How can I optimize this 'lottery' function in PHP? - php

Earlier I wrote a code in Matlab for this sort of lottery function, just to test if it was possible. However, I actually needed it in PHP so I've just rewritten the code and it does seem to work, but as it involves a lot of looping I want to make sure I'm doing it as efficiently as possible.
What the code does:
You can call the function $lotto -> type($users,$difficulty) and it will return two numbers. Here's the explanation, $users is the number of users registered on the website, i.e the people who will potentially buy a ticket. $difficulty is a number between 1 and 10, where 5 is normal, 1 is easy and 10 is hard. Difficulty here means how hard it is to match all numbers on a lottery ticket.
So what are the numbers that the function returns? That would be $n and $r. $n is the amount of numbers there will be on the lottery ticket, and $r is the amount of numbers you can choose from the lottery ticket. For example, in the UK a national lottery ticket has 49 numbers if which you choose 6. I.e $n = 49 and $r = 6.
How does the function calculate these two numbers? In the UK national lottery there are 13,983,816 different possible ticket combinations. If I were to run $lotto -> type(13983816,1) it would return array(49,6). Basically it tried to make it so there are as many combinations of tickets as there are registered users.
tl;dr, here's the code:
class lotto {
public function type($users,$difficulty){
$current_r = $r = 2;
$current_n = 0;
$difficulty = ($difficulty + 5) / 10; // sliding scale from 1 - 10
$last_tickets_sold = 200; // tickets sold in last lotto
$last_users = 100; // how many users there were in the last lotto
$last_factor = $last_tickets_sold / $last_users; // tickets per user
$factor = $last_factor * $difficulty;
$users *= $factor;
while($r <= 10){
$u = 0;
$n = $r;
while($u < $users && $n < 50){
$u = $this -> nCr(++$n,$r);
if($r == 2){
$current_n = $n;
} elseif(abs($this -> nCr($n,$r) - $users) < abs($this -> nCr($current_n,$current_r) - $users)){
// this is a better match so update current n and r
$current_r = $r;
$current_n = $n;
return array($current_n,$current_r);
private function nCr($n,$r){
return $this -> factorial($n) / (
$this -> factorial($r) * $this -> factorial($n - $r)
private function factorial($x){
$f = $x;
$f *= $x;
return $f;
$lotto = new lotto;
print_r($lotto -> type(1000,5));

I did a quick scan and spotted a few places that can be further optimized.
Your algorithm is a brute force one and can be further optimized
private function nCr($n,$r){
return $this -> factorial($n) / (
$this->factorial($r) * $this->factorial($n - $r)
function nCr($n,$r) {
$top = 1;
$sub = 1;
for($i = $r+1; $i <= $n; $i++)
$top *= $i;
$n -= $r;
for($i = 2; $i <= $n; $i++)
$sub *= $i;
return $top / $sub;
Too Much Combination Calculation
Calculate combination is expensive.
$u = 0;
$n = $r;
while($u < $users && $n < 50){
$u = $this -> nCr(++$n,$r);
$n = $r + 1;
$u = nCr($n, $r);
while ($u < $users && $n < 50) {
$u *= $n;
$u /= ($n - $r);

An immediate observation is that you have the possibility of a divide by 0 error
$last_factor = $last_tickets_sold / $last_users;
Could be solved by putting a simple if statement around it
$last_factor = ($last_users == 0) ? 0 : $last_tickets_sold / $last_users;

Regardless detailed examination of your code, are you sure that your loops does not need continue or break?

The range of factorial() in your algo is [0,50], so why not just precompute this statically?
private static $factorial=array(1);
private static genFactorial($max) {
if( count( self::$factorial ) > $max ) return;
foreach ( range(count(self::$factorial), $max) as $n ) {
self::$factorial[$n] = $i*self::$factorial[$n-1];
Now add a self::genFactorial(50); to __construct() or to type() and replace references to $this -> factorial($n) by self::$factorial[$n].
This is just a quick code dump; not even compile checked so forgive any typos, etc. but what this does is to replace a function call (which includes a while loop) by an array element fetch.


