Precompile assets on Heroku - php

Everywhere online talks about Rails when it comes to building assets during slug compilation. Is there a way to do this with the other languages like Node.js or PHP?

I have a situation where I need to compile my javascript files with Closure-Compiler and I created a script that calls the compiler and when it's done, it's call node app.js. Then in your Procfile, you need to call you newly created script. Something like web: ./
You can also check for the "prestart" in package.json but this I never tried it.


How does Laravel Artisan created php files with properly formatted lines

This is just a general question, how does Laravel Artisan able to create proper .php file e.g. make:controller with the correct formatting and line breaks?
Is there a good PHP script which can help one develop similar php codes.
Ultimately, Artisan relies on Shell scripts included with Laravel. Which are written in the language of Shell and reside in files ending with the extension .sh. Here is a website that contains more explanation of what those are and how to develop them: If this is ever unavailable simply searching "How to create a shell script" will get you the answer.
PHP can execute these scripts, for example, when you visit that PHP page in your browser, or you trigger it from the command line, assuming you have PHP installed on your server.
Artisan, is custom built to allow you to extend it with more commands, and there are tutorials available to show you how to do that, but it's a completely separate process from creating custom shell commands.
PHP files are just text files, you can easily create them with any language. Also in Laravel usually used so called stubs, templates for classes like migrations, controllers etc.
Just go and look how as Laravel does that under the hood.

How to use grunt-usemin in PHP projects?

All the tutorials on optimizing website assets with grunt and grunt-usemin are based on the src -> dist deploy strategy. basically processing the items in your src folder and compiles them into the dist folder.
But PHP doesn't work this way. It isn't compiled and "distributed". The source and target page are the same. Which makes it a destructive process.
How do you work around this? Any tips on using Grunt in PHP project in general?
We do something similar. We created an index.src.html with the non-minized sources, and create an index.html from this file using usemin, and we have a "proxy" php file which opens the index.html if it exists (which means we are in the production environment and the assets are built), otherwise the index.src.html if the assets haven't been built or we are in a development environment. The main idea is to separate the important parts for usemin to a different file.
The usermin plugin is for preparing static assets (concatenate, minimise,...). Static means the server gives the same content for everybody. This constraint doesn't apply to PHP...
If you would like to use this tools to optimize your php generated pages assets, you should create input files which can be parse-able by usermin. For example you can collect the javascript/css file references into a template or a different php/html, and you include/use this file where you need, and after the build you use the usermin parsed version of it.
The ideal approach would take advantage of the dynamic nature of PHP to make the "distribution" URL replacement. The process would be:
Your build tool creates some kind of manifest or machine readable file with changes applied. Some tools, as gulp-rev will do this for you.
Read the manifest from PHP and replace the resource URLs with the final ones.

How to bundle PHPUnit with my code?

I would like to:
Run tests with PHPUnit regardless of my environment (and if PHPUnit or PEAR is installed or not)
Show test results on screen if possible
How can I do this? I tried downloading the code here and including Autoload.php but it still have some dependencies. Maybe there's some better approach for this than trying to bundle it with my code...?
To include PHPUnit in your projects source files I'd suggest following the guide:
Using PHPUnit From a Git Checkout from the PHPUnit Contributung section.
It tells you about all the packages you need to install and shows you show to build a runner/wrapper script for the phpunit executable.
php -d include_path='.:../phpunit/:../dbunit/:../php-code-coverage/:../php-file-iterator/:../php-invoker/:../php-text-template/:../php-timer:../php-token-stream:../phpunit-mock-objects/:../phpunit-selenium/:../phpunit-story/:/usr/local/lib/php' ../phpunit/phpunit.php $*
You can adapt the path to your need or if you want to wrap it in another script you can also use phpunit somewhat programmatically by
require '/path/to/phpunit/PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
This assumes that you ether have a phpunit.xml.dist file or that you use the proper cli parameters when calling your wrapper script.
You can also use the pear packages and unpack all the stable versions instead of working from the git checkout to save some disk and repo space. The wrapper script and all the include path work is the same :)
Related SO questions:
PHP - Is there a portable version of PHPUnit?
PHPUNIT without installation
The dependencies will be dependent on what add-ons you're using, PHPUnit by itself should be self contained. Since there's no particularly consistent package management solution for PHP (and you've eliminated the most viable options aside from wheel reinvention), your best bet would be to include the files in the source tree separate from the application code. Creating a sibling directory from whatever your APPLICATION_ROOT or similar would be that is named "test" and that has a "lib" or similar directory full of PHPUnit and any dependencies you need for it would likely be a good plan. There should be no overlapping and a one way dependency from the test dir to the main application source.
I'm assuming you're looking for a healthcheck automated test page, so you could create the single page that includes what is needed from that test directory. Ideally if you have the web directory which exposes your static resources you could have the PHP file that is in charge of loading the Front Controller for your application by including the application folder from outside of the document root, and then a second file that loads the test suite. That would allow your application directory to remain focused on the application code itself, the test directory to house your testing code, and then the 2 small include files which are in charge of loading the codebases (with any kind of shared constant definitions, etc. also extracted and kept DRY).
There is a consistent package management solution for PHP - It also now has a means to install PHPunit in the usual composer style,
With the software installed, it will put the phpunit command line script into the local 'bin/' directory, so you can call it, though you will likely want to have a shell script that also sets the configuration file it will use.
The usual setup is a tests/ subdirectory with the hierarchy of PHPunit-extending classes that run the actual tests.

PHP together with django in heroku instance

Is it possible to run some php app (e.g. wordpress) together with django within one heroku instance, so that the part of app's urls would be served by php and the rest by django?
no, application type is determined at slug compilation time when the application is pushed to Heroku. Not sure if you could do anything with a custom build pack but I would have thought so.

Run PHP scripts stored inside Rails directory structure

I built a PHP application using Drupal and I want it to run under the same domain where Rails is running. So for example I have running on Ruby on Rails, I would like to install and run Drupal in
I tried creating a subfolder inside rails , on the same level as apps and models directories but that did not worked. I tried moving creating a subfolder in the public directory too but it didnt worked either.
Maybe rails is confusing the url to be calling a controller? So what else should i do then?
Thanks a lot!
Both Drupal and rails have their own routing logic. Drupal stores it in both the database and the hook_menu, rails has it defined in the router.rb. They will conflict at some point.
So, the advice is to run your Drupal app on either a different subdomain, defined in a virtual-host. Alternatively you can define vhosts that define urls where your rails and Drupal app run. You should run them next to one another, and never inside one another.
