once you are done the existing records, you only need to do this in the future when you enter or update a record, so it's much easier. You just need to take your big bite right now to get the data updated.
What are you trying to do exactly? If you are trying to create something like a search engine with a weighting function, you maybe should drop that and instead use the MySQL fulltext search functions and indices that are there. If you still need to have this specific solution, you can of course do this completely in SQL. You can do this in one query or with a trigger that is run each time after a row is inserted or updated. You wont be able to get this done properly with PHP without jumping through a lot of hoops.
To give you a specific answer, we indeed would need more information about the queries, data structures and what you are trying to do.
Redesign IT()
If for size on disc is not !important just joints table into one
Table with 6000 put into memory [ memory table ] and make backup every one hour
INSERT IGNORE into back.table SELECT * FROM my.table;
Create "own" index in big table eq
Add column "name index" into big table with id of row
Need more info about query to find solution