Get lowest price on sum of combinations in given array

This code is working fine when the array length is 8 or 10 only. When we are checking this same code for more than 10 array get loading not showing the results.
How do reduce my code. If you have algorithm please share. Please help me.
This program working flow:
$allowed_per_room_accommodation =[2,3,6,5,3,5,2,5,4];
$allowed_per_room_price =[10,30,60,40,30,50,20,60,80];
$search_accommodation = 10;
i am get subsets = [5,5],[5,3,2],[6,4],[6,2,2],[5,2,3],[3,2,5]
Show lowest price room and then equal of 10 accommodation; output like as [5,3,2];
function display($v,$room_key)
$GLOBALS['final'][] = $v;
$GLOBALS['room_key'][] = $room_key;
function printSubsetsRec($arr, $i, $sum, $p,$dp,$room_key='')
// If we reached end and sum is non-zero. We print
// p[] only if arr[0] is equal to sun OR dp[0][sum]
// is true.
if ($i == 0 && $sum != 0 && $dp[0][$sum]) {
return $p;
// If $sum becomes 0
if ($i == 0 && $sum == 0) {
return $p;
// If given sum can be achieved after ignoring
// current element.
if (isset($dp[$i-1][$sum])) {
// Create a new vector to store path
// if(!is_array(#$b))
// $b = array();
$b = $p;
printSubsetsRec($arr, $i-1, $sum, $b,$dp,$room_key);
// If given $sum can be achieved after considering
// current element.
if ($sum >= $arr[$i] && isset($dp[$i-1][$sum-$arr[$i]]))
$p = array();
$room_key = array();
printSubsetsRec($arr, $i-1, $sum-$arr[$i], $p,$dp,$room_key);
// Prints all subsets of arr[0..n-1] with sum 0.
function printAllSubsets($arr, $n, $sum,$get=[])
if ($n == 0 || $sum < 0)
// Sum 0 can always be achieved with 0 elements
// $dp = new bool*[$n];
$dp = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$n; ++$i)
// $dp[$i][$sum + 1]=true;
$dp[$i][0] = true;
// Sum arr[0] can be achieved with single element
if ($arr[0] <= $sum)
$dp[0][$arr[0]] = true;
// Fill rest of the entries in dp[][]
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; ++$i) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $sum + 1; ++$j) {
// echo $i.'d'.$j.'.ds';
$dp[$i][$j] = ($arr[$i] <= $j) ? (isset($dp[$i-1][$j])?$dp[$i-1][$j]:false) | (isset($dp[$i-1][$j-$arr[$i]])?($dp[$i-1][$j-$arr[$i]]):false) : (isset($dp[$i - 1][$j])?($dp[$i - 1][$j]):false);
if (isset($dp[$n-1][$sum]) == false) {
return "There are no subsets with";
printSubsetsRec($arr, $n-1, $sum, $p='',$dp);
$blockSize = array('2','3','6','5','3','5','2','5','4');
$blockvalue = array('10','30','60','40','30','50','20','60','80');
$blockname = array("map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin","banana","apple","cheese");
$processSize = 10;
$m = count($blockSize);
$n = count($processSize);
// sum of sets in array
printAllSubsets($blockSize, $m, $processSize);
$final_subset_room = '';
$final_set_room_keys = '';
$final_set_room =[];
foreach ($GLOBALS['room_key'] as $set_rooms_key => $set_rooms) {
$tot = 0;
foreach ($set_rooms as $set_rooms) {
$tot += $blockvalue[$set_rooms];
$final_set_room[$set_rooms_key] = $tot;
$final_set_room_first_key = key($final_set_room);
$final_all_room['set_room_keys'] = $GLOBALS['room_key'][$final_set_room_first_key];
$final_all_room_price['set_room_price'] = $final_set_room[$final_set_room_first_key];
$final_all_room_first_key = key($final_all_room_price);
foreach ($final_all_room['set_room_keys'] as $key_room) {
echo $blockname[$key_room].'---'. $blockvalue[$key_room];
echo '<br>';
echo 'No Results';
I'm assuming your task is, given a list rooms, each with the amount of people it can accommodate and the price, to accommodate 10 people (or any other quantity).
This problem is similar to 0-1 knapsack problem which is solvable in polynomial time. In knapsack problem one aims to maximize the price, here we aim to minimize it. Another thing that is different from classic knapsack problem is that full room cost is charged even if the room is not completely occupied. It may reduce the effectiveness of the algorithm proposed at Wikipedia. Anyway, the implementation isn't going to be straightforward if you have never worked with dynamic programming before.
If you want to know more, CLRS book on algorithms discusses dynamic programming in Chapter 15, and knapsack problem in Chapter 16. In the latter chapter they also prove that 0-1 knapsack problem doesn't have trivial greedy solution.

PHP Generate random number without repetition without loop for mt_rand and without using range() and shuffle()

I am looking for a way to generate a specific quantity of unique random numbers (say 10,000), within a specific range of numbers like (000000000,999999999).
I'd like to do this without repeatedly using rand() or mt_rand() under a for loop as this would be computationally inefficient.
Are there any PHP libraries, or solutions which meets these requirements?
One method is to use a Format Preserving Encryption, with the output limited to the range 0 to 999999999. If you encrypt the numbers 0 to 9,999 you will get 10,000 unique outputs in the required range. With an encryption, unique inputs guarantee unique outputs as long as you don't change the key.
1) Create a class that keeps state of generation:
class Randomizer {
private $min;
private $max;
private $maxGeneration;
public function __construct($min = 0, $max = 100) {
if ($min >= $max) {
throw new Exception('Minimal value is more than or equal to Max value');
if ($max - $min < 3) {
throw new Exception('Nothing to randomize');
$this->min = $min;
$this->max = $max;
$this->maxGeneration = $max - $min - 1;
public function pick($quantity = 1) {
$count = 0;
$generated = [];
while($count < $quantity) {
$num = $this->generate();
if (sizeof($generated) === $this->maxGeneration) {
if (!in_array($num, $generated)) {
$generated[] = $num;
return ($quantity === 1) ? $generated[0] : $generated;
public function generate() {
return mt_rand($this->min, $this->max);
2) Use it:
$randomizer = new Randomizer(0, 999999999);
$number = $randomizer->pick(); // returns 1 number
$numbers = $randomizer->pick(100); // returns array(A, B, C...) of numbers

How to organize in chunks a not accurate division?

I have a number of participants and a number of groups, and I have to organize the participants into groups.
10/3 = 3, 3 and 4.
10/9 = 2,2,2 and 4.
23/3 = 6,6,6 and 5.
I have tried with array_chunk using the size paramether as a rounded result of participants/groups but it Did not work well.
Edit with my problem solved.
$groups = $this->request->data['phases_limit'];
$classified_lmt = $this->request->data['classified_limit'];
$participants = count($game->user_has_game);
$participants_lmt = floor($participants / $groups);
$remainders = $participants % $groups;
if ($groups > $participants) {
throw new \Exception("Há mais grupos que participantes");
for ($i=0; $i < $groups; $i++) {
$p = $this->Phase->newEntity();
$p->name = 'Grupo #' . $game->id;
$p->game_id = $game->id;
$p->classified_limit = $classified_lmt;
// add the number of participants per group
for ($j=0; $j < $participants_lmt; $j++) {
$user_has_game = array_pop($game->user_has_game);
$g = $this->Phase->GroupUserHasGame->newEntity();
$g->group_id = $p->id;
$g->user_has_game_id = $user_has_game->id;
// check if it is the last iteration
if (($groups - 1) == $i) {
// add the remainders on the last iteration
for ($k=0; $k < $remainders; $k++) {
$user_has_game = array_pop($game->user_has_game);
$g = $this->Phase->GroupUserHasGame->newEntity();
$g->group_id = $p->id;
$g->user_has_game_id = $user_has_game->id;
Have you tried the modulus operator? It gives you the remainder after dividing the numerator by the denominator.
For example, if you want to split 10 people into 3 groups:
floor(10 / 3) = 3; // people per group
10 % 3 = 1; // 1 person left over to add to an existing group.
Edit - I included the following function as part of my original answer. This doesn't work for OP, however I want to leave it here, as it may help others.
function group($total, $groups)
// Calculate participants per group and remainder
$group = floor($total / $groups);
$remainder = $total % $groups;
// Prepare groupings and append remaining participant to first group
$groupings = array_fill(0, $groups, $group);
$groupings[0] += $remainder;
return $groupings;
Not sure there are off-the-shelf libraries for that. I just implemented something similar in Java if you need some ideas:
public List<Integer> createDistribution(int population_size, int groups) {
List<Integer> lst = new LinkedList();
int total = 0;
for (double d : createDistribution(groups)) {
// this makes smaller groups first int i = new Double(population_size * d).intValue();
int i = (int)Math.round(population_size * d);
total += i;
// Fix rounding errors
while (total < population_size) {
int i = r.nextInt(groups);
lst.set(i, lst.get(i) + 1);
total += 1;
while (total > population_size) {
int i = r.nextInt(groups);
if (lst.get(i) > 0) {
lst.set(i, lst.get(i) - 1);
total -= 1;
return lst;

Whether given number is a power of any other natural number php?

I tried to find For a given positive integer Z, check if Z can be written as PQ, where P and Q are positive integers greater than 1. If Z can be written as PQ, return 1, else return 0
I tried lots with online solution,
Check if one integer is an integer power of another
Finding if a number is a power of 2
but it's not what i need , any hint or any tips?
Here's the naive method - try every combination:
function check($z) {
for($p = 2; $p < sqrt($z); $p++) {
if($z % $p > 0) {
$q = $p;
for($i = 1; $q < $z; $i++) {
$q *= $p;
if($q == $z) {
//print "$z = $p^$i";
return 1;
return 0;
Similarly, using php's built in log function. But it may not be as accurate (if there are rounding errors, false positives may occur).
function check($z) {
for($p = 2; $p < sqrt($z); $p++) {
$q = log($z,$p);
if($q == round($q)) {
return 1;
return 0;

PHP "Maximum execution time"

I'm trying to program my own Sine function implementation for fun but I keep getting :
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
I have a small HTML form where you can enter the "x" value of Sin(x) your looking for and the number of "iterations" you want to calculate (precision of your value), the rest is PhP.
The maths are based of the "Series definition" of Sine on Wikipedia :
Here's my code :
function factorial($int) {
if($int<2)return 1;
return $f;
if(isset($_POST["x"]) && isset($_POST["iterations"])) {
$x = $_POST["x"];
$iterations = $_POST["iterations"];
else {
$error = "You forgot to enter the 'x' or the number of iterations you want.";
global $error;
if(isset($x) && is_numeric($x) && isset($iterations) && is_numeric($iterations)) {
$x = floatval($x);
$iterations = floatval($iterations);
for($i = 0; $i <= ($iterations-1); $i++) {
if($i%2 == 0) {
$operator = 1;
global $operator;
else {
$operator = -1;
global $operator;
for($k = 1; $k <= (($iterations-(1/2))*2); $k+2) {
$k = $k;
global $k;
function sinus($x, $iterations) {
if($x == 0 OR ($x%180) == 0) {
return 0;
else {
while($iterations != 0) {
$result = $result+(((pow($x, $k))/(factorial($k)))*$operator);
$iterations = $iterations-1;
return $result;
$result = sinus($x, $iterations);
global $result;
else if(!isset($x) OR !isset($iterations)) {
$error = "You forgot to enter the 'x' or the number of iterations you want.";
global $error;
else if(isset($x) && !is_numeric($x)&& isset($iterations) && is_numeric($iterations)) {
$error = "Not a valid number.";
global $error;
My mistake probably comes from an infinite loop at this line :
$result = $result+(((pow($x, $k))/(factorial($k)))*$operator);
but I don't know how to solve the problem.
What I'm tring to do at this line is to calculate :
((pow($x, $k)) / (factorial($k)) + (((pow($x, $k))/(factorial($k)) * ($operator)
iterating :
+ (((pow($x, $k))/(factorial($k)) * $operator)
an "$iterations" amount of times with "$i"'s and "$k"'s values changing accordingly.
I'm really stuck here ! A bit of help would be needed. Thank you in advance !
Btw : The factorial function is not mine. I found it in a comment and apparently it's the optimal factorial function.
Why are you computing the 'operator' and power 'k' out side the sinus function.
sin expansion looks like = x - x^2/2! + x^3/3! ....
something like this.
Also remember iteration is integer so apply intval on it and not floatval.
Also study in net how to use global. Anyway you do not need global because your 'operator' and power 'k' computation will be within sinus function.
Best of luck.
That factorial function is hardly optimal—for speed, though it is not bad. At least it does not recurse. It is simple and correct though. The major aspect of the timeout is that you are calling it a lot. One technique for improving its performance is to remember, in a local array, the values for factorial previously computed. Or just compute them all once.
There are many bits of your code which could endure improvement:
This statement:
while($iterations != 0)
What if $iterations is entered as 0.1? Or negative. That would cause an infinite loop. You can make the program more resistant to bad input with
while ($iterations > 0)
The formula for computing a sine uses the odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7; not every integer
There are easier ways to compute the alternating sign.
Excess complication of arithmetic expressions.
return $result is within the loop, terminating it early.
Here is a tested, working program which has adjustments for all these issues:
// precompute the factorial values
global $factorials;
$factorials = array();
foreach (range (0, 170) as $j)
if ($j < 2)
$factorials [$j] = 1;
else $factorials [$j] = $factorials [$j-1] * $j;
function sinus($x, $iterations)
global $factorials;
$sign = 1;
for ($j = 1, $result = 0; $j < $iterations * 2; $j += 2)
$result += pow($x, $j) / $factorials[$j] * $sign;
$sign = - $sign;
return $result;
// test program to prove functionality
$pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620;
$x_vals = array (0, $pi/4, $pi/2, $pi, $pi * 3/2, 2 * $pi);
foreach ($x_vals as $x)
$y = sinus ($x, 20);
echo "sinus($x) = $y\n";
sinus(0) = 0
sinus(0.78539816339745) = 0.70710678118655
sinus(1.5707963267949) = 1
sinus(3.1415926535898) = 3.4586691443274E-16
sinus(4.7123889803847) = -1
sinus(6.2831853071796) = 8.9457384260403E-15
By the way, this executes very quickly: 32 milliseconds for this output.
